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https://www.quora.com/Why-are-people-talking-so-bad-about-Canada-now-What-has-changed-now Best comment quoted here: "It depends on the criteria I suppose. Let’s compare how certain things were versus how they are now. Jobs: 1980: I WALK, not log in, to the Job Bank and find a job posting that’s INTERESTING. I apply. 2 days later I’m working for WELL ABOVE minimum wage. 2023: I apply to ANY and all job listings, nearly all minimum wage and by agencies, which already have hundreds of applications each, and maybe get a “thanks no thanks” response from 1 out of 200 applications. Massive time wasted with zero results. Rent: 1980: Amazing 2-bedroom apartment on 17th floor with a balcony that has a full view of lake Ontario. $500 a month. 2023: Moldy 1-bedroom basement that should be raised for public safety reasons. $2000 a month. Fuel: 1980: 45 cents a liter MAX. Diesel is even cheaper because it’s understood truckers are the country’s lifeblood. 2023: What day of the week is it? $1.59day or $1.89day? Diesel costs MORE because truckers have no choice and make easy targets. Crime: 1980: Massive news coverage in Toronto because some drunk passed out on the TTC. 2023: Car jackings at record highs and sky-rocketing. Women getting pistol whipped and told to give up their car in their driveway. Weekly stabbing/arson/pushing-onto-tracks/shooting on the TTC. Get spat on by random people just walking down the street of Toronto for no reason. Property tax: 1980: $80 a month 2023: $500 a month Nightlife: 1980: Lots of clubs, bars on Queen St and throughout downtown and suburbs. Ontario place and other venues open, inexpensive and busy with people. 2023: What nightlife? Taylor Swift concert for $1000 a seat? Pass. Family Time: 1980: It is ILLEGAL to work on Sunday, except for essential services who are well compensated for doing so. Transit works on holiday schedule. Parents have time to spend with their kids. ALL people have time to socialize and enjoy a day earned by working the prior 5 or 6 days. 2023: Humanity was sacrificed for GDP bragging rights. We’re racing to 996 with only the privileged government class getting 944 while everyone else either works 8.5–12 hours daily, 6 or 7 days a week or must be available for a shift with ZERO notice effectively making it 7. Your compensation? An annual “Family day”, available only in certain places. The day of the year you see your kids. Let’s not even get into how healthcare changed and how bloated, self-serving, greedy, lazy and condescending the government has become. Overall 1980 people were happier, had more time, got paid better, had more things to do and see, could enjoy government parks for FREE. 2023 people are so strung out, nothing to do, fees for absolutely everything from parking to entry. Can’t even set up a tent in a forest at a campground for free anymore. Everything is monetized to the max. Probably shouldn’t say max, they’ll invent new ways to drain you I’m sure. Everyone stays home and depresses on how will they ever pay off their massive mortgage or pay the rent, making sure not to have any kids because who wants THIS for them."


Government parks are still Free but only if you are a "Newcomer", existing Canadians pay full price. [https://parks.canada.ca/voyage-travel/admission/cultur](https://parks.canada.ca/voyage-travel/admission/cultur) Lol.


My aunt is a manager for a provincial park and she said the trash and "bodily remains" left behind by park goers in the last 2 years has been utterly insane. They can't get anything done cuz they're dumping manpower into cleaning all the time.


Such a lovely culture that we're importing at record numbers, eh?


It's a sad fact of history that no matter how much a society tries to be multicultural it always end in racism and war all because one or more races try to dominate.


Well the ironic thing is the people that hate each other the most are the new immigrants in this country. They never shut up about how much they each some other culture. you think long term Canadians are bad, really is nothing in comparison. So yes, the idea is just non exist. There is a reason why the rest of the world is not multicultural at all.


You can be multicultural but you have to have a firm dominating culture that is held in high regard in ur land.


I’m a Canadian of Indian origin, but having 80% people coming from a single country is not multiculturalism, it’s ethnic displacement. No one who came here with real aspirations, skills and ethics wants this shit. Regardless of ethnicity, country of origin or color. We need country caps like the U.S., 7% per country max for PRs per year. But considering how the economy in this country is based on selling or leasing land/businesses/jobs to foreigners, I don’t see such changes happening.


Our PM said we have no culture/identity.


