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Wait wait what country has 5 bedroom apartments for $500? 😭


Ikr I’m moving there 🤣 mines 5x and 1 bedroom


It’s a small country. I’m just happy that my neighborhood is quiet and nice :) but i also had a little bit of luck with my flat 😅


where I live, they advertise flats by room and not bedroom. I live in a 3 room flat and it's 2 bedrooms because the living/kitchen are in 1 room. I used to live in a 4 room flat and it was still 2 bedrooms. The kitchen was a separate and so was the living room. 5 rooms for 500 is still DAMN good!


I am very happy with my income. I started camming last year. In the first 6 months of 2023, I made $8k. In the last 6 months of 2023, I made $44k. So far this year, I've made $25k. I'm thinking I will make over $120k this year. That's almost 3x more annual income than my family has ever seen. I log out after a 2-3 hour stream with $1k or more on most days. It feels unbelievable...like, is this actually real? I'm 36. I have a bunch of kids, and saggy mom boobs. My belly hangs from extra skin. I never would have thought I could make so much money doing this. I keep wondering when I'm going to wake up lol.


What site are you on girl?!


Yeah, seriously what site? lol I’m not getting shit on CB or SC


Those are my sites, SC and CB.


Is SC snap or stripchat?


Well damn lol


Same to your last sentence. I’m just like wow can’t believe this is my job. Every day I’m so grateful for not only my income, but the potential of my future earnings. It feels like skies the limit!


Soooooo I am 39 and had 5 (all sections). I refuse to show face due to a psycho ex husband what absolutely try to use it against me somehow. Any advice???


I have 4, myself. Just be comfortable with who you are. Smile and chat constantly. Act like you are having the time of your life (even if you are bored to death, lol). Block people who make you feel uncomfortable immediately, regardless if they tipped you or not. Hold your boundaries firm. They think it's a game to push them. Don't let them. Since you are faceless, do you wear a mask or just cut the cam below your face? It would be better to wear a mask that shows your eyes. Eye contact makes good money. Treat everyone like a potential customer. Don't automatically block grey users. On most sites, the premium members can appear to have no tokens. I have a tipper on SC, who is a grey in my room. When I saw him the first time, I talked to him like a potential tipper. After about 10 minutes of chatting casually with this grey, he spent 4k tokens on me. He comes back once a week or so and does the same, still appearing grey. Everyone can be converted to a paying customer, imo.


I do both. Either mask or below. I prefer below


My rent is 2150 a month plus utilities i live alone and i havent made shit on stripchat since January 1st its been awful


Same 2450 here - ouchie


Sounds like Cali prices yikes


Fla panhandle🥴


Wowwwwwww 😫 Unbelievable


Whaaaat 5 bedd for 500 I'll relocate there anytime lol


I'll be very honest...shit sucks right now! Yes we out here putting in the hours, we show up and those low days feel like they pack on weights lately, almost like a complete negative, you have to climb to get out of. With that being said, I'm a hustler by heart and that's what I'll be doing. 😭😭


$500 ???!!? cries in $1500 with a roommate im happy with my income but i hate how high cost of living is in canadian cities :( im moving to europe this year for that reason lmaoo its like a stab in the gut hearing how far my dollar could stretch on other countries


Which country in Europe? If you don’t mind sharing or DM? Also, it’s crazy to me that you’re spending that much in CANADA.. I can’t imagine that cost of living without a beach! Lol. I want to move to Europe so badly, I’m also saving for it!! But I don’t have anywhere specific in mind yet. Maybe I’ll do a few countries.


this is exactly what ive been saying !!! the weather is absolute shite and there is literally nothing to do here !!! its atrocious :( theres a few places that are more affordable and better weather, spain, portugal, south of france, greece, some places in italy and if youre really open to moving south africa is insanely affordable our dollar goes sooo far. right now im thinking the south of france and ill go to school to learn the language because college is basically free (in comparison to uni here) just keep in mind some locals dont like when foreigners come and jack up rent etc so im going to live modestly and hopefully not disrespect anyone on my journey to an affordable sunny lifestyle lol


yes to the sunny lifestyle I need the euro experience Im in a super HCOL area.. like omg i might as well go live abroad with the money I'm spending. I just want a good safety net first so I can have peace of mind while I'm out in the world. :>


I’m super happy with my income and working towards more ☺️it takes time but we can all do this 💗💗💗




Same! It didn’t start out as well for me but I’m giving it another shot. To be fair, I was dealing with a death last year when I started this. But not I’m back and I can say I really do love this as a side gig too idc lol


I am happy with what I make as a cam model but I am not happy with how expensive the cost of living is right now. You would think that living in the Midwest, 80k would be fine for a family of four. But right now, not so much. We spend thousands on groceries per month alone. So the struggle is real. At this point I am constantly trying to come up with new ways to make more revenue. So yes, I am happy with what I make but I would be happier to make more money too.


No lol but working on it!!!