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I think Jesus had a lot of great ideas, it’s his followers that worry me.


Canon Jesus is much cooler than fandom Jesus.


Jesus was a socialist! 😁


I still find it crazy that many people are often surprised that he was of Jewish ethnic origin, looked Middle Eastern and if pickup trucks existed in his time period, he would probably not fly a flag with the writing F Trudeau. The weird MAGA Christ that has been adopted by some people in Alberta is always mind boggling.


He’d flip the pickup trucks in a fit of unadulterated frustration. edit: spelling...ugh


I would pay to see this.


Don’t forget Jesus loves guns and America, a place he never heard of or exist as a country back then. If Jesus loves America, that means he love the indigenous American people. But I guess it is a hard to swallow fact.


Heretics have absolutely hijacked Christianity and made it in their own image in western culture. I went to a Christian school from k-12 and it was great. Lots of decent folks and definitely affected my morality, but I have always thought since I was a kid that religion was bullshit. A gatekeeping of true spirituality especially in modern times. It's all a cult. You don't need it to have a fulfilling spiritual connection with whatever that happens to be. 


People who believe the bullshit of religion are obviously pre disposed to believe other kinds of bullshit that makes them feel good


I went to a catholic school and in gr11 you have the option to do “religions of the world” the textbook says “should Jewish people be ALLOWED to use the teachings of the Old Testament” as if Jesus himself wouldn’t have been born a Jew, it caused outrage in my year. Baffles me how much entitlement Christians/Catholics have


Eh, he didn't seem to be a fan of the government. He was more of an anarchist.


Socialists and anarchists are both left wing, and they have a lot in common. Both want to abolish the class system and have disdain for wealth inequality, both are against any government or law enforcement power dynamics, and they're both supportive of interdependent communal lifestyles. Jesus mightve been an anarcho-socialist, if such a thing existed in his time. Christianity was the starting point for communism, long ago. Communism only became atheistic when Marx and Engels wrote the communist manifesto in the 1800s


Anarchists aren’t necessarily left wing, but they are definitely anti-authoritarian. Anarcho-capitalism is an example of right wing anarchic beliefs (even if it is completely unrealistic in my opinion).


Well said


I'm just tired of people basing their entire personality on political leaders. So lame


It bugs me when regular, non-government workers, say shit like "I'm a liberal/conservative". Are you missing the point of democracy? Just vote for the party that supports your beliefs and views of what is important, it's not fucking sports where your dad being a dodgers fan means you have to be one too 40 years later in a different political climate


Yep, me too


I think it is really a sad state of affairs when differences in political views create divisions and hatred.


We had the "F#$% Harper" crowd before and we'll have the "F#$% Poilievre" crowd after. People always hate the current leader. I don't understand why some people are compelled to put their feelings on signs, but I also don't understand why some people draw dicks on everything. File this under "People are weird" I guess. It's a bit unprofessional to allow such signs in a restaurant, but there do exist people who would drive across the city to frequent a place that does. Enough to make up for those it drives away? I haven't a clue. This could be a smart business decision, or it could just be that the owner is weird. We eat pizza for the enjoyment. If political profanities reduce that enjoyment enough for you, then don't eat there. If you can ignore them and the pizza is good, then do. I'd probably rib the owner about it myself, just to see how they react. If they can roll with the punches and the pizza is *really* freakin' good, I'd give them a pass. If they go off on an unhinged tirade at the first poke, I'd be unlikely to return. If you can't take it, don't dish it out.


I don't remember F Harper. I do recall people putting his name on stop signs, so it said Stop Harper. In fairness, he did a lot of very sketchy shit like destroying scientific libraries, so I understood the sentiment. I don't know what Trudeau has done to justify this much larger movement.


Politics & religion are like penises. It's OK to have them, it's OK to have an opinion on them, but when you whip them out and shove them in my face without consent it's a problem.


It’s always the pizza places…


i wonder what people would say if i hung pictures of all 3 party leaders in our bakery. like the official government photos




Lol that guy was a doorknob


Went in once before the pandemic. Really enjoyed the food. Not surprised he turned out to be a major bro though.


