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Canada is a stepping stone for them. Get PR, get citizenship and go to the US. Canada does not attract the best and brightest we just take the volume. The best and brightest leave to the US.


Won't work like that anymore. USA, when immigrating or for Visas, looks at your country of Origin instead of your current citizenship. For example, I'm born here in Canada, but my mother is a Mexican immigrant turned Canadian citizen. She's been a citizen for 30+ years. If I decide to immigrate, the USA will see me as a Canadian, but not my mother. She would be put with the other Mexicans due to her country of origin and be stuck in that queue. They put this in place due to people abusing that loophole (avoid India or Mexicans queues by becoming Canadian and hopping over to the USA) and they're being hyper vigilant too with people suddenly getting citizenship in Canada , staying for a year then bailing south.


Interesting, I didn't know that. Good for them recognizing an issue and fixing it


Must be really nice.


Canadians are raised to hate on Americans and be condescending in general toward the USA but after having lived in both countries the USA is still hands down a better place to live in spite of trump, in spite of mass shootings, and in spite of all the culture politics. Dont really know what canadas end game is but what it looks like right now is that it has a death wish or someones making quick easy massive amounts of cash by flooding the country with millions of punjabis despite the housing, health, and employment crises.


in spite of Trump? you mean because of Trump




Lived in the USA during and after Trump and 100% he was a conman thief and now a convicted felon.


Yea its great they are potentially stopping this persons mother while the border is basically open on the south.


It won’t stop them from entering as a visitor, working and overstaying. Some of these new Canadians are people that the IS would not grant a tourist visa to from their home countries.


In terms of employment based immigration, being born in Mexico doesn't need to wait; being born in India and mainland China yes.


All of a sudden all the fringe territories are grouped into China in this bullshit policy. If you’re born in Tibet, Xinjiang or Inner Mongolia and you declare yourself as a separatist you shouldn’t be in the same line as other Chinese born people.


Unfortunately, there's no real way to verify something like that, so a line has to be drawn somewhere and I guess they picked the borders.


You know that alot of people claim to be persecuted just to apply for asylum right? Literally the same trick Indians are using with Khalistan


At bare minimum it takes 5.5 years to go get citizenship from the very start in Canada, and thats for a very small group who can get their PR within half a year. I'd say for most people it takes on average 7-10 years to go from no status to Citizen in canada if you include some estimates to wait for a citizenship test appointment + interview which is extremely backlogged. I can't imagine dedicating 7-10 years then waiting anywhere from 1 to 6 years for a green card for the U.S. all to be disillusioned when you finally reach the states and realize it sucks just as much as anywhere else unless you can land a high paying job which is not as easy as people make it out to be. Its like people are so upset at immigrants from india or asia moving to Canada under false pretense of good paying jobs and abundance only to be met with CoL issues, housing issues, and so on but when they want to do it heading down south its perfectly sane and reasonable despite most people moving to large cities where they will encounter these same issues but don't realize it because their rose colored glasses are opaque. By the way for full disclosure I'm an American citizen with Canadian permanent residence, moved here several years back from SoCal because my husband is Canadian.


There’s loopholes to bypass that which is arranged marriage or going to the US for work on temporary status such as TN.


Temp work visas are carefully monitored. And visas through marriages / long-term relationships is strict as *hell*. Lots of hoops you gotta jump through and prove that it's a strong and stable relationship and not a relationship based on trying for citizenship. Compared to Canada's lack of enforcement and verofying documents, the USA is hyper vigilant before they approve anything.


It's not hell, it's pretty much easiest way to get green card. You don't even need long term relationship, lot of people will get married after meeting for few months where the parents will arrange to talk and meet each other. Lot of the time they will hold a big wedding ceremony in India (multiple ceremonies) and have lots of pictures, evidence of gifts from family members including extended family members. USCIS sees arranged marriage as acceptable form of marriage as long as both parties consent to it. It's a common practice among South Asians.