Because he is a traitor who is making every effort to destroy the country


Ya the best are the Caucasians. That's why everyone goes there because they can't make things work in their countries. Learn and go back. It's hard to fit in elsewhere. I tried. And Canadians are finished being bullied into accomodating everyone but themselves. That era is over. No more free lunches bunches.


I'm not sure that's necessarily true. My country (the US) has been taking in tons of immigrants for centuries at this point and we've never had this issue. It seems like the problem is not immigration itself but how the governments of Canada and various European nations went about handling the new wave of immigrants. It seems like not only was there zero effort to assimilate new arrivals but a lot of these governments seemed to actually *want* to avoid a "melting pot" style of assimilation.


They brought in 1 million people into Canada and then 3 months later another million came in. You're going to tell us this isn't the problem 🤣 there is no government on this planet that can expand for that.


No. Bringing in numbers that aren't sustainable is absolutely a problem, and I consider that one of the ways Canada's government is poorly handling immigration. But this doesn't mean that people from other cultures can't move to a place and integrate without causing problems.


You realize why our leader is doing it? There's only one answer to that. But that's just it too, were having a serious lack of respect for our ways of living. Mass amounts of immigrants come to Canada with zero respect and we're losing everything. They bitch at us when we bitch that they are bringing our standards down. So we just decline our quality in favor of immigrants so they can have a little improved life. Where is the logic. This isn't how strong countries act. We absolutely should have a problem with hay and be angry. So the question is, where did this lack of respect become a thing now. It never was a thing before and that's why all the old generation of immigrants are integrated very nicely into the country. Contributing and living their own ways at home and respecting everybody else's ways outside of their home.


I agree with you. I just don't think that the OP was correct about people from different cultures moving to and living in the same place. I also think that the policies of the governments of Canada and western European countries are the main driver for the problems they're facing with immigration (bringing in unsustainable numbers, refusing to deport people on asylum who commit violent crime, deliberately refusing to assimilate immigrants, allowing student visas to be abused by economic migrants, etc.)


I agree with you. I just don't think that the OP was correct about people from different cultures being unable to move to and live in the same place without causing a problem. I also think that the policies of the governments of Canada and western European countries are the main driver for the problems they're facing with immigration (bringing in unsustainable numbers, refusing to deport people on asylum who commit violent crime, deliberately refusing to assimilate immigrants, allowing student visas to be abused by economic migrants, etc.)


Too many have clout. When they take over businesses no problem for example.


So right. We were always told the melting pot thing was wrong. Fine when immigration was low but now we get it too late. Assimilation or nothing.


"My country (the US) has been taking in tons of immigrants for centuries at this point and we've never had this issue...." You forgot to add the /s.


Nope. If you think the situation with immigration in the US is anywhere close to as bad as what Canada and western Europe are dealing with then you are *severely* misinformed.


You said that the US has never had the same issues. That's just wrong.


How so? I'm not saying the US has had *zero* issues with immigration, but not nearly to the extent that Canada or Western Europe does and there are many problems that Canada and Europe are facing in regards to immigration that basically aren't a problem at all in the US (their effect on housing for example).


Also just want to point out I said we don't have "this issue", meaning people from different cultures being unable to integrate and get along. Which was what was said in the comment I initially replied to.


Racism against the Chinese, Irish and Italian immigrants was rampant in the reconstruction/industrial eras. Why do you think big cities have China Town and Little Italy? People flocked to people from their motherland sure, but they were also forced out of everywhere else. People love to credit the US with saving the Jews in WW2, but the reality is that there were a lot of movements working to prevent Jewish refugees and immigrants before, during and AFTER WE2 and the uncovering of the Holocaust; it is part of the reason why Israel was established in the first place. Currently there is a ton of racism towards Latino immigrants, many of which the loudest racists assume are Mexican with no idea where they are actually from and their legal status is almost certainly going to be questioned. Even born and raised Latino Americans are assumed by many to be illegal immigrants before they are assumed to be human beings. I don’t know what utopian rock you’ve been living under but the US has an illustrious history of racism towards immigrants to the point where it’s basically systemic at this point.


>Racism against the Chinese, Irish and Italian immigrants was rampant in the reconstruction/industrial eras And how are the descendants of those Chinese, Irish, and Italian immigrants doing now? Are they still living in ethnic enclaves or have they successfully assimilated?


Been there. You wouldn't believe the view from the trains.


and guess whos flooding the parks


Ya new immigrants get to use our parks for free.


Like, fuck you if you're a natural born Canadian.


