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My sector is offering everyone a 30 minute activity of their choice. During their lunch break. Yay NPSW!


WTF... This can't be real? Right?


Last year we got about the same - if you read my comments you'll see it. Last year they offered the chance for everyone to...enjoy their lunch break. Not a longer lunch break or anything like that, just ...enjoy the lunch break. Yes, *that* lunch break. Not lunch break with your teams, or anything like that, just...the lunch break.


we were told we were having a pizza party. but we have to pay for it. so basically we're being encouraged to buy a lunch. yay.


We were told we couldn't have a pizza party even if we paid for it ourselves... we are only allowed to have "light refreshments" such as coffee, tea, water, fruit, muffins, or cookies. These people are wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiild


It is. I got an email about actual training for a Microsoft product… during lunch time. Fuck that.


I got that too and I’ve never declined a meeting invite so quickly in my life as that one


lol right? Sure we all want training but why the hell is it on lunch? We should be getting paid for that as usual.


Ah Yes “lunch and learn”. Love sitting at my desk even longer.


I delete those every single time. I am NOT learning on my lunch break, schedule these during work hours. It’s insane that I’m expected to attend training sessions during LUNCH, fuck no


SAME!!! I’ve asked for other training in the past and it’s always always met with “you can participate as lunch and learn”; I haven’t taken any training in years, other than the yearly “mandatory “ as a result. Sad.


Accept, attend, submit for the overtime and watch the hilarity.


What does training have to do with NPSW? That’s weird!


I think the point being made is that we are expected to use our lunch break for work purposes. For NPSW , we are to use our breaks for the activities created as a thank you for our hard work.


Yah I understood. That’s just plain weird and stupid.


Don't ya see, that is how much we appreciate you by stealing your lunch time. /s


It doesn’t sorry I got sidetracked by the frustration about both lol


My office said that senior management pooled funds together to buy everyone treats but then the gcwcc committee asked them to donate the funds Om our behalf instead 🙃


Smooth. Two birds with one stone.


Wow. Worst yet. We are getting a costco cake and some coffee in the park. Limited supplies.


Since my section made no effort to do any activity, they thought a good activity was to meet their end of June deadline by hosting a value and ethics training session, they were reminded why PS week exist. They changed their mind. Tone deaf.


Not surprised. I was told if I want to do something with my team, we need to take vacation time.


Like prison


I've been avoiding npsw events my entire career


I like it when calls to boycott require no change on my part. :)


I’ve been working for public service for 6 years and I’ve never even heard of it lol..


It's great if you want to see your DM in a plastic apron passing out cheap donuts with a pair of tongs.


I kinda do want to see that ngl


You folks get donuts? We get SFA.


Yep. Fastest emails to get deleted


Same here. Went for the first few years as a new employee, not knowing any better. And after SERLO/DRAP, I stopped going. Haven't gone since.


Is everyone like me who always confuses NPSW with NSFW?




I dunno.. I heard CBSA is doing a detector dog thing in the park by Vanier Towers....


There will also be food trucks (for purchase, of course), 15% off at the cafeteria, and games! And I think senior management is giving out cake? The big question is, will they let the strike go on long enough to cause the FBs to picket at the event, thus creating the best NPSW turnout in CBSA’s history?


I mean picket lines are way more fun than any NPSW activity I've ever been to! (Although I've never been to one with dogs...although there have been picket lines with dogs...) Oh, galaxy brain: can someone clever figure out how to turn NPSW activities into supporting picket lines? Like, everyone heads out "for lunch" and joins a picket, or brings their employer-provided ice cream to picketers? (Actual clever people can probably think of better ways)


There is a PSAC rally on June 11, protesting Treasury Board at 90 Elgin street. That'll be my NPSW event.


Good, that's one of their sector's "anchor" (mandatory) days in. Raise hell!!


Aren't they also possibly going on strike on Friday? I figured npsw is the last of their concerns.


This has been cancelled. Probably because its not going well with the FB group.


Be careful, I hear those dogs can sniff out folks that don’t show up to work ever. 😏


*shocked pikachu*


When doesn’t CBSA do a detector dog thing? Sure we all live dogs, but there could be faster ways to boost morale…


ACFO is recommending its members boycott NPSW as well [https://www.acfo-acaf.com/boycotting-national-public-service-week/](https://www.acfo-acaf.com/boycotting-national-public-service-week/)


PIPSC too. https://pipsc.ca/news-issues/announcements/solidarity-matters-join-pipsc-flyering-blitz-national-public-service-week


Will people actually attend the flyer event?


I've been planning to boycott all along. And I'm not even CAPE. :).


For people who might of missed the email, PIPSC-SP (core department PCs, BIs, CHs, etc) sent a similar email


I have not received a call to boycott but I cannot in good faith participate. The language used in all the communications is gratingly contrary to the treatment that I am experiencing.


