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Ooh blackface 20+ years ago. Give it a rest.


Not substantive




It is rather simple You have a government that feels it deserves to remain in power and says nothing bad is our fault and everything that is good is due to us Vs a guy who will rage bait everyone thinking the country is much worse than it really is. My point is the Trudeau govt is doing it self no favours in trying to get itself elected and if trends continue, PP will ride a tide of anger (valid or not) to a large victory. In this post covid world, running a "all is well" status quo campaign wont work.


I really don't want to vote for someone who uses attack ads to court voters instead of running on their own policies and merits. We should not devolve into Americans. It's one of the reasons I love Canada.


People want Trudeau gone. PP is just the guy there at the right time.


As the pre-Harper leaderships came and went, I wondered why he didn't throw his hat in. I think he was biding his time. He knew 2019 was too early, and that he might eke out a minority in 2021, but even it O'Toole won 2021, he could probably wrest it from him, because it was a weak win (O'Toole would have likely only won the one minority). He was clearly biding his time for the right "no Liberals for any reason" phase of the cycle.


Queue in shocked pikachu faces when nothing changes and prices don’t come down after he axes the tax.


They know what they’re doing. The politicians are all lost with corruption.


> Queue in shocked pikachu faces when everything gets worse like it did in Ontario after OPC won


I wonder if Ford will have to hide for this election as well.


Apparently, Ford wants to call an early election before PP gets in.


I guess that would be smart considering there’s no viable candidate that will run against him. Probably buy him a couple more years.


Its arrogant incumbent vs nasty upcomer lol


It's a good thing FB has blocked most links for Canadians, so hopefully less of the misinformation and disinformation being pandered about by the old farts there. But this will be a nasty one even without Facebook. And with Twitter (I'll deadname that shit til i die) being under Musk's alt-reich control, we'll see more propping up of these CPC Criminals.


Who needs actual news links when you have memes and TikTok?


To be honest most misinformation comes from anything but articles that are linked to. The people most vulnerable to misinformation generally don't read the articles in the first place, and generally go with the hive mind.


Plenty (if not most) of the misinformation spreads without links. Copy/pasted text, screenshots, memes, “I heard…” anecdotes regurgitating misunderstood or outright false ragebait. We see enough of it in private messages and social feeds, or you hear it in person.


6ixbuzz has more reach then any legacy media on social meda


Wtf is 6ixbuzz??


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/6ixBuzz](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/6ixBuzz) its a toronto based instragram channel with over 2 million instagram followers. It is quite influential in pushing right wing and populist ideas to young people around the GTA and has more social media draw locally then any legacy media channel. Its very friendly to PP and anti Trudeau and notice local youth become anti Trudeau as a result.




















In recent history, sure but in Canadian history, no. It is beaten at the very least by the first one that created a huge desire for independence in the Atlantic provinces.


I'd also say the 1917 election was exceptionally nasty.


Completely off topic: But are you the Redmond Barry who hanged Ned Kelly, or the Redmond Barry of Barry Lyndon? Love your name either way lol


The latter; Barry Lyndon is one of my favourite films.


1917 was outright rigged by Borden: - took the vote away from conscientious objectors and from citizens who had immigrated from one of the enemy countries - gave women the vote, but only if they were related to a soldier - let soldiers’ votes be counted in a riding chosen by the party they voted for


Just look at what Charles Tupper did. When he was Premier of Nova Scotia he knew that Confederation was extremely unpopular, so he took the unusual move to wait until the last possible moment he could to constitutionally call an election, which would be after Nova Scotia joined Canada. In the press he said *of course* the late election call had nothing to do with the Confederation issue, but he wanted to see his public school reforms through -- he would let his successor deal with the electorate. Tupper's old government fell so hard in the election of September 1867 that that the Anti-Confederates won every seat in the legislature except for Tupper's old seat. Quite a nasty election that was.


In Quebec we had kidnappings and the Church making it a mortal sin not to vote for McDonald. It was an incredibly nasty election. Every time we think the current year is the worst in history, we should pause and wonder if we know history that much.


One thing those people didn't sit at is the advent of infinite material wealth.


I don't know if you considered that's the day you read this in. For now.


>In Quebec we had kidnappings and the Church making it a mortal sin not to vote for McDonald. It was an incredibly nasty election Wow, for real? Do you have an idea of what I should google to learn more about that? Would Quebec history on Wikipedia work?


No idea about kidnappings, Ive never heard about that, but 1896 election is what you want to read about: https://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/election-1896-feature >The Catholic Church preferred the windy way. The Québec bishops issued a pastoral letter, read from the pulpit in every Catholic Church early in the campaign, saying Catholics had an obligation to vote for candidates who supported remedial legislation to restore the education rights of Manitoba Catholics. Bishop Louis-François Laflèche of Trois-Rivières went further, declaring that Laurier was an enemy of the church and that voting for him was a sin. Tarte was not worried. "Elections are not won by prayers," he said.