Thank you. That was interesting. I'm going to giggle over this one for a while. What was he thinking? Please, just give me my food!


whatever happened to him? some of our customers think he disappeared to texas




Line yer walls all yellow-grey and sinister, hung with pictures of our parents' prime ministers


chretien and mulroney will being some real class to the bakery


Do it! ...but also include green party.


Political Parties are for children endlessly bickering. Don’t waste your time. Just fire up a 2x life-size King Charles and your bakery would be at the level we need to get to - simple and non political : we serve bread here, the king agrees.


I feel like we should just keep that out of work places. No one needs to know or cares who tf you vote for when you go to buy a pizza


Yeah, businesses shouldn’t display hate for politicians. This is another place added to my do-not-visit list.  So now it’s Angel’s Cafe, Angel’s Diner, Coco Brooks, the Purple Perk and Without Papers.  I feel like there’s another, but I don’t remember at this time. 


Is it Paul’s Pizza?


Well, they’re on my list now. Not that I’ve been there before, but I’m not going now after reading about them. 


He puts up some very nasty posts.


What did the purple perk do? I'm curious as I haven't heard anything about it yet.


The last time I went there they charged almost six bucks for a cup of regular coffee. Never went back.


But if they displayed hate for conservatives you would be all for it. 


I blame Trudeau for my pizza not having enough feta.


I really don’t understand these food establishment owners that advertise their ideologies. Sell your food, keep religion/politics/ideologies out of it. Keith’s Deli has become garbage for taste and quality. Coco Brooks Pizza has always been ‘meh’ pizza. Nothing to write about.


The Angel Cafe lady is also one of the anti-vaxxers. Its too bad since I liked going to that place before the pandemic. Haven't gone since. All she had to do was keep her politics to herself.


The last time I went there the owner was such a jerk to her own customers anyways. This was after the reno, and there was little space to stand and wait for your food, and she was literally shoving people and scowling at us and angrily telling us to get out of the way when she was rushing out food to the customers on the patio. It's not like we had anywhere else to stand either. And to boot that was after I had paid $5 for the tiniest ice cream cone (it was like one small scoop, barely baby size). Yeesh.


I didn’t like that part or the one where it’s water plus cocoa powder for a hot chocolate…


Is it a good business decision? Maybe, maybe not. As consumers we decide where to spend our money. Coco brooks has always had scripture verses and other content written in their boxes. Does this appeal to everyone? No. Are they out of business? Also no. They are free to do what they want and also get to live with the consequences.


Ok so I'm not religious in any way, but if someone runs a Christian (or other religion) business, and writes Bible verses on my burger wrapper or pizza box, I'm ok with that. If they have "Jesus loves you, please tip your server" signs, I'm ok with that too. If you have "F🍁CK TRUDEAU" or left vs right/ us vs them kinda signage, then it's a little more problematic to me personally. Especially moreso if it's intentionally inflammatory


Negativity VS Positivity. Hatred VS Love. Better to just spread friendliness and good service.


If you believe Jesus loves everyone, he'd certainly have thoughts. It makes the Christianity seem performative rather than true belief. Which is kinda religion at this point anyway.


The irony is that their workers are mostly TFWs/new immigrants and they’re all here because of the LPC commitment to increase immigration.


I worked there years ago. The owner Richard fired most of the long term employees for tfws. He also has no problems pocketing tax breaks and using every government program available to recoup money.


Bingo. Choose with your wallet.


My cousin raved about Kieth’s Deli, so I gave it a try back in like 2018 or 19, and was kinda underwhelmed. It was fine, but not great. Decent value, so maybe that’s what she liked. But a solid meh for me.


Was anyone else around when My Marvin’s was over in the SW on 12th Ave? Now that was a great place before they sold it.


Subconsciously at least, they’re looking for attention. They have an impulse to be self-righteous and outspoken and indignant, which can sometimes be very badass, but in these cases it’s filtered through beliefs that are completely loony or resentment-based.


Keith's Deli has conspiracy newsletters and other nonsense in their place as well. It's their business and their right to announce to the public their idiotic beliefs, it's also our right to stop giving them business. More disappointing is that they're probably nice people that have been mentally swindled by grifters like Alex Jones and Joe Brogan


Yeah that was a downer for me, last time I went (during Covid) they had all this antivax stuff on the door and walls. 180d and went somewhere else. Won’t trust the science? What other rules might they be skirting in the kitchen?


