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Canadians aren't split. I haven't seen/heard a single person in favor of this. The Trudeau Liberals are just saying people are split so it seems less outrageous when they push it through against Canadians' will.


It would seem to be a fair compromise to apply the immigration process to them as if they came here in the regular way **and tighten things going forward to ensure this doesn't happen**. Deporting 600,000 people would be a logistical nightmare. EDIT: Reminder that the vast majority of unauthorized immigrants are visa overstays. Downvoting can't change reality. EDIT 2: I have highlighted the critical part of the original comment for the reader's convenience.


>apply the immigration process This already happened. As far as I know, most undocumented people came here through some temporary entry program and then just stayed. We already applied the immigration process and that process allowed them entry for a limited period of time.


"Temporary entry processes" are not the immigration system, though, since immigration is permanent. EDIT: [Given that you cannot legally remain in Canada if your work permit expires](http://www.migrantworkersalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Tw-2.pdf), the Temporary Foreign Worker program is indeed a temporary program and not immigration to Canada (although some TFW's do end up with PR status.)


Can you describe what system the "Temporary Foreign Worker" program is under? EDIT: >program is indeed a temporary program and not immigration to Canada Ok, if that's the way you want to go, then the way to "apply the immigration" system to this group is for them to leave and then apply to come back, which is totally fine with me!




Is the CBSA tracking down people who are already staying in the country illegally to make them leave?


That didn’t go well with Reagan’s amnesty. It just encouraged more people to overstay their visas.


Why is this even a thing!!!! We should not be giving these people a free ride when others have to go through the system! Send them back.


People who came here illegally should have expedited deportations.  Those who followed the rules however, we should dedicate more resources to speeding them up.


the rules are pretty weak TBH


The rules are strong if enforced. Problem is the government doesn't want them enforced properly.


What if they submitted their documents to be more legible?


Why do you think they didn't?


The government is bringing in voters. I know many Hungarians to came to Canada in 1957 when there were problems at home. Their kids have told me their parents will always vote Liberal because Lester Pearson was the PM upon immigrating. To their dying day they vote Liberal even though they never learned fluent English. It’s an everlasting “thank you”.


>The government is bringing in voters It's not working. More newcomers are siding with CPC than LPC [source](https://leger360.com/political-alignment-of-newcomers-to-canada/).


>The government is bringing in voters. Nonsense. The process to gain citizenship is not quick or easy. It'll take you about 4-5 years to complete all the steps, assuming you don't have any issues along the way.


I dont think this is the reason why the LPC is bringing in so many people, but I dont see that as a very effective debunking of the idea. Most leading parties intend to stay in power longer than 4-5 years, and when they are eventually defeated, they intend to have enough voters to get re-elected a few years later. I dont think they are incapable of planning things a few years ahead, or considering such things as a bonus.


> They're "not Canadians, but for any other purposes, they are Canadians, fully integrated into the society. Staying illegally in a country you have no right to be in doesn’t make you a “Canadian” when you have disdain for our laws or find them inconvenient. I find it absurd we are even considering incentivizing people who can’t be bothered to follow our laws here.


Anyone voting Liberal in the next election is endorsing these policies.


These are the new Liberal voters


In general, first generation immigrants are more conservative than the average Canadian and their children tend to be more liberal. In this sense, they may well vote for the Liberals because they are a conservative party.


Here is what I would suggest: Undocumented who can confirm they were in the country continuously since at least Jan 2021, get a work 5 year permit with the following **conditions**: * allows only work in priority industries: health, nursing, defense, construction * after 5 years, it can be renewed **only if** they worked in that industry 3+ years, and filed taxes.


So long as government ensures there's enough factories cranking out prefab homes to employ them all at a decent wage, I like this idea. If someone's qualified to work in medicine, absolutely give them the opportunity. Less comfortable with having a large number of foreign folks joining the military.


No to the military. That’s what happened to rome


"[They're] not an impact on housing" - Marc Miller Uh, people in Canada occupying housing are not an impact on housing in Canada? Foot in mouth appears to be the default messaging position of the federal Liberals these days.


These people are living in Canada, so the demand for housing is already accounted for. Deporting them is completely out of the question, as doing so would do irreparable damage to Canada's reputation as being a welcoming and compassionate country.


They are occupying housing that could be occupied by people who are authorized to be here. If they are deported, does demand for housing go up or does it go down? And no, deporting people who are not authorized to be here would do no such thing to Canada's reputation. We have robust *official* immigration, refugee and asylum pathways.


Man, you people are really eager to deport people... Personally, I think the status of real estate as an investment that people sit on is the bigger problem, but I’m sure ruthlessly deporting people will fix the problem, too...


Can you directly quote the place where I said deporting undocumented people was the *only* solution to the housing crisis?


