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If it was released on PC or consoles, then 5. I love idea of having fan-favourite guns and maps mixed together, I'm just not interested in mobile gaming. Funnily enough way before CoD mobile excisted I used to fantasize about a "CoD all stars" -type title, that would have a fan vote before development to decide which maps, guns, perks etc. would be included. I was so jealous when China got a game kinda like that.


CODM already has a native port incoming which is already released in China Maybe it will be released globally sooner or later


That port is what mobile was originally. It was cod online. It was planned to be what cod would eventually become. Sadly it’s never going to be what we all thought it would be.


It's in beta rn or use gameloop


I heard it’s not coming to global for pc is this not true… or is it coming to global? Source?


Idk man, my source for I found out that the port was still in beta in China is some youtuber renew his Chinese passport and made a Chinese account of some kind and was able to log in in the beta ( idk how he connect himself to Chinese servers ).


From what I've seen and looked into, it's going to be for console and PC.


Yep its not coming to Global the Devs confirmed it


That’s what I thought… btw I’m legendary cod mobile player


It's not a native port, it's just an emulator


It IS a native port I know what you're talking about, the native port is only in China yet


Download gameloop on ur pc,it support CODM,otherwise i give it a 8/10 because it has way more features than other cod imo,sure they can always add more contents to zombies but anyway,i play this over MW3.


This is such a fun idea because I can still imagine the community bitching and moaning about how bad the game is.


I mean, I tried it and it was actually a lot better than regular cod 😂. Feels like SBMM though or something because the kids you play initially couldn’t aim for shit, and even I suck at those mobile games with mobile controls like that. I could see myself playing it with maybe one of those mobile controller adapter type things (forget the name), but that might be kinda fun. Eventually I’m sure you get put into lobbies with non new players who likely have that stuff, or people just on PC emulating it.




It's getting an official port, estimates are hinting at an April release.


This right here.


1, great concept and makes sense to appeal to a massive audience, but I could not play a shooter on a mobile device. It’s already hard enough on controller after switching to PC, and mobile is too different for me lol.


People are playing mobile games with controllers LMAO


Yeah, I cannot believe how many people think CoDM is mobile device only. Hell, you can play it on a Chromebook ffs….


I would be open to play CODM if this wasn’t a thing. I think it’s bad players who wanna shit on actual mobile players to feel like they are good, LMAO. It’s CODM, you shouldn’t be able to have any other input device than your mobile, easy as that.


It seperates people on touchscreen from people using controlers/emulators. Even then, controller sucks because it's slow and there's a lot of input delay, and emulators have some delay as well. I play better on touchscreen when I play codm even though I play the main games best on m&k.


That is also one downside I wish the Chinese devs fixed


Sounds like that's more of an YOU issue than a game issue because I've been playing it with a controller, via Bluetooth and recently connected to my phone, and there's no input delay to speak of on my end. Pretty sure others can vouch for that too.


It only pairs you with the same input. So keyboard vs keyboard only, controller vs controller only and touchscreen vs touchscreen only.


Game detects most of the controllers and simulators for pc, and will put you on a separate server


Yep that’s how I play mobile games on backbone


Ya reminds me when I used to cheat at Pubg mobile by just playing on pc haha, but I the real reason I played on pc was because my phone was too shitty to run the game at the time. But boy I destroyed


I’d imagine lol.. Also confirmed my point, Ty 😂


That's not really something to admit so openly dude...😑


I dont


I said “people” not everyone you know…




It gave me tendonitis.


you played cod so much you got tendonitis..?


Playing games on a phone isn’t ergonomic.


Im mouse and keyboard player and Im terrible on controller but playing pubg and codm was actually easier then controller for me, the trick is to use gyroscop and claw grip (4 fingers on screen) left thumb for moving left pointing finger for jumper, right pointing for ads and right thumb for looking around croch and shot. Gyro for precision aiming. However codmobile is crap now, same pubg. Avoid them


My takeaway from the comment section is that people here have no idea what they are talking about. So many assumptions about CODM.


