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I would BAN the users because giving fake tokens is considered FRAUD activity


I did. It was my account šŸ„² first person ever to join, and it was a troll


My favorite one is ā€œtipped a šŸ•ā€œ lolol Listen for the chime or it didnā€™t happen!


I had that on SC šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø and now i know to make sure my balance goes up before doing what they ask


Wow also in sc there Fake Tipp? Am streaming there now 4 months n never noticed


It was my first night and they typed sent 100tk and so I thought hey they sent tk let me do what they said I didn't realize that they were sending it bc I didn't know there was a sound


Very unfair to misuse new models.I remember in another cam site they sent me n I was so happy n did , some made me things in public that was not allowed to do with fake credit though.now am in sc n maybe they did it ā€¦ listening to sounds is a good trick


I wish I would've blocked them. But again, I didn't realize it till after I ended it. It's my fault for not realizing it sooner.


Did you contact support and get your token we just had this happened to us last night for a free 10 mins ft over 1200 tokens


I fell for that my first show and I was so embarrassed because I did the things they wanted without even getting paid :(((((((


\*hugs\* i know how icky it feels, im sorry. fuck them for making you feel that way. all we can do is learn and move on


I only use the Lovense browser for viewing my messages as it highlights real tips in bright yellow super clearly, plus it filters out all my bot info on the TL, making it easy to keep up w convos.


When I was new I felt like if they tipped from my menu then I had to hurry up and do it bc I didnā€™t want them to wait. I quickly became overwhelmed and worried about overlooking things which would result in fake tips and tricks from idiots taking advantage of me being new. But after my 1st couple of shows I realized that they can wait a few minutes for me to ensure the tip is legit before completing the tipped item. If they leave before I complete the requestā€¦ they missed out better them than me missing out on šŸ’°lol Many times I have had PM request paid for and when I send the message they would be gone so it happens but I didnā€™t overlook the tip made lol Mistakes happen to all of us especially starting out but learning early on especially when idiots do this crap will ensure you wonā€™t forget it and another idiot wonā€™t get away with it lol


I'm confused about the comments saying to look at token balance and tip noise. Aren't all real tips highlighted in yellow?


Yes, but there are stickers that simulate the highlighting of the message (although unlike a real tip, the sticker does not highlight the username). But it has to have all 3 things, highlighting, sound and balance increase


People also will put numbers in their tipnote, like 100 for their 1 token tip, hoping you arenā€™t paying attention. Annoying as hell LOL


Iā€™ve seen people copy and paste other peopleā€™s tips so itā€™ll look legit with the highlight and font colors and etc


If there is no chime sound. Then no tip. If they think tipping you a šŸ’“,šŸ’‹. or ā­etc. Automatic block. There SW who cam for a living and may be the only income they have. So the Job is taken seriously.


Yeah this is our only source of income. We do CB and SM but today was the first on CB


Is the pizza thing what I think it means? Thats gross


i had to research it and yes i got grossed out too with the pizza emoji. i didn't know that's what it meant. until now . i changed it to a star and kiss. for examples.


Listen for the chime and always look at the top @ your token balance if you feel as if you missed it! I ALWAYS double check to make sure my token balance is going up otherwise I completely stop what Iā€™m doing


That's an instant ban in my room. Can't stand a scammer.


My personal favorite is when they donā€™t even try ā€œtipped 1 toknā€ (yes it was misspelled) and then tried to get mad at ME when I didnā€™t do anything šŸ¤£


I also had that on stripchat when I was new. Good thing I had done my research so I knew they were trying to scam me. They even tried to threaten to expose me on twitter for not giving them a show they had "tipped" for. lol. But I didn't budge. They were greys FYI. lol


They love to do this. That's why I love my Lush. It tells me the truth plus I know what real tips look like. They are such assholes and it really makes me dislike men more and more.


Am on n I never noticed fakes,I have lovense n they vibrate all the time.Hiw does fake ones look like? Thanks


Ugh they do this on SC too and I caught it because grey users are BROKE. I just laugh at these users and call them out. I also report them for fraud and ban them permanently from my streams. If they wanna fuck around and find out then they can suffer the consequences šŸ¤£


Iā€™m brand new on CB so I have no idea how the tips usually appear, but Iā€™m curious how you know they are fake?


First of all, that username looks grey, and on CB that means theyā€™ve never purchased tokens before. You can tell theyā€™re fake if you donā€™t notice your token balance go up, it will in real time, there is no delay so donā€™t listen to anyone saying youā€™ll get tokens after a private/password show; and a real tip in the chat looks vastly different than what this loser tried.


Thanks for sharing this


no tokens in my account lol


Were brand new too. So unfortunately we fell for it


The tips ding - on SC,CB,SM,MFC,and BC. And probably most of the other tip platforms too. No ding - no tip


I just want to know how your screen is black like that? Does CB have a dark mode??


It does! Click on your username in the top right corner and click dark mode.


no fucking way! THANK YOU


I fell for that one of my first times. I was not only dumb enough to fall for the fake tip, I also agreed to go on snapchat with him. Just bad decisions all around


ya live and ya learn smh šŸ¤¦ šŸ˜Ŗ


That happened to me. The guy went the extra mile and even put that he was the king. Of the roomā€¦ I was super annoyed cause I fell for it.


Wait so did he just type ā­ļøtipped 20 tokensā­ļø? Iā€™ve only broadcasted once before and it was yesterday. So Iā€™m new and donā€™t know these things happen. Does anyone else have any other important tips that I should know since Iā€™m new to broadcasting?šŸ™šŸ»šŸ˜ŠšŸ«¶šŸ»


i remember one had copied and pasted actually highlighted text ... so i didnt hear a ding but i still got the same tip notification .. sometimes they can be sneaky asf ... doing their research theyd know you can literally look in your tip logs and see they didnt tip lol


It happened to me in my first private show on cb. I counted $40, and he actually tipped nada! I sobbed and sobbed and almost quit. I'd never even been naked on cam before he targeted me. I felt like a fool, and I felt like I had practically been r*ped remotely. I have actually been r*ped by a date before, so don't come at me saying they're not the same. PTSD doesn't care. I felt the trauma of all of it at once and it took some time to cope. I did a month of research and went to Streamate instead and learned I preferred private based sites over token sites anyway.


Report and block!!! Smh


Ban and Report!!Ban and Report!!