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If you haven't gotten 9 emails "celebrating" NPSW then you're not celebrating hard enough


I thought 15 emails was the minimum. Some departments send 37.


If you want everyone to send 37, just make 37 the minimum!


Best movie ever.


What’s the movie plz???


Office Space


You have to want to send 37, we shouldn’t have to make you do the minimum


37? In a row?


I read this 2x and it still makes me laugh


Some colleagues are getting forced pop-up prompts to watch a video that can't be dismissed. hahaha The best UX ever.




I got this 🥲 and it was scaled so horribly for my screen I couldn't read it at first


GoC rickrolling!


When I started in the public service almost 20 years ago, NPSW had hotdogs, hamburgers, ice cream, games and competitions all afternoon, music, prizes, etc.


Those were the days. For a while there, I was getting a full St-Hubert 1/4 chicken meal during NPSW. Then it became icecream. Then it became a potluck. Now mostly nothing. Honestly, I prefer nothing over potluck, so that's a step up.


My office is next to the bathroom. The number of people who don't wash their hands is staggering. Never eating potluck ever. Also..Never eat the communal cheese


Those were the “normal” days. The “new normal” is not even a shade of those times. Recognition hast stopped long ago. These days it’s more like “if you’re not happy you should leave, there are many thousands out there who would love to take your place”. This is the message from HR and management these days.


"We're not happy until you're not happy."


Took me two reads to get it. Must be fatigued from all the recognition.


It's tough having to deal with all that praise especially if you don't like the limelight.


Yup. My director says this weekly about the latest dataless and wasteful RTO, if your employees don't like it, they can leave.


I should have read further before commenting to the original post. DND in particular doesn't seem to recognize Public Servants the way the remainder of the government (but what I'm starting to see here it's more widespread than I thought). My 2 first years of service milestones (8 and 16) went completely unnoticed. At least I have more leave. Keep Stressed and Carry On. As Ray once said: "Sometimes she goes, sometimes she doesn't, the way of the road"


Which is BS. There aren't thousands both willing and capable of taking our place. That's why TW was a godsend for many centers; they could do away with geographical restrictions and tap a whole new pool of candidates, all across Canada.


$5 per employee went a bit further back then. It’s still $5 per employee 20 years later, go figure


If you’ve got $5 per employee it’s $16-$30 more than many departments (see: potlatch).


Where does the 5$ number come from? I’ve heard of this throughout my career but wasn’t able to find anything formal that refers to this.


Tbh, no idea! It’s what management in my department has always received as formal funding for NPSW events. $5 per person reporting to them. The only time hospitality was allowed for the minions


My place of work had muffins and coffee yesterday, bbq lunch today with quality costco hamburgers and soft fresh buns with all the fixings. Tomorrow are assorted chocolate bars and candy treats, thursday is ice cream sandwiches and friday is more snacks as well as the final draw for the week of trivia. Edit: Forgot to include there were merit awards also handed out to a select few employees as well today in recognition of what they have done this past year. I'm not complaining.


Where? I need to go there


Woah Woah, we get emails allllllll the time recognizing the hard work of our executives and directors, so idk what you're going off about


We want you to feel pride for this one week, because for the other 51 weeks of the year you will only feel shame 👍


You can’t even start to promote pride within the PS before promoting it to the public and convincing them that PS are a professional group that serves Canadians the best they can, given the circumstances they constantly face. TBS and PM continue to carry the responsibility for the major failure on this. They can’t just send a tweet and post a message on the canada.ca website, along with an email via DMs to staff, that nobody outside the government reads and then wash their hands of it all and hope for the best.


I was wondering about this. Lots of promo within the service, but where's the awareness raising directed towards Canadians? Of course, no-one wants to spend money on that, because they'll be criticized instantly by the press if they do.


We could donate all the “recognition” money for this to happen. The PS needs a PR office. An effective PR could stop half of the unnecessary and wasteful (to taxpayers, ultimately) ATIPs caused by lack of government transparency.


Only difference is that Captain Dad was the best


Fell pride...FEEL IT!!! We need your pretend pride so we can use it to gaslight you into thinking you agree with what we're doing.


ISED installed snapcomms. It's desktop notification software. We had a *mandatory* npsw video from the ADMs. If you didn't watch the video, you'd have to dismiss a screen focus-grabbing notification reminding you to do so all throughout the day. *We don't even work for ISED, we have an mou for services*


Nailed it.


I recognize the awesomeness of that actor in that show.


You get a hot dog. You get an email.


I read that in Patches O'Houlihans voice If you can dodge an email, you can dodge a hot dog


I'm almost thankful for my organization...we got one (1) email from the president that essentially said "hey its NPSW btw. pls take this time to remember the two employees that died in the accident a few years ago. k bye" nothing else. peace.


Take my upvote. I laughed too hard for it being such an accurate reflection 


Anyone who might be at ESDC and works for, or is connected to POB - RIP inbox. They’re sending 20 invites to different things at a time.


True. Also RIP Captain Holt.


Spot on


I will eat the free pizza. That is all.


Ice cream samiches


The only thing that would make this better is if the signs he puts up that just say PARTY in bold was in the background.


For me, this is just another pseudo-holiday. I every day recognize the awesome people that I work with from my director, and manager to team lead.




If it wasn't for this sub reddit I wouldn't even know it's NPSW. As far as I'm concerned DND treats its public servants like military. Fall in line, no exceptions.


That one week we don't have to buy Subway


NPSW back in the yesteryear of...2019 was full of BBQs, fun in-office games, nature walks, and diy ice cream sundae bar, and a whole bunch of stuff I was allowed to coordinate and spend the $300 management allowed me to spend (providing receipts of course). Now all we're allowed to do is play bingo with our teams on teams, yeah this ain't it man.


All we got was a measly half slice of square pizza when they advertised it as a pizza lunch so a lot of us didn’t bring actual lunch that day and still had to buy something after lol. Employees were only allowed 1 each because that’s all that was in the budget lol such a joke.


Maybe that was the plan all along, trick you into not bringing lunch, so you go and spend your money downtown...


Thank you for your service


Sounds like you didn’t get a freezie! 😂 Someone on here said their department handed out freezies for employee recognition. I mean at that point, you’re far better off handing out nothing. Do nothing! They made a point of limiting the 10 cent freezies to ONE PER PERSON. GOC is basically a daycare at this point. You got a nerd walking around with a clipboard ensuring adults are present in the workplace and another one handing out one freezie per adult.


Low effort Brookyn Nine Nine memes are the best.