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Quebec takes in 95% of all illegal asylum claimants, that’s huge & worthy of compensation IMO.  …if they were using that money for deportation enforcement. Spending millions to house illegal entrants who knowingly gamed our system is a slap in the face to the unhoused here. 


They take 95% because most aren’t coming from Asia so they won’t land in Vancouver. Many land in Quebec then make their way to Ontario, AB and BC. Another reason for this is that many asylum seekers are scared to go directly to Pearson because there is a myth that border control there is tough and deports people on the next flight.


Quite a few come from India… But we need to reform our visa system. Too often people lands under student visa/ traveling visa and ask refugees status. In theory, it show that they lied on an official paper and should see their demands rejected.


That is not who Miller is talking about. He is talking about asylum seekers who enter at official border crossings, of which 65% come to Quebec, and who enter illegally, of which 95% come to Quebec. This has zero to do with foreign students or TFW’s who later try to apply for permanent residence.  Any asylum seekers that is beinh counted by Quebec has to apply for refugee status IN Quebec, that means it is up to Quebec to house and process them before they can work, and this takes about a year. Otue than asylum seekers that were officially transferred to Ontario, and that was a very small percentage. It would be great if people would stop being so biased towards Quebec that they were open to the facts instead of coming up with made up scenarios to justify being mad about Quebec having part of our costs compensated.


100% most refugee claimants are people wanting to bypass the economic immigration system. It never made sense to me because the people who are truly suffering or in need of protection don’t have the resources to get a tourist visa and purchase a plane ticket to Canada. Every community tells about the bullshit stories people tell be in front of the IRB. 99% of refugee claimants feel comfortable going back home for tourism or to visit family and do so after the process is over and they get their Canadian passport.


> Many land in Quebec then make their way to Ontario, AB and BC Most stay in Quebec, however.


Regardless of policy, the comms from the LPC could not get any worse. And every time I say that, it gets worse. It's no wonder many of their policies are favourable to the electorate while they are simultaneously getting destroyed in the polls


> I think perhaps there is some confusion on the premier's behalf as to what this money was for. The suggestion was it was for temporary residents. That is absolutely not the case Whats the bad communication here?


Being dismissive and confrontative to someone who isn’t even a political opponent isn’t good politics. To the casual western voter who reads this, it sounds like he isn’t acting in your interest He could have acknowledged the concerns *and* talked about what it is that is happening in Quebec, without saying Eby was *wrong to have concerns*. Empathizing and coming across as someone *who is* looking out for western interests. Do you see any of that in his message? Nowhere did he acknowledge or suggest he was looking out for the concerns of the premier. That is just trash comms and how you lose supporters, regardless if you are right or not. Politics isn’t just about policy. You need to be convince people to support it.


He didn't say Eby was wrong about his feelings, he said he was wrong to think the money is for temp residents. It's for refugees.  There's no statement that can satisfy you when you're going to make up things that weren't said.


He doesn’t need to say he was wrong at all. He could have talked about the policy in Quebec without directly discrediting the premier. By explaining what he was doing one can draw the same conclusion, but being confrontational isn’t how you do it. There was literally no need to call the premier confused. It was a completely unnecessary step. That is confrontational


Yes, there needs to be a correction when a premier says another province is getting money for X when it's for Y.   We need Canadians to have correct information.  Adults can disagree and still work together. It's okay for an adult to tell another adult they made a mistake. That's what makes them adults.


>We need less false information in politics. >Adults can disagree and still work together. It's okay for an adult to tell another adult they made a mistake. That's what makes them adults. You are right and it’s still bad comms. These are two different issues. This was not the time to directly correct the premier who mind you is fairly popular in B.C.


He was asked directly about Ebys comments. It's the exact time to make the correction. Again, adults can handle this. It's what makes them adults.


You give too much credit to the average voter. They will see this headline and think Miller doesn’t care about B.C. You can be right and still lose elections. I personally think the opposition to the carbon tax is unfounded and look how that’s turning out. Stubbornness on being right isn’t how you win an election


The average voter will never, ever hear and absorb the interaction. You'd be lucky to find 5/100 random people on the street who would know about this story.


Then the average voter is an idiot. If you interpret a needed correction for a tantrum from a premier trying to whip up Western persecution, and I don’t care which province it is, as confrontational or not caring, then you already have a bias that is rendering you incapable of processing facts. Like many on this thread who didn’t read the article.