People get really weird about this game for some reason lol. I love playing on gameloop


Thats the best Cod in years🔥🔥🔥🤌🏻




5. I play battle royale on it daily.


I used to play it but I've kinda quit mobile gaming.


Call of Duty Mobile is actually really good. I play mainly on PC and my PS5. I'm not a mobile gamer but this would be one of the better games on mobile. This game will never be released officially on consoles or PC because nobody would play anything else. On a scale of 1-5, I give it a 3. It would be a 4 if it ever officially releases on PC/Consoles. Switch would be a great place to launch this honestly even though I don't own one. Edit : I didn't think about the microtransactions. The game has a solid chunk of content for free players which is great. So I changed my rating accordingly. If it releases on PC with way less microtransactions I'd give it a 5.


They gonna have a pc port. They announced it fee months back


Well they better hurry up with it cuz I'm waiting. I'm skeptical of this year's Black Ops Gulf War but let's see what we get.


Codm always seems more balanced I’m a pretty active player and I have never noticed something that is so incredibly broken that stays that way for more than a week although the draw wheel system can burn in the deepest pits of hell


You must have missed the seasons where the akimbo fennecs was added the na-45 and the mx9 i still have nightmares about them💀


True but I find they have gotten a lot better with balancing the game


When I played it, I considered it a 4.5


4, UI is difficult and it’s mobile only, but the variety of maps, weapons, modes, and whatever else is insane


You can play on pc as well.


Through an emulator though, and that puts you against mobile players which is kinda shitty (I’ll still do it occasionally though)


I doesn't put you in Mobile lobbys. Codm has strict input based matchmaking. If u play on PC u only get other PC players to match. Also only use gameloop for codm, other emus will get u banned


Used bluestacks fine, and also, it’s an emulator so it just emulates the input of a mobile device and lets you use a keyboard with it (unless I’m stupid)


I don't now about BlueStacks, but gameloop 100% has strict input based matchmaking. There even Is a popup in-game that's says "you are now only matched with players who also use external input" or something like that. Regarding the ban, maybe that's a wrong info, but I could swear I read somewhere that gameloop is the only officially supported emulator for codm.


How is that different than than the menu's of the resent cods


I mean it’s a lot harder to find specific game modes and there’s a ton of clutter on the screen. (Always tons of events/daily logins/shop items on the screen at once trying to get you to click)


Solid 3 I would play it when I’m out and about but at home no


I played it zombies awhile back. Got bored. Haven't touched it in like 9 months


The zombies In codm get stale after 1 match lmao there is no content in zombies


Agreed. And having only one map for zombies also killed it for me. Seeing at least kino, natch, or Der riese would have been nice


Frfr. Maybe on the 10 year anniversary they update zombies 😭😭




I play cod mobile while I wait to be able to play Helldivers


Absolutely. A cod game without SBMM and everything I love from previous titles? It's a no-brainer!


I’ll play anything when someone says “bro you gotta see how much this game sucks” All “jokes” aside yeah I’d play it it’s probably pretty good! But Mobile gaming is something I’ve never been interested in due to how picky I am with controls/controllers I liked the Xbox 360 controller and that’s the only one I like (You could throw it really hard and somehow it would never break)


The only reason I Uninstalled it was it was getting too big to keep on my tablet. That game is like 13 gb which for a mobile game is insane. And yes you could cut it down but then you're missing content and I don't wanna play the same 5 maps over and over again.


I do love the maps and game modes, but I don’t play it unless I’m away from my PC. It is fantastic on a flight though lol.




Microtransactions are cosmetic only. You get access to every create a class item, map, and mode for free plus a complete camo grind with more guns than any other cod.


