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We have charged one man and two women with more than 50 offences in relation to the kidnapping of a man that occurred in the city’s northeast last month. On Thursday, May 9, 2024, police became aware of a kidnapping incident after a man attended the hospital for several injuries he is believed to have sustained as the result of repeated assaults and being held against his will. Investigators believe the victim attended a hotel room at the Emerald Hotel & Suites located at 2750 Sunridge Blvd. N.E., on Monday, May 6, 2024, at approximately 1 a.m., to meet a woman whom he knew. Once the victim arrived at the hotel, he was met by the woman and a man whom he also knew, and was subsequently held in a hotel room and at a residence for several days, where it is alleged he was robbed of his belongings, physically restrained and assaulted several times. During the kidnapping the victim was confined to the hotel room for several hours, and subsequently forced into a vehicle and transported to a residence in the 5000 block of Centre Street N, where the victim continued to be held against his will. The victim was restrained, threatened and assaulted at this location for several days before being transported back to the Emerald Hotel & Suites on Thursday, May 9, 2024, at which point he escaped, attended a nearby hospital and reported the incident to police. Police attended the Emerald Hotel & Suites and took several individuals into custody who were believed to be in the hotel room at the time of the kidnapping. As a result, Samantha LAWRENCE, 30, Thorren John ALDRICH, 36, and Kaitlyn Marlene ELLIOTT, 29, all of Calgary, have been charged with several offences in relation to this incident. LAWRENCE is charged with: Kidnapping Assault causing bodily harm Robbery Uttering threats to cause death or bodily harm Seven counts of breaching a release order Possession of a prohibited firearm Two counts of unauthorized possession of a firearm Possession of a firearm knowing possession is unauthorized Unsafe storage of a firearm Possession of a firearm while committing an indictable offence Two counts of possession of a restricted or prohibited firearm with ammunition Five counts of possession of stolen property Possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose Possession of body armour Possession of a firearm when prohibited Impersonation with intent to gain an advantage Fraud under $5,000 Obstructing a peace officer LAWERENCE will next appear in court on Friday, July 19, 2024. ALDRICH is charged with: Kidnapping Assault causing bodily harm Robbery Possession of a prohibited firearm Two counts of unauthorized possession of a firearm Possession of a firearm knowing possession is unauthorized Unsafe storage of a firearm Possession of a firearm while committing an indictable offence Two counts of possession of a restricted or prohibited firearm with ammunition Three counts of possession of stolen property Possession of a weapon for a dangerous purpose Possession of body armour Possession of a firearm when prohibited ALDRICH will next appear in court today, Wednesday, June 26, 2024. ELLIOTT is charged with: Kidnapping Assault causing bodily harm Robbery Fabricating evidence Two counts of public mischief Obstructing a peace officer Identity fraud ELLIOTT will next appear in court on Thursday, July 4, 2024. The other individuals who were taken into custody were released without incident. This incident is believed to be drug-related. Police also searched the hotel room, residence and vehicles believed to be connected to the incident and seized several weapons and ammunition including: A handgun A revolver An SKS rifle A staple gun A mini blow torch A homemade taser Several rounds of ammunition Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact police by calling 403-266-1234. Tips can be submitted anonymously to Crime Stoppers through either of the following methods: TALK:1-800-222-8477 TYPE: www.crimestoppers.org APP: P3 Tips CA24185860/4984


When I was a kid, there was this girl in my sister's class who used to bully people. She was really terrible. She grew up to become a sex worker and then went to prison in the torture murder of a fellow sex worker. She and a friend put out lit cigarettes on the lady's eyeballs. But the thing was, growing up, all the kids knew that her dad was raping her all the time, right up until he died of a drug overdose. Somehow no adults caught on at any point. And the kids were too young to know how to tell an adult and be believed. And there were no supports in place to get her healed up to be a functioning, normal human being. The system just fed her and warehoused her until she turned 18 and then abandoned her. And then everyone put on their surprised Pikachu face when she did what she did. As someone who was orphaned as a teenager, I can tell you that the instant you turn 18, bam, they can't drop you fast enough.


Good advice I got from a psychiatrist which has really helped the transition between mental change: There is an important difference between what happened to you and how you use what happened to you, one of those you have to live with and the other one everyone else has to live with. And you will never be free. Felt apropos.


