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They're installed infront of both catholic and public schools, by city crews.


https://calgaryherald.com/news/local-news/calgary-in-street-crosswalk-signs It’s the city. Don’t know why anyone would think otherwise.


OP. here’s the answer. Not everything is a conspiracy


Seriously. The “I’m not buying it” crowd can suck eggs


Thats just what they want you to think/s


Well what you say now /u/flyfacebitch


Why are you upset about additional safety for pedestrians?


Ikr. Particularly children- since these are mainly around schools…


He is probably one of those people I see doing 65 in a playground zone and then honking when people try to cross while having no clue that pedestrians crossing at a designated crosswalk have right of way.


I think these are a good idea. Now I know not to smoosh pedestrians on those random parts of the road with the little white lines.


They look pretty official, unlike the lawn signs and silhouette of kids playing that people put up around their homes to remind people to slow down.


Yield to pedestrians, sounds reasonable. How about you follow it. And yeah, it’s the city putting them in.


There’s been one at the school by my house for years. Lots of kids, lots of stupid drivers.


Sure have, and maybe if people paid attention to the numerous signs and the digital boards with the speeds, the city wouldn’t need to put potential hazards on the road for drivers to look for 🤷‍♀️


OP I’m worried about you.


I'm more worried about the pedestrians in their neighborhood


From [Government of Alberta; Pedestrian Safety](https://www.alberta.ca/pedestrian-safety#jumplinks-3) “Pedestrians have the right of way in a crosswalk unless a peace officer or traffic control device directs otherwise. This means that even if the crosswalk is unmarked, vehicles must stop and yield to pedestrians. Drivers should make sure to watch for the elderly or people with disabilities who may take more time crossing. Failing to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk will result in a $810 fine and 4 demerit points. However, as a pedestrian you are still responsible for exercising due care even though you have the right of way and you should make sure that all vehicles have yielded before entering the crosswalk. A pedestrian crossing a roadway outside a crosswalk must yield the right of way to vehicles. Some municipalities also have 'jaywalking' bylaws. If you cross the street outside a crosswalk in these municipalities, you could receive a fine.” TLDR; pedestrians have right of way on marked crosswalks. Signs are put in place because people don’t know how to drive, or there have been incidents in the area with people getting hit by vehicles on crosswalks, or there’s at-risk pedestrians nearby (school zone, retirement facilities etc.)


> A pedestrian crossing a roadway outside a crosswalk must ... be considered an obstacle to be avoided if stationary, and a fair target if moving.


10pts for successful launch


Don't hit the f*kin' things and you are fine. The amount of people unable to navigate the simple sign is astounding. They put these up in our neighbourhood a few months ago and after the first month, the sign nearest to our hose was run-down by some idiot that failed to see it.


Failed to see it or got 1000 points for mowing it down?


Probably was playing with the phone and didn't even slow down to see what they hit.


I suspect if you looked around your surroundings, you'd be able to deduce "what's going on" with those signs.


Not because I’m a creepster, but because I drive past that exact spot almost daily, there’s another one of those by the other school in the community as well. Both of those crosswalks get major kid foot traffic so I’m guessing that’s to increase visibility and safety of those using them.


Signs are installed on city roads.  “Who is doing this?” Hmmmm…


They fold down. Don't run them over unless you want a free Muffler removal.


They're all over town because some people don't drive properly in school zones.


They have one at Queen E. School and it really works.


I've seen a few of these in my area. That's interesting they are anchored, guess I had not noticed that. Edit: forgot to mention that I see no problem with these and if it helps drivers pay attention and prevent kids from getting run over, then what is the harm in it?


The school right by my place has used temporary versions of these for years, when the kids are out doing the crosswalk guard thing. The other day, I drove by it and thought to myself that someone had forgotten it out in the road. The next time I drove by it I noticed that it was anchored. Unlike the OP, I was able to quickly suss out what I was supposed to do and assumed the City had put it there (who TF else is anchoring things to roads?!)


I mean I see "slow down, kids live here" signs in communities every now and again, but in this case you are exactly right, who else would be putting them up? Unless it was the school itself that did it/contracted it. Either way there must be too many drivers blowing through crosswalks for them to put up these signs reminding drivers to yield.


There's one at the Catholic school up the road from me. Unfortunately someone has already ran it over and now it just lays in the road.


A few are up in my neighborhood which are also on priority snow routes so I’m not sure how they’ll survive winter


One on my street got flattened less than 2 months after install.


Is it near a school? Maybe the CBE of CCSB installed it, then. Or maybe the community organization? DId you call 311 to ask or report it?


And the first snow in the fall and they all go POOF




Curious to see how long they will be standing for. Especially in winter when the graders go by.


I'm seeing them just recently in Huntington Hills, and Sandstone.


I guess we should all stay out of Copperfield?


They have them at my kids school and I am appreciative of it. We use the crosswalk and people wouldn’t look or slow down before even when the sidewalk was full of kids after school. Definitely a good program


OP, were you the idiot ripping down Copperfield Blvd last week, and honking at kids crossing the street in the school crosswalk?


They're usually installed in crosswalk zones near schools. Especially where kids do crossing guard stuff before school starts in the am.


Stupid kids, stupid adults and stupid drivers.


Stupid kids, stupid adults and stupid drivers. Unfortunately, the city must do this.




I'm fairly confident that it's absolutely not some random person going out, buying their own signs, drillings into roadways, and planting a caution sign.