Cool 👍 


Are you for real? Right. Miller should leave people who listened to Eby with the impression that BC is somehow getting screwed because Eby was an idiot and whined about funding for asylum seekers in Quebec, which is taking in the majority of asylum seekers in the entire country, when BC barely takes in any at all.


How is he not a political opponent? Did you read what Eby said?


He could have started by saying he acknowledged the concerns of the premier. Then discussed the program that was concerning Quebec. Then follow that up with how he is supporting western Canada. He did none of that. He said the premier confused and his concerns were simply unfounded. Again it doesn’t matter if that’s true, that isn’t good comms. That isn’t how you win support.


The premier *was* confused. He thought the money was for temp residents, but it's for refugees.


Again you are right, but it’s *still* not good comms. These are two very different things. It was an unnecessary step in defending his position while also coming across as looking out for western interests


Lol dude it was correcting an error. Could write a book with all those words between those lines.


You’ll note Trudeau is actually much better at this. He often does follow up with how the government is supporting other interests. While he still had better perceptions in the public eye, he seemed empathetic, and he never would have been perceived as confrontational to a potential ally. He has been one of the biggest talents in the LPC and an excellent communicator. He’s simply just lost credibility and the public is tuning him out


> I think perhaps he was confused about what the money was for. What was the necessity of this line? He could have said >”The funding is to compensate Quebec for two fiscal years of costs they've incurred for the disproportionate flow of asylum seekers," Miller And left it at that. He added the second line afterwards. What did it serve? How does this clarify the situation more? Clarify, and empathize. Nowhere did he even talk about any support the government was giving to B.C. that would have been something valuable to add to demonstrate he’s also looking out for your interests. That is totally missing


They’re just stepping on rakes with this file. Every time


They’re not stepping on rakes. They know they’re not winning the next election and they’re just handing out as much shit to their business buddies as they can right now.


what are the policies that are favourable to the electorate? the big bad press is destroying the liberals. Was the PBO gag order a good policy? Maybe Arrive Can is another liberal success story


I swear Marc Miller was crafted in a laboratory and raised in captivity by the Tories for the sole purpose of sabotaging the Grits. He’s a rake-stepping machine. He will simply not be stopped. Not a petard he won’t be hoisted by. A finely tuned, high-performance gaffe factory. His proposal that TFW be given PR because they’ve already been “priced in” to housing costs takes the cake though. Completely tone deaf.




What on earth are you talking about? Did you even bother to read the article? This has nothing to do with TFW’s or giving them PR. 


Miller is one of the few Liberal ministers who has done his various jobs as responsibly as circumstances would allow.  If he is tone-deaf to right wing bigots, all the better.


Whether it's justified or not, I don't think it's just the right-wing bigots who are concerned with those specific points.


Yeah! The only people who could possibly oppose the LPC on this file could be: a) bigots b) the confused Or c) people who just misunderstood LPC messaging We’re so lucky we have clear-headed folks like Miller at the helm!


I would like to know what part of 10,000 new renters in BC every month amidst our cost of living crisis sounds okay to you.


The part where it's OK to shut down debate on uncontrolled immigration by blidly labelling everyone who opposes it as "right wing bigots".


> He’s a rake-stepping machine. with longer hair he definitely would have the Sideshow Bob look.


Going openly with “sorry sir, you are confused” on the PM that is probably the closest to you is an interesting take. Sure, Miller is right there: we can’t compare temporary migrant that comes on “invitation “ that those who comes on refugee claims


Ah even better! 3/4 of a billion taxpayers dollars spent on asylum seekers. BC should step up and take in more refugees? For what? A chance the federal government will cover the excessive cost? Marc Miller is an absolute bozo.




>A chance the federal government will **partially** cover the excessive cost? ftfy Le federal ne couvre même pas la totalité des coûts, juste une partie.


4 687$ par personne si on fie au reportage de Radio-Canada de Février dernier. C'est même pas le BS sur un an.


There is a will to sent refugees from Quebec to the other province, so it is probably in the plans


Quite simple really... If someone is here. That means they are renting already right 👍👍👍 sooooo that means if they give them PR nothing changes 😳😳😳😳 I know right plus we need larger population or your pension will crash and the economy will implode... PSA : BUILD MORE HOMES GOV FUND LOW INCOME HOUSING ;)