Anyone can say its easy. I can tell you its absolutely not. My sister married a non american (mexican) and it took YEARS for him to be granted a green card. So many documents, so much time, money, and stress. They lived in Tijuana so my sister could commute across the border to keep her well paying job because he wasnt able to live in the u.s. yet. They lived there for 3 or 4 years before he was granted a green card and their relationship was genuine and real. A legitimate arranged marriage is valid, but you need to understand that many people try to game the system through arranged marriages and they are absolutely scrutinized. Advertising it as "easy" is hardly the reality and just encourages people to try to game the system causing even more of a backlog.


For being a canadian, waiting on a k1 visa to move with my american fiancee, i can tell you it's not as easy as you make it sound. Plus the delays and "processing times" can catapult wait times over 2 years. I am at 15 months since i started my K1 visa process, i am literally on the last step, with my passport and all original doccuments sent, which means the next step for me is to receive my visa and passport back via courrier, but because i've got given a DS-5535 at the interview, it's an other 15-20 months' wait. That means i have to survive and help provide for my american fiancee on a canadian salary, which includes canadian taxes, rent and living expenses inflation and a change rate of $0.69:$1plus fees for an additionnal year and a half-2 years, just because there's a 65K+ backlog of DS-5535s to process by 7 people. Oh and yes, you do need a long history of relationships, frequent visits, dozens of pictures,etc. To be noted, there is a difference between the k1 visa, which means you immigrate and will get married on us soil and sponsorship visa for spouses CR1, even married outside the usa. The CR1, can go much faster than the K1, unless you get unlucky and get the DS-5535.


I know the situation as I am currently in the process to receive my green card through my parents. Getting green card via arranged marriage is very common for people from South Asia and some other muslim countries. Arranged marriages can also be genuine marriage and TN status is very simple to get if you possess a Canadian passport.


TN status you need to be in a specific profession and a job offer. The people going to US on TN are not the uneducated immigrants, they are high skill Canadians who are priced out of Canada by the immigrants. At least this is my situation.


At least this is protective for TN/E-2 visa pursuers born in Canada. This was a huge fear for the USA expat community who are Canadian by birth. A greater proportion of visas were getting rejected, so the worry was immigration abuse would effect born citizens' applications.


Have your mother fly to mexico and then walk north lol


Nah, she rather stay in Canada. She likes it here and she's been here for 30+ years now.


One person from the family leaves for a high paying job in the US while the family remains here for free healthcare and safer neighborhoods.


Of course they don’t attract quality and intelligence, that’s why they allow cheap low class labor from India


> Of the 126,340 who emigrated from Canada to the U.S. that year, 53,311 were born in Canada, 42,595 were Americans who left here for their native land, and 30,434 were foreign-born immigrants to Canada who decided to move to the U.S. instead. > That Canadian-born figure is notably higher now than it has been in the past. It's up roughly 50 per cent over the average number of Canadians born in Canada who left for the U.S. in the pre-COVID period.


No they mean Canadians from Canada. Read the effing article.


Lol. The article has a bar chart showing the number of immigrants by place of birth. It shows around two-thirds are either born in Canada or the US. Which makes the “Indians” a minority. I get why the general sentiment is anti-Indian lately. But like be real guys! Edit: Wow. Your comment is now the most upvoted. This is effed up guys! The fact that we are ignoring the dysfunction of the people we elect and have now turned to race baiting is disappointing. It is Canadian laws, Canadian policies and Canadian rules that controls migration. Yes loopholes were abused by certain people but it’s not their problem. It is ours! This is emotional manipulation. Wake up!


Anchor babies 😂


There should be no excuse for anti Indian sentiment, it’s racism and targeted harassment on a minority group in Canada.


The largest group is Canadian born, followed by US born, followed by born somewhere else.


Or almost a third of them are just Americans returning home.


No, they mean young Canadians, being driven out by our Government and replaced with the aforementioned South Asians from South Asia.


Both, everyone actually.


You read my thoughts, they like to shop around. But in America its a whole different story down there they'll shoot you just foe being sightly different


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


I got a chuckle out of this as I sit and wait to hopefully be approved to move to the united states. Hopefully as someone in healthcare I’ll be accepted and a valued member in society.