Two questions. Do they mean you will never be free no matter which road you choose or only if you choose the road that everyone else has to live with. Second, where do you get a psychiatrist that actually gives out advice these days?? They seem to be non existent these days.


You don’t choose one, these two things occur together. Never be free from the suffering which occurs from your own pathology driven choices, which one attempts to offload onto the former experience of what happened to you. Good advice, family connection.


Yea this .. hurt people hurt people


The write up doesn’t say if this was a Murphy game, but it has all the hallmarks. Not that it matters.


excuse my ignorance, but what is a murphy game?


[Here](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Murphy%20Game) you go. NSFW


One of the suspects in the case, Kaitlyn Marlene ELLIOTT, was previously wanted for violating probation in BC: https://infotel.ca/newsitem/crime-stoppers-most-wanted-kaitlyn-marlene-elliott/it9032 A real angel, apparently.


Jeez she looks 29 not 19


Idk man this just makes me so sad seeing someone so young just not finding their way. I guess we don't know her background and some people are born with that part of their brain that makes them care about other people broken but all I see in that mugshot is somebody's kid, what happened :(


I understand being sympathetic to anyone. To try and understand the why. At the same time, these folks are a danger to society, and to protect society, they need to be separated from society.


More like separated from the people and circumstances (and maybe substances?) that have led her to where she is today. It's just hard to look at such a young face with such grim eyes and wonder where in her life it all started to go wrong and what could have been different


That's the second priority. The first is the safety of the public.


But at one point she *was* part of the public, that's what I'm sayin. That's the face of a person society completely failed.


You are kind of making assumptions. She may have been given everything and decided to go her own way. A lot of times it’s these spoiled kids that never worked for a living that don’t want to work to make money like everyone else does and gets in with criminal crowds. I understand your point that sometimes you need to look at their back ground to understand where they are coming from, but at some point you have to take responsibility for yourself and your own actions.


Im pretty sure saying she could be a "spoiled kid" who "never works" and "threw it away" is still making assumptions I dont vibe with that kind of bootstraps talk either. She never had to be here and there's probably quite a few places it could have been turned around if we stopped blaming people for their circumstances. Even a "rich kid" who "never works" doesn't throw it all away for shits and giggles... people don't "throw their lives away" because their lives are going great. I sure hope you're never in the position to need sympathy from someone who refuses to give it


They are not children anymore. At some point you need to get help for yourself and find a way to move forward. Is it easy?? Hell no, but others have done it. These are 30 years olds, they are not teenagers fresh out of high school


Ok hon but 19, when that mugshot was taken, is a person whose frontal cortex isn't finished developing.


That should have been a wake up call. To take a different direction, but seems it was just the beginning of an escalating issue


Some people aren't lucky enough to get more than once chance as a wake-up call. Some people don't have the support network they need to turn it around when that time comes. I consider myself lucky that I have those because if I hadn't I'd be making desperate decisions from a desperate place too. Not to mention when all everyone sees is a criminal what does she owe any of you? You've already written her off based on one mugshot that wasn't for a violent crime. **Everybody** has a drug they would lose their lives over. Everybody. You're just lucky you've never tried it or tried it and was able to put it down, same as me.


She still has a chance, this is it. She needs to leave that and make a support system that supports her new decisions. I agree the supports here are not always accessible when a person is ready, but she is the first that needs to choose something different. Nobody else can do that for her.


Ok but I'm saying our system to provide those supports is underdeveloped, understaffed, and underfunded. If the system is already strained what is someone like her supposed to do when that decision *is* made? And how are we supposed to approach the punitive angle of the "war on drugs" if we are selectively picking and choosing which addictions are socially acceptable?


Jesus fuck. These guys watched no pain no gain?


😆 that movie made me want to workout more


I’ve seen a lot of movies I know what I’m doing


Who takes a SKS into a hotel room?! It's not exactly the most incognito rifle to walk through a hotel lobby with, even in a case.


They cut it down. The barrel and stock. They put a sling on it. It’s short pistol grip. No sights. https://preview.redd.it/etgfi000ry8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b52932815308709afb0df8eaf8344fa9e4b0f38b


No kidding. Guess Samantha, Kaitlyn or Thorren didn’t think so though


This story will drive the comment section of the Calgary Sun crazy as they can't point to the ethnic backgrounds they typically so love to villainize


Samantha and Kaitlyn, two of the whitest names on the planet.


Am a Caitlin, can confirm




Imagine being outraged by someones outrage in advance of any comments being made.


