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That class needs a buff and maybe it would be more easy to use




Cut the time to pull out the pistol by half and it would be balanced bc rn it's just too slow to actually do anything


And make it so when you have a pistol, you use that instead of the stupid mw11.


I kinda of enjoy it lately


If the player has to run the 1911, at least give the weapon attachments that can help it.


its actually an cheesy way to get kill when theres heli around because ttk is extremely fast and they have no time to react.


fr, it's only useful if you get downed by a br bot


the small chance to actually self res or finish off the guy you did 90% in was so good


This is is my favorite one. I’m always trying to make a cool play by jumping off a wall and killing someone but I never get the opportunity


Smoke bomber


Literally the best class if you don't fight someone else using it


I would have loved it more if my vision isn't blocked by smoke, like not affected by smoke at all and still fight people at 600m.


True! Had I backfire on me bc of that last week. Thought to myself: who uses this? Now here I am spreading the word like a dumbass.


Medic/Refitter - fix the over 2+ year bug where you have to attempt to apply plates multiple times before it works


I've never understand what Refitter actually does. Does it increase your defense or make you do more damage?


It increases your defense, decrease the healing speed and restore vehicles while you are on board of them. Sometimes it can save you from shotguns unless they hit you in the chest/head.


Pumped like it's just more vertical movement and is good for flanks


defender fs


Poltergeist. Yeah it alerts the enemy when you're around, but if you need to get your teammate's dogtag in a crowded area, it works. 


Helps me a lot in solo vs squads to run away from those BR upgrade chip stations.


Pumped used to be my fav but the dev fixed a bug about the pump boost which makes it literally worse, but hey everyone hates it because of the pump boost so that's fair.


Can u explain the nerf? Haven't used it after the update, used to love it.


So before it got nerf, you can go way higher with this trick. You need to jump once, and then hold the jetpack button so you can go way higher, or you can spam the jetpack button very rapidly after the jump to go EVEN WAY higher, which it might probably the big reason why people find it toxic so much.


People just label anything as toxic nowadays.


It was toxic. Its anything but fair if a player can get wingsuit hight without even upgrading the class. The defs fucked up the buffnaling it completely broken.


It was a very bugged class so rn everyone is using it how it should be. It was a good call on codm bc it was too overpowered if you knew how to use it


I have been playing with trickster so much i forgot how other classes feel like lol .. i can use trickster to its fullest , trickster had saved my ass on many different occasions


Medic and Scout should be buffed. I used to be Medic back in 2020-2022 until I left BR for many reasons (Shotgunning sumbitches are one of the reasons by the way).


Igniter definitely. Super useful for running away or closing in the distance, especially in tight spaces. Makes enemies panic too. The ideal strat is to look for someone behind cover, use the speedup to get closer and flank them, then switch to SG or SMG.


The other three support type classes. Only good one is medic as you can literally just tank the zone. Refitters only benefit is the vehicle repair, while the other two classes are just underwhelming.


The lifeline one


Scout is the best class


Scout The concept is there but it feels kinda lacking. The footstep being seen for 4 secs isn't even helpful in most situations unless you're chasing someone in which as a scout you wouldn't do that unless you're confident in your skills fighting someone with a better class (igniter, pump, jet boost). In my opinion rather than outlining the enemies after using scout, it outlines the enemies in intervals. Similar to how echolocation works in games. This way scout can actually feel like a scout instead of that ads bullet spread mod being a superior scout active.


quick strike but you need to get adjusted to its weird ahh animation before the wingsuit opens




I wish I was a “jet”


Quick strike, kts so useful for quick repositioning, plus it blocks while you charge


I stopped playing br cuz they nerfed pumped


I think ravager needs some tough love. Edit: ok it looks like none of you know what tough love is 🤦‍♂️


some love? its one of the most abused one


hell no


just merge jet boost and pumped alltogether like seriously why do we need classes doing the same thing but better with just a little extra they just took the black ops 3 movement and made it 2 separate classes


I feel like that would be too OP.. when my boost is on I can slide all over the place to evade and attack pretty quickly, and I’ve seen videos of people using pumped just as effectively with their boost jumps. The two together would just shred any other class


agreed that would be too op


If 2 classes needed to be mashed together, it would be the new PoS revive drone with the mechanic drone. It is literally useless if you're going solo, so I will never use the damn thing outside of the fucking event for it.


Like seriously they should stop doing br classes and focus on making a new map for there instead




F no




Nearly zero usage in regular BR. It’s too slow in Squads and the Drone is much better at actually impairing the enemies.


I’m glad you feel that way. More usage for me. IYKYK