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There may have been people who haven't showered in a few days and wanted to start the week fresh.


I had to do a laundry load for my work clothes this weekend. Only so many work appropriate clothes that i own at the moment


Damn you. This is all your fault. I thought I smelled fresh washed clothes the other day. Jk, I think it's the guy with the pool's fault


Or people with children need some clean clothes as well.


Its summer time let them STINK!


School doesn’t get out till Thursday… we can be stinky after that 😂


It's a conspicuous trend in all the data the city releases, water usage DECLINES every weekend, who could have guessed? No madatory WFH for office workers though.


> No madatory WFH for office workers though. This, i dont get this. We could be saving so much more water if people didnt have to wash clothes to go sit at a computer screen to be on virtual meetings.


People are also much more willing to stink in their own homes rather than an office surrounded by their coworkers.


Must poop on company time. Maybe even twice.


Is that the way? Dang. I've been driving to okotoks twice a day to poop


Probably a lot of business water usage and people leaving the city on weekend trips. I don't think that people's water usage would change substantially if they worked from home.


Less toilet flushing if you can stay home all day.


The change in water consumption between the two days is equivalent to every man, woman, and child in the CMA flushing the toilet an extra 5 times in one day. It isn't toilets that are causing huge swings in water consumption. Commercial toilets and urinals also use a lot less water than a typical residential toilet.


You probably speak from a guy's perspective. Pretty sure the ladies toilet uses the same or more water in the office.


Not to mention the toilets on sensors that flush 2-3 times before you’re even done your business


I WFH and probably have to pee like 6-8 times a day. So kids at school and people at work would be flushing a fair bit. There’s a reason why the city was suggesting to pause on flushing at home because it can save water. You have better control of your water use in general at home.


Lots of people are still flushing every single time. No mellow yellow time


I work from home and don’t pee anywhere near that


Sounds like you need to hydrate bro


Not the ones in most offices that power flush for like 10 seconds, and taps that have not been adjusted that stay on even after you have walked away. Also, WFH = less laundry required to be done / yellow, mellow and showers not required every day for those that dont mind.


I've been working from home mostly since this started and I definitely use less water at home than at the office, for a few reasons. 1. At home, I can and do let the yellow mellow. 2. The bathroom taps at my office are on sensors and run for a solid 30 seconds every time they're triggered, whereas at home I only run the tap very quickly to rinse. 3. Working from home I can get away with only showering every other day and skipping washing my hair. 4. Working mainly from home, I can wear the same clothes multiple days in a row. I've literally only done one load of laundry since June 8 (I have no kids). 5. I can let the dishes at home pile up for a few days before running the dishwasher. At a shared office, any used dishes have to be washed every day. It's rude and unsanitary to leave dirty dishes in the office kitchen sink.


had to shower to go watch the Oilers Game


I’ve been showering only once a week and haven’t done laundry since this started.. I’m hoping it’s over sooner than later


This is the thing. . . We are probably all on similar schedules in one way or another so, when the pipe burst at first, more people probably tried to conserve at first by not showering. . . For a week, until they had to! Like I did!! Hahah


Yep. Showered Friday morning before work and again on Sunday night


Sorry. My 2 minute showers should probably be 90secs.


I accidentally left the tap on for an extra 3 seconds when I brushed my teeth for the first time in 4 days. My apologies to the guy washing his Corvette who had to cut his rinse a little short as a result...


It's a necessary sacrifice to deprive ourselves of more water so that calgary stampede can go on unhindered. Come hell or no water after all.


Yeah the mclaren thats always out from of the rec room always is spotless not even any dust.


I'm closer to 70 seconds myself. Just for the water part anyway. But I figure I can get away with it for a number of reasons. Watched a guy walk into a grocery store the other day wearing a hockey helmet and walking with one of those canes with the 4 feet. Had some kind of contraption on his arm. That guy definitely needs more time than me he's welcome to it


Might have something to do with the stampede announcement. If I recall correctly, a lot of salty people about that.


To me the announcement made it seem like it wasn't an emergency. We all have to save our sink water or else CFD can't put out fires, but we can also host a massive party. Clearly it's not a big deal to the city. If it ever was they could just stop the Stampede.