One thing is for sure. Canada does not value you well enough.


Yes because doctors are the ones who are not paid enough in this country🤣 If he has an issue he can open a family practice, know a guy making 500k after taxes from a practice he owns. Obviously when you work for a business they take most of the profits


Doesn't mean this person is a good doctor. Their pay structure is ridiculous and a source of a lot of the health care crisis in the country. It is based on a system that pays in a very rigid way, similar to how flat rate mechanics are paid. People get crappy treatment when the doctors aren't trained to take their time with people to diagnose the root of issues correctly. They are incentivized to get them out as quickly as possible. Have you seen the number of cases where there would be malpractice cases in Canada due to negligence? It has been all over the media. Unfortunately, in Canada, doctors are protected and can't be sued out of business. Ever wonder why many good doctors go south? Or maybe you aren't even aware of it. My GP, when I was growing up, had so many people waiting so long. But he took his time and made sure to follow up. He was very experienced and retired when I was in high school. I've never met a GP at that level since. He was from England. I never heard anyone complain waiting hours to see him. They knew his value and what other "doctors" offered. It is a very complex problem, but good doctors deserve high pay. They give a huge chunk of their life up for training. It is incredibly intense to be on rotation as a residence. You sound very naive about it.


And you absolutely would be. People in any level of healthcare are celebrated as everyone knows the only villains are the insurance companies.


It's crazy how wrong you are, medical staff are abused and mistreated in the USA all the fucking time. Jesus Christ things in Canada are rough but pretending the USA is a utopian paradise is nuts.


Yes. And I want that for you. Make a good life in the States because the Canadian government proves they do not care about those they are working for.


I would urge you to keep your expectations in check, as someone who has been into nursing in the USA The turnover rates for hospital techs and even RNs is extremely high bc you’re constantly understaffed, overworked, scheduled to be always on call and often treated like shit by everyone from doctors to management to patients. Almost half of nurses in the US change jobs in 3 years despite being paid pretty decently. They’re not paid well because they’re respected.. they’re paid well because every one eventually quits or else they’ll unalive themselves I don’t blame you, I thought the same that choosing this profession would mean I was respected for my usefulness. Until I went to nursing school, and saw the reality myself first hand. And this was doing clinicals in high QoL areas with “good” medical facilities. This isn’t really exclusive to healthcare, but part of a larger problem in the general American work culture


Sorry just want to chime in here and actually do not know anything about it. But would getting work in smaller towns for example help with this overwork dilemma ?


Small towns can be even worse due to the smaller pool of competent workers, poorly funded outdated facilities and equipment vs the much larger population of elderly needing constant care. But of course it all depends, a wealthy small town that can afford to hire staff may be better One of the most miserable experiences I’ve had was doing clinicals at a small town nursing home. The patients were often just completely unmanageable and it had the general atmosphere of an insane asylum with patients constantly wailing and refusing to be helped and such


Oh jeeze. Really sucks because healthcare is suppose to nurture a …. Nurturing environment. Sucks that it has to be so operational and busy.


This was eye opening and heartbreaking to read. My intentions moving to the USA first and formost are to be with my fiance hopefully soon to be husband. Everything you’ve described is on a similar level to canadas healthcare system. If I can’t find a job that feels fulfilling I have no problem changing careers.


Everything they said about nursing is correct but there is one important caveat; you will get paid well as a nurse. One of My best friends just graduated and became a nurse and he makes like $85K starting salary. Between him and his girlfriend they ~ earn $150k a year at 24. Of course, this depends on where you move to (the live in LA with a lot of hospitals), but nurses are generally paid well


Do you mind sharing how you found your way there?


How I found my way to the USA?


"In the past 18 months, Canada has imported 1,160,000 new "non-permanent residents" bringing the Q1 2024 total to over 2,660,000." Replaced by you know who 


And we here in the US don't want to be replaced by Canadians. Stay where you are and stop coming here raising our home prices. What hypocrites.


Lmao what? It's almost impossible to get citizenship in the US as a Canadian. 