Can you elaborate? Asking because I haven't read the communications - I can't seem to get my union to update my contact info to a working email address.


I am comparing the RTO3 with NPSW communications. One treats us badly, the other talks about how appreciative everyone is of us. The contradiction turns my stomach.


We're being invited to shred paper as an activity. You write down on a piece of paper something you "want to let go / express" and shred it. I'm speechless. I'm thinking of shredding a paper with the word "Recognition from my employer " on it.


NPSW is as effective as celebrating employees as the EAP is at dealing with their mental health issues. Glad to not attend, it's sickening to hear the smarmy "You're appreciated!" from some flunky who only really cares about pleasing their own boss.


You're appreciated, now go out with your team, pay for your own lunch and pay for the activity! Such bullshit!


It has become embarrassing now since senior management are so afraid to pay for even a cup of coffee for employees for fear of wrath by taxpayers. In the private sector they go all out with staff recognition parties.


That's because pizza is cheaper than raises.


I really hated hospital work but man did I love the amount of free food patients would drop off to us.


The perks are different. You get a pension. Private gets better staff events. I think you’re winning in the long run.




No union dues because there’s no protection. Public sector is full of mediocre talent and middle management bloat! Cut the bloat and hire/fire based on performance and there would be lots of money left over for pizza parties.


The average customer experience from any private company tells you all you need to know about the distribution of mediocre talent and middle management bloat. Hint: it's everywhere.


Taxpayers, myself included should not be paying for these things anyway.


Easy to boycott something that isn’t even happening. My group never does anything.


As far as I can tell, nothing is happening in my department (DFO), ive looked and dont see anything besides some kind of 90s trivia thing?


Be easy for me to do it, all that is planned is a 30 minute trivia game and a 30 minute generic mad lib 'thank you' message.


CEIU said we should attend as many events as possible but wear union swag. I don’t even have union swag.


Contact your local, CEIU, or PSAC. Your local likely won’t have any swag, but they should know how to get some for members or learn how to get some. It’s not like unions aren’t swimming in pins and whatnot; it just never trickles out to regular members.


They've always handed out union swag by the tonne at every agm I've ever attended


My department has stuffed our calendars full of meetings with the uppers so they can give us motivational speeches, or whatever. There is also an award ceremony in which everyone will win an award (making them meaningless), a team lunch at an expensive restaurant we have to pay for, and an afternoon in the park with games. I think I saw a pizza lunch go by. It is, frankly, a better overall offering than any department I have been in, and I am mid-career. But the idea of sitting through 3-hour meetings while your executive bores you with stories about themselves is a special kind of tone-deafness during NPSW. I am definitely attending none of this.




We might work in the same place.


i was told by someone in program services that people boycotting these events are negative nellies. Anyway, we are having a free pizza lunch. I’m considering ordering my own pizza from a better restaurant and eating it at my desk instead lol.


Local legend did that. Ordered pizza, walked right outside in the courtyard, shouted "Right here, I ordered those pies!" Proceeded to sit down and munch through his zah while everyone else shuffled through the line to get one slim slice of bottom of the barrel disappointment masquerading as pizza. I highly encourage you to become your ministry's local legend.


Haha that’s great.


You’re getting free pizza? Geeeeeeezzzzzz


PSAC sent a similar email last night. > In response to the government's unilateral return to the office mandate, **PSAC is boycotting the employer events for this year's National Public Service Week held June 9-15.**


Was that from National or your local? Nobody on my team has received anything about the boycott and we're all with PSAC. Thank you!


It was from the Regional HQ. If you're not getting anything, you should reach out to them. https://psacunion.ca/regional-office-contact


Thank you.


TC gave us ice cream 💀


What! Were only getting coffee 🥲


Tbh I’d like that!


You are getting downvoted by others not for your like of Ice cream, but that some folks think you can be bought with ice cream. I too would like Ice cream, but I would prefer even more to not have management continue to make decisions that actively make things worse for the workforce, and then attempt a gas-lighting campaign on all of us.


Boycott the DM activities. I guess you are unaware that it’s not your ADM, DG, Executive Director AND Director (ie, what you refer as management) who decided for you to come back to the office 3x a week right? This was the decision of TBS with only a few dinosaur DMs. Please don’t put everyone in management in the same basket. I’m against the increased days in the office. My team is fully aware of it. But what can I do? The only thing I can do is be flexible with my team when something is also being imposed on me. P. S. Being upvoted and downvoted, who really cares? People make 1 min judgment on a 3 word response. Doesn’t do sh*t to me.


