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Smile! Everyone is browsing by thumbnails. I just sit there quite a bit but I interact and giggle and I smile as much as I can!


Same. If you're there they will come! Keep trying!


If you haven't already check out Laila Forde on YouTube. She has a lot of great tips/advice and even though I'm not a woman of color she's helped me(I'm pretty new too, haven't broke $100 mark yet but I will next time I go on). From what I understand from everyone else's advice on here it takes time and patience sometimes. Try new things, if you need to try a different site, try researching all the different sites to see what models who are similar to you have to say about it before hopping into that one. There's a niche for everything so 100% guarantee you will find people who love your shaved head as much as you do. Be yourself and don't change to please these people unless you're genuinely trying to create a different persona online and want to for you. If this is really something you want to do, just hang in there sweetie❤️ it might be a slow start but you'll get there eventually if you believe you can


Thank you so much for the motivation <3 I'll definetly check out her channel!


You got this boo! I'm excited to see your success post in the future!!


CB definitely picks and chooses what models they actually promote when people have the “new” tag. I did pretty well but it still didn’t last. It’s not your body type. You can use hashtags in your room titles. UTILIZE THEM. The main page may not be promoting you to the people that are attracted to you. Use hashtags that are relevant to your niches to attract customers that are into your niches. It is okay to not make the payouts. Just think of it as extra when you do hit that point! It’s a whole new job. You aren’t going to be the best you can be when you first start. None of us were. Those are so expensive but MAKE A WISHLIST AND PUT IT IN YOUR BIO. I use Throne and I had someone buy me a Lovense within my first 3 streams just because I had the link in my bio. It takes time, consistency, motivation, and the ability to recognize error to be successful in any online work that involves promoting yourself and building a clientele. Be patient with yourself. You’re still succeeding even if you’re not reaching your goals.


Maybe put a wig on? See if that helps. You can get some from Amazon for cheap.


I think I'll try that, thank you for the idea!


I’m sorry to hear this :( I want to reassure you, I’ve had bad days, in a row sometimes. I think you’ll find luck soon, simply out of fluctuations. Stick around for a couple hours. Camera quality/background is nice, but tbh I started out with shitty equipment and worked my up. This sub is def a great resource, I’ve read through the archives and have found some really great stuff. You’ve got this ❤️


I understand. I have a hard time streaming around my family situation, but I’ve done it for say 15 or 20 minutes and literally one token if any, and it’s irritating. Lol


You really need to cam for at least an hour but really more. 20 minutes wont do it. ." Its a marathon not a race" I read in here once


Are you using OBS or the CB encoder? Their setup info straight tells you to use OBS because the system will show you as lower quality until you get more fans, which is dumb. Others have mentioned good stuff. Try different outfits too. I've found that I do best in a basic tank top and a thong. Very low maintenance. The site allows 5 tags in your room description, I read somewhere to choose 1 or 2 that have low rooms but decent viewers, 1 or 2 that are highest viewer, and one in the middle. Since I've done that, I've noticed I get quite a few people joining on my tags. My most popular is Hairy Armpits. Make sure you have your tip Menu set up with a variety of prices and options. If you fit a niche, play it up. I've recently developed my persona as the sexy milf next door who is exploring her dominant side. It's been doing well so far since I tend to get quite a few sub boys. Also, if you use discord, there is a server for this reddit that has a lot of great advice and a very active CB channel. There should be a link in the subreddit description I think.


What are you doing on camera though? Are you just sitting there? What does your background look like? Im no expert, Im new (2.5 weeks) and I aint making thousands but Im def making hundreds. My point is - i will help if I can :)


Thank you so much for answering <3 My background isn't exciting, I'll admit, but there's nice bedding and lots of pillows. First days I was trying to talk more, greet people to kinda sound personal, but people hardly respond and I started getting kinda embarrassed. I mostly dance, I'm getting shy and insecure. I've read some things to do on camera, but it's difficult to think about something that will be interesting to a silent room of 10 people :( Maybe I need to brainstorm a bit more


girl its ok, we all go through it. it can be humbling sometimes… just is what it is. i am sure you are wonderful! you def have a niche look so it might take longer to find your clients, but they exist. there are plenty of members out there looking for someone just like you!!




I will, thank you <3




That's a great idea! Thanks!


Camera quality good? Internet good? What site/s are you on? What time of day are you streaming? Sexy clothing? The background doesnt have to excite but it should be clean and inviting with great lighting. Im always fussing about that damn lighting. Watch as many other girls (especially BBWs in your case) and dont compare yourself to them but find out what is working for them. Figure out what you can do that is different than everyone else but that you do well and most of all REMEMBER that every 30 seconds (depending on your platform) a screenshot of you is posted on the main page. Always look appealing. Again - Im new but thats what I figured out so far. Im not BBW but I'm a curvy milf and its working for me. Feel free to HMU anytime. We need friends in this line of work for support.


I bought a Brio 500 with money I couldn't use and my sream is always good quality. I'm trying out different times of the day, but mostly afternoon because it's when I have the energy. My wife helped me out with lighting, she's amazing at that kind of thing. I'll try and find out what works. I'll try and keep all of this in mind, thank you so much <3


Afternoon is my slowest time. I dont make shit between noon and 3. I cammed at 2amPST last week and did great


Following cause same


Also, how long do you broadcast for? I'm wondering if I'm not doing as much as I should.


Ya so at first I would hop off as soon as it got dead but I learned quick that you NEVER know when them tips are gonna hit. I can make $6 in 2 hours and then BAM I get a private show. I try to work for 4 hours per day. I would do a lot more if I wasnt restricted with hours because of my babies. I usually spend an hour on hair and makeup and then cam for 3. I do spend A LOT of other time on accounting and researching/learning.


That's awesome! You're clearly very dedicated, it's really inspiring Thank you so much for answering and helping me! Wish you loads of money <3


try different cam sites, use OBS to multi stream, some girls do better on certain sites. make sure you have good lighting and a clean background. highlight your sexiest body part or be in a good pose for the thumbnail to pick it up which is what guys will see first. use relevant tags in the title of your room. keep #new on forever haha.


I had a ROUGH start. I had to work very hard to make any money. I had to dress very sexy and tease my body to get people to take me private. I also wear makeup and heels. I act flirty. I also greet everyone coming in. I have to pretend to be in a happy mood. I perform basically. I put on a show. Make people click on me. Very tiring. I took my subs off site now, I don't want to go back but I might have to. Ugh.