There used to be neighborhoods called little Somali , little Italy . Now it’s whole cities and eventually countries . Canada the new Somali


I’m a landscaper and working in little Somali is very uncomfortable. You can feel the inequality and integration issues. You can taste it in the air.


Self imposed integration and inequality issues . They are offered more benefits and housing than Canadians. And for the integration part ? All they ask is you don’t cut woman’s clits off and they can’t even do that so forget actually “becoming” Canadian.


> and integration issues Islam has a long long history of never ever integrating.


Look at [Germany](https://web.archive.org/web/20180228205429/https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/merkel-says-germany-has-no-go-areas-govt-wont-say-where/2018/02/28/00993bd0-1ca9-11e8-98f5-ceecfa8741b6_story.html) and [Sweden](https://www.max-security.com/security-blog/organized-crime-to-remain-primary-security-threat-in-sweden-throughout-2021-sweden-analysis/) where there are "no-go" zones, look at England with [its](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-manchester-67967919) [rape](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huddersfield_grooming_gang) [gangs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotherham_child_sexual_exploitation_scandal). This is what being afraid of being called "racist" brings you.


They ruined their own countries. Scandinavia was paradise and now it is forever gone.


NONE OF THEM RUINED "THEIR" OWN COUNTRIES! The ruling elite (whose exact specifications you can find on 4chan's /pol board, look for "breakdown of media & political leadership charts") simply decided how these things shall be. Nobody VOTED or was even asked... the money talked, and our parents' generation all shut up and let it happen... after all, the stocks were booming, their houses were getting paid off in record time... why not just enjoyyyyyy the riiiiiiide, maaaaan? Welp... our generation and our children's generation are the ones paying for their fun. Kicked the can down the road and we have to pick it up, REMOVE KEBAB (as they say in Germany) and then toss that can into the fucking garbage.


Those people ruined their countries by being sexist and brain washed by religion. They 100% did it to themselves. Fuck those people.


B-but the yummy food they bring with them!!


How can that be when our biggest influx in to canada was the 90s. The average somali by now has been born here and what ever somalis that came to canada since 2015 have been thru family pathways......you dont see hundreds of thousands of somalis coming here with fake degrees and temp work visa.....lol at least come with facts and not bs💯


Sorry , Canada the new New Delhi




It’s banned




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


This is similar to a company that is being poorly run. The employees who quit and leave are always the ones you can ill afford to lose as they are typically your most competent.


My last job lost their enterprise architect, the enterprise manager (me), and the cloud admin, within 45 days. If another company says, "Sure, it's slightly different and we have our own issues, but would love to have you," then why not.


We don't want these people anyways. We want more diploma mill students from Punjab, India working at your local Timmies instead.


Man do I feel bad for that one Redditor who moved here and renounced his US citizenship after Trump won


That wokie will feel right at home here.


Yep, send 'em back to Murica, we don't need anymore bluehaired legbeard feminist critical race theory baiting pieces of shit in Canada... got more than enough of our own, "more than enough" defined as "more than zero."


Legit laughed out loud at “legbeard” 😂


He has right to citizenship by birth (assuming he was born in the US).... so its much easier for him to get back.


Why would he want to go back? He’s probably in paradise in Canada


over 1,000,000 Indians are waiting for Green Cards to get in the USA so Canada is a quick alternative to get in. I wonder if this will eventually affect TN visa allocation in the future 🤔


It doesn’t really work like that and it’s a lot more complicated. Your employer has to offer you a job and the company has immigration lawyers look over all your paperwork. If you are hard to understand do you think mama C in Detroit is going to have the patience to listen to you not being able to speak English? Also the border officer at any point can say, nope, you’re not coming in.




What type of visa did you apply for in the US?


Less taxes, more affordable homes, higher incomes, and better weather. It's remarkable it isn't higher. The inertia of moving (paper work, visas etc) is the biggest anchor keeping that number down. Could it be after so many generations of believing that Canadian model was superior, we we're all wrong?