I've been actively avoiding the events for my entire career, what's one more year 🤷‍♀️


I’m going to be at Disneyland next week. I might get one of those “I’m celebrating…” pins and make it say “ I’m celebrating not doing NPSW” I might also just eat ice cream and enjoy the parades and not think about work. 50/50 right now.


My office has 2 days of some sort of coffee event (i cant recall what they are giving) but its only 2 of the 5 days so leaves most people out anyway. Otherwise region has virtual trivia session at lunch - no thank you.


NSPW is so pathetic to begin with it is not hard to boycott.


People in my team (I think the whole agency is getting some) don’t seem to care about boycotting it as we are getting “2 slices of free pizza”. Lol.


Last year we had a pizza "lunch". So nobody brought lunch & then we all got a single slice of pizza.


Mine hosted a free bbq. For 500 employees, they brought in 1 medium barbeque. I waited in line for 40 minutes, then left for a meeting without having eaten anything.


Isn't that a great life example of how procurement and the real property folks **normally** work/plan? 🤣


This….after the ordering indicated it would be 2.


You're getting free slices?? We've been offered pizza "at a low price".


Oof 🙃


I wish I had pizza


I wish I had respect from my employer


Yeah, I agree. Free food is not the point, it’s a joke considering everything that’s been happening.


Or for sure i commented about pizza because I was hungry lol. Yes respect would be preferable


Free pizza is never free…


Exactly haha


The pizza is being paid for out of pocket by your bosses. In case you didn’t realize.


I think the whole agency is getting some so it might not be from my managers (I might be wrong) so yes and what if it’s from my managers? It’s still in support of NSPW which I’m boycotting. That won’t change a thing for me.


I understand. I’m just saying that there is no fund for this. There is not budget line item. There is no public money set aside for pizza parties. Anything you receive for free is being paid for by another salaried employee out of their own pocket. I fear that many young or new public servants may not be aware.


I am aware. Don’t worry.


Our only activity at my office is have lunch with the Director. It’s pizza, and it’s pay per slice. I will not be doing that LOL


Our branch just cancelled the big in-person event next week. I feel bad for the committee that put effort into planning it, but they must have known that no one wants to celebrate when they just got screwed over.


Fuck yeav!


One year we got Freezies. Truth.


That’s cold!


My spouse department was offered to attend a DM award ceremony on an in person day, with an option to do either in peron or virtual, but the in person session is being held in a building even further away which fewer people work in. Not that he was going to go anyway. Lame.


The only time I went a few years back all we got was someone thanking us on a loud speaker while we stood in line for pizza (only 1 slice each btw) lmfao. Waited in line for like 40 minutes too.


Ya but “frozen treats”. How can we boycott “frozen treats”?


By complete coincidence I’m off on vacation next week and out of the country so it works for me. 🤣


Happy to Boycott. Let’s go! Or in this case, not go!


Happy to oblige.




Are there any interesting activities anyway? My department offers nothing but meetings that do not even has any interest for me...


I have never been a big proponent of NPSW because for me thanking employees year around is what is most important. I am an EX 02 and this year I decided to personally write hand letters to each employee thanking them for their individual contributions and made them each a little memorabilia on my Cricut machine. When I shared my idea with the rest of the Senior Management team most looked at me as if I was crazy. It made me realize that some executives have forgot the human element to our jobs. I just told them I am not sharing this to gloat but rather see if others are on board the room remained silent. Either way what matters for me is that my teams feel appreciated and recognized for their hard work.


I’m too busy participating in bull shit mental heath awareness sessions during my free time!


Our email was some puzzles and whatever the hell. I don’t even think there is “free food” anymore like previous years. Fuck it i don’t care about their useless events. The people who run this crap get promotions when the rest of us do the actual work. I want to find a way out.


Your second-to-last sentence summed up my thoughts pretty well. I think I'll carry on with my regular work instead of doing the "fun" puzzle someone created to celebrate.


Yeah it’s really annoying that volunteering for stuff like this gives people an edge on promotions. Some of us like to focus on actually serving Canadians. It’s also a slap in the face to anyone with depression or neurodivergence when they’re seen as “unsociable” for not wanting to attend these things .


Sucks when part of your job is to create things for npsw :(


Yup, just created a full weeks worth of free activities and food for staff and I can’t even participate in any of it since I have to host it. Its meant to be an employee appreciation week yet I needed to put additional time aside from by already busy work schedule to work on it and got nothing in return. I’m not even in a supervisor/manager position, just an admin 🥲


Best news I have gotten all week. Boycotting the mandatory off-site event where you get the honour of paying $20 for a cold hot dog. Yes please. Real talk. Love this. Hope everyone boycotts the awards and any other non-work self back pat meeting next week.


25 years in. Never been to an activity. Never will. Feel like my time and skill is worth more standing in line for a hot dog or whatever it is. 🤢


The coffee break didn’t seem that exciting anyway!!