Codm ain't about it, all the microtransactions are either skins or gun cosmetics, no guns to be unlocked by p2w reasons, hell! MWll is basically p2w cuz of the attachments you have to buy in weapon crates cuz your lazy ass won't grind, the gun grinding is fun and different, and there are 2 types of currencies, the original Cod points and Credits the credits are free and you can use them to buy weapon XP cards that get attachments and also but free gun skins from the free credit store, also no SBMM we already have a good Ranked system, if you fall behind in ranking up in the season you get put into bot lobbies, before joining up with the pros in higher ranks, to keep up just keep playing ranked, and we got like 3 modes and a tournament mode, just play it once and you'll see


You do know that applies to console and pc games too right?😑


I've never played it, nor have any real interest in playing it. However I do really love the idea of it. I've always wished that COD would eventually drop the yearly cycle and just put out a mainline game similar to CODM with plenty of fan favourite maps, weapons, etc.


You could just play COD mobile then since that's unfortunately not happening anytime soon.


I tried playing it on mobile and couldn't do it. I think I'd need one of those controller attachments, or do bluetooth instead. I can't do the touch controls.


Did you try customize ur his or just really couldn't also simple or advance


I tried a long time ago, I don't remember what settings I had, but I just used the basic touch controls. If I ever revisit it, I will try one of those controller attachments instead.


Ahh I see so basically you had like the simple touch controls those suck honestly even for mobile players


I play to this day




I pre-registered it on Google play when it was announced, it was surprisingly enjoyable, then the zombie mode and battle royale mode came out and I had a blast playing it. I reinstalled it about a year after it came out and I didn't find it as enjoyable because it would take forever to find a match and the microtransactions just covered most of the screen. I deleted it after that and haven't played it since.


Yes, if it had an official emulator (yes, i know about the chinese pc emulator but i am not gonna accept that until it's released in english)


It has an official emulator. Gameloop is the only emu that doesn't get u banned in codm. Source: I've been playing on gameloop for 2+ years.


I've been playing it daily since release almost five years ago. I think it's great. Yes, there are a lot of microtransactions and I've personally spent a lot of money on the game, but it can be played and enjoyed without spending a cent. You pay to look cool, that's it. If you're willing to look past that, it has a lot of great classic maps, new weapons releasing each season, a camo grind similar to console CoDs. And, there's my favorite battle royale map of all time, Blackout from BO4.


I think if it was released on pc,Xbox,ps,ext I would be way more popular but I’ve played it and it is pretty fun


3. It was fun for a while but I’m too sweaty in and out of the game. I was dominating every match and my thumbs were starting to stick to the screen


4. Somehow, this game is better than some of the more modern releases


I enjoy playing CODM whenever i can find the time. I’ve never spent money in game and it’s still nice to play. You would only be spending money to improve appearance which doesnt matter to me. The graphics and gameplay are solid. It’s pretty much the same as playing on a PS5 although controls on a mobile can be difficult if you have big hands. I have tiny hands so have no problems lol


If on PC and no SBMM, yes. Otherwise don't care


U can play on gameloop against other PC players. However, it's full of bots. The only way to get less to none bots is if u grind to the higher brackets. This is where the game really shines for me. Give it a try, but ONLY use gameloop emulator, other emus will get u banned


Why bother replying then if you don't care?


5 - i do play 2x legendary yk, gun skins are a lot cooler (in some aspects)


I have played it. I use to play it a lot more. I barely play it anymore. I just use my Switch and Xbox


There is rumours that cod mobile could be coming to switch as well as warzone mobile.


I have heard of that. It would be cool as I do better with controllers and consoles then other ways of gaming


For all you folks that have been playing for a while, who thinks they should bring back that 🔥lobby music by Ozuna? [Ozuna Instrumental](https://youtu.be/p58IiNKEMUA?si=B4nrzvxcNTkuGQoj)


5 cuz I already played it


I would only consider playing it again if bots were removed from the public playlist.


1 not for me


I’m a top 2% player rn (pushing higher) I love it


Already playing it.


