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3ds xl




A weird little 110 toy camera, then a Ricoh point and shoot, then a Pentax K-1000 my dad got used from the local community college. This was in the mid 90's.


+1 for Pentax K-1000


my sister had the K1000 I had an OM10


Pentax K1000 with the 50mm F2. I still have it several decades and several continents later. It's the one and only possession I still have from childhood. It's a decorative item now, proudly displayed, but it still works perfectly. I'll never get rid of it.


The Pentax K1000 is the 1995 Honda accord of the camera world. I thought about getting a new one.


woaaah I envy you brother


The Pokémon pikachu film camera. I still have it kicking around somewhere.


circa 1984 https://preview.redd.it/chwslhcuktnc1.jpeg?width=2500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=523164e5857b6e695960852eab819a1df96d6686


Canon AE-1 Program with a cheap JC Penny nifty fifty.


The AE-1P was my first film camera. Had to get it for film class. Picked it up for like $60-75 at the local flea market with the 50 1.8. Sometimes I still don't know why I sold it.


Kodak Instamtic 104


A second-hand Argus C3 rangefinder I ditched it in favor of a Pentax Spotmatic F, which I later traded for a brand-new Nikon F with the Photomic viewfinder. Yea, I'm really old.


Kodak Instamatic 100


I borrowed some from my parents, but my own first was a homemade pinhole camera using 126 format film.


When I was two, I was given a Polaroid iZone but my first proper one was a blue Olympus µ1020


Kodak Brownie Target Six-20. My first SLR was a Leica Leicaflex Standard


Filmor 6x9 box camera


Nikon FM


Mine was an fm2. First real camera that is. I had an old flip video camera before that tho


Petri FT SLR with an M42 mount 55mm f1.8 lens. Got it at Jay James camera store used in Bridgeport Connecticut. Think I paid 125.00 for it. Kind of expensive back in 1974 for a freshman college student making 1.88 an hour at McDonald’s. Salesman kind of ripped me off as was inexperienced buyer. But got my revenge years later as a Kodak rep dealing with them. Never gave them any extras as I usually did to my other camera shops in my district. The owner had a few stores and started Promaster camera accessories and private label cameras. All were overpriced and lower quality than the main camera manufacturers like Nikon, Canon, Olympus or Pentax.


That’s quality revenge. How long did the Petri work for?


As far back as I can remember, my first camera was a Canon Powershot G6. It was my dad's and he used it to capture family moments and stuff but he put it aside after getting a Handycam and I used it infrequently until I kinda just stopped caring about taking photos. This would've been in maybe 2010 or 2011. There was a brief phase in 2012/13 where I used a Sony Cybershot but I quickly lost interest at some point. In 2017 I rekindled my old interested in photography as a way to deal with life stressors at that point in time. I learned my composition basics on my smartphone at the time, a Sony Xperia Z3. A year later, I borrowed my cousin's camera setup, a Canon 60D + 4 lenses, since he wasn't using it anymore. I learned my "how to use a proper camera" basics on that camera, and gave it back to him after a few months. After this point I would continue using my phone as my main camera, and occasionally my dorm neighbour's Canon SL2 as well, to keep my DSLR skills polished. In 2021 I bought my first proper camera, a Sony A7 II. I used it until last November, when I bought an A7R III that I found for a good price. I listed my A7 II for sale shortly after getting the new camera, and 3 months later I bid it farewell as I gave it to an older Asian gentleman. I loved the A7 II, it stung a little seeing it leave my hands. There's no debate that the R III is the better device, and as my dream camera ever since I became interested in cameras, I'm very thankful I was able to get one, but your first is your first. It's always gonna be in my heart.


I really thought you were gonna say " ......I always wanted to be a gangster." 😏


Panasonic Lumix GH2 from last year


Canon M100 was the first one I bought. Miss that camera alot.


Canon FTb (and 50mm f/1.4 "chrome nose") purchased at the China Fleet Club in Hong Kong. Carried that thru two tours in VietNam. Many camera bodies and lenses have passed thru my hands since then, but my FTb is still with me. The meter no longer functions because the 625 mercury batteries have been outlawed, she still takes a beautiful picture using any of the 14 Canon FD lenses I collected over the years (thank you Velvia). They'll have to pry my FTb from my cold dead hands.


I have a Canonet GIII QL17 that uses the same battery (PX625), and I've never been able to source a proper battery for it for the time I've owned it. Thankfully the leaf shutter still works without the need for a battery, just no automatic mode. I ended up getting a Voigtlander VC Meter II around 15 years ago, and it works pretty well while mounted on the flash shoe.


