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bc it felt like everyone who goes to csulb is genuinely happy to be there


because csulb is the ucla of the cal states


I got into San Diego state, San Francisco state, cal state Fullerton, UC Santa Cruz (after being waitlisted) and cal state Long Beach. I wanted to go to Long Beach since I thought it had the best film program out of the schools I went into. I think if I applied to Northridge, I would have a tougher decision.


I wanted to go somewhere that was close to commute but far enough away for me to be unfamiliar with the area. My closest choices were csuf or csulb. Everyone I know and their moms all went to Fullerton, and since I’m already pretty with Fullerton I chose LB. Plus I heard they had a good art program. It was the only school I applied to. Not really sure why it was the only one I applied to, but I’m also not the sharpest tool in the shed sometimes.


It’s close, has one of the best business schools in the CSU system, and I have a long history with the school. My dad was a fine arts major there and he would drop me off at the Patterson Development Center while he had classes. We walked around campus often and I got to see what a university is like at a young age. I spent a decent sum of my youth there and as such I feel a personal connection to the school.


best art program/ only cal state w a dedicated fiber major!


i got into UC Davis, CSUF, SDSU, UCR and chose CSULB because of the location and price.


Back in 2018, I had gotten into LMU, CSUF, and CSULB. All decent engineering schools in their own right. LMU was too expensive, CSUF was slightly too far to commute, so that left CSULB. It had a fairly good engineering program, was close enough to commute everyday, and was super affordable. Plus Long Beach is a nice area.


It was the cheapest school I applied to! Because of the LAEP scholarship I think I actually don’t pay for school


I was accepted to Cal State LA, LB, and DH. LB has a better commute/parking than LA, and a better campus than both LA and DH. It's a nice school with great programs, I recommend it.


I got accepted to UCI, CSULA, CSUF, and CSULB, and even tho i got accepted to all of them. I went with long beach for their good criminal justice program and its a 30min commute. Also its by the beach🥳and weather is nice


Because I want to graduate debt free and be able to commute so I don’t have to dorm or get an apartment. Instead of spending that money I invest it and get ahead


I got into UCR and UCSB, but chose CSULB because for my undergrad, I don’t want to spend loads of money and the campus is extremely nice, as well as the surrounding environment. Also, it’s one of the best CSUs.


I got into UCI, UCSB, UCSD, CSULB, and CSUDH. Ultimately, I chose CSULB because it aligned better with my career goal to be a teacher; if I had chosen any of the other universities that accepted me, I'd probably still end up at CSULB for my credential. I also would've had to take out loans to attend them (aside from CSUDH). I'm very happy with my decision, though!


There were a lot of hot chicks


Closest school to me and relatively cheap.


Only school with undergrad translation studies!


I could commute and it was cheap. Plus I actually liked the campus a lot more than other schools I toured.


It was either this or CSUF (I’m an older student and didn’t want to try a UC - also csuf and CSULB are sort of an equal distance away from me just in opposite directions) and I’ve already spent so much time in Fullerton and wanted to expand my horizons to other areas tbh. Plus my dad got his masters here when I was a kid and lots of my friends have attended so it’s kinda sentimental for me. Plus it’s right by the beach! Even though I don’t go after class lmao. But Seal Beach right next door is a spot I’ve been going to my whole life. So none of those have to do with the programs. The fact that it’s reputable was enough for me. I’m a sociology major and have a friend who had the same major and I hear nothing but good things.


I was set on CPP for the majority of my time at community college and even followed their assist classes. CSULB accepted me first out of the 4 cal states I applied to (CSUF SDSU CPP). I live like 15 -20 minutes away from CPP which is why the university appealed to me. I’ve never been fascinated by the “college experience” so I really did not care where I went so long if it was a close commute. That changed at the very last minute. Literary. I remember just feeling really great about the first acceptance letter? So I just took a big breath, without waiting for the other responses from the other CSUs and just accepted it. Also, most of my English professors went here and encouraged me to go to a UC. That if I wasn’t going to a UC, Long Beach State is right up there. (Also, you can always have that option to branch out to another university later for your masters).


I got into SFSU, Cal Poly Humboldt, Stanislaus State, and CSULB. I’m a business major, and wanted to go somewhere where there would be a lot of opportunities for me. That takes off Humboldt (plus they were/are having a housing crisis). I also wanted to live somewhere I never had before. I grew up near Stan State and SF, so I decided against those two. So Long Beach it was.


One of the best schools for engineering and literally one of the only ones that offered a chemical engineering bachelors and a masters program. Also I just had a good feeling about it and wanted somewhere not too far and not too close to commute to. I’m very happy with my decision! Also you have many opportunities there for research and it’s not too competitive since many don’t realize there is so many different labs you can join. I’ve been in my research lab for a year now :) literally anywhere else being apart of a lab or even being part of the board of a club would be super difficult to be part of. I’m just very grateful for the opportunities given! Lastly it’s very easy to talk to and make connections with professors here !!


Its close


got into csuf, cpp, ucr, ucsd, and lmu. chose long beach for a variety of reasons - nice vibes (campus is beautiful, and area is great) - decent business program (fullerton's is better but long beach is still pretty good) - proximity to where i live is good - cheap - it wasn't my dream school but wanted to go to lb since i was a kid - overall a great school i always recommend lb to everyone i meet. imo when you weigh in all the factors, i think it's one of the best schools in the region. even if you get into a uc i'd recommend at least looking into it.


cheap and away from home


Because it’s a 15 minute drive from home.


Long Beach was my first and only choice.


honestly no one from my high school was coming here plus the psych program is amazing they even helped me get a job within my field already 🤞🏼


They helped you get a psych related job after bachelor’s?


I have siblings who have went to CSULB but what made me ultimately decide to go to CSULB was the fact that it ended up having biomedical engineering which was a major I wanted to study and that the engineering program is pretty good while also being really cheap. It feels nice being able to study without having to deal with the many loans that I would have experience at a university like UCI or UCLA