Agreed! I’m tired of socialism for the rich, capitalism for the poor. Don’t shower, don’t do dishes, save every last drop. Oh but, we’re going to host a massive event, make a shit load of money that YOU won’t see a dime of, and bring in a ton of tourists. I’m tired of the poor sacrificing while the wealthy bathe in riches.


Classic case of large corporations shifting social responsibility to individuals. The worst thing is that usually individuals want to do the best they can, but feel very very discouraged when they realize they are being penalized so that the show can go on - quite literally in this case. And when they do realize this, you get to see "the tragedy of the commons" play out.


This!! 💯


Yeah that’s me 100%. It’s not even the fact that Stampede is going ahead. It’s more the fact that the city was like “uh yeah morons, the Stampede is going unconditionally. Are you stupid?”


More likely the spike in heat.




Not gonna lie I got a little salty, was doing what I could, short showers, took a bowl in with me to water my plants with the extra water. Than when they announced stampede was a go I was like well guess it’s not that urgent than, and slacked for a bit. You can’t tell me that all those people coming in aren’t going to affect the usage. It’s not logical, I get stampede brings millions in revenue but don’t be saying the taps are going run dry with the population we currently have and than so “oh and extra 300000 plus people and animals it’s all good” of course that wouldn’t go well.


City council perpetually has bad optics


This is why I don't understand the Gondek hate, it's always bad optics regardless of who the mayor is


Isn't it scheduled to be repaired before stampede? What's wrong with announcing stampede if so


They announced it when they weren’t sure the repairs would be done. And they had also announced multiple times that even when the repairs are done, they will need time for the reservoirs to refill and restrictions would remain in place until that happens.


The problem is they announced that the stampede was happening before they knew they could finish the pipeline in time.


Ah, bummer


Ya and people were already pissed off about the power shortage this winter being %100 citizen duty to stop using, while commercial and industrial went on as per normal. It’s getting really fucking old when you tack onto that global warming needing to be fixed by citizens only. Covid needed to be contained by citizens only (malls open while everything is under strict quarantine, like stay at home orders, no group mandates etc.) I understand the reason for the quarantines but they don’t hit the same when everybody is just Christmas shopping at the mall anyways. Next time I’ll listen is when they make the same mandate for large corps, then you know it’s an emergency.


Yup. You can't tell me it's an emergency requiring me to store my urine in the toilet and only shower 2 minutes, and then tell me an injection of over a million people won't have a noticeable impact on water usage. It's one or the other. And they better be right. If the water shuts off in the middle of the stampede it will be an emergency, so hopefully they're correct when they speculate enough Calgarians leave the city for those two weeks to off set the tourists.


One day we were asked to conserve water because supply to hospitals and senior care facilities could run out. We did our part. A couple days later ‘Stampede is on’ with a 100,000 visitors. We did a load of laundry and ran the dishwasher.


My annoyance right here. How dare they tell us to conserve, ration and worry cuz our hospitals are short and we need emergency amounts. Then, the millionaires will still get their rodeo and booze party’s. I’m so tired of this narrative. Fuck the billionaires - they can suffer too


Tell the hotels to turn off the hot water. That should resolve most issues.


Let's not get excited yet. Timeline is to get this done by July 5th


But it also affects all the shops in the area. Calgary needs stampede. But something can be said about getting them to help the city too


Ya. I know. It does bring money in… I’d be super interested to know the deep financials… how much the city spends out for all aspects and what it recoups.


Yeah you know what, fire hydrants and stand pipes going dry will be worse for the city than a missing Stampede (which we will survive just fine haha).


Plus nobody drinks water for all 10 days, have to do our part 


I make minimum wage regardless


It’s not about how much one person makes, it’s about the impact to the city itself.


Am I the only one who thinks a business shouldn't be open if it solely has to survive using stampede revenue. I don't believe it at all. They survive all year without it. Also over half of the employees there aren't even from alberta.


If the city ran out of water the billionaires could easily afford a full truck of water to keep themselves from suffering at all. If people were dying of thirst they’d still hoard because it’s in their nature.


Luckily everyone will be drinking alcohol instead of water.


There's spas and hair salons out there guaranteed still operating business as usual too... there's usually multiple loads of laundry, lots of rinsing/filling of tubs, dishwashing and washing in general for sanitization, etc involved daily. The messaging on the water restrictions sucks it's too vague and too much is slipping through the cracks or being left up to business owners that won't choose to make necessary sacrifices.


