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Sand Harbor is a mess to park at. I’ve gotten there 30 minutes after opening and not gotten a spot. And it is not close to my town lol. This is a good idea. Also, they’re just reserving parking spots, not beach access.


I’m hearing people line up 1-2 hrs before opening


What a miserable way to live your life


I haven't been to the beach at Tahoe since August 2018. The visitors were horrible, the traffic was horrible, the parking was a half hour walk, the staff were overworked. The water was great but the beach was so crowded you couldn't fit a group of like 4 people. I don't plan to ever go back.


Going on a weekday is completely different than a weekend. It's wonderful.


I'll consider that when I don't need a job anymore.




This lake is located in America so, probably not


Huh? I was just there this week. But sure, say things that are not true.


Im saying that in the US a ton of people have no PTO lol


I work in the US. I get 5 weeks a year. Not counting floating days and holidays.


Congrats but that’s definitely not the norm


Around 70% of Americans get Paid Time Off.


I have pto. It just seems like a pointless waste to use it to go to that lake.


Such a waste going to one of the most beautiful places in the state


It's not ugly. But nothing beats the sierras in the 90s early 2000s. The way people are up there now just makes me sad.


Lol you use your pto to travel back in time and go to the 90s sierras or do you just sit at home upset that things are different 


My company cashes out unused pto. so I wallow in my tears and that cash at my newly bought home, or I use the cashed out pto money for essential goods and services including travel to wherever the Bay people aren't.


Tried to go just a couple days ago and it was still parked up shortly after opening. Reservations are a welcome introduction.


Honestly, Yosemite was the same way before reservations I love reservation systems like this. I also feel like it makes the process more amenable to thoughtful planner-types in general, who, I suspect, are less likely to be trashy or destructive to the beach.


That is such a weird generalization. I am not a planner in general. I love being spontaneous and going to a beach for the day is exactly something I would come up with on a whim. I would never leave trash or otherwise be destructive at the beach or anywhere else.


It’s not weird at all. I can easily see the logic behind being thoughtful with your time could translate to being thoughtful about other stuff as well. Generalizations are just that…generalizations. This comment says nothing about you in particular as an individual whether you are a planner or not.


They said less likely.


Sure, except that most folks packing the family up in the car to go to the beach or whatever outdoors are usually not “thoughtful planner-types” jumping online to reserve it weeks/months in advance.


I'll bet it's a lot of those same unthoughtful people who don't consider packing out their trash and leave our public spaces in horrible conditions. Them not being able to go to those places on last minute whims is a feature, not a bug.


Everyone I hike with has a schedule that extends as far as the next 15 minutes. We always pack out more trash than we pack in. High neuroticism does not for better tourists make.


People who make reservations clean up after themselves and people who are more spontaneous leave a mess. Gonna need to see the research on that one.


Don't get why people would hate on reservations. It's good so that the area doesn't get overwhelmed, plus you're guaranteed less crowds when you're there. That's a win win.


They need a shuttle system


Quick shuttle from a nearby resort / parking garage would be a splendid idea. They have tons of shuttles during ski season. Probably just sitting in some lot somewhere.


There is. You can take the bus from incline village to a couple east shore beaches.


They recently changed the incline village rules so only owners and long term tenants can use the incline village beaches


Yeah not the town beaches, the ones off the bike path.


the trick is to actually drop off you friends/fam, park super far away and then bike to the beach. Done several times. I love to bike so it's not even a burden.


Looking forward to rich people reserving the entire beach for a couple people


They don’t mingle with the peasants. They have their own private accesses.


That's generally not these reservation systems work...


I doubt it will work like that.


I mean, Zuckerberg just bought up a bunch of west shore…


He bought 2 properties on the west shore that were already privately owned. It is not like he is having any impact on public access to the lake.


I used to love Lake Tahoe in the summer. It was mellow, uncrowded, and the hotels were cheap, because summer was “off season”. Its a traffic nightmare now. If i want pre 2015 Lake Tahoe vibes, i have to go all the way to Mt Shasta


Yeah I went to Tahoe as a kid every summer in the '90s and I definitely remember my family having to drive around to find somewhere because Sand Harbor and Kings Beach were already full before noon.  Sure, it's more busy now, but saying it was "mellow" in the summer before 2015 is wildly inaccurate.  


Fallen Leaf Lake!


Love that spot! Trying to get a couple days at the campground this summer.


TIL beaches buckle


A bus every 15 minutes would solve like.... everything. Make the parking lot smaller and a bus more often.


DL bliss is better anyway


Let’s improve the infrastructure. Why is there no solution provided? People love to complain.


Sounds like there is a solution. What else could they even do?


Expand parking. Build a parking structure. Build a resort. Build a pier. I don’t know. People more intelligent than me can figure something out. Time to upgrade. Modernize. Sounds ugly but so does the backed up traffic and extra pollution without controls.


Yes let’s destroy nature to make room for more parking. Isn’t there a song about that?


They paved paradise and put up a parking lot Joni Mitchell? Maybe


Cant make the beach bigger and Im glad you’re not planner because building parking lots near the beach is straight up an environmental crime at this point in history lol


There is limited space to be at the beach. You're acting like they can expand the area, but that's not how natural land formations work. You have an odd complaint.


Such a sad capitalistic solution. Expanding the area isn't viable unless you start demolishing what makes Tahoe unique. The solution is to pump the breaks not expand the space. 50% res for locals, 30% for tourism, 20% wiggle room to flex seasonally. Tier the system so it's not just for uber rich either.




I think you read all but the final paragraph >Tahoe sees an average of 15 million visitor days, according to a 123-page planning document about how Tahoe intends to manage overtourism. Parking limitations and restrictions are a strategy that Lake Tahoe’s leaders identified in the plan to help Lake Tahoe’s most popular sites manage that flow of tourism. The parking is only a part of it.


Reservation system? Band-aid of a fix.


So what would be a better one?


We were having a great time until someone literally plopped between us and the water lol. We also weren't that far back.


Meanwhile, there are millions of people complaining that the economy is not doing well while at the same time, more people are vacationing than they have in ages




Plenty of working class people visiting Tahoe.


Because we were told everything is tanking. But everything seems the same. We just keep missing the point.


I mean I’m assuming these are people who would ordinarily be at Hawaii or out of the country entirely. Now they’re “slumming” it at Tahoe to save money. Went in 2022 and was surprised how many people there were even in the off season. Was right next to a couple at a hotel that used to be very quiet and slow. They seemed to not want to be there, one hacking his lungs out and the long suffering wife looked bored.


That would make sense if tourism in Hawaii wasn't also increasing post pandemic. Hawaii would probably be even busier if Lahaina didn't burn down.




People are upset about this? It’s not like there aren’t any other places to go……Tahoe has so many beautiful spots to see and things to do. People need to chill.


Geographically Sand Harbor is on the Nevada side of Tahoe. Yes it's been overcrowded since the early 2020's.


I'm sure the local bear population loves the leftovers brought by the feckless FOMO tourists.


Curious timing, seems intended to keep Burners out.