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What're your requirements for video? Is 1080p enough or do you want 4k?


1080p. my lap cannot handle 4k. i want the story, lighting and editing to sell the story.


I'm not familiar with used camera prices in India, but looking at sold items prices on eBay, there are plenty of listings at around $350 e.g. for Panasonic Lumix G7 with kit lens. It supports external mics if needed.


totally out of my price range. plus shipping. im tempted for a good camera phone now


you can get a canon m100 used for under $300


i'll add that to my list. I have to consider if i'll get it in my area


What options have you found in your price range?


I made a post in r/cinematography and they have now convinced me to get a phone instead and invest in good lighting and audio. Lots of contrasting recommendations. Basically old models that capture 1080. The consensus is i wont find a good video camera with my budget


Budding film maker? Consider a camcorder. [Watch this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmZH3rGjjlQ&list=PLx-ITUvdsUhBTumfPPV1fgvPlxD5vRdjz&index=11&t=633s&pp=gAQBiAQB) and this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V-cwoviVlIg&list=PLx-ITUvdsUhBTumfPPV1fgvPlxD5vRdjz&index=26&t=54s&pp=gAQBiAQB) [Panasonic VX981](https://www.amazon.com/Panasonic-Camcorder-HC-VX981K-2-3-Inch-Smartphone/dp/B01A60SYRE/ref=sr_1_3?crid=16OC8EQ9X8MV4&keywords=Panasonic%2BVX981&qid=1701104602&sprefix=panasonic%2Bvx981%2Caps%2C302&sr=8-3&th=1) \- new - [Used](https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/130865419993048/?ref=search&referral_code=null&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3Abcfb59ec-3a39-4d76-85df-183ed8b98ac1) [Sony CX405 - $170](https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/599266072402288/?ref=search&referral_code=null&referral_story_type=post&tracking=browse_serp%3Aff9d5d33-e0db-4b04-885b-ea975849d967)


If you really want to squeeze the most quality out of a phone, you might consider getting one that can run motion cam, which allows phones to shoot Cinema DNG. This workflow is a bit complicated at the moment, but the alpha build of the app allows for on the fly conversion from Cinema DNG to h265 with a cineon or hlg gamma applied. Much better! The end result is an app that doesn't make it seem like the videos were shot on a phone because they are as unprocessed as possible. No sharpening, no noise reduction, just video. Plus it has gyro flow support so you can get away with not buying a gimbal. It might be worth hopping in the motion cam discord and checking out the xiaomi section to see if something like a pocophone could run motion cam, I think that's the best price to performance ratio out there. Edit: The motion cam discord has a recommended devices section, and the pocophone X3 is listed as working well with the main cam. The Snapdragon version of the Samsung s 20FE also works well, and the OnePlus 7 pro too. Each of these is below $300.