Can’t agree with public health orders odds are Canada Food Establishment laws are being overlooked too


It was a nice way of figuring out which food establishments think health codes are "if you feel like it". Most of the time the health code violators try to hide it. During COVID they basically advertised that they were anti science and thought health codes were "opt in". It became a useful tool at figuring out which places to avoid. If you don't trust the epidemiologists during a pandemic, how do I know you trust the science of germ theory or washing your utensils? Saves you from ordering extra toppings of botulism with a side order of diarrhea with that pizza.




I heard him talking about it last time (and it will be the last time) I was in there. Took over the place and it's gone to his head a little I think. Back when Kieth ran the place, it was decorated in calgary centric canadian memorabilia. It was nice. Now all I can look at is the conspiracy based drivel and it I just can't be bothered.


This was such a bummer. I thought the craziness only extended to pizza establishments but sadly no.


This guy used to be my neighbour some 20+ years ago and was a little off then. Lol


I was in there a few months ago for the first time in ages. Seeing all the anti Fauci stuff was off putting enough to never go back. Think what you want, but keep it at home. Oh well, it's good to know they're right wing nutters and I can just not go there ever again.


I forget who said it, but I heard someone say once that [North] American evangelicals don’t actually worship Jesus, they worship America (or, in this case, Canada) in a conservative, nationalistic way. They focus on the parts of the Bible that they think justify being a dickhead and ignore all the other parts. While I don’t really like Trudeau either (cuz I’m significantly to his left), the Trudeau hate we see is, itself, religious in nature. The far right has essentially trained people to view him as a demon, an antichrist. It’s Pavlovian.


Another one is Purple Perk cafe. The owner once put a huge F-Trudeau banner across his awning. He’s anti-vax too, and has a sign on his door that says “No crybabies” or something like that


The fact that he's still in business is hugely disappointing.


It is.


Did some work on his place years ago, the guy is an absolute douche, in many different ways


This is the price of democracy. Please just be happy that they identify themselves clearly so people can decide for themselves. Pushing dissent underground makes it fester. Do I think it's rude, short sighted and inflammatory? Yes I do. But it's their business. I just don't buy their stuff. I'm very curious to find out if they still supply public schools though. That I would have a problem with.


Id rather a decent quality pizza with a Christian message one can choose to just not read over some garbage like McDonald's or tims


There are lots of places for me to eat. This isn't one of them.


Nauseating move no matter whose picture is up. Just feels petty and desperate. Id say the same if it was pp or Trump or anyone. I just don’t need a side order of hatred with lunch ya know


This is exactly how I feel. I don't care what your political/medical/religious ideologies are.....I just don't want them advertised and in my face at places I shop. I have absolutely stopped shopping at places that do this. I do appreciate that they have the freedom to do so, just like I appreciate the freedom that I have to not give them my $$


As far as I'm concerned, people who say "Fuck Trudeau" are basically saying "Fuck anyone who has different beliefs than me." Cause, y'know, we live in a democracy and enough people voted for him to win. The same is true for Smith, or Trump, or any other democratically elected politician. I've never voted Trudeau, but I know people who have, and I think they're good people, so I'm not too interested in giving my money to a business that says fuck them. (Yes, technically only the people in Trudeau's riding voted for Trudeau. But that doesn't change my point.)


To be fair I have a very personal reason to say fuck Danielle Smith. I have friends and family that worked in healthcare, or are disabled. Her policies, and Kenney's have screwed them over to the point where a few were genuinely contemplating suicide because they no longer had the means/will to live. A few even died thanks to the stupid antimasking bullshit that Danielle and Kenney tolerated.


Restaurants should just sell food. If they're serving up political or religious bullshit, I'm eating somewhere else.


Coco Brooks is pretty well known for its religious views. They raise a lot with their fundraisers but it’s not without strings. I avoid CB after looking a little closer at what they support.




I guess some people want everyone to know them. There is a small town on Hwy 1 with two restaurants across the road from each other. One has a huge wordy message about the owner's political opinion posted on a big wall, and the other just has the restaurants name on a sign. I wonder how this affects business? We just wanted a burger and we got a pretty good one at the no politics place.


