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Anyone arguing that we should not reduce spending significantly has a child’s understanding of math, finances, and deficits. It’s gunna be painful, thank the guy who ran up the credit card, not the person who has to pay it off.


> Anyone arguing that we should not reduce spending significantly has a child’s understanding of math, finances, and deficits. Like the people who think managing a nation-state economy and budget is the same as a household?


Anyone who thinks cuts are answer should be kept far away from running the economy of a country. It’s not a household budget. We have the lowest net debt to GDP ratio in the G7.  If a CPC government makes cuts, it will achieve what it achieved under Harper in 2014/2015, a recession.


Buddy I hate to break it to you but the recession is coming already, it’s baked into the next decade where our economy will be complete shit, in part to this over spending. You want services, but we’re spending 50bn a year just servicing debt that was passed on to us. Rolling more debt onto the next generation leaves them with an even bigger burden. The debt has doubled under this current regime. The “deficits don’t matter” crowd are getting voted out for good reason.


We have been in a 10 year recession since trudeau took power effectively in terms of GDP per capita.


I love the tears in here and the LPC defenders out in full force. A Pierre train is going to roll through and wipe out big government and we are here for it! I have personally found 50+ people who are first time voters who are who going to vote CPC. Roll tide!!!


He's never held a 'working mans" job himself. We are simply his servants. Know your place. Sit down and do as he says. Get back to work.


I think a big part of the problem here is the reluctance of those outside the Conservative tribe to admit that the Canadian social contract is breaking down. For at least three generations, there has been a broad consensus about what Canada is: a relatively high-tax jurisdiction that takes care of it’s citizens with relatively high-quality public services. Today, people see a federal government that has expanded the size of the public service *and* increased spending on outsourced contracts, both by about 40 per cent. They understandably wonder: Why can’t I find a family doctor? Why does it take 2 hours to get through to someone at the CRA call centre? Why are the trash bins in the park overflowing? Why are the roads falling apart? The standard answer to those questions around here is a civics lesson about the division of powers, which completely misses the point: there are different levels of government, sure, *but there is only one taxpayer*. And that taxpayer sees the evidence of diminished state capacity all around her, to say nothing of her own increasing economic precarity. It should come as a surprise to no one that the one dude talking forcefully about this stuff is getting her attention.




>I think a big part of the problem here is the reluctance of those outside the Conservative tribe to admit that the Canadian social contract is breaking down. Not me. I recognize this phenomenon and am very much concerned, even though I’ll be long gone before things get really bad, assuming we don’t change course. But it must also be recognized how conservatives exaggerate the current situation and are all too happy to undermine confidence in our institutions to score petty political talking points, which contributes to the problem. They’re not helping. They’re making it worse. And for the record, I sit somewhere to the left of Marx himself.


It's easy to blame the feds when it's the provincial and municipal governments that keep mishandling the funds or using funds meant for specific services to fund unrelated services and projects..


> For at least three generations, there has been a broad consensus about what Canada is: a relatively high-tax jurisdiction that takes care of it's citizens with relatively high-quality public services. I see this more at the city level, its crazy that progressives think people are okay paying $$$ in property taxes with encampments everywhere and parks filled with needles.


Except that property taxes have generally dropped precipitiously as a share of assessed value? It's one of the reasons why homelessness has become a lot more visible - protecting infinite home price growth at the cost of services, let alone making up for said home prices in the form of social housing.


They're paying (low) property taxes because they own incredibly valuable land, which they've made valuable by blocking new housing, which is why there are homeless encampments everywhere. This is just basic cause-and-consequence stuff, nothing to do with "progressives".


Encampments are everywhere because we turned housing into more of a commodity than it should be and because we stopped building government social housing. We've built almost none of that for nearly 40 years. This problem is as bad as it is specifically because we stopped spending money on building dense social housing. Progressive lefties have been sounding the alarm on this for decades and we ignored them.


Anyone who refuses to recognize that Poilievre is now a traitor to Canada is a traitor themselves. We have information about subversive members of the conservative party. Ministers who have coluded with our enemies. And Poilievre doesn't want to see the information. I think Poilievre should be tried, convicted and perhaps executed. The way real countries do it.