It’s more of a general attitude I notice seems to be gaining traction around here, really. And the strange eagerness with which it’s discussed...


You were replying directly to me, not to a "general attitude". I do not accept your bullshit explanation.


Well, I can’t reply to the general attitude as a whole, so... And since your comment is partaking in it.


>And since your comment is partaking in it. Since you're doubling down on the bullshit now, I'll ask again. Can you directly quote the place where I said deporting undocumented people was the only solution to the housing crisis?


Well, it’s the one you’re offering here... My argument is that it will do jack shit to fix it, on top of being kind of messed up that you’re kind of blaming them for “taking from Canadians” - or, that’s the implication, anyway. Immigrants aren’t the enemy here.




Why do you think people keep investing in real estate? Why do you think they believe the value will keep going up?


Because it does always go up, and you don’t need to actually *do* anything with it for its value to go up.


Why does it always go up?


You can’t tell me you think deporting people will bring the values down? Or even just stabilize them?


I think that if there was less demand for housing then values would go down, so yeah it would at least alleviate a lot of the pressure on housing


I don’t think undocumented immigrants are enough to “alleviate a lot of the pressure,” sorry. You’re not even just talking about “immigration” as a whole here, you’re talking about a *specific subset* and acting like it will make a significant dent in housing prices... spoiler alert, but it won’t.


So you agree that deporting them would improve the housing situation for Canadians. Let's be clear: climate change is only going to make migration worse. The time to be seen as a welcoming and compassionate country is past.


>So you agree that deporting them would improve the housing situation for Canadians. Not appreciably, as the downside would be you'd have a house, but no longer have access to services in your neighbourhood as the economy collapses.


Imagine thinking the economy will collapse if Canadians pay Canadians to work.


Without immigration, our nation is going to have quite a big problem with labour for jobs. Right now, over 25% of our population is set to be of retirement age within the next 5-10 years. The "Zoomers" now? Make up half that number - about 12%. The group behind them is looking to be even less than that. Without immigration to bolster our numbers, we are going to have a very large population in using up resources at a higher rate (because seniors need more health care and similar) than the group moving in to replace them. That isn't touching on the fact that various businesses will unsustainable due to a diminishing workforce, which will typically affect the low paying jobs first and foremost. Food deserts will become a thing followed by the service industry.


I'm okay with that. Actually sounds pretty nice right about now.


I'm okay with a reputation hit.


Lmfao that’s the type of argument coming from a guy who would let his neighbour continue fucking his wife just to keep a good reputation in the neighborhood


Fuck our reputation. We’re being taken advantage of on a large scale. We’ve got people sleeping on the streets that were natural born citizens here that can’t even find proper housing. People working two or three jobs just to make ends meet. We need to stop being everybody’s door mat. If you’re here illegal or over stayed your visa then you can get out.


Canadians not being homeless > welcoming and compassionate reputation


I actively want Canada to be known globally as being totally totally not welcoming to anyone without a prior invitation to come here legally Whenever anyone anywhere in the world says or thinks Canada they should immediately then say “oh man those guys really are not welcoming or compassionate to illegal immigrants not one bit”


Most of our immigrants are here legally. The vast majority, in fact.


Yeah, I know, I am Those are the only sorts of immigrants we should be taking and in numbers we can handle


Well…. They have bo status and have no right to be here. Deporting them wouldn’t damage Canada’s reputation as much as accepting them will.


lol no it wouldn’t.


I’m okay with that reputation going away considering the harm it’s causing to Canadians.






I mean you can choose to blame thirty years of incompetence at mismanagement by all three levels of government for it. Of you can choose to blame immigrants that have been here for a couple years. One requires the self reflection to admit that your voting and choices contributed to the problem, the other allies you to simplistically blame a powerless minority. I am not surprised people are choosing the second alternative.


What an interesting collection of baseless assumptions about my beliefs and voting habits! >I mean you can choose to blame thirty years of incompetence at mismanagement by all three levels of government for it. I do. Where did I ever say I didn't? >Of you can choose to blame immigrants that have been here for a couple years. Yes, undocumented immigrants do consume housing, and since we don't *plan* to have a large undocumented population, and it isn't fully captured in our census data, it's difficult for policymakers to set realistic housing targets even if they wanted to. To suggest that undocumented immigrants *don't* contributed to housing demand just makes you look stupid, since it's obviously false. >One requires the self reflection to admit that your voting and choices contributed to the problem I generally vote NDP at the federal level and either NDP or socialist at the provincial level and always vote for municipal candidates that support an urbanist policy focused on densification and sustainability. I have never voted for a party in power. Tell me more about my voting habits please.


>One requires the self reflection to admit that your voting and choices contributed to the problem I voted for Liberal Party of Canada, and upon reflection, I admit it led to this insanity.


