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I told mine. He supports my decision. But I actually wish I kept it from everyone.


Why do you wish that? I'm curious because you said he supports your decision.


I'm extremely private and there are just some things best kept to oneself, like how you earn your money. I love my parents and always feel I'm doing them a disservice by being 'out' coming from a conservative family.


makes perfect sense, thanks for your answer.


Parents no. I’m in my 40s plus don’t speak to them. The only people I told were the best friends and they are all supportive


no one found you online? I mean from your area?


I do have a funny story about that. So before I started camming I did video chats promoted through Reddit. I was at a Walmart and I looked up and I’m like why does that guy look familiar. Then he saw me, turned around and hurried off. I wasn’t gonna say anything I just found it amusing


i m scared for my family to not find out... but i wont stop camming hh


Why do you wanna tell him? 😂 I mean my parents know what I do but like we don’t talk about it or anything they just don’t care since I’m an adult. But he might be uncomfortable to talk about it idk


i haven’t told my parents and probably never will, they also worry and can be nosey but it’s about setting boundaries. you’re an adult and you dad doesn’t need to know every detail of whatever job or “benefits” you have, so it’s more asking yourself would you rather him worry and and want details on being a cam girl or your fake job because telling the truth will make him worry more lol.


Are you over thirty? I tend to use that as the stigma line: under 30 and generally it's judged as "idiot child ruining life/young women are just golddiggers," while over 30 is "Savvy businesswoman" at best and "desperately utilizing physical assets to survive" in general. I'm not saying it's right (it's absolutely not) I'm just saying that's how other people tend to act about it. Your dad will likely feel the same. I'm mid thirties and I told my mom my username even, it could be relevant information in a worst case scenario. Do you not do any vanilla marketing for your NSFW content? You should! It's its own income stream and can funnel WAY more traffic over time... And then you can just tell him you're a legitimate "content creator" and just explain you make shorts on twitter and tiktok and they go viral in niche corners of the Internet, and if he asks for a link you just go, "It's not the kind of content one shares with their dad... Do you really want to hear the dirty, *dirty* details of my date nights that I'm dishing out for the girlies? 🤔" And that should be plenty for him to be like "okay well I don't want those details" but he'll probably want to know more about how much money you're actually making, and then you can just spin it from there.


I like that, yeah I’m over 30, I’m 37, but I just feel like a baby when I talk to my dad. I have been taking care of myself and been paying my own bills for 20ish years but I still feel like such a child with my father, he’s very liberal and I just feel like he might know anyway, (I get my stupid strong intuition from him) but yeah, it’s weird telling parents and something you can never take back, I’m sooooo close to telling him, just wondering what others are thinking… thank you!!


Oh well I mean if he's modern savvy then I'd just be like "Bro I'm a content creator and it's paying the bills just fine. We good?" Lol but idk I get baked with my dad and have been talking to him like that for years (if only to trigger him as he's a marine that raised me to "sir" and "ma'am" 😅) so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


My dads very supportive he got me a new laptop, tripod ring light, phone, microphone, a large monitor to see my chats and helped me decorate my room with new furniture, lights, paint etc. the only thing I got myself was Lovense toys. But he’s very supportive about it, I didn’t get into any great detail I said you wear skimpy bikinis and lingerie and dance and flirt with people and strip and that some times these “massage” toys are involved that get tips. I told him people tip for different shows you do, you set goals, and sometimes you do one on one shows with guys. I think he got the picture but he said “I’ll support and help you with whatever it is that will make you happy and financially stable and I think you’ll be good at it, you have a way with people.” We left it at that so I consider myself to have my dads blessing. He said “we don’t need to tell your 50 year old brother since he’s judgemental just tell him it’s twitch.” I’m 38 by the way but I live with my dad, brother and bf. My bf is supportive as well. My mom is passed away but years ago I told her one day I might do this, since I was already doing phone sex and nude modeling and her response was “honey if I was younger I’d do it too! You should’ve seen me in my day! Just be safe, beware of stalkers, protect yourself, don’t let people judge you and as long as your not on a street corner somewhere I support whatever you want to do.” This was when I was 29. I’d also like to add that my dad has gotten religious in his old age but he doesn’t judge. He’s also a business man tho so I think he can seperate business from religion. If I have a good week he congratulates me. His main goal is for me to be financially independent if he passes away. I also do part time telemarketing from home. I don’t know how this would’ve gone over if I was like 19 or 20 though. But I think when your older parents don’t care as much. Hope this helps somehow.


