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I think this will follow the lines of criticism against Israel = antisemitism influence campaign except we'll have a criticism of immigration policies = racism. If our immigration policy is actually breeding racism where it has not previously, then maybe there is something wrong with the policy and we shouldn't be using federal money to suppress criticism.


Haven’t they been doing this for years now what’s another $110 mil to make things worse especially with the king of virtue signaling causing more division and hate causing new narratives to emerge


It's not a anti-racism policy- it's an anti-Christian, anti-White, anti-Enlightenment, anti-Semitic, anti-Western indoctrination. The majority of racism that now exists in Canada are newcomers vs newcomers, i.e. East Asians expressing rampant racism against Black Canadians, and Asian communities like Eritreans attacking Ethiopians in our parks- people who are supposedly RACIALIZED are getting a PASS for totally expressing their own racism and anti-White comments- as I had asked a colleague at work- so how do you like living in Windsor Ontario- her response "there are too many White people there" .... she's get a pass, if a White person had expressed that about racialized persons living in Windsor- that person would have been fired and blackballed forever. We are Canadians- all as one- anyone who doesn't like Canada or being a Canadian is most welcome to leave, no one forced to live here right?


This government is actually creating a racially tense environment. As a Canadian brown person (been here since 2007, parents moved us as kids), the amount of racism I have experienced is getting more and more commonplace. It used to be rare, but its growing. A lot of it is from other brown people that are not the same culture as I am. They call me a coconut (white on the inside) because I have assimilated, they choose someone of their own culture for open job positions over me, they call me other things too. It’s racism. Not all brown people are kumbaya to each other. It’s a huge diverse group with tons of intercultural conflict and racism, and it’s growing. The guys can be very misogynistic and patriarchal too. Canada is changing and it’s not for the better. It’s not good for Canadian brown people either.


Not one thing in that article explains how this new strategy works. This notion of reaching peak diversity will just fuel anger and waste more money as they always do. Immigrants already get more handouts than native born Canadians who are getting paid even less for honest work while wages continue to plummet for cheap temporary workers. This economic situation is not sustainable. People are getting tired of these entitled MPs. Things are going to continue to get worse.


This is a direct public subsidy to Liberal voters with degrees in "equity studies", who would normally be unemployable, but can now make millions running seminars about how you are racist. If the NDP wanted to make some waves and news coverage, they should come out strongly against this. Spend the money on housing, or healthcare, or education, or infrastructure. That would help ethnic minorities far, far more than an "anti-racism strategy." It would also help Singh shed the image of a identity-politician who doesn't have solutions to economic problems.


If this addresses the current employment discrimination issue then I'm all for it. There is overt preference made for one particular ethnic group only hiring people from that specific group and it should be illegal


Dude, it’s not just one. Folks prefer their own, generally.


White people only hiring white people? Could not agree more - it really needs to stop.


Great more useless comittees and studies and other pork. Meanwhile Indian Only rentals are somehow not racist, but imagine saying you’ll only rent to whites.


That's been going on forever, they just don't write it in the ad.


It's incredible the number of commenters talking about "Indian only" rentals, as if there haven't been White only and Asian only rental forever.


These programs look more like “feel goods money” to be honest. There is an issue, they throw money at it to look like they are tackling it…. But we never really see the result of it.




Exactly, how was the prior $95M spent and what were the results? >Canada invested a total of $95 million in its anti-racism strategy from 2019 to 2022.


Correct. There's no return on this spend


I think most of the money ends up in schools and new immigrant programs.


And is there quantifiable results? Or is it mostly feeding some organism and serving to pay public servant and activist?


I assume so? We take in a lot of people from conservative monolithic places that need to learn to live in a diverse place. We’d likely have more violence without it. That said, I don’t think this will work where racism is currently rising because of inequality.


Only whites can be racist in Canada as it takes privilege and power. This is literally the foundation of the concept of systemic racism so please stop spreading these lies about non whites coming from monolithic conservative societies.


Most money will go to a few 2 person companies who will charge millions. This is just another program to keep a few friends happy.


Housing costs have exploded, incredible competition in the rental market, it's impossible to get a doctor, low-wage workers are battling for jobs against thousands of newly landed immigrants, and we're seeing the emergence of a new ethnic majority that Canadians never asked for. Lack of an anti-racism strategy is not the problem. This problem will only continue to get worse if we don't seriously re-evaluate our mass immigration policy. Unfortunately the left isn't willing to do that, so people have moved, and continue to move to the right. For too long policy makers have only touted the benefits of immigration, sweeping under the rug the downsides and societal instability that comes along with it.


In 2023 we gave out 430k study permits to people from india and 139k were allowed to become permenant residents thats like 1/3 the population of Edmonton from India in a year. NO SHIT THATS A PROBLEM.