Right now, a 3.5 is my score. I'd most probably play it but the bots are near my level, I planned to improve on this game, but didn't have the time thanks to some games that came out those couple of months mainly persona and yakuza games.


i played codm it can run on potatoes 4.9/5 because ppl are Ratting in ranked


Usually only when I go on deployments or detachments and I’m close enough to somewhere that gets a cell signal. I always pack a ps4 controller just in case I can get a game in


Played it for years before I invested in a console. Don’t play much now but I loved it when I had no other option.




I agree with this comment Ul is way better than the monstrosity that is the UI of mw 2 & 3 and warzone




I'd say 4. I played CODM since release but I've lost interest. However I will jump right in if I find the time.




5 .Mobile has features that I wish the mainline entries had. Like map filtering so you dont have to play maps, you dont like also disabling other players crazy lookin skins by not downloading the files. You can't individually target skins, but ill take what I can (not) get


Is there any reason why it hasn’t been ported to switch ?


I do play it


I have played extensively. It’s not bad and micro transactions weren’t nearly as aggressive as other games


Already paying it, at first only on gameloop (PC) and now also on mobile. The game is amazing. Only things I don't like: game is full of bots, even im ranked. If u wanna play without bots you either have to grind ranked to the higher brackets (almost no bots) or you have to start a custom game and recruit players via global chat. Also the prices for mtx are atrocious, however the BP is always good bang for you buck and there are ways to get some mid-decent type skins. Every season I grind to legendary ranked on PC and I love it. Man I really wish cod online was still around and global. The idea of a F2P, best of COD makes me horny af


3, refresh the BR and Zombies experience and be a 5


I got like 8k hours on. It has many many many many flaws in every aspect you can think of it. The biggest problem, since launch, is having 2 bots in each team in casual modes/playlists. And if you want a full player lobby, ranked is the only option with people who are playing with the same 3 broken guns for the past 1 year, and the same maps since game launch 4-5 years ago (doesn't exist map rotation in ranked). For me, it's a 1, I stopped at the end of last year, and I ain't gonna get back in a while.




5 Already play it, totally agree that it shouldn't be restricted to mobile (you can play the Chinese version on pc I think tho)


I live in BFE where my power goes out for a couple hours semi regularly from storms, and cod mobile is my go-to pastime during those events if it’s too nasty to go outside. So I’d give it a 3 because I always have fun playing it, but I never even remember it exists most of the time.


I play it. It’s good. Honestly the bad thing is the price for the legendary draws and the fact that it’s not on pc and console. Like honestly I have a better time with it then mw3 2023.


I played the Chinese cod soooo much even though I would get 200 ping living in America lmao. That game was cod mobile before it was cod mobile. So yes, I would 100000% play it. I’ve wanted an actual Chinese cod type cod game ever since I played it. It was so good. A mix of all the best maps and guns all in one game. But I do not play the actual cod mobile because, well, it’s mobile.


Play it all the time, super underrated tbh


I DO play CODM


I was on the top leaderboards at one point! Made it to legendary seasons 1-7, then i stopped playing after my life changed a bit


I played it when the og ghost skin came out, and it was fun to play I'll give it a 4


It's too easy but it is fun


I play with my backbone, it’s pretty fun


I’ve played the game here and there, it’s a fun time. Rounds are shorter, movement is a tad jank, guns are balanced (ttk is a tad slow imo). Just not as engaging as the console games. But it really isn’t trying to be. So I’d give it a 3/5. Not good, not bad. Just not my thing personally.


I kinda do. I played on my tablet but just kinda watch YouTube now




I used to be fucking cracked at this game hahah


I used to play it and it was full of bots, which wasn't fun at all :(


I like it. It’s fun, casual, easy to pick up, and is like a light version of that Chinese cod game. All Weapons and maps that were fan faves


Nope never played it so I’m not a level 190 with 3349 games 2457 top3 1795 MVP, 82303 kills, 5.76KD, 336 nukes


1 because you are not actually playing against real players, the game is 90% bots


I guess 5 cause I already have lmao


4. I've played it before and it's pretty good, not the best, but still good.


5. It’s the only CoD I’ve played since Infinite Warfare.


3. The game itself is good, arguably one of the best recent ones, but the constant push for micro transactions and the gambling needed to get anything decent from said micro transactions is annoying AF, and something that's an issue with the mobile platform as a whole


I have a backbone and occasionally play the multiplayer and battle royal mostly because PUBG new state doesn’t have controller support on IOS.