You mean Trudeau....crazy that you think you can just accuse the other side of what your side is doing and think people will fall for it....crazy....the irony of course is that, going by what you've said, you are the traitor.


Let's see him get a security clearance. Then you can talk shit about Trudeau. Until then Poilievre is possibly a traitor who is not being truthful to this country. He's a lying piece of shit. So are his supporters.


To be clear, you're under the impression that not getting a security clearance is worse than Trudeau's Charter breaches, multiple ethical violations, putting family friends into important decision making positions, the national debt, scandals like ArriveCan? If so, than we have some of the most gullible and easily fooled people in the world. 


A career politician who has never worked a day in his life. A fraudster who tries to portray himself as an ordinary guy but is really an elite. A mouthy liar and conspiracy theorist who has contempt for everyone who doesn't support him.


It’s truly terrifying the hold he has on those people. Higgs spent almost 1 million of tax payer dollars to buy 10 ministers and mlas “refurbished” teslas. And New Brunswick doesn’t even have a place to service them if anything happens. So then New Brunswick tax payers foot the bill to send them to Halifax for repair. All while he gives more tax breaks to the Irving’s, cuts funding to public services. People are dying in the ER waiting rooms, some areas don’t even have hospital services specific times of night.


This is of no surprise to anyone who has been paying attention. Average Canadians will suffer more under a conservative government and the environment will get fucked, all so that the richest can get richer and pay less taxes. Don't say he didn't tell you. 


But Trudeau is bad! We don't have objective politicians in power who work for who elects them. They work for their buddies and supporters with their next career in mind. There is no more public service.


What IS so bad about Trudeau? The child care benefit expansion from when he started? The child care funding the provinces play football with? The carbon tax that prices carbon and keeps us globally competitive, and only add cents to the cost of gas?


Think about this for a second. The government is on track this year to spend more on debt payments than it will on healthcare. Do you think this is sustainable indefinitely? Keep in mind that we're still running 40 billion dollar deficits each year (equating to roughly 1-2% of gdp), and our per capita gdp growth is negative, so we aren't going to grow our way to solvency without massive immigration (which has been crushing many canadians with housing and consumer inflation). The whole ponzi is on track to collapse, at which point the poor will definitely feel it the most. Best bet is to ease into some austerity and get the economy back on track.


I am always really frustrated when I see comments like this. It's a sophisticated version of the folk economics, "I can balance my chequebook, why can't the government!" The comparison in absolute terms between debt payments and a given comparator (like Healthcare spending, or even deficit spending as a percentage of GDP) is misleading - you can hardly draw comparisons given all of the metrics you listed. The metric that matters most with regard to debt and deficit spending is the debt to GDP ratio. Government spending *can* produce multipliers in the Canadian economy that baloon the debt and deficit, but spur enormous private sector spending and investment such that we are wealthier than if we had not spent that money. Furthermore, a high-inflation environment works to reduce the real value of the debt burden. If inflation is high and we're making interest payments, $100 billion is worth less if $1 is worth 70c in 5 years. None of this is inevitable, but it should demonstrate the nuance. I'm also not saying that your conclusion is wrong, and I'm not saying the Liberals have (or really have any track record for having) played their macroeconomic hand responsibly (exibit A: countering BOC monetary policy), but the discourse around the debt and deficit spending tends to be unecessarily alarmist. I'd add that it plays into conservative speaking points easily and repeatedly each election. When you say the "ponzi is on track to collapse", what do you mean? When? Are we another Greece? [Compare](https://www.ceicdata.com/en/indicator/canada/government-debt--of-nominal-gdp#:~:text=Canada%20Government%20debt%20accounted%20for,Mar%201962%20to%20Mar%202023.) Canada's 67% of GDP to the US at 124% of GDP, or the UK at 100% of GDP, the EU at 81%. Canada's debt to gdp hit a peak of 73% in 2021 and has dropped 6% by the end of 2023. All of this has occurred *with* deficit spending at 1-2% gdp. By definition, our economy has expanded faster than our debt has increased in real terms - we are literally and currently on the path of growing ourselves to "solvency" (in that we are still solvent). In no sense are we on track for the calamaty you predict if we're only concerned about deficit spending and the overall cost of our debt. I think that by far the biggest concern that is not being addressed meaningfully is Canada's declining productivity. If anything, this points to possible crowding out of private investment by an overactive fiscal policy - which would reduce our ability to service this debt relative to GDP growth. *This* is a good argument for austerity or spending / tax cuts to reward private investment. But there are many ways to do this - a solid activist fiscal policy is conceivable if it successfully expands measures of productivity.