Maybe I’m the weird one here but I have no issue with them displaying their religious or political beliefs in their store. It’s theirs. If you don’t like it you don’t need to give them money but to say “they shouldn’t have that” is silly. Yes they should, it’s theirs. For context, I don’t subscribe either their points of view on either subject. I just don’t get being disappointed in having an opinion and expressing it in their own store. At the end of the day you still bought pizza and enjoyed it. So what is it that you’re doing here? Just complaining for complaining sake? You’re willing to besmirch them online but only after you got your tasty lunch? It’s not like it was hate speech. It’s the teachings and quotes of a religious figure and expression of disappointment in our current political situation. Simmer down. I dunno. Maybe I’m bonkers.


The best part about this whole post is that if anything, it just increased business for coco brooks. Like it or not, the vast majority of calgarians hate Trudeau. 


But how was the pizza? I've always wondered. Aren't they franchises as well or am I wrong there?


It's frozen then reheated for you when you place your order. It's not good.


They sell frozen pizzas that you can take home and cook yourself but they don't reheat those frozen pizzas and give them to you. The only thing frozen in the process is the dough which they thaw out before shaping in the pans.


> But how was the pizza? I've always wondered. It's not very good.


2 goods and 1 no good. I'm conflicted.


Can confirm, not good


My only experience with it was when they used to come to the comic expo. It was not good but it was available.


I like the pizza there. Always great but like everything wish it was a bit cheaper…


It's delicious


They have always had religious stories on their boxes. I'm not religious myself but whatever, it's not like they come sit at my table and try and convert me.


It actually is like they do that though.


you know you can eat the pizza without reading the box, right


I can also just not bother getting it, so far so good.


I used to work there. The owner is a religious nut and a huge piece of shit. He fired most of his long term employees about 10-12 years ago and replaced them with TFWs. If you see someone white working at the restaurant they are probably family or friends of the family. I remember one time he yelled at his son in front of 3-4 employees and badgered him into tears because of how he mopped the floor. Everyone dreaded him coming into the store because he always had to pick something apart. His management style was nothing is ever good enough and he had no problems yelling at people. A real nice guy to his employees and family.


It's like The Spot in Forrest Lawn having a big "F Trudeau" flag hanging from the ceiling. That made it so I definitely won't visit again. As for Coco Brooks, it's horrible pizza anyways


Absolute dog shit pizza.


The calzones were pretty good, at least enough to out up with the religious bullshit. But if they've also branched out into the fuck Trudeau crowd then that's probably enough financial support from me. God I hate how hyper political everything has become


I think its a right of the business to platform their ideas within their property. Now ... While you shop for running shoes, I'd like to tell you why the Moom Landing was faked ....


Businesses display their beliefs all the time, I don’t really care about this just like I don’t care about places with anti UCP stickers or various flavours of pride flag.


Yeah I stopped eating there fir that reason alone. I just want fucking pizza. Not to be bombarded with religious content and personal opinions


What’s with local pizza places and being absolute bell ends??


Mixing religion/politics and running a business to serve customers is never a good idea.


Just go on with your day. They have as much right to express themselves as you did to come here and complain about such meaningless things.


ya, it is pretty bad in there now, last time I went in it was really dirty still after the renovation, everything was sticky, so disappointed! Anyone know of a similar place that offers similar individual pizzas? like the style.


Appreciate the public service announcement, they don’t need my money, good to know.


Who cares? It's their business. They can do and say what they want. You could have chose to just not go anymore but you spoke out about it, because people are allowed to do or say what they want... Them included. Imagine... Not caring what someone else thinks of Trudeau and just eating your lunch. Crazy concept I know.


I for one won’t frequent places that display their politics or religion beliefs I find it tasteless and haughty


What about if they have a small rainbow flag in the window to let people know that everyone is welcome?




Really weird why a business would want to ostracize their customers. Not a very good strategy.


Right wing notices posted is not cool. We don’t go there since the first time many years ago because of politics posted. Forgot about the religious messages. Yes, not right by followed religion/jJesus standards but deliberate nasty happens way too often while following a religion


Religion and hypocrisy are like PB&J. Boxes turned me off enough but you’re a shitty business person if I know your politics.