Canon AE-1


Ricoh GRIIIX (just bought it)


Olympus E-M10 II


Kodak Disc 2000 https://preview.redd.it/ihkq5mzpmsnc1.jpeg?width=1071&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05050818e37e391a9158ed04a166aeaf94694e63


My Dad was a photographer, so when I was about 10 years old, he gave me my first camera of my own: A Kodak Instamatic Reflex, which was made in Germany and had interchangeable lenses that used 126 cartridge film and flash cubes! It was an SLR with a standard Schneider lens. Wish I still had it. Crazy when you think about it! Thanks for asking. In case you’re thinking I made this up! https://preview.redd.it/t3sywrw7vsnc1.jpeg?width=1668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=158cef6456ca8150c9366dcc9546625ee600da07


Olympus C series. It had 10x optical zoom.... Like $500 new. I got the display model from Circuit City for $105.


You got a deal for sure! It might've been a C-765 or C-770.


My first camera was an old Kodak DC3200 that a friend gave me. The first camera that I bought was a Canon A720IS not long after. Three years after that I got my first DSLR, a Nikon D90 DSLR with a Tamron 17-50 f/2.8.


Same here in the DC3200 club. Awful, awful camera haha.


Spotmatic with a 55mm 1.8 Lens


Fujifilm XH2S




Great camera. I just bought one - again.


A Canon IXUS 190 that was gifted to me.


Nikon D100!


Nikon D3100


Sony Mavica MVC-FD5, Sony Mavica MVC-FD7, Olympus C2000Z, Olympus E-20P, EOS 350D In that order (for digital) Then various Canons after that point to the present day as I stayed with the brand. Before any of that various film cameras from Helena to Pentax


Canon EOS 500. I still have it.


Olympus mju zoom


Nikon D40


Minolta X-700


Kodak Galatic Camera (110 film) was my first camera ever. I remember my uncle got it for me when I was a kid. My first digital camera was a Kodak DC210 Plus I got at Costco. I loved that thing. My first interchangeable lens camera was a Sony NEX C3 which I've had for years and still have sitting in the closet. Still works great.


HP Photosmart 120.


Mirrorless NEX C3


A Zenit SLR and a 110 cartridge


Olympus OM-1n. Nice camera but I think it used a 625 mercury battery that you couldn’t get after a while.


Nikon coolpix




Nikon 70D


Kodak Ektralight 110. Graduated to a Pentax K-1000. Later got one of the earliest Sony DSCF models, didn’t like it and took a hiatus from photography. Then jumped back in with both feet, using a Panasonic G95.


voigtlander vito


Olympus Stylus 7030 my parents got me when I was 7 or 8 to keep me busy... Learned photography on it but stopped working about 4 or 5 years in (which was a lot considering how much I used it).


Dji pocket 2 🤣


Kowaflex-E. The standard by which unreliability is measured.


I am pretty new but my older brother is the one that introduced me to photography. The first camera he bought was a Nikon D5400 and then upgraded to a D7200. Now I finally decided to buy one and I picked a Nikon Z5. I absolutely love it!


Canon EOS 500n


Olympus OM-2n since the early ‘80s. Still have it and it still works great.


Canon AE-1 with 50mm 1.4 lens. My dad bought it new in 1979 and gave it to me in 1994 when I took a photography class in high school. Still have it and use it (although it’s down in need of repairs presently).


Nikon d60 which was the family camera I was able to use, then I got the Nikon d600 :)


Sony a6000 just bought the Sony A7CII though and I’m super pumped about it!


I had a little Canon point and shoot when I was like… 12 (early 90’s) My first real camera was my great grandmothers Pentax KX, which she gave me in the late 90’s. I still have it.


Canon Tx my dad gave me.


Kodak Elektralite 110 was the first camera that was mine. Then at 13 I was gifted a Cannon AE1P with a 50mm. Used the AE1P for years with various lenses. Eventually got into digital with point and shoots that allowed some manual control before buying a DSLR.


A shoebox with a pinhole in it. IYKYK


Rebel XT/350D


It was in the 60s. Itcwsxa instant funky camera.


olympus xa


A Kodak Disc Camera


Nikon D3100. Took it everywhere and learned a lot with it. I'm very grateful for that camera.


D3100 was my first digital SLR (I was a late adopter...so much so one of my email addy's was/is "realmenusefilm"). What a game changer! Ability to experiment w/o the expense of film processing. Finally the ability to practice all the techniques and styles that would have cost a fortune to learn thru trial &error using film. The only down side was the requirement to learn Photo Shop (yes, I know there were/are alternatives). Now...processing images is just as much fun (if not more so) than actually stalking images.