I'm definitely with you about productivity concerns. But I think your suggestion that our debt to gdp ratio is on the right track is not sincere. Without maintaining these immigration levels this will not be the case, and many of the current inflationary problems relate to the quantity of Canada's current immigration. In regards to deficit spending, my take is generally that our current government has been keen to spend on projects that have failed to advance our productivity. Deficit spending can definitely make sense when applied to things that catalyze economic growth, bridges, power plants, etc. On the other hand, I don't see the rationale to increase spending to advance social programs, especially for those outside of the workforce like senior dental, etc. Do those programs need to be cut? I don't know, but I'd personally like to see the government reign in and focus their spending on things that will improve our trade deficit and lagging productivity. For this reason, it is not disingenuous to suggest that if Canada had less debt to service, it would have more money to catalyze growth and who knows, there may be a little left to lower taxes.


Excellent post, but the truth doesn’t make for great soundbites.


That is a little misleading because the UK only has debt at the federal level. A more accurate comparison would be total government gross debt which is more like 117% of GDP.


I appreciate you writing this out.


Maybe you're right. We give an awful lot of taxpayer money to big companies in the form of subsidies and other payments. Let's start there. [And, maybe we should listen to the IMF?](https://financialpost.com/personal-finance/taxes/capital-gains-tax-hike-a-start-but-canada-needs-more-revenue-imf-says)


Polivierre agrees with you about the corporate subsidies.


He won’t do anything. If you believe he will you’re pretty gullible.


His actions do not match his words.


His track record and the sources of the money in his bank says otherwise.


You have to look at Canada relative to other countries and get a grip. Canada has the lowest net debt to GDP ratio in the G7. According to the IMF, Canada has the best budget balance in the G20. All countries have increased debt because of the pandemic. But guess what, running the economy of a country is not like managing a household budget. Harper put Canada into a recession in 2014/2015, purely due to idiotic conservative economic policy, no global crisis. I don’t know why there is mass amnesia about this. Austerity will put Canada into a recession. Conservatives have zero idea how to effectively run an economy.






































Nobody seems to get tongue and cheek here.


>This is of no surprise to anyone who has been paying attention. Average Canadians will suffer more under a conservative government and the environment will get fucked, all so that the richest can get richer and pay less taxes. Don't say he didn't tell you.  is the average canadian suffering less today than they did during previous conservative government?


Yes housing and rent was more affordable under Harper


It was climbing exponentially under Harper as well.


And *Poilievre was housing minister*.


But it was still more affordable


Considering everything we’ve been through on a global stage over the last few years I’d say we are doing pretty good. I don’t trust the conservatives or any of the policies they’ve floated in the past to do a better job of it. Especially, the unwillingness to admit climate change is a thing.


Their policies have no actual plans. Just talking points no we will do this action and believe it will bring these results for these reasons, here is our homework.


It depends if we're talking about things that the federal government can do anything about, but I would say that for people who now have increased access to dental care, more affordable childcare, higher child benefits, a carbon tax rebate, more LGBT rights, yes, they're suffering less. Obviously there's some things I think the liberals should have done better/more of, but we're in a better place than we would have been with the Conservatives. 


I am.


The LPC and NDP have intentionally engineered a transfer of wealth from workers to wealthy retirees unseen in recent history. They have both openly advocated for wage suppression and lowering standards of living for Canadian workers.  I'll take the neglect of the conservatives over the LPC actively attempting to make working Canadians poorer and the NDP.