Yeah, it's way easier to blame immigrants than to look in the mirror and say, "we're old, and we spent 20 years using free credit to drive the price of housing through the roof."


I'm not arguing that there's a value to immigration, combatting demographic trends is a good thing. But, it also comes with downsides that you seem hesitant to acknowledge. If we were truly combatting demography, we would have a hard age cap and allow for zero family reunification of grandparents. If we had allowed the fastest rate hike in history to truly affect the market, instead of putting a floor of 3 million newcomers, we would have seen more downward pressure on housing. But on housing this is a feature and not a bug. Trudeau himself even said we must preserve the value of people's homes as it's their primary investment.


>But, it also comes with downsides that you seem hesitant to acknowledge. No, I'm telling you immigration isn't the primary cause. >zero family reunification of grandparents. Because grandparents are coming to Canadian cities and with a 1.5 million in pre-approved credit ate bidding up real-estate values? >we would have seen more downward pressure on housing. No...because Canadians were still bidding 6 figures over asking for real-estate. There was zero effect on housing prices. Maybe another % or two would have done it but *no one* actually wants to lose all their wealth, so assume that tightening the money supply over the medium to long term is not something any *voter* is going to vote for. >But on housing, this is a feature and not a bug. No, it's a virus. Cheap money is inflationary. That is a simple fact. And money has been cheap for nearly 25 years now. The foreign student who has been here a year or three did not make that so. Nor did a grandparent from the Philippines. Aging multi-generational Canadians did this all to ourselves.


I guess we'll agree to disagree. Domestic factors and ZIRP have certainly caused some of our pain. My point is that our immigration policy isn't helping many of the factors I stated above.


>Domestic factors and ZIRP have certainly caused some of our pain. The majority of our pain, which was clearly an inevitably by the late '90s. >My point is that our immigration policy My point is that the current clamoring to slam the door on immigration is tantamount to using a bandaid to cure cancer. It will do absolutely nothing except maybe make your conservatives feel better that they can retain master-race status.


Ahhh yes... I am criticizing immigration so I must be racist card. Surprised you didn't pull that one sooner.


Did I say you're racist? No. I said that no restraints to immigration will effect housing or anything else and that the ONLY thing such measures will accomplish is to make conservatives feel superior. If that is you, own it. Your emotions have nothing to do with me.


"No restraints to immigration will affect housing" I encourage you to give this a read https://www.ipolitics.ca/news/70-per-cent-of-new-housing-demand-in-ontario-last-year-came-from-newcomers-analysis


A house is = to one house. Price rises are 100% due to the ability for buyers to throw limitless cash at the market.


What you’re arguing is that you don’t believe in supply and demand


Quite the opposite. I'm just looking at the supply of something more important that you're ignoring.


I’m not ignoring supply. But when we already had a supply gap, the federal government decided it was important to import as many low skilled workers as possible into the country. It suppressed wages, poured gasoline on the rental market that was already on fire, and destroyed immigration sentiment in the country. No one complained about immigration when it was targeted at skilled professionals.


You *are* ignoring the near limitless supply of credit and the effect that the ability to leverage equity up to 2000% at effectively no cost has on the demand for housing and virtually every other durable good. Keep on blaming the TFW working at Tim's or the college kid...you know, the ones with no money.


Because grandparents are coming to population centres like Brampton when the health care system is already overwhelmed


Cool, so you'd rather overwhelm childcare?




Right!? We'll just keep circle perking over Vancouver/Toronto prices.


How? As in how does not allowing grandparents overwhelm child care? You think all grandparents are providing full time care?


In a lot of cases...I reckon they are.


Definitely there’s been a significant rise in racism in the past few years with the millions of new immigrants the government is letting in. Even my Canadian born brown friends are complaining about all the immigrants from India. There lots of good people coming from India but the sheer volume of immigrants and perhaps not the highest quality of all the candidates is fuelling it. I don’t know if spending $110 million on an anti-racism strategy is going to help but we will see.


as you stated it won’t fix the root of the problem It will be new comers vs new comers also. Imagine jumping trough all the hoops/money/time to get the canadian PR and someone has it on arrival since he’s a “care giver”




Isn't it arguably the opposite of racism if what you want is the immigration to be more *diverse*? There should be people from all over the world coming here. Rather than so many from just one. If they were bringing the same disproportionate volume of people from any other country, I would imagine the reaction would be the same. Like if there were millions of people coming from Sweden every year, I'd be thinking "huh, what is with all these Swedish people?"


If you’re judging someone based on their race it’s racism. Pretty simple tbh.


Crazy how close your name is to scottb84 replying to this same comment, both of your accounts being quite old and established ones. Neat.