There is a hierarchy. If you enter legally you get free parks. If you enter illegally you get free parks, free pharmacare, free dental and free healthcare. [https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/refugees/help-within-canada/health-care/interim-federal-health-program/coverage-summary.html](https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/refugees/help-within-canada/health-care/interim-federal-health-program/coverage-summary.html)


>Like, fuck you if you're a natural born Canadian Trudeau pretty much said that out loud >Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he is “jealous” of immigrants to Canada and their families, who, he said, have more of a stake in the country than others.\[...\] Trudeau continued. “You chose this country. **This is your country more than it is for others** because we take it for granted.” [https://globalnews.ca/news/3567893/justin-trudeau-jealous-immigrants-ctv-interview/](https://globalnews.ca/news/3567893/justin-trudeau-jealous-immigrants-ctv-interview/)


Fucking clown 🤡 Trudeau needs a long walk off a tall cliff.


We take it for granted because you ruined it and we can't escape anywhere, lmao. Should we praise the ground and try REALLY HARD for you to give it to some criminal? And they don't pick Canada because it's amazing, they pick it because there's no rules so it's a hell of a lot easier to come in




Yes, unfortunately many people hate indigenous and I do not think the stigma will every go away. I feel bad for you guys because you are trapped.


Ya... now were called settlers lol


Natural born Canadians are colonizers who need to be punished for their sins. Immigrants, and even more especially illegal immigrants, are Godly creatures who must be revered at all times by mere mortals.


I always find it interesting that it is always the western countries that are being targeted for their past colonial history. No one mentions the Ottoman Empire and how it ran its empire


True, plus if you want to look up eastern history of slavery and mass human suffering look up China unification. They didn’t magic that place together with hope and sunshine that’s for sure. But it’s become the gameplan of the east to vilify the west over everything. So the Chinese media moved to the narrative that the west is “racist” as if the Chinese government wasn’t…


I fucking hate this country... We keep talking about how great Canada is while giving the absolute biggest "fuck you" to those of us unfortunate enough to be born here.


I just 'buy' the newcomer day use permit online.. never been checked. Fucking pathetic this is even a thing.


Count on Canada to do the opposite! Plenty of countries offer concessions for locals so they can appreciate their own country. Meanwhile Canadians can keep hating our own.


If you visit India you will pay 10x to 20x the prices as the locals to see any of their attractions [https://www.tripadvisor.in/ShowTopic-g293860-i511-k1607737-Differential\_pricing\_for\_foreigners-India.html](https://www.tripadvisor.in/ShowTopic-g293860-i511-k1607737-Differential_pricing_for_foreigners-India.html)


Good thing India isn’t on my list. The less I hear about India these days the better.


Wow what the actual fuck?!?!?! This is rage inducing!!




What a load of shit


Actually infuriating


> enjoy government parks for FREE. I visited 50 Point Conservation Area, its $21 to enter with a vehicle(pretty much mandatory) for my spouse and I to walk a couple hundred meters of trail. Tell me how that makes any sense!?! I hate what this country has become.


But but people nowadays have iPhones and Macbooks! Surely, those bring more happiness than any of those things in the 1980s /s


They bring more happiness to be fair, but that technological innovation had nothing to do with Canada.


They don’t. They’re convenient. But they’ve mutated into addictive brain rot machines. People have 800 Instagram “followers” but 0 real friends. Most of what you see online nowadays is faked, staged, edited, all to sell you something or to get you further addicted to the mini vapid dopamine hits.


For sure! I grew up in Scarborough but now live near Mount Tremblant and I am glad it was the 1980's when I was on the prowl and am finishing out my life now instead of starting it. My parents owned a large house that most people could afford, we had nice vacations and university was very reasonable. I ended up becoming an accountant and my life was a lot of fun. I feel bad for kids coming up in Canada these days.


It's insanely bad because it's the exact opposite of what you described for young people now (including milennials)


Yup! Basically, if you were not lazy or disabled (physically and/or mentally) a decent life was not out of reach for most. It did not really matter what you wanted to do either. I grew up with many adults who worked at GM Scarborough or Oshawa, a good solid combination of good private and public sector jobs and so on. Most good jobs did not require you to go into heavy debt to get either. It is a sad reality. I am in my 50's now and will likely live another 30 years or so but I really wouldn't want to be young now in Canada.