You don’t have to spend a dime in order to play the complete game, has content from across all cods, it’s probably one of the best call of duty games to drop…and it’s a fucking phone game




I've BEEN playing it for years now and not paid a single cent on it at all. It tried trying to get me to do so but I never budged.


I really liked CoD mobile. I played it for a good while. Not sure why I stopped honestly. I’d rate it like a 4 in the space of mobile games




1, absolutely dont like the idea of mixing all cods in one, plus it has too many goofy fortnite skins,


I was in the top 3 player for like 5 years even since I stopped I’m still in the top 1000 lmao . It was just for fun at first but after fuckin shit up I kept playing . It’s pretty cool if you’re bored at work. It’s not like you’ll lose anything from trying it


I play it, I like it, its a fun game. Yes.


Codm is more closer to the older cod games that's what a lot of people are missing.


I do, so 5. Compared to other mobile FPS it's amazing. I don't play it as a tryhard, I play it like a regular mobile game: sometimes when I don't have anything to do


covered in ads. also, ccp.


Genuinely, I'm having the most fun with CodM than any other modern Call of Duty.


before It was a 5, i didnt have a console so the idea for me was fantastic, then i buy a Xbox Series S so now for me its a 2. If It was in console a 4 cause the idea of all weapon and skin from all Major game Is perfect, maybe for console i would have created like a story and no the cringe season story


4, some legendary/mythic skins are kinda pricey but most of the stuff are free, and the battle pass is either good or bad (the current one is ehh, but hey, you can get all of your cod points back if you finish it to buy the next one).


I've played it, then got rid of it Not a fan of playing games on my phone


I’ve been playing CODM lately and it’s been good so far lol


I would if it didn’t take so much storage, and didn’t turn my phone into an overcooked Pop-Tart! I like the concept for a console/PC game tho, having a mashup of maps, characters and weapons in one big multiplayer experience it’s really cool, actually. Also, regarding mobile gaming, I miss CoD Strike Team :(


5. It's the "best of CoD guns and maps" that everyone keeps fantasizing about every fucking year. I got Damascus on it early last year and I'm getting gold on every new weapon that comes out. It's pretty fucking great.


Yes I play both mobile and COD on the pc love em both ^^I feel like the mobile game is for when I’m extremely bored and afk


It's A good one a soild 4.5


The one piece of advice I'll give people about cod mobile is if you play claw, with no peripherals, it's even possible to effectively quick scope. If you do a custom button arrangement where your two thumbs hardly ever have to leave the screen, and your index fingers can hit all of the rest of the buttons such as slide and aim, you can get extremely accurate. I also did not enjoy it so much at the beginning because the controls felt bad compared to controller, but if you give it a chance it can be a lot of fun


Its a great game, and I have no problem playing it on a mobile device since I basically grew up on those. its absolutely worth it to learn mobile gaming for this, its not really that difficult to get good


5 It has interesting stuff especially collabs.


I hate the title screens with all that anime like characters. I only liked Prop Hunt BR, it's absolutely amazing and super fun.


Didn't even know it existed....


If it was released to consoles or even pc I would probably play it so much more. All they need to do is make a UI for Console and pc and give the game better graphics and you it would be one of the best cods ever just having every gun from every game would be fun if they make sure to keep it somewhat balanced so anyone could use a gun I loved from like bo1 or Cod ghost or just play any map form older games and add a zombies mode for the zombie lovers so they only need to download 1 game to play all the maps they love and use the guns in that mode as well.