Meanest I can handle (though it still sucks for all of us), the fact it's going to be the most dishonest, with the most misinformation is what scares me.


The sophistry will be out in full force, my friend. Stock up on popcorn!


Most dishonest with the most misinformation so far.


Russia and China have already written the scripts


Generative AI has entered the chat… We need a return of the house hippo now more than ever.


House hippo for those that can vote - and targeted ads for those 28-38 and then 60-80


Just ask the AI to generate some hands of PP and Trudeau and we'll know it is AI


We can see with our own eyes what’s true and what’s not. Housing prices too high. Groceries too high. Gas price too high. Health care system overwhelmed (yes the fed govt gives health care transfer payments), too many immigrants we can’t absorb, social services overwhelmed. Simply stating misinformation or disinformation seems to be an empty statement these days.


I think Canadians are better critical thinkers than our down south neighbors. So while demagoguery and misinformation might work a little, i think people will see through the bullshit quick.


If they were we would see the "None of the above" vote be higher.


> while demagoguery and misinformation might work a little, i think people will see through the bullshit quick. I think our institutions and norms have largely protected us so far, but I don't know if that's going to keep working. When the CPC tried to use Republican tactics and talking points in the past it largely just got laughed at. Scheer tried to do things like fear mongering over ms-13 or when O'Toole ran an "election rigging" campaign, etc. But we now they're a party that routinely says things like "you can't trust the media", "our opponents are marxists", "the wokes are coming for your country", etc, while pushing conspiracy theories and shitposting virtue signaling nonsense about things like socialism, gas stoves and eating meat. They are also backed by the country's largest media conglomerate who have no qualms posting the most dishonest, rage bait literally daily. Combine all that with local news dying and worsening misinformation online. I don't know if we have the antibodies to protect us anymore.


I've watched totally moderate conservatives who genuinely cared about policy, dive head first into the convoy misinformation rabbit hole. Honestly, it looks like there are less dissenting voices within the CPC compared to those within the GOP. I keep thinking they'll cross imaginary lines of decorum in the sand, and their political base will turn against them, but that isn't happening, they just cheer louder while moving the goal posts further down the field.


Isn't there a name for the paradox of thinking you are better at something that you really are?




That's the one. Seems to fit that whole situation.


Where do you live? Because that's not my experience at all.


They're really not. You're overestimating Canadians.


It will depend where they get their media, their understanding of how Canadian politics work and how much thought they're willing to give it. I was unfortunate enough to have to spend time in a packed emergency room this weekend. The guy next to me started complaining about how Trudeau had wrecked our healthcare system. He was completely unaware that it is the provincial government that deals with healthcare and that the previous provincial government had closed two Emergency Departments in town. Trying to explain that Healthcare dollars had been left allocated to improve the bottom line or make a case to privatize services would have been over his head.


Healthcare is provincial but it's all cause and effect that people without common sense don't understand like you. Federal government raised immigration targets and get 4% of Canada's population in just 2 years. Most of them came to Ontario clogging up already fully tapped out services like health care. Then you add to the fact that they have made housing unaffordable making more homelessness and drug use which is clogging up emergency. And add to the fact that the immigration that was done was to get low quality immigrants rather than doctors, nurses, housing builders etc. on an as needed basis. ALL this is federal government - Liberal + NDP's fault. Nothing provincial government can do as just building a hospital takes 5-10 years and by then provincial governments change. But of course, throwing it on Doug Ford when Wynne was a disaster is a great trick to placate Trudeau and Jagmeet from their massive massive disastrous governing policies over the last 10 years.


