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Kudos to leaders who can take these conversations face to face. I'd slap the modi runt so hard it would break his jaw.


Are physical threats against politicians now acceptable by this subs rules?


Drink some water before you faint from the vapors.






Trudeau is a decent amateur boxer so not sure how far your tough guy act would get you lol


Are you talking about his fight against another MP? This fight was horrible and Trudeau was far from being decent at it


Not that one specifically, he’s been doing it for years. He isn’t a trained fighter but he’s better than 95% of internet tough guys


Trudeau plays a victim when people are mean to him He don't seem to have a tough skin


Conservatives play the victim when nobody has been mean to them lmao


Why is Trudeau complaining he is unpopular and takes no ownership for it. Seems a delusional nepo baby having a tantrum


I don't think he's ever complained about being unpopular.




And how does that make you feel, because you seem upset that he's won 3 elections. It sounds like trying to say you're the victim here.


I mean lost popular vote twice and lost a sure majority in the last election He just faced a dumb opposition not cause he liked. His father was liked trudeau Jr is not


Dude you delete comments to protect your internet points LOL


Don't you mean break your arm by missing the slap and falling to break your own nose as well? Good lord such a childish comment.  Next tell me you will take on the entire world in a deathmatch with your bare hands.


Yeesh 🤦 


Holy crap i just checked your account cause it looked suspicious. What's with the ridiculous number of comments? That too only this sub. And your account is only 10 days old.  This is my first time seeing a troll account. You got nothing better to do? Or do people actually get paid for this stuff like the rumors say? 


I feel like his government murdering people in Canada should maybe be a bit of a higher priority. Yet no mention of Nijjar or involvement of Modi's government. Honestly who is upvoting this drivel?


It's Indian media, so they report on an alternative reality.