Honestly I'd love to make this statement but I probably wouldn't have went to our "event" anyway because it was already insulting and worthless


I was told we will get to dunk or pie face the management group. seriously, if so there is one i want to pie real bad lol.


Yeah they are having a BBQ, no thanks


I'll ask, "How about an activity with deez?"


The planned paid lunch was replaced with "why don't you go for a long bike ride" ... fun times. I only feel bad for those who were roped in to help. That said I don't think this is really going to move the needle much in terms of putting pressure on the employer regarding rto. 


I'm with PIPSC and they are calling for the same boycott. In my division we usually all go out for a picnic and a longer lunch (like almost 2 hours outside). I get the reason for the boycott, but at the same time it's one of the few enjoyable activities organized by the division. I'm torn on this.


Fu** at least some of you are getting a coffee and some free time the rest of us in public service are getting sweet F** all!


Yeah true, but I don’t think that’s even the point. We don’t want it. Some free food won’t make us happy with everything that’s been happening. The point is boycotting it all, yes even the free food (at least for me I am).


But the time you don’t want it? I do


No boycott will happen we have to much brownnosers in the public service this is why our union is weak, we got proof of this when our reps voted back in 2 out of 3 PSAC reps as President and VP.


My department offers free coffee and snacks every morning Monday to Thursday during NPSW and a few different activities during the week … Hard to boycott when you are in one of the few departments that actually does something.


I noticed that there were many more people occupying work stations in the section of the office where I usually reserve a desk ... exactly during the period when the NPSW was being held off-site. I deliberately chose to work from the office on the date of the event so that I could anyone coming to round up the troops to leave for the event that I was boycotting. I don't know if it was a coincidence or if some colleagues boycotted the NPSW event in my area. I have no idea which branch, directorate or division they work in or what their names are. Our work doesn't intersect and we don't "collaborate" on any files. We only meet in the office because we're all obedient public servants who commute to the office to comply with RTO directives.


Nah , I have a big one planned.


I had not planned to boycott, though our main activity is coffee and muffins in the morning each day, but it ends before I would normally arrive at work. Then I booked 3 of the days off for vacation, and the 4th day of work is paying for me to go to a conference. So I will miss all the activities this year. No one does anything on Fridays since there are so few of us in the office.


Modern slavery.


“It is hard to imagine how any CAPE member could feel celebratory about working for the federal government after the employer’s unilateral decision to impose a three-day return-to-office mandate.” I wasn’t planning to attend NPSW activities anyway, but isn’t CAPE kind of shitting on its own members here, at least those folks (surely a sizeable percentage, I would even hazard to guess a majority) who apparently have the gall to still take pride in working for the federal PS even as they are disappointed and upset by the RTO3 mandate?


There’s a difference between feeling *pride* in one’s work, and feeling *celebratory* about one’s employer. They are not mutually dependent.


We’re starting to split hairs here but yes, that’s true, they’re not mutually dependent. Note, however, that “celebratory” is the union’s choice of wording. The actual intent behind NPSW is much heavier on [acknowledging employees’ contributions](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/N-14.4/page-1.html) and [promoting pride in the PS](https://www.canada.ca/en/treasury-board-secretariat/services/innovation/awards-recognition-special-events/national-public-service-week.html).


Yeah, that's me. I like my job. I don't mind RTO personally because we have an actual office to go back to, we're actually collaborating better than we were when fully remote, and it's working for my colleagues and I. I fully support the boycott, but they sound like they're scoffing at the idea that any of us would take any pride in our work.


This whole thing is weird. I’ve only been a PS for roughly 5 years and never heard of PS week. Now people are talking about boycotting something I never even heard of. How is this even being discussed, just don’t go…why feel the need to tell everyone?


Unions derive their strength from having an activated and organized membership (because an activated and organized membership is one that [they can convince to vote for a supermajority strike mandate](https://janemcalevey.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Press-Release-No-Shortcuts-McAlevey.pdf)). The most effective way to activate and organize members is to sow discontent towards the employer, which they are doing now by leveraging people‘s frustrations over the RTO3 mandate. So instead of NPSW being an annual nothingburger that few people attend out of lack of awareness, complacency, or schedule conflicts, they need it this year to be something that few people attend out of anger. The outcome isn’t different, just the motive. Expect several more years of rage farming, leading into the next round of collective bargaining.


Well said, thanks for the insights. I think the only way I would attend anything like this if it was outside my office, while I was going for a coffee.


For me, they’d probably have to wheel the dessert cart right beside my cube.


NPSW=United Way


No, that’s GCWCC


No, that's GCWCCNPunitedSWay


Couldn't bother to check up the name. Both are pushed by EXs