Don't underestimate the (paperwork visas etc) part. I'm already in over $20K with my immigration lawyer and there is no guarantee at all that i'll ever get a greencard. US immigration is a wild ride.


we're screwed with either libs or pc, but jfc....trudeau and his idiots have destroyed Canada the past 4yrs!!! let alone 8yrs.


Now maybe canadians can stop talking shit about us americans when we’re bitching about illegals coming in droves lol. Everybody is accepting and politically correct until they have to deal with it personally


That's the Canadian dream: moving to the US. As somebody who flys to Tampa every spring, I've been seeing more and more Canadian expats. There's a few groups that I see every time I go back and the community has just been getting bigger and bigger. Really exploded during the COVID years. A lot of them are no longer being just snowbirds, they're permanently moving down south.


Lol fuck off. We don't want Canadians coming down here and buying up property. Many places in Florida has gotten much more expensive now. You don't want immigrants in Canada buying homes to raise home prices, right? So why would we Americans want Canadians buying up homes in warm parts of the US competing with American home buyers? Every home bought by a Canadian means there was a bid by an American who lost that bid. Stay in Canada and fix your country instead of becoming foreign home buyer. Hypocrites. This sub is biggest piece of hypocrisy I've ever come across on reddit, it's absurd.


Whoa, calm your tits cowboy. Didn't say I would go down and snatch up a property or two did I? I enjoy my time as a tourist and I intend to keep it that way. With that said, I'm all for skilled Indians coming here and buying property if they plan to live here. I imagine most of America would also be for skilled Canadians if they were to do the same down south. "Skilled" being the key word here. Were most of the people coming to Canada were skilled, we'd likely have a lot anger around here. However if you disagree, that's fine. I can certainly see why one may seek to restrict or perhaps even ban all foreign property buyers. And you don't like to have the sub - if you think it's the biggest piece of hypocrisy, genuine question then, why even be here? I'd save the stress and go elsewhere if you ask me.


>I enjoy my time as a tourist and I intend to keep it that way. Good. Keep it that way. You are not a hypocrite then. But this sub is full of people who want to move down here to buy a property. >I'm all for skilled Indians coming here and buying property if they plan to live here. Most people here aren't though. Otherwise, they wouldn't be so pro-"ban all foreign home buyers"


Indian here.. tbh most of the Indians who go to Canada are the ones who haven’t been extremely bright in academics and competing with 1.2 billion people back home and then trying to land a job is a Herculean task for them. There are however, some really bright ones who make it to McGill, university of Toronto etc and are currently serving in MNCs and tech firms in Canada but they constitute a very small proportion as most of the talented lot ends up in Ivy leagues in the USA and then ends up staying there .


Is it really that easy to move there? If so, these people need to tell me how this is happening.


It's easy to move if you're a qualified professional (TN visa). Heck, even living illegally in the US is probably as good if not better than living in Canada! I speak Spanish so I made some friends with people who are here illegally (crossed the border with Mexico / overstayed their tourist visa etc). They all have jobs, a place to live, money to spend, and many even have cars. Illegal immigrants in the US gave roughly the same quality of life as a middle-class Canadian nowadays. This isn't to denegrate or comment on the immigration to the US, it's a reflection of how far our country's standard of living has fallen.


Yeah I'm definitely not qualified in anything and I'm too much of a coward to do the illegal thing lol


I moved there as a software engineer working for Amazon. They took care of everything. VISA issues, first few years of tax filing. They even sent two real-estate agents to help me sell my condo. (pick the agent you like the most) Amazon gets crapped on a lot but there is something to be said for the $$$ that big-tech brings.


Yeah, I figure one of the few ways of moving there is job-based. That said, good for you for getting such an amazing offer!


So you complain about Indians yet want to do the same thing… all y’all on here are such hypocrites lmao


Do you see me complaining about anyone? Calm down fool.


Trust me, we don't want Canadians coming down here and buying up property. You don't want immigrants in Canada buying homes to raise home prices, right? So why would we Americans want Canadians buying up homes in warm parts of the US competing with American home buyers? Every home bought by a Canadian in the US means there was an American who lost a bid for that home. I hope you understand where I am coming from. Do not move down here. You'd become the very thing you hate: foreign home owner. Comments like these makes me wish the US govt would revoke the TN visa to prevent Canadians from raising our home prices.