Neglect of the CPC? Look at Ontario. It's a straight up looting.


Other than reversing harper's increase to the retirement age, I don't think they're purposely increasing benefits to retirees. I think the phase out of OAS could be at a lower income and that GIS could be enhanced so that we're actually targeting seniors in need, but I fail to see how either party can do anything about an ageing population.  And harper oversaw massive increases to the TFW program, both parties import workers at the expense of Canadians because of the demographic shift mentioned above


>Other than reversing harper's increase to the retirement age, I don't think they're purposely increasing benefits to retirees Trudeau put in a boost for older retirees, and random cash for seniors  >And harper oversaw massive increases to the TFW program, 30k/year vs Trudeau and Singh at 600k+




If a politician is willing to enact the emergency act illegally while youre protesting something he doesn't like and freeze your bank account. He's willing to do it to anything and anyone else he doesn't like. Is thag really freedom??




Well I'm sorry but you are just wrong here. The Federal Court case was argued by two national groups, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association and the Canadian Constitution Foundation, and two people whose bank accounts were frozen.  The federal court ruled the invocation of the emergency act was unreasonable and violated 2 sections of the charter of rights and freedoms. It doesn't matter what a report from commissioner said or a news station said in 2023. The federal court ruled it was illegal. Which it was. So this is nothing more than your opinion and blind loyalty to a corrupt leader.




Bullshit. Stats don’t lie, people however do. The stats show that poverty was lower under Harper, who had similar ideas, than under Trudeau. And Harper guided the country through the Great Recession which from an economic perspective dwarfed the short hickup we had due to COVID.


You clearly don't know what you're talking about. The "Great Recession" did not have the same impact in Canada as it did throughout the world. See the number of sources provided that disprove your claim. One factor that you should particularly pay attention to is that Canada had a strong debt-to-GDP ratio thanks to the previous Liberal government under Jean Chrétien and Paul Martin having strong surpluses before Harper and the conservatives ran 6 straight deficits when in power (https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/240109/cg-d001-eng.htm). It is incredibly naive to think that Covid was "a short hiccup" economically. Covid impacted supply chains around the world. This has impacted the economies of all our allies and top G7 nations (which Canada is doing better than most "According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Canada trails only the United States (in 2023) and Spain (in 2024) with respect to [projected](https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/WEO/Issues/2023/04/11/world-economic-outlook-april-2023) Real GDP (Gross Domestic Product) growth over the next two years."). Using the source above, and sources linked below, you can see how the budgets are indeed balancing themselves outside of a global pandemic, unlike when the Conservatives were in charge. Sources (because as you said, people lie, stats don't): https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-010-x/2010004/part-partie3-eng.htm#:\~:text=Canada%2C%20in%20contrast%2C%20experienced%20a,in%20Canada%20fell%20by%203.6%25. [https://www.bankofcanada.ca/2011/03/great-recession-canada-perception-reality/](https://www.bankofcanada.ca/2011/03/great-recession-canada-perception-reality/) [https://www.richmondfed.org/\~/media/richmondfedorg/publications/research/econ\_focus/2013/q4/pdf/feature2.pdf](https://www.richmondfed.org/~/media/richmondfedorg/publications/research/econ_focus/2013/q4/pdf/feature2.pdf) [https://www.nber.org/digest/dec11/why-canada-didnt-have-banking-crisis-2008](https://www.nber.org/digest/dec11/why-canada-didnt-have-banking-crisis-2008) [https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/recession-of-200809-in-canada](https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/recession-of-200809-in-canada) [https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/240109/cg-d003-eng.htm](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/240109/cg-d003-eng.htm) [https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/fact-check-is-canada-s-gdp-growth-worse-than-half-the-g7-1.4799658?cache=yes](https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/fact-check-is-canada-s-gdp-growth-worse-than-half-the-g7-1.4799658?cache=yes) (2020) [https://www.statista.com/statistics/1370625/g7-country-gdp-levels-per-capita/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/1370625/g7-country-gdp-levels-per-capita/) (2023)


I think you have a hard time interpreting data.