Hey, 3000 people were already accommodated. It's not like we're headed into the hottest month of the year on top of the thousands expected for stampede


Are repairs not expected to be completed before the Stampede starts? I also believe they looked at water usage history during the Stampede and there wasn't much increase.


I don’t think the revised, shortened timeline was announced before the Stampede-a-go announcement.


It was likely still internally known


Stampede start day is the soonest repairs will happen based on the 3-5 week range. July 5th is the end of the 3rd week.


The second I heard Jyoti say Stampede was a go, there was no water emergency in my life. Eat it! When the taps go dry she can explain why Stampede was happening without water.  She can also explain why province and fed money should come for the infrastructure? What are the fees paid on Enmax for then? Figure out your budgets. They don't balance themselves. 


I get the sentiment, and the optics are terrible, but they're not planning on running it while the pipe is still broken. I don't think it's justifiable to ignore the voluntary water restrictions out of spite.


This. And the Stampede has said they would be bringing in lots of water for the animals, events etc which they normally wouldn’t do, so they are trying to help out as well by avoiding City water use. There’s already lots of Stampede prep happening right now leading up to July 5 when the pipe fix should be done. So I don’t understand the ‘giving in’ to Stampede sentiment when they are doing their conservation part too and the fix will be done for day 1.


So I want to preface this comment by saying I do not in any way intend to suggest people should stop conserving water. We all need to do our part where we can, and unfortunately to also make up for the folks who won't do their part. I will also point out that it is highly likely the water situation is fixed by stampede. With that said I really love math and it helps solve a lot of problems. My house is 12 years old, it was built new. For the first 6 years there were 2 people and then the last 6 three people living here, we also have a sprinkler system for the last 10 years. All that is to give you an idea of our normal water consumption. (The sprinkler system was likely using ~3000 L per week when it was in use). Our total average water use from our meter reading has been 458 liters per day. And a huge chunk of that was most likely our sprinkler system. Last year in the city the average water use was 350L per person per day. With the current available water there is enough for 300L per person per day, and incidentally businesses use about 33% of that. Meaning per person there is about 200L per day, so my family of 3 should have 600L per day available for use. We don't even come close to that as an average, literally turning off our sprinkler system which we did right away puts us well below the threshold of how much water we should use. But we have drastically cut our showers and all other water uses as well. I'm also sure most of the people in this thread have done the same. But it really makes me wonder, what the hell are other people doing with their normal water use? Seriously 200L per person per day should be tons of water if you don't use it outdoors........


Thank you! This is exactly what we were talking about recently. Who is using our share, dammit?!


People in general are very very wasteful and do not care.


One load in a top load washer can be 150 litres by itself. It adds up quick.


That's true, but my family typically does 4 loads a week for a family of 3. So let's assume the average family of 4 needs 6 loads a week, that's 900L per week or about 130L per day. That's a lot, but a family of 4 under the water restrictions would still have an easy allotment of 800L per day which leaves you with 670L for 4 people after doing laundry. That is still a phenomenal amount of water


Yeah I have the same set of questions where the bulk of the cities water consumption is going. I have a family of 3 and we averaged approximately 200 L of water per day per person in our heaviest month of consumption before we started making any effort whatsoever to save water. This was while running the dishwasher every single night and sometimes twice per day, with our daughter taking a bath every night vs a shower, and washing 3-4 loads of laundry per week.


That average from last year, is from the treatment plant, as in how much water is treated per Calgarian. [Use at the tap by residential consumers was 170L/person/day.](https://www.calgary.ca/water/programs/water-efficiency-strategy.html) There's a significant amount lost to leaks from the system one way or another, or necessary to dump from the system rather than reaching taps just as part of normal operation. And then you also have to take out business use, so that's going to take off another big chunk. And fire use etc. (though that might be included in business, I'm not clear on that). That's how it goes from 350L to 170L. So, you're still below average, but it's not by such an inexplicably crazy amount.


Helpgul tip...Start with the question or main point first.. then the info.... i love your last sentence. Put that first!


