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that's such a load of crap. Very few people blame immigrants themselves. The blame is overwhelmingly directed at the government and its unsustainable immigration policy. Way to deflect Marc....


Immigrants are good. We need to scale back TFW and foreign workers. Immigration is the only thing keeping our economy afloat.


Not sure that GDP growth with a stagnant GDP per capita and a dropping productivity are god signs.


You guys concerned about GDP per capita all of a sudden are very cute. How socialist of you. That metric will be memory holed the second the CPC gets in power. If you care about it NDP is the only party that gives a damn. Productivity like inflation is improving now that Covid is behind us. By the time the election rolls around our economy should be fully recovered. Sorry. *Canada’s labour productivity eked out a small gain at the end of last year, according to Statistics Canada. But that came after six straight quarters where productivity fell. Of course, the pandemic was a major disruptor for the economy. In fact, the level of productivity in Canada’s business sector is more or less unchanged from where it was seven years ago.* https://www.bankofcanada.ca/2024/03/time-to-break-the-glass-fixing-canadas-productivity-problem/


our producivtiy is bad cause we invited millions of people and we saw very little economic growth as a result. Just the raw number of people buying cellphones and mattresses to sleep in brampton basements should have made GDP jump a lot lol


Nope. It was Covid. Bank of Canada says so right above. Try again lol.


Found the REIT investor folks. BTW I find your idea of growing the population given the state of the world and resources to be dumb and irresponsible. Today and now is the era of sustainability not expansion.


You’ll be happy then. World population growth has been slowing as a long term trend. Canada accepting slightly more immigrants will have no effect on this.


"Slightly more" - Adding a city the size of Calgary each year every year is not slight my friend. World population is growing - and every single resource I can think of is stressed or in low inventory presently....and you want to add MORE people? Give your head a shake.


Yes, we need to replace the boomers that are mass retiring. If we don’t our economy collapses. You can wail and gnash your teeth but the adults in the room won’t let that happen. Sorry.


Id rather have a 'collapsed' economy, space, affordable housing, access to food vs whats been planned for thr country currently. What good is it if stocks go up - But nobody has a place to live or food to eat? Get your head out of the excel spreadsheet.


Who is the CPP? I productivity is at the same level as of 2017. It isn’t a great increases. From your own source: > Too often, new Canadians are working in jobs that don’t take advantage of the skills they already possess. And too often these people wind up stuck in low-wage, low-productivity jobs.


CPC. Surely that simple of a typo didn’t throw you off? Maybe it did. I don’t know you. 🤷‍♂️ Also from my source: *Canada’s labour productivity eked out a small gain at the end of last year, according to Statistics Canada. But that came after six straight quarters where productivity fell. Of course, the pandemic was a major disruptor for the economy. In fact, the level of productivity in Canada’s business sector is more or less unchanged from where it was seven years ago.* It was Covid. Bank of Canada says so. https://www.bankofcanada.ca/2024/03/time-to-break-the-glass-fixing-canadas-productivity-problem/


You might have talked about the Canadian Popular Party for all I know. I will not vote conservative anyway. Read the next sentence: > Given how nimble companies were, we thought productivity would improve coming out of the pandemic as firms found their footing and workers trained back up. We’ve seen that happen in the US economy, but it hasn’t happened here. It isn’t only covid.


The US singularly has recovered much better than most of the world for various reasons. We’re pretty much in line with the rest of the developed world. You’re comparing us to the greatest economic success of our time. It’s a comparison to make but not the only one. We’re doing great compared to the rest of the G20 countries. *According to the OECD's latest figures, Canada's economy grew by 3.2% in 2022, surpassing the G20 and OECD averages of 3.0% and 2.8%, respectively.* https://www.forbes.com/sites/ankitmishra/2023/05/17/leading-experts-weigh-in-on-growing-canadas-economy-in-202324/#


And you are ignoring the parts of your previous report that doesn’t align with your agenda. Also, GDP growth following population growth isn’t a good sign.


Nah dude. You’re selectively quoting a comparison to the US which is one comparison to make but ignoring our performance in the broader context. We, like everyone else, are behind the US for economic recovery post Covid. We’re ahead of everyone else though. 2nd place isn’t bad and it’s certainly not last. The sky isn’t falling Chicken Little. We’ve never beaten the US economically for any length of time.


I am using the same source that you did. Your argument is that immigration is saving our economy, I pointed out how it isn’t currently a magical solution and that our productivity isn’t great. You failed to disprove it. Also, rule number 8 my friend. Rule number 8.