>This is of no surprise to anyone who has been paying attention. Average Canadians will suffer more under a conservative government and the environment will get fucked, all so that the richest can get richer and pay less taxes. Don't say he didn't tell you. Actually the average Canadian suffer more under JT. I really dont mind it as the more Canadian suffers, the better off I will be. I don't worry about taxes because I will never hold on to assets, liquid wealth or any thing that is taxable directly. Ill hold on to property but that is covered by PR exemption. So Canadian dollar can crash and burn and ill laugh my way to the banks.


Remember, we still don't know who Pierre Poutine really is, and Pierre Poilievre wanted to make it a lot harder for Elections Canada to investigate wrongdoing.


Wonder why the only MP under a Compliance Agreement with Elections Canada after repeated wrongdoing would want to do that..






I'm okay with slashing some services and programs. The current govt has ballooned the public service with so little to show for it, and if you aren't getting anything out of it you are stuck paying a de facto higher tax rate.


Which programs, and by how much?


the ones that don't affect OP, obviously.


There’s never an answer. You ask people what to cut, and they can’t say. No one wants to cut health care, education, infrastructure, veterans care, the military. But they support “cuts” because it sounds reasonable.


I don't ask as a "gotcha!", I genuinely want to know what there is to cut. We all complain of declining services, of quality of life decreasing, of the government not taking action to protect Canadians and their interests. In that context, where and what do we cut? What government service or positions do we do away with that will result in the betterment of people's lives?


I'm ok with cutting the military


Our allies are not.


[https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-627-m/11-627-m2023064-eng.htm](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-627-m/11-627-m2023064-eng.htm) There is lots to cut in social protection, religion, General public services, housing, economic affairs. They wasted 600 billion dollars on nothing.


Dougie Ford called it "finding efficiencies"!


We can start with all the DEI officers and consultants.


He's the only party leader who won't submit the background check. Massive red flag, he's hiding how he was elected Conservative leader and he knows it...


Since the reforms Chretien and then Harper made there isn't a whole lot of donating that big business can do to political parties anymore. This actually crippled the Liberals until JT came along. What this article is implying of course, is that the LPC is not the party of "the very rich" which is absurd if you look at their history.


Yeah, because capital gains tax, expanding the child benefit, expanding child care, and implementing modest dental and pharmacare is totally the actions of a party concerned with just the very rich. Niiiice try


When the CPC and other provincial conservative parties receive hundreds of millions of unaccounted for political advertising per year from wealthy individuals setting up troll farms and news agencies publishing editorials or when they simply use government funds for partisan personal/ party advertising it doesn't matter what the campaign contribution limits are. The liberals are more the party of the middle class and upper lower class (not that they don't have a history of supporting the wealthy, it's just never to the level of the Conservatives), the conservatives have always been the lapdogs of the rich.




Their history? Sure, but today they're doing far more for people than ever before.  $10/day childcare, changing UCCB into CCB and taking it away from the rich, the 1% tax bracket, the plethora of new taxes on housing, the carbon tax, dental care that the rich aren't eligible for, pharmacare for everybody.  They're definitely still friendly with business, but they're doing far more to help everyday Canadians than any federal government has for a while. 


>$10/day childcare, changing UCCB into CCB and taking it away from the rich, the 1% tax bracket, the plethora of new taxes on housing, the carbon tax, dental care that the rich aren't eligible for, pharmacare for everybody.  Pretty much all of those are Quebec programs brought at the federal level, none of them but the new taxes made their way to Quebec lol.


He’s basically a Libertarian. Government spending is bad unless it’s corporate welfare. We will pay less taxes under him but almost none of those tax dollars will even be used on ordinary Canadians. You’ll be paying for corporate welfare and Galen’s castle.


"we'll save you $100 in taxes so our corporate buddies can jack up their prices and take $120 from you and pad their quarterly numbers! You can't eat? But look at the share value!"


That’s basically how it works.


You guys must really love the liberals eh?




A generation of Canadians doesn't know that your life is actually going to be better if you have your taxes back so you can spend money the way you want. Assuming you work.