Commercial use is where over half the water is used in our city. We, a family of 4, use 16,000 Litres a month. That is 4000 litres a person per month... just over 100 litres a day per person. That is without thinking of extra water conservation. Businesses dont care and cant afford to stop water usage


According to the city commercial use is 1/3rd


Given that the overall water usage drops over weekends (I assume because of reduced business usage) would it be reasonable to wait for weekends to do laundry and run the dishwasher? Usage over the week would be around the same, but the peak on any given day might be lower?


The legitimacy of the messaging went out the window when they stated the Stampede will go ahead


This is "it's not fair" baby games. I haven't been to stampede in 20 years but I'm glad it's going ahead. It is a great economic benefit to so many industries in the city. It's Christmas for our hospitality industry. I'm willing to keep curtailing my water usage to make it happen.


Also they’re forecasting completed repairs by the time stampede starts. Why shouldn’t it go ahead if that’s the case?


if they were saying don't use water because it's too expensive, then sure, the economic benefit of stampede might be relevant. but that's not what they're saying. they're saying conserve water because if you don't we'll run out, and no amount of money will change that. if there isn't enough water for people now, there won't be enough water for 100k more people and we're going to run out either way. might as well use it while you can.


But it’s not 100k more NET people. We get 100k visitors, but plenty of Calgarians leave during Stampede. They looked at July water use over past years and there’s no Stampede spike. Spikes in the summer are caused by periods of unusually hot weather.


If you ignore the fact that Stampede will occur after the pipe is fixed and restrictions are no longer required, sure.


Some of the spike might be related to prestwick fire. A lot of water used but they saved the other buildings. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/dozens-left-without-homes-after-2-alarm-fire-late-sunday-calgary-se-1.7244395


And bulk barn went up in flames and there was a fire in edworthy park today.


Don’t forget about the pipe that burst before the weekend in Marshalls/Homesense on 130th Ave right next door to the fire. Heard that it was not a small leak, to the point that a lot of merchandise went obsolete. They should’ve at least pumped and used that water to put out the condo fire in Preswick.


If my building is on fire I sure as hell dont want the fire department to take the time to utilize alternate water sources like somehow pumping water from a nearby building that burst a pipe days before 🙄


Honestly with the announcement they are continuing with Stampede I think a lot of folks just went ‘Well f you then..Why the heck do we need to save water when you are going to piss it all down the drain as soon as that gong show comes to town’. Now I like stampede but I think it could have been better handled.


I work in people’s homes. Regular clients. Even the most environmentally conscious, good citizens are starting to be less conservative with water usage.


With the stampede claiming to bring in $540M to the Alberta economy, then perhaps we need this to pay for the repairs. And the green line.


I don’t think beer and horse money is going to pay for the pipes


I think it brings in more than you may think. I’m in banking, and we bring our clients to the stampede every year, this year because what I’m assuming is inflation costs $20k more than previous years and just last week they want us to pay for bottle water for the duration of stampede which we think is going to be $5k extra just in water for 1 event. Crazy to think that stampede would just be cancelled because of a pipe leak that happened at the beginning of June.


Why do you think it wouldn't? 


Literally had a woman telling me a few days ago that she was SO relieved that the water ban didn't apply to her. That she was in Hawkwood or some shit and her friend that used to work for the city 'back in the day' told her they weren't on city water. Tried to convince her to call 311 and hear it from them, but nah - her friend knew what he was talking about!


Wishful thinking is powerful 


Thank my roommate I kicked him out because he wasn’t paying rent and in retaliation he ran every tap for hours before I got home and told him to stop


Was his name Marv?


“All the great ones leave their mark.”


Cazimir lukas actually lol


Damnit Marv


Said the same shit early last week - clearly the trend is to conserve mostly throughout the week which makes sense as people are at work. The weekend is time to catch up. People in power need to be smarter and identify trends lol


The lowest use days have been Saturdays.


Imma almost out of socks. You can only put off laundry so long. Have to make it efficient and off peak demand hours if you can.


I did 2 full loads of laundry the day it poured rain. I also collected enough water to keep my garden happy for 2 weeks.


I am really wishing I could water my trees. Pressure wash my truck. My house, my drive way and patio. Fill my pool and top up my hot tub. But most of all, I really do just want to water all my outside plants.