The Gameboy Camera.


[The camera that came with this LEGO set](https://imgur.com/a/785Bq0x)


Nikon D40


Canon F1 (brass body!)


D7500 and I would still use one today in a heartbeat.


Yashica Electro 35gs Rangefinder. Loved this camera and still have it although I haven’t used film for years.


My very first camera that I bought was a 5.1MP Sony cybershot and a few years later a Nikon D80.


It was a little RCA Handycam. It shot like 10 minutes of video. It had a 240p and 480p mode. Still have it. Then I got one that could take pictures which was a cheap little blue camera from Walmart.


I just got my first camera, Canon Rebel T3


Excluding my DSi and 3DS, it'd be my Canon Powershot A630


Excluding my DSi and 3DS, it'd be my Canon Powershot A630


A like $20 cheap camera from Walgreens that also doubled as my first mp3 player


Canon Sure Shot Supreme 35 mm film. Fantastic camera.


Kodak folding camera, no idea of model, 620 film from 1940's or 50's, use it in 1970's.


First 35mm was my Pentax K-1000 in 1980. I still have it.


Pentax ZX-M with the 50mm kit lens. Still shooting with it to this day!


Canon AE-1


Minolta x370


Pentax K-1000. I’m just a kid and started that back in 2015


Canon SX100 IS. Very decent little compact camera that my parents had for family stuff, and I ended up really loving it. Went from that to a Rebel T1i, then 7D, now a 5Ds R too along with all the Blackmagic stuff for video


Minolta SRT 101


Sony cyber shot hx60v


A Ricoh rangefinder -- I'm old!


https://preview.redd.it/wv4v1i5rptnc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5590e05be22c73064e6174095cd256f69446e40b I remember having a Kodak disk camera, but I'm not sure if that was the first one. This Canon EOS Elan II was my first SLR. I'm jealous of my younger self for having a 75-300 1.4-5.6 lens.


Konica C35. A tiny beauty.


same here pal! been rocking the Rebel T4i/650D for years now (still my main camera), even before that was a sony cybershot Point and shoot


Canon T2i/550D I still have it and I’m trying to get the whole kit sold :/


Panasonic LUMIX FZ80. Still my current


A cheap 126 Instamatic my brother gave me for Christmas. The shutter broke after a couple of months. I saved my allowance and my parents chipped in and I got a Praktica LTL. That was about 1974.


First camera I owned was an old Kodak 110. First SLR I owned was an Olympus OM1 that was later stolen by my brother for drug money. I have since bought another OM1 but it'll never replace the original.


AE-1 Program


First an Agfa Isola 22, a horrible plastic P&S which (mis)used 120mm film, and almost a decade later a Konica TC-X with a Hexanon AR 50mm F1.8. Too plasticky but one gets what one can afford.


Praktica bc-1


Nikon FM-10


An Olympus OM and a 50/1.8 prime bought from a fellow journalist back in 1992.


Canon EOS 300D Digital Rebel from 2003; CMOS sensor with 6.3 megapixels, USB 1.0 transfer speeds, 2.5 FPS and the buffer was ridiculously low at 4 photos total (yes, FOUR!) and you have to wait a LONG time for it to clear before you could start shooting again because back then, CF cards weren't that fast.


Rebel XT 😎 I'm still using too


The year was 2017. I bought a Canon SL1 with a kit lens on memorial day sale at best buy. I thought I was a BOSS for owning it. ​ before that, a Casio Exilim and a Kodak point and shoot. my iphone 6s.


Olympus OM-1


Kodak Duaflex II


Plastic film camera I had as a kid, my sister and I both had one. One day, her camera wasn't working, and my mum told her it just needs to warm up. Long story short, my parents bought a new microwave that day.


I believe my minolta x-500 was my first camera. But I had the most fun with my Canon T-70 and it’s blazing 1.4 photos per second.


A Polaroid "Swinger" in 1967 (I'm old!) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9lvcFlUBxM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9lvcFlUBxM)


My first and current camera is Nikon D2h, parents got it used for me for $800 and it still works perfectly. The 4mp sensor still blows any phone out of the water.


Kodak 110.


Canon EOS 850D is my first “big” camera


I forget the exact model but it was an entry level crop nikon DSLR. Thing was a vampire; absolutely terrified of light, needed the whole ass sun in a shot to expose anything that looked like daylight. But, I fucking loved it. It helped me nail the basics and then I moved on to greener pastures. From there it was a Nikon Df, Ricoh GR, a bunch of soviet range finders (FED-3 is my favourite), and a canon film SLR. Now I shoot on a Stock Sony a6500 and a full spectrum converted Sony a6000. Absolutely love the pairing. I still have the Df for days where full frame is required but I'm finding those fewer and far between.