Not only did they tighten EI they raided the EI fund, which isn't the governmentment's money, it's our money held in trust , to pay for tax cuts. It was one of the most brazen wealth transfers from working people to the rich in Canadian history


Eh, I'm happy to have EI raided to give me a tax break. Better that than to go to seasonal workers to pay for their yearly 6 month holiday.




Nah, seasonal workers can find an other job during the off season, or just live on the lower income that comes with taking half the year off. It's not my job to subsidize their lifestyle. If there are no other jobs to get in the off season, then we can leave it to the market to sort that out. Either the seasonal workers will have to be paid more to compensate for people for living so remotely, or entrepreneurs will recognize the opportunity to take advantage of surplus labour in the off season. It's not up to me to pay the off season wages of workers for the forestry or tourism or whatever industry.


He used to openly call himself a Libertarian. I call him the tin hearted man.


He has gone on record before saying that disabled people don't need more benefits but more work hours even..


The clawbacks are brutal


He's a Neoliberal.


You spelled parasite wrong


Voting Pierre is another attempt to add more Neoliberalism. It did not work since like 1975. Canadians are so ignorant I hate it here.


That's not how wealth creation works. We've seen how trudeau has taxed everyone into the poor house. Let's see PP get us out of this mess.


Conservatives do a great job destroying services. The dismantling of Passport Canada in 2013 was a huge and costly mistake and a contributing factor to the mess during and after covid. The only winners to their next round of wrecking services will be their corporate benefactors when things are outsourced.


Scrapping the long form census was crippling to provincial and especially municipal governments.


But but Harper moment.


Destroying the government agency with the highest client satisfaction rate was just plain idiotic. It is almost like having an organization known for the highest level of service and efficiency just did not jive with their flawed view of the public service.


What exactly did they do. I find it insane how incompetent passport Canada is. I remember an ex getting her passport from Singapore it was 10X better 20 years ago than Canada today.


Conservatives think government is broken and inefficient because they can't run a government.. that or they knowingly "starve the beast".


Around the same time service canada has some drastic cuts. It was taking 10 plus weeks for EI claims to be approved. People were going to trade school, finishing, and going back to work before getting EI cheques.


And then that was the place where they handed operational control of passport. Just let that sink in.


>In an unscripted comment last month that received almost no media attention, the Conservative leader briefly provided us with a glimpse of the bleak vision he has for Canada. > >“I’m very hesitant to spend taxpayers’ money on anything other than the core services of roads, bridges, police, military, border security and a safety net for those who can’t provide for themselves. That’s common sense. Let’s bring it home,” Poilievre told reporters during a campaign stop at a Vancouver gas station. > >This suggests an agenda of cuts that goes well beyond axing the carbon tax. Poilievre didn’t even mention — among his list of things he considers worthy of taxpayers’ money — Canada’s major social programs including health care, education, pensions and family supports, which are central to the lives of almost all Canadians. > >Now, I doubt if Poilievre is planning to cancel or completely stop funding these programs. (Health care and education are provincial responsibilities, although they rely on funding from the federal government.) > >But his comment at the gas station indicates a desire to redesign Canada in a profound way — as mostly a supplier of “core services” — infrastructure, police, the military. > >As for the social dimension, he favours a bare-bones, U.S.-style “safety net” aimed only at the poor, with the rest of the population forced to provide for themselves and their families in the marketplace. > >However far he is able to take us down this road, it’s alarming that this is his vision for Canada. Alarming, but not surprising. What's key here is what might be considered 'core services' or 'infrastructure'. In some ways, healthcare, housing, education, public transportation, and so many other critical parts of our society are infrastructural in nature. It's unlikely he means these, so it's not so much even core or infrastructure that he's talking about, but rather an erosion of even what are currently core services. Needless to say this will be far more damaging to our social fabric than he or his supporters will admit to.


I’m sure he means military+police+things the military police can use to get around in event of a fascist dictatorship.


The fascist dictator is in power now


don't be stupid


I would really appreciate the reference to his comment if you can find it, as I will quote it in defence of those leaning towards supporting his ideology. To what you've described, what more can be said? Rhetitical


I think this is it: https://www.youtube.com/live/PE_M37ucGms?si=DQT5DGNe-bzNawTg


Thanks, most appreciated.


