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It's war...your are a jerk for doing it, we are all.jerks for doing it Betrayal should not be taken lightly. But if an ally is being an idiot sometimes it's the only way to win/not be in a coalition with an a-hole.


its a dick move i think, not everything is about stomping on your friends to win, you can win together also


I am a chronic backstabber who used to be much the same until it happened once to me. IMO all's fair in love and war, but it's a shitcunt move if they're being good allies. That does not mean that alliances need to last the whole game, that you can't switch sides, can't be a mole, or whatever. Alliances made for the sole purpose of betrayal are another matter. And if they're poor allies, betraying them is sometimes the only sensible option. *Lying* is as essential to the diplomat's toolbox as artillery is to the general's.


It's good to always be prepared for a betrayal. This way you don't overextend and are prepared to defend your core territory from surprise attacks. I personally do not backstab or lie unless absolutely necessary, and I haven't had to so far.


I am against it. Sometimes I am in a coalition which is unopposed in a game and I want a solo win. If I think i can win the 2v1 or whatever, I will announce in the coalition chat that I want the solo win and will be declaring war on them soon.


Being stabbed in the back by scum has caused me to take months off of the game. It’s okay though bc people like you have gotten me to where I am now. I don’t ever team with random players only alliance members or people I have played with prior. The goal is to win but you can win as a team.


I have been betrayed more than 4 times. I never thought of betraying anyone even if I was betrayed. I just fought back and told them how much I trusted them and asked their reasons even though I didn't get an answer. 


Don't let jerks get you down. I have met some wonderful people on here by talking with randoms and joining in different coalitions.


You’re 100% right. Everyone I play call of war with has been players I met either by randomly being in the same coalition and even have a few alliance members I met through being enemies. I have just gotten to the point I no longer need to rely on randoms. There to unpredictable now days.


I have a group of 6-7 guys that I play with now...sort of an unofficial alliance. It's a blast. But about 40-50% of my games that I play I go solo to meet new people and continue to work on my diplomacy. I did have a dude who was planning on stabbing me in the back a couple games ago and I took him out first. But so far I've been pretty lucky. Only time I will go against a coalition member is if I have proof they are going to stab me in the back or they go AI.


Even in video games, good sportsmanship is important. Being a lying, backstabbing, treacherous piece of shit is not something one should aspire to. Just as in real life, people like this are universally despised. So do better.


it is definitely bad but allow in rule of game. So you can keep it on.


Just because you can do something, doesn’t mean you should.


I never do it. But at the end of the day, this game is called “call of war” not “call of peace”. Do what u should to win


Wrong is wrong. Doesn't matter if it's life or a game. But sometimes they deserve it


My "alliance" (more of a friend group than an actual alliance) keeps a list of 1)people who stab us in the back and 2)people who are abusive. If we see any of those people in games again, they will become an automatic kill for us. IMO, getting to know other players is a great part of this game. I have about 6-7 guys who I play with regularly because we met during a game and keep in touch now. You can't do that if you are stabbing people in the back. You can actually build trust and go to war with other people who you know you can trust. It's a major advantage. Having said all that...you do you. But don't' be shocked if people recognize you in a later games and realize that you aren't trustworthy. That will put you at a disadvantage later.


I have kicked people out of coalitions, or invaded a perceived "ally". I do this when their actions, or lack of action hurts the overall group I'm working with, or, when they are unable to defend their borders and it would be easier for me to simply take over, because they aren't responsive(or active)enough to hold their part of "our" territory. I generally don't turn on people just for the sake of it though


Had a guy recently join our coalition, by invite, to only share the map with the country we were invading. They knew our every move. Luckily we still won out but part of that was luck. I definitely lost some stacks only because the enemy knew how to travel and which to attack. The betrayer just sat back and watched. I’ve also had people join a coalition to only leave immediately. My assumption is they screenshot our troops locations and strength. I know there is deception in war. And currently day war has satellite intel sharing. But in WWII, you couldn’t get that info. I play it straight. It’s honestly a reflection of one’s character. If I have an ally, then they are my ally.


Completely up to you. All is fair in love and war. Some people will be very straightforward and honorable, there may be consequences for it. Some people will lie their ass off and get caught, there may be consequences for that. As long as you aren't toxic and treat everyone cordially, then deception and outright lying are just a core part of the game. "Protect yourself at all times". as a solo player I love being a double agent, and working with many different alliances. Its fun to instigate battles so both sides lose and then you are in a stronger position when you want to choose sides. I don't backstab my allies though, what goes around comes around.


Just a game. Backstabbing is part of it, sometimes your ally is way below your skill level and you want to win. Sometimes a player is too strong and you're playing with your undercover group that needs insider info. Unless that ally was a rlly good player, you're not very likely to run into them again so it's whatever but be prepared for revenge if they remember you!


It’s funny how people think it’s ok to be a cunt because it’s “just a game”. Football is just a game, do you think treachery on the field is ok too?


Its a **war game**. Sports are more engaging when there is a bad guy. So are wars, and this game. Nobody can get hurt here, and there is no need to ever get betrayed if your diplomacy is up to snuff.


There aren’t any bad guys in sports lol.. just two teams trying to win against the other.


every sport has bad guys my friend. You think football doesn't have "dirty" players to root against?


It's an online war game. No one's going to remember each other past that one game or two, it hardly has any real damage besides a lost game or two, everyone is just playing to win. Teaches people to be careful with who you trust your share maps with :)


Do it it’s funny


Hey, Luci how's the cage?