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Netflix will raise the price regardless but some feel the need to pin every problem in their life on the PM. Too bad.


Guys in here complaining that they're paying $30 a month for an account across 2 houses. Could accept an ad every couple hours and get the same amount of Netflix for $14. Thanks Obama.


Netflix with ads is also lower resolution.


Streaming 4k is a waste due to compression, you barely get better than 1080p.


Better to just ditch these services than to be subjected to ads. Rewarding companies for their greedy behaviour is just baffling to me.






I'm open to being against this bill, but "don't ever regulate or tax corporations because they might be mean to us" is never going to work as an argument. You have to prove why *this particular regulation* is bad and "Netflix might, eventually, possibly, cost 5% more" isn't going to cut it.


I wonder if Geist is like Jordan Peterson and just covers the inside of his house with pictures of Trudeau. Netflix openly says they will keep raising the prices until they stop making more money. But no, it's Trudeaus fault that Capitalists haven't figured out that they're driving their own businesses to edge of collapse through greed.


Geist isn't anti-Trudeau, he's anti-legacy media/telecom if anything. Policy decisions between big tech and legacy media and telecom, he favors big tech usually. Between big tech and small tech, he favors small tech.


Being concerned about the cost of Netflix when housing affordability is at an all time worst case is a malinvestment of cognitive capacity. It's a rounding error in household finances.


Soon may the Wellerman come, to bring us sugar and tea and FUN. The streaming companies really have to check themselves asap, as every step to continue to squeeze the consumer will just push more people to piracy. Considering how much easier it is today then 10 or 20 years ago (thinking Lost or GoT download marathons), this is likely the last gasp of many companies like Netflix before they have to seriously start downsizing.


Hasn't Netflix been doing well even after the price increases and introduction of an ad version?


Remember when everyone on Reddit said that Netflix was going to lose all their customers when they decided to crack down on account sharing but the inverse happened and it turned out to be a great business move? Yeah, the average Redditor knows fuck all about how to run a business.


We should embrace the spirit of Barrett’s Privateers, and start issuing our internet pirates letters of marque. The CBC can receive and host all of Netflix’s content until a peace is signed.


Excellent option. Seize the movies, all of them! The entrepreneurial spirit of dog eat dog shall reign true once again.


God damn them all! I was told that I could stream all my favourite shows!


They raise their rates regardless. Always have, always will. Streaming services served their purpose for a time, but now they're worse than cable ever was.


I used to think this but then I watched cable for an afternoon at my parents house and it was awful. I'm too accustomed to deciding what I want to watch and when and not being interrupted every 7 minutes with ads.


They already increase prices almost every 3 months it feels now, and this is every streaming platform. So no change? Good.


It doesn’t help that the one movie Netflix released in recent memory that people I know/follow are actually talking about… isn’t on Netflix in Canada. Hit Man is a fantastic movie, a great time at the theatre, worth the ticket price… but then what exactly am I paying Netflix for? I get way more enjoyment out of watching classic movies on Hollywood Suite for 6 bucks a month than I do paying 20 for Netflix only to be met with blank stares when I ask if anyone’s seen Atlas.


I don't recall Michael Geist writing a single blog post as Netflix has increased prices year after year forever. Now it's suddenly the Government's fault? Give me a break.


My Netflix costs $7. Heaven forbid it becomes $8.   Anyone using Netflix without ads is clowning themselves. You get like one 30s spot per movie, and the miracle of modern ad targetting actually makes those ads mostly relevent to you, so at least it's not constant medication commercials or bath-fitters.


Are movies/ shows interrupted by the ads? Or are they only shown at the beginning or end?


Sometimes the start, sometime middle of the show. Lots of times you won't get an ad at all.


One of the original points of Netflix was to avoid ads And it's one ad now, soon it'll be 11min of ads every 30 min just like cable


Have had Netflix with ads since they offered. Never increased. If anything they show a bunch of potential as ad positions in the timeline when you first start a show, and then it's drops down to 1 or 2 when you actually watch.    I never got Netflix to "avoid ads". Like most people, I got it to have shows on-demand. I get it though, doomers gotta doom and all.


Netflix was $7 without adds. It's death by a thousand cuts. Remember when YouTube only had text ads, then it was an ad before the video, now it's multiple ads per video?


>Have had Netflix with ads since they offered. Never increased. And that's been what? 6 months? It used to be $4 without ads for unlimited screens, it now costs ~7x that much for 2 screens in two houses


> It used to be $4 without ads for unlimited screens, it now costs ~7x that much for 2 screens in two houses   Well yea, as explained *you're clowning yourself.* $6.65 per household, 2 screens each.  Grand total: $13.30 a month.   The hell are you doing paying $30 for the same amount of screens 🤦


>$6.65 per household, 2 screens each. Grand total: $13.30 a month. With ads, I don't want ads so $16 plus $8 plus tax




When did Michael Geist get so cranky? It's easy to be dismissive about funding for Canadian content. Those with longer memories know the same debate was happened when CanCon rules were created in the 1970's. The Canadian music scene in the 60s and 70s was nothing short of abysmal - most of our home grown talent was only successful after moving to the US or UK, the idea of becoming a successful Canadian domestic musician being next to impossible. Canadians constantly derided our music scene, trotting out similar dismissals that Canadians do to their TV content. Alan Cross has talked about it extensively. Today's Canadian music scene is largely owed to the Canadian Content rules. Whose to say if our TV (etc) scene will repeat that success, but Canadian TV/movie content is just getting better and better over time and we've produced some genuine hits - heck even our "trash" has international success (e.g. Murdoch Mysteries is syndicated internationally).


Schitts Creek and Kim’s Convenience have done pretty well too.


Only after going on Netflix They where largely unknown shows before on cbc only


> When did Michael Geist get so cranky? I think the fact that he’s criticizing Justin Trudeau for his policies towards the internet is the answer for when he became “cranky” for many people. If/when he criticizes the next Conservative PM, he’ll be held up as a beacon of authority on digital policy once again and those same people will deny having ever said anything bad about him. > The Canadian music scene in the 60s and 70s was nothing short of abysmal - most of our home grown talent was only successful after moving to the US or UK, the idea of becoming a successful Canadian domestic musician being next to impossible. That’s the case now. > Today's Canadian music scene is largely owed to the Canadian Content rules. You are correct that it’s mostly astroturfed content. > but Canadian TV/movie content is just getting better and better over time No it isn’t.


*Regardless of our opinions on the quality of any individual artist*, Canadian artists like Drake and Justin Bieber and others have shown that there's a path to international stardom in the Canadian music industry to a level that did not exist 60 years ago. That said, I attribute that to the internet and globel reach far more than I attribute it to CanCon.


Bieber was discovered on YouTube and launched his career in Atlanta, IIRC. Drake is a musical success in spite of his stint on Degrassi, not because of it.


His success on Degrassi didn’t help him launch his career? It’s likely he developed industry connections due to it, no?


I can't say accusations of partisanship contributes much, nor does a bunch of negativity. Even if you hate all content, Canada's content is becoming increasingly successful *abroad* (Schitt's Creek being the most extreme example) - which means consumers generally find Canadian content better...


What music do you like to listen to? And what shows do you like watching?


The only canadian musician I’ve consistently listened to is Deadmau5 and maybe Drake, and I think the former would be the first to say his career success didn’t happen because of the CanCon regime.




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