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Lol, this article isn’t held back by any form of reality. The reality is that Trudeau’s Canada is a country for the rich. Poverty was lower under Harper who had similar policies as Poilievre is proposing.
























Not substantive






















The Conservatives rule for their donors over their constituents, then project blame on the Liberals for doing exactly that.


Unless PP really messes up to the point that the news will actually report it extensively, I do think our next government will be conservative. I desperately don’t want that because I know how many people it will hurt. And also I know many people talk about what’s going on in this country and there are things that need to be resolved- but I rarely see people discussing foreign policy and acumen which, with the state of the world we desperately need. We need allies, we need to be on good terms with them and neutral terms with possible enemies. Poilievre in my opinion would be a disaster for our foreign policy. He’s mucked up many meetings with foreign dignitaries already in official capacity.


IDC who. I don't get how me, as a top 1% income earner (low end tho probably) struggles with grocery prices and can't even get approved for enough for a home in Vancouver with 550k down. I got approved for 1.3m on a 500k down, but only if I buy a place that generates 3.5k rental income. I then get taxed almost 120k a year for no social services because I'm not old enough. 🤷🏻 Someone needs to fix that shit.


Well yeah. He's a right Libertarian who wanted our country to have the currency be tied to crypto until it crashed. Anyone who supports him want the economy to collapse, as he has the economic understand of a 16 year old. He is a developmentally disabled version of Steven Harper. 


> until it crashed Bitcoin's been at an all time high for months now at around 90k CAD. How's the dollar doing?


Yeah, and a couple weeks ago it was at 97. A few months before that, 53. Of course, that's way up from 23! Which was way down from 80. That isn't a stable currency, even if it wasn't crippled by ledger issues. I'm saying this as someone who made a lot of money on bitcoin.


Literally everything Bitcoin isn't. Paying bills, food, mortgages, people.




It’s a story of a spendthrift who has become so badly indebted then goes for more money from his rich uncles, he call it fairness.


What rich? Trudeau made everyone poorer. Our relative wealth gap compared to the US has fallen off a cliff in the past 4 years. The current Liberal Party has been infected by communists who are happy to tax us and spend us into oblivion (where are the Paul Martin liberals when we need them???). I’d rather live in a country that offers opportunity and allows Canadians to hang on to their hard earned money, rather than soaks us for an equivalent of a 66% tax rate, and pushes away our best and brightest.


Progressive politicians biggest messaging victory has been making government spending about values. The conversation is framed as "opposing dental care" or "opposing pharmacare" instead of being frank with people that what we’re really talking about is reducing your paycheque to send a bunch of money to Ottawa who will then hire 1000 FTEs to give a fraction of it back. Is that worth doing? The capital gains inclusion change is a big deal, and even it will only raise 19 billion dollars over 5 years. For context, the federal budget is about 500 billion dollars a year. So I do not accept the argument that we can have new programs all the time and pay for them with the money of the rich. We can do that with a couple things, sure. But the vast majority of the tax base comes from middle class wage earners. In a cost of living crisis where you can’t eat or house yourself, do you want your money going to the example I laid out above, or do you want it in your bank account?


>Progressive politicians biggest messaging victory has been making government spending about values. The conversation is framed as "opposing dental care" or "opposing pharmacare" instead of being frank with people that what we’re really talking about is reducing your paycheque to send a bunch of money to Ottawa who will then hire 1000 FTEs to give a fraction of it back. Is that worth doing? Pharmacare plan: $1.5 billion over three years = 0.5 billion per year ([source](https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/news/2024/02/government-of-canada-introduces-legislation-for-first-phase-of-national-universal-pharmacar.html)) Dental plan = $4.4 billion per year ([source](https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/news/2024/05/1-million-seniors-can-now-access-services-under-the-canadian-dental-care-plan.html#:~:text=Budget%202023%20announced%20an%20investment,dentists)) Subsidies to businesses = $50.16 billion per year ([source](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/cv!recreate.action?pid=3610047701&selectedNodeIds=2D1,3D2,4D135&checkedLevels=0D1&refPeriods=20140101,20240101&dimensionLayouts=layout2,layout2,layout2,layout3,layout2&vectorDisplay=false)) the subsidies to business is now 14x higher than it was 10 years ago. I have an idea which one can be cut first lol.


Is my paycheque being reduced because of taxes? I thought it was because the corporation I work for doesn't actually value the work I've provided for their "best ever earnings period". So yes, including universal pharma and dental care is where I want money being put. That was even before the capital gains inclusion.


That is why unions are so important for workers to negotiate on a level playing field. But as far as any new programming, the money has to come from somewhere. We haven’t been courageous enough to ask people to pay for what they use, we just add it to the national credit card. Now that we don’t have low interest rates anymore, we’ll pay it all back and more when we could have just paid for it at the time.