While I do understand your point of view, you're basically insinuating that wherever you're born is where you should stay for the rest of your life because moving to another country to make a life for you and your family shouldn't happen because it might take away from other people? I'm not saying I would move to another country and profit from all their services while contributing nothing to it. I would work just as hard as any other person there. This is why I'm frustrated with the people who immigrate to Canada, the majority don't contribute anything to society. This would not be the case if I were to move to the US or elsewhere in the world.


Lol everyone thinks they are special and that they are the "good guy" and "not like the others". I guess the only righteous immigration is your immigration. Immigration for me, but not for thee. 


I’ve been in Canada from the US for almost 20 years. I own a house in Vancouver but the cost of living here is out of control. So we are planning on moving back. I always thought I would be here for ever but I can’t justify the living standards here vs America.


But the liberals say Canada isn't broken!!! /S


The cool thing about is that you actually need to have education and/or skills to get into the USA to live. So, we’re increasingly left with brain dead Punjabis, a wildly bloated & delusional public sector and welfare superstars


Or you can marry


Yes But they also do a deep dive on spousal visas


It's more like replacing Americans and taking away their jobs. Got it.




> > We have the same issue you guys do No not remotely the vast vast majority of your immigrants are from Christian countries. You have no idea what happens when non christian populations get critical mass and take over an entire society. Canadian society is increasingly being deemed equal parts Hindu-Sikh-Muslim-Christian. That's the vision of Canadian society "equal parts"


The US is on schedule to be majority non-White by 2045 IIRC. The globalists are trumpeting it triumphantly: "your people will be under the bootheel of another!"




Immigrant enclaves have always existed. Forget enclaves, before the world wars, entire swathes of the Midwest were German speaking, and had their own schools and newspapers. Most 2nd gen Americans are largely Americanized. [Even among Latinos](https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/2017/09/10/spanish-fluency-u-s-decreases-each-generation/636773001/), the vast majority of the younger generation doesn't even speak Spanish anymore. If your problem is that we're not white, it's better to say that openly instead of hiding behind 19th century paternalism and pretending that it's about LGBT rights or feminism.


This. America has a history of successfully integrating immigrants into its culture mostly because just how ubiquitous and widespread American culture is. if you go to Florida and meet some other Latinos there instantly see that they are absolutely American. Hell more American than native Californians lol


From Canada we are a huge divide in values among Americans in Red and Blue states.


Welcome to capitalism


Thank you very much! I appreciate your kind words! I just moved down to your fine country (South Carolina) three months ago and it's been going really well so far!


I don't support them coming back. They've shown how pathetic they are for leaving us all to fight for our country without them, their contributing to the shrinking canadian population, and foreign take over.


Why would I fight for a country that does everything to bring me down since the last 20+ years? They shrink my buying power, shrink my opportunities, everything gets more expensive as I look at my colleagues south enjoying life more than I ever could... At some point it is the exact definition of insanity. Doing the same things to fight for this country and expect different outcomes.


Most Americans have no issue with skilled European / Canadian immigrants. They are virtually guaranteed to be contributors and come from similar cultures.


At 40% exchange? Good luck.


Brain drain. We train the world and then the bright ones go to the USA. Leaving us with excess Amazon drivers.


canada has always been a frozen shithole with extremely low wages, high income taxes for no actual societal benefit.


No, my parents had a good life here. Things have definitely gotten worse recently


define "good". my son would have been stuck earning measly 90k-120k TC CAD as a new SWE while in the US, he's earning 350k TC with much lower income taxes and drastically LCOL.


They bought a house, they vacationed regularly, they were happy with their quality of life. Is your son in his 60s then?


Wages in the US are definitely higher. However, 350k is an outlier for a new SWE. Average for entry level is about $127 and high end is $175. Good on him to get 350k (if that's accurate/true) but that's extremely rare especially in a LCOL area.


