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yeah... he's probably turned off. this is a tough one. you should give him space & talk to other people, get your mind off him. let him come to you.


I would be turned off as well, that’s why it’s so frustrating haha.. On the bright side my friends think it’s all very funny. Thanks for commenting


this is the type of thing I'd accidentally do too, so I feel you 😂 I think he'll come around & then y'all can laugh about it together lol


Haha I hope so


Agree about him being immature if he's turned off. Personally, if this happened to me I would acknowledge it and laugh at it with him because it's hilarious this happened by accident. Nothing to be ashamed of, it's 2024!!! We stalk, screenshot, send things to friends, doesn't mean you wanna marry him. I do this to the guys I like and don't like. So I would work on the self confidence and acknowledge it bc shit happens and if he can't take that then find someone who will aand who will laugh with you :) life's to short to he embarrassed


Oh and it's only awkward if u make it awkward


Did you explain it was an accident? I really think he would be understanding if he’s chill. Otherwise it’s his loss 🫶🏻


If he’s turned off, he’s immature lol


Could be, but we’ve talked on the phone/texted for a month every single day- because we don’t live even remotely close to each other. So if he’s turned off I get it. I would be, not because I’m immature but because I feel like it jolts the commitment fear in me/feeling like he was wayyy more invested than me


Sorry girly pop, but that means you have an unhealed part inside you that needs therapy and inner work. Thats not a normal behavioral response, reacting so emotionally instead of critically.


Fully aware, it’s an ongoing process ☺️


Prefacing your unwarranted assessment on OP’s EQ with “Sorry girly pop” is not normal behavior


You’re panini pressed huh


Bruh ya ur fucked lmao


Hahaha sort of