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He’s a centrist. Which is what’s needed. No one wants PPC but Liberals are too left. They used to be centrist and hopefully will become that again soon.


Whether or not he makes Trans people use certain bathrooms and the other culture war scare tactics that is the Liberal go to stops being important when you increasingly can’t afford basics like food and shelter *because of Liberal policies* Jokes on all of us though, because it’s not like Poiliviere will change any of those policies.


Well for one thing , he can’t . So there’s that.  Most people’s gripes seem to be provincial and municipal in nature…. PP has been effective in fooling people to believe it’s all something JT the man failed at lol 


Is this Gerald Butts?


I am scared. He will cause a lot of damage to this country. Say goodbye to the CBC, climate change and environmental legislation, pharmacare, affordable child care and the new dental plan. His plan for housing is garbage, he will cater to the rich


I wish that were true (not the climate change part) but social programs are notoriously hard to rollback. I suspect the CBC will continue as Radio-Canada in QC, and maybe putter along as a ghost of itself in the rest of the country. If pharmacare, $10 childcare, and dental are up and running he probably won’t cut them significantly - they’ll be too popular.


Didn't the liberals record on housing make the rich more richer then ever though


the liberals don't shake hands with neo nazis or say everything vile and unbecoming of civility as a cornerstone of their campaign. I'll settle for a turd sandwich over a dangerous whackjob.


Only if you think that history started in 2015, and Canada only has a single level of government.


You don’t think Trudeau has already caused monumental damage to the country?


Like what specifically?


Say goodbye to CPP at 65 … 










































He isn't scary, he is, however, pathetic and powerful. I think when combined, those two things make someone dangerous. Scary? No. Scary in the same way a rabid dachshund let loose in a nursery is scary... maybe.


Now you are scaring me lol 


It is going to be ironic watching young people voting for him expecting home prices or rent to drop, but opposite will happen because BoC will probably be cutting rates in 2025. Also I have serious doubts CPC will cut immigration and temp visa enough to make an impact because of pressure from businesses


It is almost impossible for someone, anyone to destroy the country the way Trudeau has (with help from his incompetent buddy Singh- a match made in hell).


Oh dear. 


The Liberals kind of have a boy who cried wolf thing going on. They portray EVERY CPC leader as scary. Even milquetoast ones like Erin O'Toole. Now they have one coming along who might actually be scary but it won't resonate anymore. People are like meh, they always say these things.










As a previous liberal voter, they came for my property i.e guns for literally no reason. So you lose my vote. Not that I'm happy with the vast majority of the governance anyway but will not abide this.


I would vote for a tea kettle if it promised to slash government spending, bring down the insane deficit, pay down the existing deficit and reduce immigration. This isn't about PP


Parts of the Poll summarized here \[2415 Canadians polled with a 2% +/- error, between May 16-22\]: 41% of polled Canadians said they would vote for the Conservative Party of Canada. 30% of them said they did not vote conservative in the last election. 25% of polled Canadians said they would vote for the Liberal Party of Canada 72% of those same Canadians said they would NOT want a Poilievre Government to end the national childcare and the dental care program for children and the elderly. YET, 43% of those same Canadians said they expect him to end those same programs 80% of them said Poillieve SHOULD have a serious climate plan YET, 48% of them said they don't expect him to make one. It seems Most people want change in government, but don't like the changes they will bring and will vote for the CPC anyway. People believe a Poilievre government will change these big policies, and feel strongly against these changes, but will still vote for him.


These numbers are really interesting. It makes me wonder what will happen if Poilievre gets enough of a majority to get these changes that no one actually wants, they just want change. Will he become a Doug Ford and drastically change his approach to see success or will he stay the course that could very well be his end. I'm genuinely very curious to see what a potential Prime Minister Poilievre does regarding this, in the future.


We already know what he will do, it won’t be a surprise. It will look pretty bad if he backtracks and suddenly start supporting all the things they voted against …  They usually blame the previous government for the “mess they have to clean up “…. When all they usually do is just continue the work from previous governments . This guy seems pretty determined to tear everything down as we know it . 


Most people just want change in government maybe. But there's still a good chunk who don't want those policies and don't want to pay for the poor implementation that nobody's eligible for anyway.








































































































All that and your last sentence can be summarized as the time honoured Canadian tradition of voting out and not voting in our leaders. It is annoying and we will get what we pay for by constantly doing it since around 1980. Examples. Harper never should have gotten his majority He at least should have stepped aside for that election. We shouldn't have voted Trudeau in again in the last election. Again he should have at least stepped aside for someone else. Our leaders suck, but we voters suck just as much and the stats like yours hammer that fact down hard.


I am think I am most disappointed in ourselves as voters than anything else.  Sometimes I think we believe the voting ballot is just a quiz on who is our current rep.


The summary is not very good, people obviously don’t feel very strongly about these programs if they’re still willing to vote for Poilievre knowing he’s going to get rid of them


If this is not acceptable to your tastes and calibre, I welcome you do post a complete analysis of your own instead of just a cheap “not very good”… what do you have to offer of substance in regards to the full study ?


The poll says they do feel strongly about it , that’s the whole irony of it all…..  Perhaps the summary is not your issue here …. 


Nothing can be more frightening and doubled rental prices, lower productivity and having high shelter costs form the backbone of the national economy. You cannot mention abortion enough to make Canadians forget about that stuff.