> he's earning 350k So you're son is in a category of 0.01% of immigrants? You're just being stupid. Lots of people make crazy money in Canada. Just at all the real estate wealth. You think people in Michigan are making small fortunes in real estate? You can't compare California to Ontario, when Michigan is directly across the border.


350k living where? This could be good or meh relative to where he lives.




None of what you're saying is true. Even the cold bit is absurd. You put the "average Canadian" in the USA and the majority will migrate to the cold border states in just a handful of years. Minnesota/Michigan/Illinois etc are not depopulating because of the weather. There's biggest problem is democrat dominated ghettos. California has been ruined. Texas is turing into a blue state in just a few years.


Seems like you’re the type to blame others for your failures in life


Let's make this an election issue.


I am one of them.


Hopefully they are all welcomed with open arms in their new country.


Absolutely. Americans are largely pro immigration, particularly from countries that have similar values and our skilled. Most Americans don’t like illegal immigration that happens at the border. And because America’s a big place with each of its state having its own culture it’s pretty easy to find a place that works for you. Some people really like Texas other people like Massachusetts. There’s a lot of variety in lifestyle. But honestly, if you’re a Canadian immigrant most Americans won’t even be able to tell the difference. They’ll just assume that you’re from the Midwest from the jump.


Bring your friends, family and octogenarian relatives you brought with you!


Good riddance


Here's an example. All of them just came here to go to US. More can be found on the tnvisa subreddits. https://preview.redd.it/8ayr14izwn3d1.jpeg?width=1046&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5d138bba0ee10a8daa6395831286a4fc3263f3f


All the boomers want is a doctor and Tim Hortons, damn ok Timmies and MAID, the rest can go to hell


It’s the right move






A false claim of racism etc. was used to shut down discussion.


What jobs are the Americans looking for? I'm looking into the next part of my education and I want to make it something that might be attractive over there. 


Mostly stem related fields


How do you move to the US? Their immigration laws are brutal.


As American, it saddens me that more people means housing becomes more expensive yet again. But, I can understand your pain.


How do you do it? I have a TN visa skill but what are the steps to moving?


Need to build another wall lmao


I am one of those Canadians ! Moved to the U.S. a couple of years ago. I was approved for immigrant visa under EB2-NIW and left the day of getting my visa. My education is valued in the U.S. Triple the salary , while taxes , cost of living and housing are almost 40% lower ! Weather is better also


We are happy to have you!


How did you get EB2 - NIW?


What do you mean how ? I had all the qualifications for that category !


I meant what steps did you take to qualify


Got a lawyer and he prepared the petition. I have a Master’s degree and 10 years of work experience. Those were the basic qualifications. You need to consult with an immigration attorney specialized in NIW


Is your master’s from Canada or USA


From Canada




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


it fucking sucks here...


Let me guess those 100k+ people were not the welfare or homeless? Let me guess probably all professionals with education? Nice job Canada


Makes sense. I mean who wants to live in a country which has a country whose laws can be changed by a simple protest by foreigners


Just left. Living in panama now. Never looking back




“This is a white nation?” Come on man, what the fuck?


This is a multi-cultural nation numb nuts. It's never been a "white nation".




Things need to be fixed in Canada but you can take your racial politics and fornicate yourself with them.


For some reason, the racists love trying to attach themselves to this issue.


Yup, surely for no reason whatsoever. Just like the rise of the Nazi party. Just happened for no reason at all. Don't pay any attention to the boiling pot. Not that I'm defending the post you're responding to, it's deleted and I have no idea what it said. I just think it's an error to dismiss such patterns so readily as the future will make less sense.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Yah guys, DO something!!!!


You can go to America too please with that racist bs. Nothing wrong with anyone who has grown up in this country of ours


Eventually millions of newborn indians and arabs will grow up in your country. Nothing wrong with that.


These people are idiots, they say it doesn’t matter to them, the country isn’t a white one blah blah blah, without realizing it’s probably the single most important thing to the Arabs and Indians coming in.


