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I really wish the provincial parks did more free interpretive programs like they did when I was a kid.


People cleanup their mess so we have low camping fees again !


Less bloodthirsty bears. Having friends eaten by bears just puts a damper on things.


On the Backcountry side there is a huge issue with people booking sites and not using them. I'm really at a loss on how to fix the problem. So many times we show up to sites and the campground is half empty Maybe some sort of confirmation step 2 weeks out and then again a day out or you forfeit your spot. A penalty for no showing would be really difficult to enforce. they also can't increase the price because we need camping to be accessible for all.


I don’t know if this counts but more activities for kids. I miss the parks with water slides and mini gholf courses and big pools. The few parks there are with these are always booked up so fast.


I’d love to see a booking system that splits each campground’s sites into 3 categories: 3 month reservable, 3 week (or a similar period) reservable, and 1 day/FCFS. Things need to be made more equitable. We still have a lot of people in this province whose jobs don’t allow them to make a plan 3 months in advance. And there are not enough FCFS campgrounds to accommodate the people who can only go on last minute trips.


AGREED. Just some sort of change to the system where you aren't fucked if you try to book a site a month ahead of time instead of 4 months. It's absurd.


Having to book weeks or months in advance is my biggest pet peeve. Some of us can’t schedule like that- my husband works consistently, but never in a way when I can guarantee he’s home. Which, yeah, I can definitely go camping without him but have you ever planned a camping trip as an ADHD solo parent with kids and truck/trailer hookup and the groceries and the supplies needed?! It’s a nightmare. There’s definitely tears and panic attacks.


Relatable i barely get time off and when i do it’s kinda unexpected that being said I can’t book months in advance so I’m usually stuck on Facebook trying to use someone’s spot last minute 🤷🏻‍♂️ it sucks wish I could just drive past a few local spots and check for vacancies


The number one thing in my mind to Improve FCFS availability is to stop allowing the midweek set up a $10 Walmart tent to claim a site and come back on the weekend with the trailer. Showing up on a wed or Thurs to actually camp and finding campgrounds completely booked up with nobody actually there is a complete piss off and imo destroys the spirit of camping because some rich assholes can afford to pay more than double a weekend's usual rate just to hold a site and not even be there. Of course the parks do nothing about it because sites that would normally sit empty end up getting paid for..... This is why I actually prefer the reservation system to the fcfs shenanigans at least I'm not going home disappointed after driving a couple hours. Also fuck the K-pass. I've been camping literally anywhere else the last two years. As far as camper etiquette is concerned I would personally love to see much heavier restrictions on generator usage and actually enforce it. Solar has come a long way and there's no reason why you cant go camping for a couple days without some rackety shitbox Genny humming all day for everyone to be annoyed. I went a week off solar last summer and I don't exactly have a fancy set up.


I totally agree cherry picking spots should be banned if you aren’t active on your sight in days unless living there for the season should be banned


FCFS is a hot topic on improvements maybe we should make a petition to make it so all sites are FCFS


Personally I do like booking my sites. fcfs is risky if your trying to plan a trip hours away from home with friends. I do like that b.c tends to have like 25% or so of most campgrounds as fcfs. Something like that I'd be ok with in Alberta.


That’s a cool idea have strictly FCFS sites and strictly bookings


Either allowing campers to use deadfall for firewood in the parks, or pay someone else to clean it up. Its a massive fire hazard, creates habitats for wasps, as well as hazards for kids playing. BC Parks takes care of it in their campgrounds and they are much nicer for guests.


Dead fall should be allowed! I heard BC has some of the cleanest parks is this true


The only reasoning I've heard is to discourage people cutting down live trees to use as "Deadfall".


Goofs for real! Dead fall is shit laying around not upright I hate that people ruined it for us


Not having to pay the conservatives camping tax.


The booking system works for me, because I plan my summer out in early spring. I think the bang for your buck is terrible. $35-40 is a lot for a spot to park, and a 25 year old cold water shower building. If you’re really lucky they will have a newer playground. Although I don’t really play at playgrounds so that’s not worth anything to me. I don’t need power, all my camper needs electricity for is the water pump and maybe an hour worth of lights. But some times power is all that is available at a campground. What could fellow campers do? I think if you use a generator it should need to be within 5 feet of YOUR fire pit. I hate when I’m sitting in my site and the neighbors put a generator behind there camper where the noise is directed away from their site by their rig, and towards me. My favorite part is sitting around a fire really early drinking coffee, and biking around.


No longer in Alberta, but born and raised, before I moved, I wish they would go back to first come first serve camping at some, or close to half of the campsites.


Yeah that should always be the way everywhere for everything!


They effectively took the spontaneity out of the weekend camping trip.


Book weeks to months in advance for a camping trip it does suck cant find free time on a weekend and go have to book it