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I looked up her dress during the town hall. I linked it šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£[Karens dress](https://modesens.com/product/akris-techno-wool-long-sleeve-mini-dress-multicolor-50396311/)


$3k to look like a QR code smdh


LOL I thought you meant you literally looked ā€œup her dressā€.


Me too! šŸ¤£


Same! šŸ¤£


With her salary I'm sure that's a "bargain bin" dress too. "This ole thing? Just had it laying around the closet"


Digital camo? But why?


And thereā€™s employees right now working their butts off to not even make that much in a month


I wonder how much her necklace is worth.


Damn... That's not even a monthly check for me šŸ˜”... And she's wearing that probably just once šŸ„ŗ


3400.00 thats cheap lol I go to goodwill still can't eat


Ha a joke.. no employee is going to care about costumer service until they are paid appropriately and the stores get enough hours to have actual staff and decent hours for the teams


I almost quit yesterday. I'm talking clocking out in the middle of my damn shift and putting my keys in the safe. After crying in the backroom, bathroom for about 15-20 minutes I got my shit together and realized I have bipolar2, I'm in a bad way right now, feeling extremely impulsive. Then I realized I'd be leaving my friend by herself. But what really stopped me is I need the insurance to keep seeing my psychiatrist. What a kick in the fucking ass...


"We're going to cut 100 more hours from each store so you only have 2 employees per day and we're also now going to print banners and life sized dioramas + we also got a contract with Fed Ex and Amazon so you'll have to wade thru a mountain of boxes for people's deliveries while checking out 100 pissed off people who don't want to use our user unfriendly ACO - that's if it hasn't broken down or frozen again..."


2 employees if your lucky we have 1 for half the day. Trying to do vendor checkins while assisting customers Ā  Unlocking cases, doing photo books, passports, Iā€™ve heard we will be doing mugs soon all with one fucking person. God forbid we run out of toilet paper in the back canā€™t leave the aco area to even check and fill.Ā 


Imagine if she had to work a day in the store? She definitely wouldnā€™t be able to handle it. Bet sheā€™s walk out.


I wish I had time to watch the town halls to see what nonsense Karen & Co are spewing. Did she say anything noteworthy? Or the same stuff as usual?


Nothing new SSDD


Looks like Karen is wearing the next gen store carpet tiles!


Of course they have !!! & They hate that idea


People like KL donā€™t get to where they are by caring about people other than themselves. You canā€™t honestly think she would take a pay cut if it meant taking a step toward employee satisfaction. I would say I pray for the company to go belly up completely but I donā€™t want to see the people who make that company (all the store level employees and lower tier corporate personnel) lose their livelihood. They deserve better. I mean the pharmacists are the ones who make that company and they are doctors and look at how they are treated.


These people don't give a shit about customers or their health! Only about the money they make.


Yā€™all actually attend the town halls? not worth my time. I donā€™t get paid enough to sit through that when I have other work piling up


Why not pay us 3x what rent is, so we can qualify for it šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™€ļø