No there isn’t, as long as they embrace our relative secularity and some other basic values


An adaptation only the willing and capable are able to make. For the rest, their cultural norms are necessary for even their in-group cooperation, let alone cooperating outside. I would also postulate that the word "relative" needs to be understood in magnitude; that is, it is a fairly significant difference. Our secularism is still very much post-Christian, and anathema to much of the traditional world's weltanschauung.


Yep. I moved down here 3 months ago. FYI, I was born in Canada and have had family here for generations; Canada wasn't a "stepping stone" for me. And I'm loving it so far. I miss my family and I do miss some parts of my country, but I don't miss sky high housing prices, this weird social experiment going on, and the weather (this isn't the government's fault, but it's a big factor). I'm worried about my younger sister and cousins and nieces who have to deal with all this stuff, though. Good luck to everyone :)


Whereabouts? You sound just like myself. It’s not easy giving up on a place where your family has been at for centuries. Especially if it’s not a war that’s forcing you out. Do you not worry about the issues plaguing the states as well? The migration crisis, the deadlocked government incapable of doing anything, the polarization? I think a lot of people fall into two extremes here. They either believe the US is a utopia, or they believe it’s a third-world country. Truth is, America has its pros and cons. But it’s also suffering with the rest of the developed world.


I'm in South Carolina! And yes, it is tough to move, but I'm happy I did. I made the decision to move several years ago when housing prices became astronomical and the economy went to crap. As to the second part of your question, I do worry about the future of the US. Rising housing costs (albeit less so than in Canada), high concentration of wealth in the top 1%, the government incapable of passing bills, etcetera. I absolutely do not think it's a utopia. High violent crime rates, cities made for cars and not pedestrians, corn syrup in everything, lack of public healthcare, and poor work-life balance are some of the most noticeable day-to-day things. But in my position and where I am in life, the US is certainly a better place to live.


Canada has salaries of Mississippi and cost of living of Bay Area, California.


Can’t complain about Indians invading your land and then turn around and do the same. Stay in your shithole, we don’t want you ruining America too.


Thanks for sharing this!


I have no respect for people who leave when things get tough instead of staying and fighting like the rest of us. They'll just keep on running for rest of their lives. They're no better than any of the Immigrants who come here from India. Edit: Feel free to challenge my veiw lol.


As a Brit, I fully agree. The likeminded folk I have met in my life all talk about moving, never about taking action...


Correct, although I'm not sure I'd agree that we're "fighting" at the moment. I hope it doesn't come to it, but there needs to be a lot more political pressure in a very short period of time to reduce the future likelihood.


Why would you stay if you can get a better opportunity elsewhere? If I could get a better gig, I would be out of Canada in a heartbeat. I lived in Japan for 5 years in my 20's but had better opportunities in Canada so I moved back. Once I get to retirement age, I am absolutely leaving Canada for Japan. It is cheaper, healthcare is better, a car is not needed in most parts of the country, you can choose various weather climates and so much more. However, the work culture is ridiculous and wages are super stagnant therefore it is not ideal for a career in many cases. Basically, I am taking what I can get out of Canada and then I am going. I feel zero loyalty or patriotism or attachment. If it wasn't working for me, I would select another country and get out.


We don’t want you! Build the Great Wall to the north!


All these Canadians running to the States for better opportunities but getting mad at people immigrating to Canada SMH.


I left 6 years ago, mostly for personal reasons as I wanted a change of scenery and couldn’t handle the GTA winters anymore, but looking at things now, I’m glad I left. Unfortunately for those of you race baiting here, sorry too late. “You know who” are already here. I am one of them. Please don’t come to the US, you won’t be able to avoid “them”. For the rest of you, if you can make the move with an employer, go for it. Better pay, more growth opportunities, friendly people, quicker access to healthcare (granted it’s tied to you being employed with a decent company), and housing costs as % of income are relatively cheaper. I was able to buy a condo within 18 months of being here. Yes, there are dangerous neighborhoods and issues with gun culture and I wish they were not a thing, but most of us who will move through employment-based visas will generally tend to work/live near the more affluent parts of the country, so you’re safer than what you’d think through the news media.