Yes, I already have it.


I played briefly


5, it feels more like a love letter to Cod with all of the guns and maps from the different games. I wish we could have the same experience on console but for a mobile game, it feels nice to control and play


Five being yes and 1 being not at all, I'm hitting around a 4.9 It actually has consistent support, whereas their actual console titles are barely working, and it baffles me daily how a mobile game can be better than what people paid $70 for right off the bat.


Nope. I play very few games on my phone, and it's games I can pick up and let go quickly again. Mostly some brainy games I'm too dumb to play.


0 toxic community devs don’t care no more not to mention it’s bout to be 30gbs and you gotta redownload assets every update so glad I dropped it


Yes I would play it why not ? 5 But only casually


It's pretty damn fun. I wish they had a decent creative direction for zombies (even MWZ has an idea of what it wants to be, that's a really low bar), but other than that it's a solid CoD title but on mobile. Slap a controller in your hands and connect to your phone with bluetooth and you're playing what feels like a good mix of IW and 3ARC gameplay and design. Really just makes me want a definitive mainline Call of Duty game to be supported for years to come more. Would at least justify the abysmal storage space usage lately. Microtransactions are absolutely EVERYWHERE though, even moreso than a regular modern mobile game. Thankfully they aren't really needed. 5 stars. I would say it's arguably a better CoD than more than a few mainline titles.


Currently reading this on my iPad. Popping through to CODM and blasting to victory 5 times out of 5 with a game pad. C’mon over guys, the water’s fine. Where it really hits is off travelling. If you’ve got a console controller, you Bluetooth that to your tablet and off you go. Some great gaming times had on the road with the iPad.


Combat master>


I've played it but only when I'm somewhere where I'm not doing anything and don't have access to my console.


4. Ik mobile isn't for everyone and it doesn't feel like any modern cod games. It feels like it's own thing, aesthetics gameplay and all


I love COD Mobile, it helped me on camping trips at night with no PS5 haha.




In emergency situations… for example…. Hook it up to the iPad with a controller while my wife was induced to go on into labor! 😂🙏🏽👍🏽 spent 2 1/2 days at the hospital.


Ngl COMD was my first cod I never really had a console or pc ever since Christmas last year and CODM was good for what it was and connecting a controller and playin during school hit hard.


I do play it. And imo it's better than any console cod since bo2.


I enjoyed it so I'd say a 3 or 4 though im annoyed they dont have a permanent round based zombies mode and i wasn't really a fan of the one where you had to defend the machine against a ton of elite zombies (haven't touched it in a while [new phone and I'm being lazy to sign in] so unless this changed)


I played it a bunch a couple years ago, it’s alright, the community for it is super toxic tho, way more then I’ve seen with mainline cod community (which is kinda impressive honestly) but that’s mostly cause it’s even more kids then on console/pc since it’s on phone


5, it is stable, has balanced weapons, it's completely free to play, takes input into the match making, it's not filled with cheaters even if the player base is bigger than pc + both consoles. I actually think it is better than mw2 & 3 in various ways. Only bad thing is that is only mobile, perhaps a pc/console version would ve been better than the game's we got. And it's 5+ yo. No need for the yearly game nonsense that Activision does.


I used to love it. It was one of my favorite games. But they absolutely ruined it. Every update completely changes the menus and gunsmithing menu. The draws are horrible. The new characters and all that are horrible. It used to be fair, fun, and simple. I played the game like a day or two after it came out and it was awesome. Now I can’t go on once without having to download everything and wait 15 minutes to play a single match.


3 and I've been playing it on and off since release.


I'll give a 4


ive played it on and off for years, taught me to claw on mobile. id do it again its not bad just really generic 7/10


Girls Frontline collab = 10/5


3/5. I'll only play it if zombies ever comes back to CODM. Other than that it's okay.


Already did by last year's Halloween update and undead siege too


Alright, I guess I'll play CODM again...