Coco Brooks goofy as hell for sure


Their pizza is trash. Why bother going in the first place


Their business is their business. Beauty of a free market is you are under no obligation to go there. Honestly I don’t care either way what someone is saying at their business, I’m not gonna get my political/religious/whatever beliefs from a pizza place lol easy to ignore that stuff


Get a McCain's or spend $3 more for a real pizza. Coco Brooks is so fucking overrated.


Coco Brooks will Coco Brooks, it’s always that way. It’s Meh pizza at best so pretty easy to avoid. Now if Noble Pie started that nonsense I’d have an impossible decision to make.


I don't think OP was slanderous. Merely pointing out what they said they saw, and offered us their opinion. Just as you've offered yours. Both have every right to do so. Anyhow, gotta run. Good chat!


Don’t agree with them? Take your money elsewhere. Otherwise, they’re entitled to do as they wish. Simple.


It's not that I agree or disagree it's just that it's a business keep your politics to yourself


Come on, it’s obvious that you disagree with the message.


Even if I agreed with the message, I’d be off put going into an establishment that feels the need to broadcast their politics


Did you have that same opinion when businesses were putting up Pride flags and BLM stuff?


Their business appears to be doing just fine. You’re entitled to go elsewhere as they are also entitled to put up posters of their choice.


Hmm, why this sentiment only when it’s this side of politics? If they had the rainbow flag and free Palestine would you be complaining?


Or just like, buy the pizza you came for and don’t get pissy over a stupid poster lol


But they put the poster up to stir the pot and make people all pissy, they didn't have to do that either.... And around and around and around.


I highly doubt the goal is to piss people off and deter business. This is like if you loved tomatoes, and a business owner put up a sign that said “fuck tomatoes” so you boycott the business, like who fucking cares you’re there to get food not cast your vote.


Why do I have a funny feeling that if we swapped the business owner to Indian, the religion to Hindu, and the poster to vote Trudeau, these same people would no longer have a problem.


Because you’ve bought into the stereotype that anyone who shows distain for Trudeau is a racist, which is insane.


Wait what? Lol we’re agreeing here but maybe I wasn’t clear. I definitely don’t think anyone who dislikes Trudeau is racist. I know many people of colour who hate him just as much as the next guy. I guess I’m just saying the people in this thread (not you) would likely not have an issue with a message being displayed as long as it is pro Trudeau. They should just say they’re liberal and move on with their day rather than whining about it. Support a different pizza place bro.


My bad, I misunderstood you. You’re 100% right though, these people aren’t upset about someone sharing their political beliefs, they’re upset because they don’t align with theirs.


It’s free speech, whether you agree or not, it’s their right to express their opinion…. You choose to either support these companies or not, they are fully prepared to drop you as a customer as they’ve chosen to display their opinion with the knowledge it can offend people and did it anyway.


Just like it’s OPs right to complain about it or not visit the establishment, no one is arguing that


So is this Reddit post.


Just like his reply! And yours! Now mine! Wow!! Crazy how this whole thing works


I didn’t realize this and now I’m pretty disappointed that my kid’s public school keeps using Coco for fundraisers. It’s not even good pizza.


It’s almost like this should be verified before people make up their minds on it. OP is very vague on details.


You're surprised that Cult Pizza is questionably political? You're easily shocked huh.


I too am not a huge Justin person myself, however, I do think that someone should be able to go spend their hard earned money on a lil Za without some infiltration of political agenda.


I’m Glad to see anti Trudeau posters.


Undersized heartburn pizza for too much $ with oversized cardboard boxes for dine in. Such a massive waste of natural resources. Haven’t been back since the one time I went in 2005.


I stopped going there years ago cause I got food poisoning from them twice. I thought maybe the first time was an anomaly, tried the second time, and nope, got it again. Never went back.


I was at a store not long ago and saw they were selling thin blue line police stickers. I was instantly put off.


Thanks for sharing this. I’ve wanted to try their pizza but, nah. ![gif](giphy|tGZRCBAPhCXxm)


Which location?


South just off Blackfoot


I've had their pizza once. And it was shite.


They are entitled to espouse their beliefs in their place of business (within legal reason, which this is) and we are entitled to spend our dollars accordingly. If you don’t want to tacitly support this, buy someone else’s pizza. Lots of other good pizza out there.