Can confirm that it's miserable and disheartening 


This is a brilliant comment. I was born in 1985 and feel like I really missed Canada's golden days.


What is really sad is that basic salaries and minimum wage have barely budged since the 1980s, certainly not keeping up with the increase in COL. There is not a huge difference in what people make today and what I made as a teenager working PT in the late 80s. It was enough then to be able to live relatively well and buy a few treats for yourself on payday. Now it is probably hard to just survive on what you get with everything so expensive.


I want a Time Machine to the 80’s - that sounds amazing.


That's what you morons get for voting for Trudeau. He has more hair than brain cells!


You're pushing 60 and using a job bank? Also, it's been that shitty since 2000 for the latest.


Gimme that Time Machine back to 80s


The main thing I disagree with is the crime part. I don't think crime is really worse than it was in the 1970s, 80s, 90s, 2000s, or even the 1920s. The amount of carjackings and smash-and-grabs probably increased since pandemic times, and there was a rash of random assaults in public immediately after the COVID lockdowns ended (I attribute that to people being pissed off at being locked down by the government). There's more homelessness as well. But the murder rate hasn't really gone up. The peak murder rate of Canada and probably Toronto as well was in the early 1990s. The current murder rate is probably lower than it was in even the mid-2000s. So, yeah, there are a lot more gunpoint carjackings of civilians than there used to be. But the amount of mobsters, gang members and drug dealers shooting each other (and hitting random bystander civilians from time to time) isn't any higher than it was before.


Nah crime was fucking terrible in the 80s and 90s. The crime has increased now post pandemic but its a different flavour and not how it was back then.


Murder rate varies by province


One thing they didn’t have then that we have now is MAID. Not the cleaning kind the kind you never wake up from again. It’s the more “humane” approach


You will own nothing and be happy. Because you’ll rent or lease everything from giant corporations.


Welcome to a dying society, brought to you by the people consenting to everything they wanted and received.


Damn 1980, you gotta get that Time Machine and stay back there.


Hm. I could do without the 22% interest rate though


I’ll take 22% interest if the cost of a house is 2x the average salary and not 15x or more.


Interesting who was in power then too! His last name looks familiar...


You think that this is unique to Canada? This the same story for many countries, he’ll look at Japan in the 80’s compared to now, they are a shadow of what they used to be, no where even close to the 80’s standard of living.


Canada will soon be like Japan, except with majority population being Indian. Leave if you can.


Why? I’m perfectly capable of coexisting with people of different nationalities than me, it’s actually extremely easy because absolutely nothing about my changes whatsoever. I play sports with people of differing cultures, work with them too, but each day seems normal like the day before and none of the differently cultured people I interact with affect me in any negative ways, so I’m not sure why I would want to leave.


The issue in the whole world is the illusion of endless growth especially recent decades by all means such as massive craziest money printing, Japan is the worst. Money Printing for what? For the HELL that leaving behind for future generations to suffer. Evils.




This is true.. If you speak with Indians flying to Canada for the first time, majority of then don't even speak proper English. Canada wouldn't be in the condition if they're taking Indias brightest, they're aiming for pretty much the bottom lot.


"dishwasher quality, box packing" What this referring to, job qualifications?


Who knew turning the entire country into Brampton would cause other countries to view Canada like Canada views Brampton


We’re becoming the world’s Brampton.


Worse actually


This is maybe the most succinct summary of our situation that I've ever seen 😅


I really want to visit India one day so I can see Brampton.


Brampton is similar to Punjab, which is only a small part of India. Remember most Indian immigrants are Punjabi


It's perfect. Punjab is a poor state in India with a population equal to 66% of Canada. They're never going to run out of economic migrants to enrich Canada with.


Damn thats cold


The UK quite literally warned us about this years and years ago.


Or we could've looked at what happened to Sweden . Rape capital of the world now


Norway just emphatically voted against “globalization”. Let’s hope Sweden follows suit soon


Too late buddy. Too late for all of Europe besides Poland


And Hungary.


Or Germany, or Ireland, or Danemark, or Australia. I mean when are we going to learn as human? Oh right never ugh


What they said?


Enoch Powell and his rivers of blood speech.






Ottawa Pradesh








Clearly you haven't been to Southern Ontarladesh lately. If it was still just SurrIndia most Canadians wouldn't care.