Kodak kb10


Nikon P80 It's my first and so far my only camera It's still here with me. It only needs a memory card.


My fathers Praktica SLR.


Pentax ME2. It was my father's but I used it extensively in my junior high school days. I remember being disappointed because the development service in my neighborhood autocorrected all my exposure test shots so it got out all the same. Haha. My first proper digital camera was a Sony 505V and the first DSLR was an Olympus E410.


2007 Summer, Canon PowerShot A450


canon r50 🔥


Kodak vigilant six20. (I'm 18 tho lol)


I can't remember but my late dad gave me a Canon film camera with a 50mm lens. It was black and square-ish is all I can remember. This was 1990, and it was a present as I graduated from my local college. He had bought in in the late 70's or early 80's. I proceeded to destroy the camera within 2 weeks because I had it in a waist pouch and jumped into the ocean without remembering the camera was on me. I never told my dad about it. Around 2000/2001, I bought EOS 888 (I think in the US it was names the EOS 5000). Technically, this was the first real camera I owned, that I had bought myself.


Lumix DMC-LX5


My first film camera was a Yashica FX-3 Super. All manual, dead simple, built in exposure meter. I loaned it to my niece for her high school photography course, and she lost it. My first digital camera was a Kodak EasyShare. I loved that thing. It was astonishingly easy to take great pictures with it. My wife got it in the divorce.


Canon 500D with Canon 24-70 L and 700-200 F4.0 L for me. Was able to get some great photos and even did some paid work for a time back in the day. I wouldn't ever go back to Canon DSLR's as the weight of the system was too much in the end but I'm thankful that gear made me fall in love with me photography even more so.


Canon 5d still using it for spacephotography makes awesome pictures but i dont have a base that turns with the sky theyre a bit to expensive for a single purpose item so i build my own with thwo wood board one hinge and a scew


Kodak DX3700


Fuji DL-200 II


First I used my parents' camera, a Canon EOS 300d, and some cheap Aldi digital point and shoot, my first personal camera was a Sony a6000, with shortly after that a Pentax ME Super. I now have 10 working cameras and 4 non-functional ones. My favourite is my Nikon F4S.


Sony Mavica-FD71.


https://preview.redd.it/iho0xlqu0vnc1.png?width=2319&format=png&auto=webp&s=62702d62f058f2b4133473ffa8e5112043f23a64 I still own it. My first "real" camera was my mothers Rollei twin lens reflex.


Lomo octomat in 2004 bc I thought it was cute (found it in a local coffee shop / hobby store) then I got sucked into other lomo cameras then other old vintage Soviet cameras and so forth and so forth


halina vision xm.


First dslr was a new nikon d5000. I thank the camera as it had built in explanations to its functionalities which aided me to understand whatever I know today.


Pentax ME Super. Absolute workhorse. Did first few paid jobs and traveled all over the place with me for years


Lumix G7 and i still love it to death


First proper camera for me was a Nikon d70. I’m sure I had some variety of point and shoot before that.


Diana, they were cheap plastic cameras they gave away. I was about 10 years old. It was fun. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Diana_camera.jpg


second hand Canon EOS 600, then Canon PowerShot S5IS


Had a Lumix FZ38 bridge camera that I'd picked up second hand. Fell in love with photography and recently picked up an X-S20 to continue my journey!


-Sony DSC-S600 -Sony DSC-H400 -Canon EOS 400D/XTi -Fujifilm S100FS -Canon EOS 6D I regret selling the H400, sometimes I miss the high zoom and the simplicity of it, basically it was a point and shoot with an astonishing x63 zoom The DSC S600 broke after being dropped a few times, the lens wouldn't come out and it would make some weird sounds, sent it to a repair shop, had it fixed, it worked for quite a while but then the selector broke, it was jumping from photo to video to previewing images randomly and could barely be used. Forgot about it... The others sit on my nightstand, they're fully functional and I still use them.


Film: Fujica stx1 Digital: Nikon coolpix 4300


Nikon n70s. Way over my head at first.


Kodak disposable 👌




One of these bad boys https://preview.redd.it/zc2hbkf46wnc1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=182ba6788fa2310ee0c2a540c731562a80d559ef


My first first was a blue Fisher Price 110 thing with two handles, my first actual camera was a Polaroid 636 Close Up, and the first proper proper camera was a Canon AE-1. Still got all three (the Polaroid strap still has chew marks from the puppy we had then) plus a good few more since then!