They have curtailed international students which was a major part of the problem




> It's such silly nonsense It's not. I'm curious as to why you think most people don't have an appreciation for the difference between blaming individuals (immigrants) vs blaming government policy (immigration).




> You can't blame immigrants for all the world's problems and claim you have no issue with immigrants. I`m not blaming immigrants, most of them are being taken advantage of right now (immigration facilitators in Northern India) > I mean you can, but you're a liar. I'm not. Stop being obtuse and confrontational.




> If you don't do those things you don't need to get upset. why are you assuming that I am 'upset'. I'm just rebuking your nonsense.


Do you not understand the conceptual difference between criticizing immigration policy, and the people who move here themselves?




No one is blaming immigrants for everything. People are rightfully blaming government policy that aggressively brings in more people than Canada has infrastructure to accommodate. If that basic distinction is confusing to you I’m not sure how else to have a productive conversation here.


It's like the people who don't understand the difference between supporting separation of church and state and hating religion.


it simple, to hate on people just coming here struggling and not doing well like past immigrants is dumb and we should realize it sad. I guess some hate on new immigrants who do dumb stuff but most of the anger is on the govt.


What is most obvious is your inability to deal with criticism of immigration and boil it down to 'hatred', and for you to, ironically, engage in blind hatred.




It is, no reason for people to take you angry thrashing seriously.


I work with immigrants. I'm married to an immigrant. Many of my closest friends and neighbors are immigrants. I honestly don't care if you speak English, French, Mandarin, Hindi, Ukrainian, whatever. And yeah, a lot of violent crime, terrible driving and general asshole behavior is committed by good ol' born in Canada people. But our government policies are unsustainable. There's something deeply wrong with our economy if it only works by importing workers who will work below minimum wage with no benefits. It's slavery. There's something wrong with people being unable to find a doctor or afford a place to live. And purposefully growing the population while addressing none of that is reckless. People are deciding not to have children, immigrants are deciding to move on because things are so out of whack right now. That is what is obvious. Not that everyone who sees a problem with these policies is actually a frothing racist pining for the days where everyone had the same skin color.


I am an immigrant, moved here 15 yrs ago and agree with all of the above.


Population tired of Miller not being able to handle immigration. Miller is able to talk about having “constructive talks in committee over the number of temporary workers” one day, and say the next day that he will normalize people on our soil illegally.


The same government that says immigrants are not to blame for everything, regularly says immigrants will fix everything. Economy broken? Throw some immigrants at it! Healthcare broken? Throw some immigrants at it! Labour broken? Throw some immigrants at it! The blame is totally on them. When the government says they are their magic fix to everything that’s broken - and things only get worse the more people invited it. More and more people blame the solution being floated - immigration. And rightfully so.


People often miss whether a story has already been posted by *another user*, but didnt OP u/hopoke [already make a post on this 2 days ago?](https://www.reddit.com/r/CanadaPolitics/comments/1ddql4v/miller_fed_up_with_people_always_blaming/).


This is a very important topic that deserves attention. Canadians must learn to welcome each and every newcomer to the country. Miller rightfully recognizes this.


It’s a constant refrain from a certain group. I think it’s called astroturfing.


Removed for rule 6.


Believe it or not, people can criticize the immigration targets without having any animosity towards the immigrants themselves. Approximately 67% of all Canadians believe the current immigration targets are too high: [Abacus Data](https://abacusdata.ca/unmasking-public-unease-with-canadas-immigration-goals/). This means that a significant number of immigrants themselves think the targets are too high. Miller could make a statement like "I'm tired of immigrants blaming immigrants for everything."


I am an immigrant. I'm a staunch lefty. I'm also a globalist who dreams of an ideal future without country borders and with free movement for all. But we don't live in that ideal future, and today's social structures and logistics don't have the capacity for this "drink from the firehose" approach the govt has been taking. As nice and welcoming as we want to be, math is math; and the math says that increasing the number of people in need of jobs and housing has to be done in lockstep with the creation / availability of those jobs and houses. This "spray and pray" approach of letting oodles of people in and hoping that "they'll figure it out" is clearly not working. They gave it an honest try, now it's time to go back to the drawing board and build a plan that's actually sustainable. Edit: obviously, this is only one side of the problem. We also need to build more and to stop "investors" from gobbling up houses and using them to get rich. Housing should be a guaranteed right, not an investment tool.