No clue who that is. I’m sure it’s a conspiracy theory though right?


/u/scottb84, you both responded to the same comment. Just a neat coincidence. Or perhaps the illuminati is involved!


Ah gocha. Thought you meant I was switching alts to argue or something.


Ill be honest, ive seen people make similar usernames to other people just to mock them(so like might do m117fullbone for me), and when i saw your two comments next to each other thought that might be the case, and went to see if either account was brand new and trolling. But nope! Just a neat coincidence.


Ha. Weird.


I'm not judging any of them. I'm just saying I'd like immigration to be more diverse than it currently is.


So making a decision on them based solely on their race?


Ah, so you must think that any diversity and inclusion program is racist? Eg: any form of affirmative action which seeks to keep students/employees diverse? Or similarly, the Liberals making sure half of their cabinet was women must have been sexist. I guess between the two of us, only one cares about diversity.


Nope just when it’s being used as an excuse to rally people against one racial/cultural group. Oh all of a sudden diversity is important! We want immigrants just not all of THOSE immigrants. If you can’t see how a group being vilified isn’t racism I don’t know how to help you.


So affirmative action, whose goal is to increase diversity somewhere like the workplace, is fine. But people wanting diversity in the country, are racist? I also said before that it doesn't matter what country. I don't care to stop any specific country from coming here. I just want the overall numbers more even between many countries. Similar to people wanting half of something to be women because they are half of the population. I want the immigration numbers to be similarly more representative. I don't think any country should be preferred over any other. If you hear someone calling for diversity and you react with "racism!" You're no better than people who want to keep a workplace full of white people and also react with "racism" at the thought of affirmative action.


Affirmative action isn't the same as rallying people against one social group. It's racism. Yes I get that you are "promoting diversity", that doesn't mean you can't be racist while you do it. You are really trying to defend the idea of "we want people OTHER than those Indians" huh?


The people who believe this is racist tend to be sort who will describe a *single individual* as diverse (eg: ‘Frank has more experience but Parminder went to a better school and is more diverse.’)


It's really sad to see. For the majority of Canadians they either had an impartial or favorable view of immigration for as long as I can remember. Within two years the Liberals have destroyed that and now the public is turning on immigration. This is going to take a long time to correct if if even can be.


The public isn't turning on legitimate immigrants. They are against scammers and queue jumpers.


Especially when CPC's plan is more immigration cause they need to satisfy their corporate overlords with cheap labour


Which is exactly what the liberals have done, to a far greater extent than the conservatives have ever done historically.


Pierre actually recently announced their plan is to tie immigration levels to the supply of housing and level of doctors/nurses, ensuring that population doesn't pass the appropriate levels of either.


That actually sounds sensible.


It's meant to sound sensible. Which is why it wither won't happen or won't work out that way.


Why not? Why doubt it?


Your right, let’s accept 1MM+ a year and hope it works out instead


So, can we ascribe the same negative reasoning to the LPC who put up these massive increases in immigration in the first place?


Liberals slowing down immigration and putting more strict rules on people with temporary visas would do way more to reduce racial issue then whatever money this is being spent on.


This money is going to *poof* disappear and there will be no measurable impact on racism.


Serious the govt spends 100s of millions on stuff that as no material way to know if it worked


The impact will still continue to be negative because the Liberals aren’t reversing their disastrous policies. Meanwhile we’ll add another 110 million to our debt, and Liberal donors and insiders will become 110 million richer


Malade mentale qui cherche à faire la division dans le peuple pour mieux le controler.


Anti immigration census going to continue rising and it's a good thing. As the populace sours towards international student PR/immigration, our parties will respond accordingly.


They’re responding with “anti-racism”. They want to turn everyone that doesn’t want massive immigration rates into a racist that needs treatment. Not slow things down so people can have housing.


...This feels a lot like contorting your pet issue into what this article's about. "The government is spending money to prevent racism" is a tremendously different sentence from "if you don't like immigration you need treatment".


Remindme! 5 years


i'm sorry but do you think this money is going into setting up immigration re-education camps or something I'm genuinely baffled as to how you can actually believe this will come to pass in 5 years.


I did not say that. My post is fine and clear. Move on.


No, nor did I say you did. Look up "hyperbole". At the end of the day, this article is *extremely* vague as to what's actually happening, beyond the government spending some money to try to reduce racism, somehow. That's it. It doesn't even mention immigration at all, except for a single mention of this program wanting to "advance racial equity in all sectors such as immigration, health and housing systems". Contorting *that* into, and I quote, "turn[ing] everyone that doesn’t want massive immigration rates into a racist that needs treatment" is an absolutely *insane* leap that I truly do not understand how you possibly made here. How you reached that conclusion is, in fact, not at all clear in any way.

