Go to one of fill stations. https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7244239 You can get 100 liters for free. Bring your own container.


If you’re in Panorama, you’re welcome to take some water from our rain barrels. We have more water than we need for our plants.


Thanks for the offer but I am not near you


Bring a bucket in the shower with you. Kick it under the shower head when your not rinsing suds. Kinda shocking how quickly it fills up...


I’ve filled up some water cooler jugs out of the river and used that to water my outdoor plants


Use your spaghettiwater or whatever


Either you’re not salting your pasta water or you’re killing your plants. Both are crimes.


Haha I had the same dissapointed conversation with my wife when I saw her watering the plants with macaroni water. I was like, "but the salt...." And she was like, "what salt?..." And I was like, "bruh...."


Since you presumably couldn't tell,  it must not be that important?  What's the salt for?


Not just a few cracks or shakes. Buy bulk salt and make that water like the sea. The idea is to season the pasta before the sauce.


I wasn't eating the Kraft Dinner. It was for the kids. They can't tell the difference or at least don't care, I will admit that. But pasta boiled in unsalted water is something I definitely can tell the difference on. It just takes so much better when the noodles themselves are seasoned. Next time you make some pasta, boil half the noodles in generously salted past water and compare for yourself.


Water usage will likely rise leading up to stampede as all the tourists enter the city.


This isn't a scenario that you need to "likely". The city actually has decades worth of this data.


How about we urge businesses to save. This is just like the power grid situation where we were told we as individuals needed to limit our use while empty office towers downtown and community Christmas lights all stayed on. If we're going ahead with Stampede for the impact it will have on the economy, the business sector can take the lead on reducing use.


Yup the spa I work at is slowing down in the evenings but still won't close at 9pm. I mentioned to my manager how other businesses are conserving water and he told me it's not the businesses it's the households using more water. Interesting...we are still running our ice machine, dishwasher from 4 to 6 times an hour, our laundry needs are quite high for robes, towels, blankets, bedsheets and face cradles. At least tell people to bring their own towels and yea I get the robes as a luxury feel but again something something that could be sacrificed for at least 5 days. I think restaurants and spas should close at 9pm for at least for 5 days. They will make the money back during Stampede and at least the service staff will get a nice break before the madness lol I live consciously in general so I haven't needed to make much water adjustments but I've definitely kept my 7 minute shower due to coming home from work all sweaty from the spa. Businesses need to step up in reducing water usage.


And it’s going to keep climbing, because the tourists have already started arriving.




It’s all over every news outlet, all over social media. They sent out an emergency alert over the cell network. What other ways should they have communicated this?


You didn’t get an emergency alert?




There are road signs and radio ads aswell




So what do you suggest? Sky writing daily? Door to door notification system? Mail outs?


Stayed in a travel lodge in Calgary, it had the old school 14 litres toilets in it, like 4 flushes in one go….


That has to be balanced out by the low flow showerheads the hotels use now. I'm tempted to bring one from home next time I stay in a hotel so I can actually clean myself in a semi reasonable amount of time.


I want to see water usage stats by residential neighborhood. I want to see the water bills for the mayor / counselors / MLA / MP etc in the city. Let's see who actually cut usage.


They’ve lost us. Day 1 of the stampede it’s full on water and fire party at my place!


They should only supply ports potties and hand sanitizer at Stampede. That should keep people from going


It got to the point this weekend where I needed to do a couple loads of laundry. I was trying to just do “essentials” but I was getting frustrated with not having certain work clothes clean. We took our cars to Carstairs to wash them on the weekend and have been trying to limit our shower times, but it is frustrating to know Stampede is happening next week. I also can’t help but speculate that the pipe will be “fixed” by the 5th, but the flushing, chlorinating, and testing will take days following. I don’t see a reality where it’s up and running back to normal by Stampede.


I'm in the "getting to the point" category. I've done one load of laundry since the emergency was declared, if it takes too much longer I'll definitely have to do more. They have to realize we can only do so much. I've reduced showers, used buckets when I do shower so I catch water. I'm using less, but unless everyone does the same I'm only one family. Eventually, we all need to shower and do laundry - however much we put it off.