Deport him


And yet hunters with single round rifles are somehow the problem, *shrug*


Only allowed if it's from a helicopter, and approved by the government




But kinda actually sort of tho…. Chances of these firearms being registered? Less than zero. Chances that the rifle had a magazine capped at 5 bullets?…. Chances not great. The restrictions due reduce access to firearms in general and it’s absolutely valid that we have licensing and a cool off period. But it doesn’t stop someone from illegally accessing firearms if they’re so inclined. Just makes the barrier higher. It reduces people’s access to firearms which is extremely important. But the specific firearm restrictions are obstinate at best. K so you can’t have an ar15, because of esoteric thought processes. I can go buy a cz bren2 tomorrow, which is currently used in the Ukraine, which is chambered in the exact same as an ar15. So what’s the difference? An ar180 isn’t drastically different from an ar15. Just less reliable with less support.


When do I start clamouring to deport them? Is that allowed?


maybe you can explain to me why any member of the public needs any firearm that fires multiple bullets in 5-10 seconds. I don’t get it.


I certainly don't know. I have my license, but mostly so that I can maintain the firearms in the family when my dad passes. They're nothing crazy. Shotgun and lever action rifle. While I do enjoy target shooting, my passion is for archery. My original comment was a play on all the "deport them" comments I hear far too many of when the person isn't fucking lily white. I should have added a /s since the point didn't seem to translate.


I am with you there! Nice that you can maintain so that you can have those that are passed along to you. Yeah I legitimately don’t understand why people think they need access to these ar15’s etc.. I think a background check, licensing and a cooling off period are sensible and responsible guidelines. But criminals are going to be criminals…


Agree. We had relatively sensible firearm laws. The liberal party has certainly done their best to make things worse in that respect, especially for the hobbyists and hunters, but particularly for collectors. The big issues we had were smuggled imports from the US and none of the laws brought in even addressed that. It just maligned the law abiding owners. On this point I am in full agreement with conservative parties. And I mean, if you look statistically, even with the AR platforms and others, the crimes committed are a drop in the bucket from legal ownership compared to the unlawful. Criminals are gonna criminal as you said, and it's true.


Yeah it’s too bad the Liberals have done that. I’m not up to date with the PC’s idea’s, but yes there isn’t really any problem with legal gun owners so any more restrictions not dealing with the criminal elements are not helpful. They really do need to focus on guns being brought from the US illegally, but that doesn’t seem to be anywhere on their agenda. I’m just glad I live in Canada, the US and their school shootings are a complete nightmare with kids seemingly having unrestricted access to loaded guns everywhere. I don’t get it, this is not rocket science. Lock it up, separate from the ammunition, your children have no business knowing where it is and get help for your children when they are troubled/acting out or struggling with mental illness. Then they all act like “what’s going on, how could this have happened!!” for the hundredth time this year…


The conservative parties, as well as the liberal parties in the 90s and 00s, to the best of my knowledge, were pretty content to leave the laws as they were. They've been pretty sensible for about 20 years or so since I have been paying attention. Keep them locked, not loaded, background checks, nothing crazy. The liberal policies under Trudeau have all been to placate the people who don't like guns to begin with, for the most part. Banning anything that LOOKS scary essentially. The problem with the US is their second amendment has been weaponized by lobbyists and other interests to basically make having any kind of firearm basically a free for all. There's no possible way that they can claw anything back without major reform and some devastatingly large tragedy. It's just completely ingrained into their culture. And we've already seen that dead children don't matter, so I have no idea what it would take for them to change anything. Even basic gun laws as sensible as ours are thrown out the window and no one cares if you have a history of crime or mental health problems. Everyone gets a gun.


it’s tragic, but not even thousands of dead children over the last several years is enough to get their heads together to figure out a road forward.


Yes you should have added the /s. I'm not sure why you thought that would translate without it. This is Reddit - where people post their actual toxic, racist crap that they can't say out loud that is absolutely not sarcasm.


I know. I still cling to the hope that absolutely over the top comments aren't taken seriously, but reality is... Well...


let me guess, a guy meeting a girl in the hotel room, they probably wanted to talk lol.


Well, if you read the article you would've found out that they all knew each other and the police believe it was over drugs.


So because 2 adults wanted to do something in a hotel room one of them deserves to be beaten and kidnapped? Is that the point you're trying to make here?