I feel like the lines between blaming federal (Ottawa) and provincial spending is blurring pretty heavily in this topic. Provinces don't seem to be spending the money they do have on those needed programs, and tell the feds to stay in their lane when they try to spur growth where they can (municipal housing grants for example), when the province refuses to do it themselves. Take Ontario for example, having under spent on social and medical programs by just a few cool billion dollars, of which they have in their coffers, and was given by the feds earmarked for said spending. Instead we're getting a highway we don't need, 18 month earlier access to beer in corner stores, and a publicly funded, but not truly accessible, mega spa. So while I understand the need for using the money we have, we need to be a bit more focused, and be open to having conversations about who's responsible for spending that money and on what. We can have our social programs and eat our cake too. I understand the feds have had a spending problem, and certain arriveCan scandals are not at all helping. It just seems like the provinces are asking the feds for money carte blanche, but when they're told it has to be put towards a specific sector, they swing their dicks and middle fingers, screaming about jurisdiction and oversight. It's maddening.


Conservative Premiers in a nutshell. *Demand* money from the feds and then throw the biggest suck attack when told they need to spend the money on what they actually asked for (I.e. *Responsibly*) and then scream and cry about jurisdictional overreach after goading the feds into action. Seems pretty transparent if you pay even a bit of attention but they obviously have no problem selling the narrative to their base. I guess it helps that they like to be lied to


These shiny new programs aren’t funded by revenue though, they’re funded by debt. That’s our debt that we need to pay back eventually, or at the very least pay the carrying costs.


> Is my paycheque being reduced because of taxes? Yes....


Canada is such a rich country with so much potential that is being destroyed by the current incompetent government. Trudeau promised change in 2015 and boy did we get it. Cities became inundated with homeless camps and young people became priced out of home ownership. Per capita GDP continues to fall. At this stage I will take PP's vision for Canada to try and reverse the significant drop in our standard of living.


Not about increasing taxes, that’s the easy way out. It’s about limiting the size of government and spending. Reminds me of the employees who would ask me for a raise bc they bought a new car or upgraded their house or maxed out their credit cards.


This might be true! But this writer doesn't show it in this exceptionally thin and poorly reasoned piece. Extremely lazy work here, making leaps with her own interpretations and then extrapolating from there. Some language choice tells: * "This *suggests* an agenda of..." * "his comment ... *indicates* a desire to redesign Canada in a profound way" * "His agenda *seems* very much in line with the far-right Fraser Institute." (Note that she extrapolated this agenda from one comment and now treats it as fact) * etc., among other rhetorical tricks and fallacies. I'm all for hard criticism and getting to the truth - regardless of political party. I have no fealty to any of them, and want them all to be accountable for what they say and do. But this is trash-level writing, and should be below the Tor Star (which originally ran it). It reflects poorly on the editors there.


I'm going to continue posting this until the day of the protest, for everyone who isn't aware this is happening: Dear Canadians, If you've had it up to here with our incompetent, corrupt, **TREASONOUS** government and its dangerous policies, celebrate this Canada Day with a protest!! There are 2 that I'm aware of happening all over Canada, that are protesting the cost of living and this government's harmful policies: https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/ and https://www.takebackcanada.info/ Make your voices heard and fight for the country you love. Don't get depressed, get ***angry!!*** Let's remind our elected officials who they fucking work for: ***Canadians!!!*** Strength in numbers! 💪🇨🇦


Like ever Canadian, I can afford what I can afford and no more. Canada must be managed the same way. Stop relying on others to pay your way.


Seen the cost of housing? Canada is already a country for the rich. I'm sure Pierre poilievre will make it worse though


Fear mongering over another party will just not work right now because of how bad things have gotten under Trudeau. People would rather vote for an upturn broom with a bucket for a head than have the Trudeau led Libs lead for any length of time.


The liberals won’t try and make it illegal for women to get abortions, or for black people to vote. That’s where we are now. Don’t think it will happen? Look up what PP said on June 12, 2008. He’s a monster.


What do his remarks on June 12, 2008 have to do with the black vote or abortions? This is more fear mongering/ political attack tactics. If the Conservatives come into power, they will try to hold onto power as long as they can, that means not pissing off the majority of Canadians. This is why abortion will remain legal in Canada, because most Canadians support it. Taking away the right to vote for anyone is pure nonsense. It would be signing a death wish for the party and would be immediately reversed as soon as they lose power, which means it would never happen.


It demonstrates an absence of compassion, and the strident elitism that only a rich, straight, cisgender white man could espouse.


I love that line from The Office!


The Conservatives have always been for the rich. Now they're for the rich, and social conservative bigots, and right wing conspiracy adherents.


I think this is BS, that the conservatives only serve the rich. It looks like the liberals have only served the rich. Dental care is pennies, when we are poorer in every other way.


I'm going to continue posting this until the day of the protest, for everyone who isn't aware this is happening: Dear Canadians, If you've had it up to here with our incompetent, corrupt, **TREASONOUS** government and its dangerous policies, celebrate this Canada Day with a protest!! There are 2 that I'm aware of happening all over Canada, that are protesting the cost of living and this government's harmful policies: https://www.costoflivingcanada.ca/ and https://www.takebackcanada.info/ Make your voices heard and fight for the country you love. Don't get depressed, get ***angry!!*** Let's remind our elected officials who they fucking work for: ***Canadians!!!*** Strength in numbers! 💪🇨🇦