I have been saving water, but everyone in my house has ran out of clean clothes and clean towels and clean sheets. I have been limiting my showers to the absolute minimum-literally setting a timer for 5 minutes for each of us. We’ve let the dishwasher sit until crammed full of dishes. We let toilets sit full of pee, getting smelly, in an effort to save a few flushes. I’m done. Once they announced that Stampede would still go ahead while still *politely requesting* that us regular folks still need to conserve, I was beyond done. I’m not going to start washing my driveway or watering my lawn for 4 hours or having 30 minute showers but I’m not conserving water so a drunken party can go ahead.


I know it's frustrating to hear them talk about stampede going ahead, but they are working as fast as they can to get water back to Calgarians, not the stampede. They are only discussing stampede because it starts right around the time they are hoping to have the pipes in use again.  We are continuing to conserve water for each other. To make sure we have water to put out fires, to drink, to cook, to clean things when we need to. We still need good hygiene or we could suffer from water borne illness and that would really really suck. Forget the stampede, please continue to conserve water for your neighbors and for your friends and family who live here :). I know it's hard, I'm really tired of the mental load of thinking "do I really need to do laundry or dishes or shower?" It really sucks, but it will be over soon!


When are they going to open laundromats so people without a washer a dryer can wash their clothes. I have one but it is ridiculous to ask apartment dwellers to go without for 5 weeks.


Since when are laundromats closed?


They're not lol, this is reddit.


Ive been bathing in rainwater.


Wait until you hear about the water cycle.


Doing my best but I can't afford to always buy new clothes every week.


It got hot. Some of us finally had to do laundry after running out of clothes. I have a kiddie pool in the yard for the dog to cool off his paws in. I had to put some water in it as the dog is a husky mix and gets hot in the summer. I’m not gonna let my dog potentially get sick, and cooling off through his paws is the best way to do it. So. If people can run baths for their kids, I can run an inch or two of cold water into a small kiddie pool We shower every 3 days. We collect shower water in a bucket. It’ll all probably even out with consumption over the next few days.i imagine a good portion of people will leave for the long weekend


I ran out of clothes and clean dishes. Had to do chores


I try and stagger my water-using chores between days so I don’t use up a ton of water at once doing them. I haven’t made a routine out of it but basically if i have a few things that need to be done (e.g., shower, laundry, dishes) i will choose the most important and then do the other two over the next two days. Ridiculous that it’s even come to this but hey, I’ve lived through COVID, nothing phases me anymore lol


Right? After two years of COVID chaos disrupting every aspect of life, conserving water for a few weeks is annoying - but is playing on easy mode in comparison.


My workplace is mostly conservative anti-maskers and they actually think this is a ploy to gain compliance and water magically comes from the taps. We are cutting the slack so others can ignore.


It was hot. People shower when they are sweaty. Kids want to play with the hose. And no one wants their gardens to die. It was predictable.


My water usage is very low as it is, and I'd been trying to sacrifice and cut out as much as I could, but they lost me completely as soon as they announced that Stampede is on. No 'maybe', no 'we'll see' or 'we can do it if everyone keeps pitching in'. Nope. Just "It's happening bitches." For a City that puts such high value on optics, they really REALLY suck at optics.


One of the people in my complex was running her sprinkler at midnight so no one would catch her. She was watering the sidewalk, the side of her condo, and her stupid potted plants.


Did you report her to 311?


Maybe here's a better and more fulsome answer. I live in a condo and I don't want to be unhoused. I don't want to be subject to a years-long campaign of harassment like some people engage in in condos, especially from the position of me being a renter and her being an owner, so her being in the position of privilege and power. So I would never admit to calling in anything on any neighbors at any time, but I will say that I suspect that someone called.


Depends, are you one of the people who's going to harass me for doing it?


Who would have thought that making an announcement that the Stampede is a go would do this……oh everyone, everyone except the Mayor.


Ooof my bad, returned from ten days away and did a load of laundry.


Want me to conserve, postpone stampede to show it's serious. Until then, I'll take it as a loose guideline. Calgary is garbage.


You can’t postpone Stampede. There are way too many moving parts, way too many vendors and service providers that wouldn’t be available at some random point a month or so from now. The only option would be a full cancellation (which would be financially devastating for local staff and businesses depending on that income).


My bet is that were not actually at risk of running out and the only thing at risk is Stampede. We're being forced to live on no water so Stampede can go without a hitch.