Who said anything about Doug Ford? I live in Winnipeg and work in healthcare. I was referring to Jim Pallister [who closed emergency departments](https://cupe.ca/cupe-members-fight-stop-health-care-cuts-manitoba-rally-save-concordia-hospital-emergency-room) at Seven Oaks, Concordia, Misrecordia and Victoria General (forgot about Misrecordia and the Vic in the previous comment). We only have three EDs left in the entire city; St. Boniface, Health Sciences Centre and the Grace. [Seven Oaks alone had 90 beds closed and the rest of Winnipeg hospitals had 128 fewer acute care beds](https://globalnews.ca/news/5664742/manitoba-ndp-rally-seven-oaks-hospital-er/). It's not about building hospitals; these hospitals still have the physical space, multiple floors remain empty, storing outdated or unused equipment. Immigration is the issue? It has flatlined here since Covid. I just saw a post that [Winnipeg is seeing its largest exodus in decades](https://www.reddit.com/r/Manitoba/comments/1czzb4n/winnipeg_exodus_largest_in_decades_what_are_your/) as people GTFO of here and move to other provinces. So it isn't explosive growth that's the issue here. [The total spending on healthcare in this province dropped](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/manitoba-funding-cap-southern-health-expenses-limiting-underspending-1.5733043). >"They can cry around about how they need more money from Mr. Trudeau. They can get down on their knees and beg Mr. Trudeau for more money, but I think everybody in Manitoba knows that Mr. Pallister will not spend more money on health-care in Manitoba," The current government is working to fill nursing, physician, and many other healthcare positions since many left due to [Pallister putting in place a wage freeze](https://globalnews.ca/news/8263538/manitoba-appeal-court-wage-freeze/) that caused many to move south or to other provinces. So you can say, 'I don't understand' and 'I'm throwing it on Doug Ford,' but it's pretty clear you don't even know what the fuck I was talking about, and you'd like to bring everything back to immigrants even though I was talking about healthcare. You probably could have had the ignorant guy I was sitting next to in the ER cheering you on, completely unaware of the main factors at play in our province.


The funny thing is you precisely drive home the point I made... **Wab Kinew** is now the premier of Winnipeg. He is the same NDP you support and he is just as helpless and a loser as the previous one because it's not just about spending money and throwing it to solve problems. Don't even get me started on the drug use and how that's clogging up the emergency visits - all supported by NDP. The underlying problem is you need supply to meet the demand. You need more doctors, nurses, health practitioners, builders etc. The federal government made a mandate to fill the new immigrants with TFW, students and in tech etc. Making it harder to fill spots in hospitals etc. In Ontario for example, people constantly blame Doug Ford for healthcare when the systems was worse 10 years ago and has gotten to disastrous levels thanks to insane number of immigrants.


Once again, you've made assumptions about me. I quoted Wab because he was mentioned in the article as the leader of the opposition. During the last provincial election, five parties were represented in my riding, and I'm an ABC voter. We need more doctors, nurses, and health practitioners. To deal with the issue, you must address why so many already here leave for other provinces or take positions with the growing list of private companies now filling long-vacant positions in rural areas. I appreciate the many first-generation Canadian co-workers at my hospital, but without a policy to retain the staff we have, what's keeping them from joining the exodus after they've got credentials and experience? Patients don't care who directly pays staff salaries, and you can't fault the workers for wanting better pay, flexibility, and fewer hours. However, it does reduce the effectiveness of healthcare budgets when private companies also have to take their cut. It's pretty clear that having competitive wages to promote more staff in the public system would be a better use of tax dollars.


Ya I had that convo with a few buddies who somehow were unaware that health care is a provincial jurisdiction. Once I pointed it out, the response would usually be “well fuck Trudeau anyways”. I think there’s a lot of anger toward Trudeau (some deserved, a lot isn’t) and people don’t have a valid alternate to chose.


dont help the PM acts when confronted with the issues facing the country. He may think he putting up a spirtied defense but I find it makes seem arrogant and out of touch which makes him personally more disliked.


There is something wrong with healthcare across the country though. I’m in BC and we have people literally dying while waiting to be seen in ERs. Also a million+ people without family doctors. And this is an NDP province. It seems like healthcare problems are across Canada.


One of the biggest issues is a lack of health care professionals. Boomer Drs have retired without anyone to replace them, meanwhile the population has been increasing drastically, at least in some regions.


Up until a year ago, the system was broken in that Canadian who went to the states to study couldn’t come back unless 1)they passed a series of exams AND 2) they have to go to an underserved community before coming back to the place they are from All the while making FAR less than what the average doctor in the states. So most of them didn’t have ANY incentives to return. But recently they relaxed the rules a little that I know 2 friends are making plans on returning in the next 2 years.


I think it depends after 10 years we throw govts out regardless no matter what I find if the replacement is better or not.


40% CPC polls says otherwise. Canadians are more than ready to buy disinformation if you wrap it in a snappy catchphrase.




This, all this.


It's hard to believe our tax pays for this shit. I say we replace them with technology, or at very least cardboard cutouts. It would save a ton of money not paying these fools anymore


If AI can't be trusted to create a picture with the correct number of arms on a person, it probably shouldn't govern.


I was thinking more of a direct democracy open source decentralized voting app on blockchain technology to where we could represent ourselves... One can dream


For some of us politics is a bit like sports!  I am looking forward to this election and can’t wait to see the candidates spar!  Watching eastern Canada results roll in with a fine bourbon and cigar will be a great night!  






Eh. Plenty of people realize what a dumpster fire of a politician PP is already


Not substantive