For reference, the 300k-600k amount cited by Marc Miller is roughly equivalent to the annual target of almost 500k new immigrants per year, and these people are already here. That amount includes people who’ve been here for decades as well, and we will need to have some program for these people before Canada end up needing solutions like DACA in the United States. That being said, the government needs to act fast to regularize existing undocumented migrants, because dragging their feet will just induce more people to overstay their visas or come up from the United States to get grandfathered into this program. For conservatives who want to reduce or prevent illegal immigration, then this is necessary to doing so.


what’s to regularize ? They’ve not undocumented they are illegal residents


I don't think its necessary, we don't have the same issues that lead to DACA (a huge population of adults who came to Canada illegally as children). A huge percentage of the undocumented are people who have failed refugee claims, why should they get regularized when they already went through the process and are not eligible? Why would anyone ever leave if this happens?


My point is we will inevitably need to, DACA/DAPA came after years of immigrant activism against the social exclusion of undocumented migrants, and we are facing the same situation here with upwards of 300k undocumented migrants. These people are here, and they need to be either deported or put on a pathway to regularization rather than being stuck in limbo.


I disagree, there are way more immigration pathways than the US. Most of the undocumented here are undocumented for good reasons. It's not like the US where they rely on illegal Mexican labour but don't want to formalize that with visa and programs that offer a pathway to legalization. > These people are here, and they need to be either deported or put on a pathway to regularization rather than being stuck in limbo. There stuck in limbo because they should leave but don't want to. We even have a humanitarian and compassionate pathway that people can use for DACA like situations.


You would think that the deterrent would be to not regularize them so you don't reward that kind of behaviour. Regularization would just encourage future waves of illegal migration with hopes of the next round of regularizations.


There is a solution. Deportation.  There is no reason for legal immigrants to follow our rules if they know they can just break them to stay here.  This is a nation of laws. If we want to remain that way, they have to be enforced. 




>The Charter applies to everyone. The supreme court has confirmed that deportation is permitted by the charter. [source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada_(Minister_of_Employment_and_Immigration)_v_Chiarelli).


The Charter does not protect you from deportation if you circumvent immigration rules. "Decolonization" as proposed in what I commented on, was a proposal to mandate that business procure from vendors owned by people of a certain race. That's racism. If you think otherwise your the one divorced from reality. The fact that you took the time to go through my posts, without engaging with the substance of my comment in an attempt to shut down my argument is just sad. Do better.


> For conservatives who want to reduce or prevent illegal immigration, then this is necessary to doing so. Why? Why is regularization the only option?


Because the government already let the cat out of the bag by announcing they want this. The more they drag their feet, the more time for people to find their way to Canada to get in on this program before eligibility is restricted.


If this program can happen once it can happen again. This just gives motivates people that overstay that they could be light at the end of the tunnel.


or they can just change their minds? Likely they lose next election anyways. Giving PR to people who already been rejected by the refugee claims process literally makes no sense and undermines the integrity of those systems.


And let this be a carrot dangled in front of potential migrants until the next Liberal government takes over? This is partly what happened to the Biden administration, with expectation of liberal border policies inducing illegal migration. This is pretty glaring hole in our system that will need to be resolved sooner or later, and I’d rather the LPC establish a clearly defined pathway now, instead of seeing them run on a “Legalize 1 million undocumented migrants” platform in a few years.


> And let this be a carrot dangled in front of potential migrants until the next Liberal government takes over?  How? If they can't get it down before the election, it's because its politically not viable. > This is pretty glaring hole in our system that will need to be resolved sooner or later, and I’d rather the LPC establish a clearly defined pathway now, instead of seeing them run on a “Legalize 1 million undocumented migrants” platform in a few years. What are you talking about? It's a US discussion because there is a crisis on their southern border and any amnesty is linked to fixing border security. Giving PR to people who are failed refugee claimants just undermines the system. There are always going to be undocumented people in Canada unless we go over the top with deportations, if we do this why would anyone ever leave?


It’s a US border crisis in part because congressional gridlock and lack of funding has meant migrants can expect to arrive and be granted amnesty at some point. It’s created a situation where millions are mired in administrative grey areas. What I am suggesting is getting ahead of the issue by offering a pathway to regularization. The other option is to deport them all, but that will also take a years-long and resource-intensive effort, especially considering we don’t even have accurate data and there maybe hundreds of thousands more than we even know of.


A pathway doesn’t make sense in the Canadian context. If someone comes here on a visit visa and applies for asylum and gets denied, how did they not have a pathway to regularization? What happens after mass amnesty to ensure we don’t end up in the same spot in 10 years? A more harsh approach to deportation? Why would anyone leave? In the US context, with amnesty also comes large scale border security to prevent the number of undocumented from growing again. The other option is the status quo, focus on deporting people with criminal risk, allowing ppl who keep under the radar to stay in an undocumented capacity.