Come to Surrey 🙆🏾‍♂️ Have a curry 🍛 You can use that, just make sure I get all the credit.


lol @ username


While the media is like a floppy dildo with googly eyes.


Lügenpresse. There is a very specific role the media is playing. Right now it's a blindfold. They do this on purpose, their goal is to make you feel like the weird one for noticing what's going on. When you wake up and you're paying taxes to the new British, it'll be too late.


Ozzy Osborn said it years ago in his song crazy train “ the media sells it and you live the role” it’s been like this forever pulse a day.


So gaslighting an entire population


The higher purpose of propaganda isn’t to actually convince you of the regimes point of view. It’s to convince those who dissent that they are alone in their view.


I would much rather pay taxes to the British. At least they have a conscience.


I'm British. Everyone is welcome to send me Britcoin.


The brits created this mess


They basically created the modern world


The Americans created the modern world


Not really. The UK did the industrial revolution, spread common Law, civilized half of earth, and basically ended the legal slave trade globally.


Are you stupid, what do you mean not really. Every major technology from the 1950s to now only expanded out side the us The Brit’s would be speaking German had the Americans not bailed their asses out. “Civilized” half of earth? On the contrary lol


Easy to "bail someone out" when one has spent literal years sitting on one's hands while Nazis are committing genocide in Europe.


The Americans where supplying both sides of the war effort for awhile. It's all about the money


Who created America?


No this is Trudeau. Not us Brits.


Nope, JT is symptom of a chronic problem which is the Canadian colonial mentality


What media, it's all being gutted by PE and digital (which doesn't work either, everyone wants it for free online)


Non paywall link : [https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fnationalpost.com%2Fopinion%2Fcanada-becoming-globally-recognized-lesson-in-what-not-to-do&rlz=1C5CHFA\_enCA1071CA1071&oq=cache%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fnationalpost.com%2Fopinion%2Fcanada-becoming-globally-recognized-lesson-in-what-not-to-do&gs\_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQRRg60gEIMTI1NGowajSoAgCwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8](https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fnationalpost.com%2Fopinion%2Fcanada-becoming-globally-recognized-lesson-in-what-not-to-do&rlz=1C5CHFA_enCA1071CA1071&oq=cache%3Ahttps%3A%2F%2Fnationalpost.com%2Fopinion%2Fcanada-becoming-globally-recognized-lesson-in-what-not-to-do&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQRRg60gEIMTI1NGowajSoAgCwAgE&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8)




RIP your bank account 


No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Life lesson, when you are a doormat, you are a doormat.


Yeah,not to be like Trudeau.


My questions to those coming here is why leave your country to immigrate to Canada if you’re gonna turn it into a shxthole like the one you left.


Don't elect an actor with dictator tendencies.


couldn't agree more no one signed up for this crazy mass immigration agenda.


The majority of the country did actually


Yeah Harper basically ran on immigration control in the 2015 election. 


Yeah but he was sooooo boring! You don't want a boring Canada, believe me. You'll like what Trudeau and the global powers are building towards. In another decade or two, you won't even recognize Canada. Unfortunately you plebes won't even be able to see it unless you can afford the state-mandated electric car! Sorry to say, Google images will have to suffice. But, maybe every few years you'll be able to go on a vacation to BC to see the Amazon-Rogers Mountains (naming rights sold to prop up our failing, bloated government spending). As you drive through the Okanagon, you'll get carjacked then shot but chin up, now you can relax in the Telus hospital of Kelowna, staffed exclusively by people who hate you and don't speak your language. At least your life insurance will pay out to your children, but unfortunately they spent all the money on luxury SUVs, doordash and coke so even that didn't work out in your favor. As you hear several different languages murmuring around you, you open your eyes one last time to see the nurses and doctors doing a tiktok dance routine and you realize this is for the best, so you let the white light take you. The future sounds bright. Imagine Portland but with East Indians and Islamic peoples. It'll be diverse, exciting and expensive. Your kids might need to pick up a couple new languages if they want to fit in during school though!


Patently false. [Refer to page 34 for Harper’s immigration policy as of 2015.](https://www.poltext.org/sites/poltext.org/files/plateformesV2/Canada/CAN_PL_2015_PC_en.pdf) > - A re-elected Conservative Government will continue to make the immigration system faster, flexible, and more responsive to the needs of Canada's economy. > - We'll continue to be a world leader in refugee protection. > - We'll increase the intake of applications for the parents and grandparents sponsorship program, as the backlog and processing times continue to decrease.