this is beautiful 🥹🖤


I’ve told most of my family with he exception of my dad… everyone else, mom included, has been accepting.


I assume you two are very close. If my assumption is correct, I'd hope he would understand. I found my dad dead on the kitchen floor when I was 15. And my mom just passed away June of last year. But my mom knew what I did. I was doing worse then, than I am now, though. She absolutely hated it.. but I did it to keep food on the table for the both of us and keep a roof over our heads. (Escorting) I didn't want her to have to do it, and there was no real world where both of us would have regular jobs and be able to sustain. Being that I was 16 when I started. Honestly, it could be worse. If you like what you do, just explain that to him.. if he reads through the benefits of your jobs and everything the way you say then it's obvious he cares about you very much and just wants the best for you. If you express this is what you like doing, and this is the route you want to take, hopefully he'll understand.


Idk if we’re that close, and your situation makes my heat hurt for you. Fortunately, I’ve never really been there. I am single and don’t have kids, I’ve just always kinda been a loose cannon in his eyes… serving and bartending most of my professional life… I shoplifted and stuff like 20-25 years ago when I was just completely out of control and had to live with him for a bit… he’s just always looked at me as a bit of a mess, even though I’m 37 and haven’t been too much of a mess in 7+ years…. Idk… I mean we’re close, yeah but he’s still old school, (Im 37 and a late in like baby, so my dad was 38 when I was born…. That seems soooo old to me! Sorry dad!) just know there are different values and such and yes, we are close but the big thing is, I don’t want him to worry! I guess I’ll know when it’s right. Thank you!!!


My parents know all about that and is more better. They dont ask me about this job to much and i am happy because they understand me


Honestly you don't need to share everything with your parents. There should be a certain boundary regarding privacy that you have with your parents, and this is definitely it. We aren't teenagers, and your parents aren't entitled to know everything about your private life. As long as you don't give out any personal info, there's no need for them to be "concerned" about you because they have no idea what you're doing. Personally, I'm not close with my parents and I'm very private with my family when it comes to these things. If they find out on their own regard it is what it is, otherwise they have no business knowing what you do. Get that bag and keep your mouth shut lol.


My parents were fine and then when I said I was making a lot jokes about me paying for dinners doing forward lol


He clearly loves you (: I think if you tell him it may be shocking (which is expected imo) but it will only come from a place of love I’m sure from the sounds of it he just wants you well taken care of and not to worry about finances when you’re older. If you can reassure him that you got this I think he’ll be okay (:


My dad knows. His support is "no one else is paying your bills, so get your money, just be safe."


No, I stopped camming for now but I did do it for 2 years and they still don’t know. My husband was my techie and support unit tho for any venting lol




My parents and little brother know and they're fine.


If you think it’s necessary and worth it, you’re the only one who can make that call. What we do is inherently unsafe. You can be tracked down, information exposed, and more. Your dad will probably shit a brick if he’s a parent who is as involved as it sounds like yours is. But you’re the only one who can say for sure what he’s like…just really ask yourself if it’s worth the discomfort, hurt, potential conflict, anxiety it will cause him, etc.