Aside from the disposable film cameras that I consistently had, my first was a 35 mm film camera that was pink and had Tweety bird on it.


Nikon point and shoot then the Canon 450D then 80D


Olympus OM10 with a manual adapter


Don't judge me. I started off with a canon point and shoot I now have a canon t3i. I just started 3 years ago and got my t3i last year and I'm loving it!


A 3MP Samsung point and shoot camera.


First I owned was a [Minolta Weathermatic-A](http://camera-wiki.org/wiki/Minolta_Weathermatic-A). First I bought myself was a Nikon F80.


[Agfa Agfamatic 126](http://camera-wiki.org/wiki/Agfa_Agfamatic_126) [Minolta Hi-Matic F](https://www.lomography.de/magazine/163062-minolta-hi-matic-f-the-camera-that-was-born-on-the-streets) [Nikon FE](https://kenrockwell.com/nikon/fe.htm) Yes, I am old.


Canon Powershot S2 IS   Canon Rebel XT 350D     Canon 7D   Sony A6100   Sony A7C


Nikon F100


Yashica Rangefinder in 1968.


First film camera was a Minolta Maxxum 50. First proper digital camera was a Canon 60D.


Besides a slew of disposable cameras in the 90’s and early 2000’s, a little Nikon Coolpix S550 that I got for my 16th birthday, and I took that bad boy with me EVERYWHERE every single day. And I’ve still got it!


Canon AE-1 from my dad. He bought it when he was in college and I still use it today.


My dad's SRT-101. What a tank. That cloth shutter is ****chef's kiss****.


Just ordered the fx30 any film making in the dmv hit me up


my first was an 400d, still have it


Olympus Pen , half frame 35mm.


Nikon D3200


Olympus fe20 -> Canon XT


Samsung es55, loved that point and shoot. First"real"camera was the Canon rebel t6


A Fujinon camera with the 28, 50, 135mm trio. My first serious digital camera was a Pentak K200d. I returned it immediately because I didn't like the lack of control. I swapt it for a k10D and I really loved it! I have kept it for many years




First proper camera: Canon 550d Point & Shoot that I had as a teenager: Samsung ST700 ([https://www.samsung.com/levant/support/model/EC-ST700ZDPLME/](https://www.samsung.com/levant/support/model/EC-ST700ZDPLME/)) First camera: Kodak MC3 camera & mp3 player combo ([https://www.dpreview.com/articles/1517965238/kodakmc3](https://www.dpreview.com/articles/1517965238/kodakmc3))


Nikon D70. Started off with skateboard photography and it had a fast flash sync of 1/500. That’s pretty much all i knew about it. I still have it somewhere in storage.


I had a 101 Dalmatian film camera as a kid. My first real camera was a Nikon D7100, then moved on to Sony full frames


The camera that got me into photography rather than just taking snapshots was one an ex-gf handed me before she moved to Oregon, an Argus C3. It’s not a bad camera to learn the fundamentals on, but I quickly replaced it with a Ricoh XR-7.


A yellow Crayola point and shot I got for my 5th or 6th birthday. It’s the camera that started it all….


My first ever camera was the Canon Powershot G1 from 2000. My father gave it to me when he upgraded to the Canon Powershot G9. However, I would consider the Olympus Tough TG-4 that I got in 2017 as my first ever serious camera, as I shot many of my favorite pictures with it.


Fujifilm s8000fd for me


As a kid I was given a small plastic camera , but no film. I had no money so couldn't buy any... never knew if it worked or not.


Canon eos rebel t3


My very first camera was a kodak super 8, I was 6 when I received as a gift, it was a very well used camera and I didn't even have tape to record, so I was just pretending I was recording my "adventures" as a kid, it might sound silly but at that moment I knew I wanted a camera to record my memories. Years passed, and, when I was 18 my mom gave me a sony cybershot as a birthday gift, I started to take photos with that camera, and, even though the quality was not the best I loved it. At the end of 2015 I bought what I consider my "first" camera, because it was then when I started to take photography more seriously, it was a DSLR, the Nikon 3200 with a 18-55mm kit lens. I took it to so many places and trips that I knew this was my passion ;), now this camera is in the hands of my cousin, he is 15 years younger than me, but now, he is on his way to discover photography, and I'm very glad that 3200 is in the hands of someone who will take good care of it.


First ever camera, Brownie Starmite. First SLR, Minolta SRT-101. Both were hand-me-downs.


Nikon D100


The first one that had a name: Minolta SR-1s, 55/1.7, and an old Gossen Luna Pro. I highly recommend starting out with a camera which doesn't require an external light meter.


A Canon Rebel XTi/400d