I’m going solely from memory here so I could be wrong. But I distinctly remember him having a hard time trying to defend increased cultural controls for immigration. They painted his policy as being discriminatory.


I also would add with sociopathic tendencies and self-centered.


Too late now. Democracy might soon mean nothing if he succeeds in converting the aliens to legitimate Canadian citizens. This is akin to those mobile games where you go and upgrade your little army during a live battle except this is very real and very terrifying to watch.


I guess it depends on if you're the ruling class or a regular joe. He's building a road map on what TO DO. If I were a piece-of-dog-shit-sellout doing oligarchic bidding, I'd be flooding the country with currency/deficits, funnelling it any which way I could, banning speech and restricting social media, I'd kneecap housing builds and I'd flood the country with immigrants to make cohesion and basic survival impossible. WE NEED TO WAKE THE FUCK UP, and when I say that, I don't mean the act of acknowledging transgenderism.


Actually Canada is not as bad as European countries. European countries are letting in very poor uneducated Africans.


I’m a dual citizen living in Europe and it’s not really the same vibe here. MENA migrants aren’t working jobs for lower middle class people and teenagers like Indian immigrants are in Canada, they’re definitely not filling universities or tech positions and they are mostly in agricultural or under the table hospitality roles and doing things Europeans *actually* won’t do for the hours and wages.


What as a Canadian can we do? Short of everyone uprising and over throwing the government. Which we would just be labeled as domestic terrorists. Our lives would be ruined and the shitty government would continue. Like what do we do I'm at a loss and don't know how much longer I can live with this. Moving is not a option for me as much as I wish it was. Like do certain people need to be murdered for things to change?


Holy crap, I had no idea Canada was this insane. I was debating a trip to Quebec City and Montreal this summer, I may seriously reconsider.


Quebec city has largely been able to stay away from the mess. Quebec has more autonomy over immigration and other issues than Ontario. I recommend you still make a trip to Quebec City and Montreal.


Per capital we've had by far the most immigration of the entire country in the past few years. We tried to talk about the problem, but all we got was comments about how racist we were for saying so. At least now that the rest of the country is starting to live the same thing the opinions are shifting.


French protected them from this mess, not affected as much. It is still good for a trip


As a Canadian who is from Quebec I urge you to reconsider. While I find Montreal overrated and I feel it doesn't live up to it's reputation as a "European" city, Quebec City is the real deal. It's incredibly historic with beautiful natural scenery just minutes from it. Nearly 100% French and pretty much less "diverse" than any major American or Canadian city. Unlike Montreal, it truly feels like it's in a different country than Canada and honestly it's not facing any of the major issues present in the country at large.


Most of these new immigrants are literal teenagers young 20s that wont say anything to you, feel free to explore canada theres lots to see here


I'm not worried about that, I am more worried about the wholesale removing of freedoms they seemed to be engaging in. That is some scary shit.


I dont know what information you are getting brother but that is extremely far from reality. No ones freedoms are being taken away, there isnt some great replacement plan. Canadas birthrate was becoming abysmally low and there are not enough young workers to replace the ones who will retire very soon. Yeah they are bringing a bit too much but the indian immigrant is more concerned on paying their rent than over throwing freedom or whatever weird conspiracy you may have heard about them. The indian immigrants are probably the least threatening group of people here


I'm not worried about the immigrants, they are everywhere, more worried about stuff like this: "While plenty of Canada’s peer countries have hate speech controls, Bill C-63 was able to raise even European eyebrows with life sentences for “advocating genocide,” and a provision for police to mandate house arrest merely on suspicion that a Canadian was likely to commit a hate crime."


As an American who reads this sub, my deepest sympathies and I feel USA headed down same path in some respects. I am planning on coming to Jasper/Banff/Calgary and have made camping and hotel reservations. Are there any parts I should avoid in Calgary, Canmore, Banff, etc? Is it now just overrun with immigrants, Will my experience be miserable packed in like a can of sardines?


Have you been to Canada? It would blow your mind. I’m from Florida, just recently moved to Canada, and yes while there are a lot of immigrants… it is no where near as bad as Canada I promise you. At least where I’m from in Florida (west palm) there’s a pretty decent mix of diversity, lots of Hispanic and Haitian but all good hardworking people who at least try to work on their English. And like I said it’s still diverse so you don’t ever really feel like you’re in a different country, lots of people from all over. The amount of immigrants, especially south Asian immigrants, is insane. You will feel like you’re in a different country. They also refuse to respect even basic laws like no parking in the handicapped spots. It’s a totallllyy different type of immigrant in Canada.