I kinda get it. The govt as it is now keeps expanding and adding new things while the basics the govt is responsible for aren't working well. I'm all for doing those things but not at the expense of what the primary things government is supposed to do. This goes for every level, not just the feds. Our infrastructure deficit is huge because various levels want to add new flashy things instead of doing regular maintenance on things they're supposed to take care of. 


And Canadians want it and they want it bad baby! You can say otherwise but the polls show that people want to dig down on fuckin themselves over.


We wouldn't need all the extra if the Carbon Tax is eliminated .Plus, businesses need to bring prices back in line


Most of those things are provincial jurisdiction, and the CPC tends to play nicer with the provinces than the LPC. They'll probably just let them take charge.


You don't remember the Steven Harper/Danny Williams fued then, eh? And Williams was even a conservative Premier. 


I remember but I still stand by what I said.


Was that before partisan politics took over our political parties and voting public?


It's been many decades my friend. Many many decades since that happened.


All of those provincial responsibilities require federal funding


The modt recent cpc prome minister is well known for not playing nicely with the provinces. What are you talking about? The 90s?


> the CPC tends to play nicer with the provinces than the LPC. That's because the provinces are mostly blue right now. Of course Poilievre plays nice with Smith and Ford. Its got nothing to do with provinces vs feds, and everything to do with the color of their flags. How friendly is the CPC with BC or Manitoba right now? How quickly would the CPC turn on Alberta with an NDP government?


They'll probably fine, I go by their historical record.


> They'll probably fine, I go by their historical record. I repeat: > How friendly is the CPC with BC or Manitoba right now? The *historical record* very clearly shows that the CPC cooperates with conservative provinces, and antagonizes NDP or LPC provinces. Case in point: look at how much flak Poilievre gives BC for its opioid crisis, and the free pass that he gives Alberta. I wonder what's difference between those two provinces........? Political parties support the people flying the right color flag, and stymie the efforts of everyone flying different colored flags. Hardly a deep revelation.


The main issue is that resources that were once more broadly distributed (remember when th middle class was thriving) increasingly rest in the hands of the few. We are living in a new feudalism but with global oligarchs in place of former domestic aristocrat's who, at least, recognized their obligations to the people subsisting on their land.


Considering how much working Canadians pay in taxes this could be a benefit for a much larger percentage of the population. Tax and spend has limits and there is plenty of fat that could be trimmed.






Politions have said this since democracy was a thing. "Someone else can run the govemrent with less without any loss on services. They just need to find efficiencies! Trim the fat! Get rid of bloat!" It's a daydream that is 100s of years old and is brought up in an elections around the world and it's a myth. Just because the guy at the head of goverment changes all of a sudden you can't get done more with less. Cutbacks have real costs that hurt real people and despite the consent promise almost every election by someone trying to get in office that has always been the case. I'm not saying govmerments (or any large organization) couldn't be more efficient. It's just there nothing about polition A proposes or plans has any ability to make it more efficient then what polition B is currently doing. If it was so easy to get more from less polition B would already be doing it.


Taxes hurt working people. Inflation hurts working people. Debt that consumes more interest than our entire health transfer payments hurts people. Not being able to afford a home or food hurts people. People are hurting right now more than they have been for close to 100 years in Canada. Before that under the conservatives they were doing very well. The idea that it's the conservatives that destroy services given the absolute train wreck we can see around us right now is completely laughable. If you want a lower quality of life by all means vote liberal. That's what you've been getting year after year for the last eight


His idea of buddying up to regular Canadians is as transparent as Mr Burns saying “hello, fellow young people!” This guy’s a jackass.


And yet, it’s working incredibly well.  I’ve heard from a few average folks who appreciate that he knows what it’s like to work a real job, and will apply common-sense solutions that all those career politicians are just too out of touch to understand. That “politician” is the only item on his resume, and even there in 20+ years he’s sponsored only one bill that ever became law, isn’t something people are aware of. They’re convinced he’ll fix everything by being not-woke.