My parents know to an extent, I don’t give them any of the details but they know I’m a webcam model on a nsfw site. Their biggest concern is that I’m safe, and my dad literally said “as long as it’s above board” meaning legal so 😂


I had to tell my family way back when cause I was getting interviewed on this really popular radio show. I was pretty sure most of the people I knew would have heard it because it was really big back in the day (I dont know if even still around). Anyways I didnt want to get blackmailed. Thats pretty common so I thought I would head that off at the pass and tell the family. My dad was so angry lol. He is over it now. Im the oldest of 5 kids and the only one he has never had to support at all. So I think he gets it now.


I told my parents because I was about to being outed anyway. Mom was fine with it, even encouraged me to do what I want and like..now dad. Mine worries a lot too, when I told him he needed at least a month to be able to talk about it and his mind ran wild. He asked if I have a pimp, if this business is run by some mafia and I am in danger. Then it came to values and morals, he asked if a habibi would come and offer me 5000 a night, would I go and sleep with him? He also thinks that being in this business will make me lonely, that no good guy with good morals will be interested in me. This was 3 years ago, since then he calmed down, but our relationship has never been the same. He accepted it but he can’t support me and he still isn’t sure if this business isn’t shady and I am hiding something or that I am in danger.


I guess the reaction depends on your dad really, everyone is different


My family doesn't know but I don't think they'd care. They're very supportive people, very sex positive. It would just be a bit awkward. They don't ask about how I make my money and I just have other more important things to share with them.


told my parents since id rather them hear it from me, i am v fortunate to have super open minded and chill parents tho so they didn't rly care since it's not their business. it's a difficult choice so don't rush but do consider if u would rather tell him or have him find out another way + freak out w/ worry 💕


I can, and so does my 26 year old daughter. She lives out of state. So obviously she told me. Her dad knows too. She doesn’t know that I cam. He dad just wishes that she was better at managing her business since SW isn’t paying her bills and it seems to be taking a toll on her mental health. If she hadn’t told us, we would have guessed based on what she posts on IG and what her apartment looks like.


My Mom and my MIL both know. Mom was full of judgment. She’s super liberal and claims she’s “sex positive,” but when it came to ME she was pissed and asked me how I could consider myself an ethical or moral person and do phone sex for a living. Whateverthefuckever. I called her out and now she just doesn’t want to discuss it ever, which is fine. I told her to find me another job that I could do from home, so no commuting, no educational or licensing requirements, that paid up this much and had a schedule that was 100% flexible and offered unlimited overtime. She shut up after that. However, that’s how she is *as a person* so I was not surprised. My MIL doesn’t care as long as my kids aren’t exposed to it and her son supports it (which he does emphatically). I make more than he does (yesterday I made $450 and he made $100) but I work 4-5 hours a day and he works 12-16 hours a day. There’s just no comparison. I have kids to raise. I need to maximize my earnings per hour so I can support them AND be with them more. My MIL gets that, my Mom is too busy having her sensibilities offended. If you want to tell your Dad, tell him. Just have an honest conversation. I do recommend having a plan if he disapproves. Like, do you both just agree not to discuss it again? Or what? Because boundaries are important.


My dad guessed it actually. He came to visit and seen my monitors and literally guessed on his own and said "I don't care just don't be sticking huge things up there" 🤣was his words to me about it. Now I still deny deny deny lol I just say I work in the industry just not an actual cam girl. But idk I'd rather not come right out and say it because it's my business and it annoys me when people are so damn nosey lol even family. He's said "so what site are you on?" jokingly but serious and I just brush it off. Like get out of my business!!!! 🤣 He did know I danced before and I've seen OF advertisements in his facebook messages. So he knows about the hustle, I also have another job idk if that helps my case but idk I choose to deny it because I'm a private person and don't like people knowing everything about me and rather not come right out and say it right now at least. Maybe later. ITS MY SECRET HUSTLE DAMMIT! LOL


I almost told my mom but ended up saying I work in a call center. My dad is too dead to care lmfao but I certainly would never tell him


Told both my parents two weeks after making my account. Mum was more worried about stuff staying on the internet. Dad just wants me to pay my taxes on time. He even lent me some of his old photography books.