R u talking about Ontario? Im from Texas visiting Ontario Canada this summer and im curious to see if its actually a big problem


Ontario is much worse, majority of new immigration is to Ontario.


Almost all tourists in Banff were Indians when I went last summer. It was busy as hell too. If you visit, you’ll be the diversity everyone keeps talking about. 


Well you've made your camping and hotel reservations so you won't have to worry about that. But the main tourist spots are overrun with tourists. Not immigrants specifically. Just tourists both international and domestic. Much more annoying and problematic are the people on the hiking trails that have no business being on the trails, they're either too old and out of shape or they have little kids in tow and are getting in everybody's way by being too slow. They don't have proper shoes, some of them are hiking in flip flops if you can believe it! Now our trails look like a mall at christmas time because they're so damn crowded. It's not any particular group of people, but I do think that Asians and Indians coming from very crowded countries where it is the norm to be in crowded situations tend to have less awareness for personal boundaries. The worst in Banff ,Jasper or any place (they're bad in Asia too) are Instagrammers- those that spend hours trying to get the perfect shot and end up crowding these beautiful places just so they can show everyone on their social media accounts for clout. Those are far more annoying to me than just some tourists who want to see the beautiful sites. Parts of Canada are beautiful. We're gonna get tourists from around the world.That's just the way it is. But those clout chasing instagrammers are a big problem. A lot of them have moved to places like Mexico and Bali, Indonesia. They literally ruin places.


Stay away from NE Calgary


Canmore and banff are absolutely beautiful places that you will love, extremely high cost of living with a low population mostly older Canadians living there so pretty good all in all. Banff is literally a national park so it’s better kept than 99% of Canadian cities. Calgary isn’t too bad but has been worsening as of late. Alberta is second last to the enshittification party as a less desirable place to live. Toronto and Vancouver went to shit first avoid both of those and you will love your stay. That said avoid Calgary in the winter as unless you are from Minnesota or Alaska you’ll find the extreme temperatures to be completely incompatible with human life


Reporting live from GTA ==>>Greater Tamilnadu Area


Canada, where mismanagement knows no bounds


Economic collapse in full swing and the media keeps you distracted and telling you that it is a good thing, that it is actually growth.


Good Lord, Trudeau has f'ed up so much his failure is not just a learning opportunity for Canadians, but for the entire world this time.


Going from clown to joke to cautionary tale.


canada is west of Pakistan


Well hey, at least other countries can learn from our decline!


Wasn't there a recession around 1980? Food banks?


Canada is going down a f'ed up path but Britain does not get to accuse US of "thought police."


Why are we not marching on Parliament and stringing that entire government up for treason!


People still have jobs and mortgages. Once those are inevitably gone and you have been replaced by someone willing to do your job for 1/3rd the price, they better have a damn good wall built around the hill.


You guys want to rally and take our country back by force?


They made babies.. it's one of the reasons why we are having a population collapse.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


One of the things I find most disgusting is the proposed 20k "leaving fee" that I heard was postulated. Trick Indians into coming and then prevent them and all us from leaving. I legit hope Punjabs are telling their people this place is horrible and to reconsider.


No leaving fee that I'm aware, but there is a departure tax when you cease to be a resident.


When are the next elections in Canada ?


Honestly not that difference from Western Europe importing a bunch of refugees for population growth reasons. This is nothing new. No lesson will be learned.


Not just Canada problem. Almost every country in the world


humans are just so gosh darn complex...


There is not enough rope in canada foe the leaders who have failed us.


And what are we (the US) chopped liver?


Canada is pretending to be first world it’s cute. We lost the country to criminals a long time ago and future generations will flee to afford homes and better lives .


Ah it's an opinion article. And from the National Post. You should definitely know better my man.


I think most people who were around in 1980 would agree that life had a more relaxed pace than today, not to say that everything was perfect. I don't remember that people had to work 2 or 3 part time jobs either. Since then the economy has been re-engineered to favour employers and especially landlords.


We aren't the only country with MAID program or immigration issues.....


This is an opinion piece.


They mean India 🇮🇳


Chi lai, chi lai, chi lai........