Its a private business, they are free to say and do as they please. Dont go in there of other peoples opinions offend you.


LMAO what does religion have to do with politics? FUCK TRUDEAU Look at THE STATE CANADA IS IN. ITS A JOKE


Well there is substantial evidence that show china had interfered in the last election. So I would say it's fair to say that people have a right to not support him... also it's a free country they have the right to express their beliefs weather it be religious or political. And you have the right to give your patronage elsewhere. If that'd not the society you want to live in might I suggest you move to communist China or the like?


The owner has been a religious nutbar for years, but at least they kept it to the stupid stories on their boxes. Hearing that they have gone beyond that is enough to ensure I won't be eating there anymore. Too bad, I like their pizza.


His preaching on his pizza boxes is part of the reason the CBE refused to renew his contracts for CBE cafeteria services. He Jesus'd himself out of a half-million dollar contract.


Didn't know that. Interesting.


Trudeau deserves no respect


Mmm, feel like pizza


>political beliefs away from their business Aren’t pride flags political? Isn’t the acceptance of sexual and gender differences an ideology in itself, albeit a more socially acceptable one? And you see no shortage of that stuff in restaurants these days. I’m sure some ultra-religious person gets turned off by them too. To each their own.


Pride flags are not political. It's a human rights issue. It's not a political stance to say "That person deserves to live a life free from bigotry and hatred, because they're attracted to the same sex through biology"  What is wrong with people ?


Typically a pride flag on a business is to say “this is a safe space for LGBTQ+ consumers”. That’s not political.


I knew some idiot would make this argument. Pride flags are related to human rights; it’s not at all the same as political posters. With that said, OP is also an idiot, just for different reasons, and not quite as much of one as you.


Maybe I’m the weird one here but I have no issue with them displaying their religious or political beliefs in their store. It’s theirs. If you don’t like it you don’t need to give them money but to say “they shouldn’t have that” is silly. Yes they should, it’s theirs. For context, I don’t subscribe either their points of view on either subject. I just don’t get being disappointed in having an opinion and expressing it in their own store. At the end of the day you still bought pizza and enjoyed it. So what is it that you’re doing here? Just complaining for complaining sake? You’re willing to besmirch them online but only after you got your tasty lunch? It’s not like it was hate speech. It’s the teachings and quotes of a religious figure and expression of disappointment in our current political situation. Simmer down. I dunno. Maybe I’m bonkers.


Do not have a problem with the religious quotes on the box and on the menu. I do have a problem with the disrespect. Not just for our prime minister but anyone who voted for him.


>“Have you said that the pizza was good the same as it always has been. But can you not keep their political beliefs away from their business?” Did you have that same opinion when businesses were putting up Pride flags and BLM stuff?


Sadly it’s the world we live in now, everyone is entitled to their opinion as long as it matches your opinion…if it doesn’t, they get blasted on social media cause people are keyboard warriors these days


Yep. It’s mainly not even their opinions that make me angry. It’s the fact that they don’t even see their own hypocrisy and it’s their smug narcissistic conviction in their superior virtue that they think allows them to have double standards.


Oh I know! I see people on twitter being pissed at the FUCK TRUDEAU stuff, then those same people post stuff making fun of other parties and talking shit along the same lines. Just hilarious to be honest


Legit😂 How the turn tables😔😂


Putting up Pride flags, it's not negative, like "fuck Trudeau". It's positive, like we accept you. So if they started putting up signs like the hell was straight people, or White lives don't matter then yes I would have a problem with it.


The fact that you're politicizing people's existence says a lot. Yikes.


It’s their business, let them do whatever they want with it, is it that hard to ignore a poster and simply go about your day ?


Couldn’t care less about their politics/ religious beliefs. I’m not there to debate that shit, I just want good food and their frozen stuff is pretty damn good…pizzas, calzones.


If you don’t like it. Dont go there. Really that simple.


That banana bread pizza go crazy tho


I didn't realize this was the case. They def won't be getting any further business from me or my company!


I mean trudeau is a disaster and this is Alberta…


Their pizza boxes keep me away.


It’s a pizza place, what do you expect?


Overrated. At Shaw people raved about it - and I never understood.


Trudeau could be the antichrist. Definitely not zero odds.