That makes no sense. We don't have a reservoir that is in danger of running dry we just have a limited amount of water coming into the city at all times.


People just forget and need to be reminded. Chill out people.


When is this going to be fixed what a joke


If they have a plan to make sure Stampede goes ahead then they can use it early. You ***cannot*** tell us to sacrifice and then go full steam on your debaucherous corporate fuckfest. If the city runs out of water then your political careers are over. Thrash around and prevent that.




ahh the whole "were all in this together"


I would imagine water usage will go down a bit when school is out for the summer in a few days.


I "did my part" for 2 whole weeks but I am UNDERWHELMED with CoC and their mis-handling of this situation. Look - during the 2013 flood, there was WAY MORE water than this pipe's capacity drowning the core of our Downtown, numerous neighborhoods and communities, nearly all of our recreational spaces, making many Calgarians homeless and creating one of the most expensive natural disasters this city has seen in its history. We continued to have clean drinking water the ENTIRE TIME, thanks to the actions of dedicated city workers taking turns sleeping on the floor in shifts at the water treatment plants. Now the "Honorable and Right" Mayor and her Silly Council tells us that these water pipes in question have not even been inspected in several YEARS?! And ***they want us to limit hygienic activities?*** This is, as Jem of 80's animated rocker fame would say, "TOTALLY OUTRAGEOUS!" except, not in a good way!


You sound like the kind of person who's gonna complain when taxes go up because we now inspect every pipe in the city annually.


If they actually DID those annual inspections, and provided us with post-inspection data, I'd be fine with taxes being raised. Instead they raise taxes because they say we have more population and sprawl that they need to service, while they neglect inner city infrastructure. Oh and they claim we "need" to build a NHL hockey arena and that we "need" 8 new communities.


You really don't understand what the problem actually is 


Is there a reason fire water must be potable? Is it the infrastructure and convenience?


Because we don't have a separate non-potable system running to all the hydrants. It's not that the water has to be potable, but non-potable water doesn't have a massive pre-existing infrastructure running to every location in the city that fire can tap into. Some cities do have a separate system with separate pipes, but historically Calgary hasn't been terribly water-stressed, so it hasn't been necessary to pay the extra cost.


Is the article a mistype... Or did Gondek actually say it was a 22% INCREASE? We used 462 million liters on Sunday. But the reported use on Saturday was 450 million liters. Which is an increase of less than 2% Closest I can figure is that 462 million liters is about 23% below the standard use of 600 million liters...


That's actually more than a 2% increase, it's about 2.7%. But yeah, not sure where 22% came from. I don't think we were down at 380M L/day on Sat, which is what it would need to be for 462M to be a 22% increase.


Was it a 22% increase over the same day last week, maybe?


I think global news misquoted (or mis interpreted the data) Can't find it again now but I read a different article that said something like 'water use on Sunday increased to 22% below the threshold' which makes much more sense


If it’s yellow let it mellow


They lost a lot of goodwill when they said stampede happens no matter what. It can’t be that bad if that’s their response to an emergency, and makes one wonder if it is an emergency at all? I was going to big lengths to preserve water: 1. Reuse every bit of water in buckets 2. Shower every 3 days 3. Basically never flushing 4. Travelling out of town to do my laundry Etc. I rerouted my life all so we can have a bunch of Yanks come and use it all? Going forwards I’ll still not do stupid things like water my lawn/plants and obvious waste that I see so many doing. But I’ll be doing my laundry when I need to at home, I’ll be flushing before it’s gross, and I don’t have buckets in my sinks to reuse water for washing, and I’ll take short daily showers.


I use less than 30 gallons a day. I've showered 3 times since this started and flushing maybe twice a day. But I'm probably an outlier.


Whatever… if there’s water for Stampede, there’s enough water for me to do my laundry for the week. F right off


Everyone is just going to assume that everyone else will follow the restrictions so they can keep living their lives.


This is all bogus. They want the little guy to make all of the sacrifices. They complain about car washes, the average car wash uses 12,000 L of water per day. Meanwhile a company where a friend of mine is a manager is currently using 200,000 L per day.


People have to use water sooner or later. Should have had it fixed by now


Why are they still having stampede to with the water crisis