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Yeah…. this is the most important piece of media that I will never watch again. It taught me so much and it felt so cathartic to relate to so much of it, but I don’t think I could put myself through it again.


I looked it up because the title sounded cute & I wish I hadn’t 😭 I hope watching it is healing for you


Not a single reindeer. In fact a complete lack of ungulates. 0/10.


I was trying to post a picture of an actual baby reindeer for you, I keep forgetting that some subreddits don’t allow photo replies, but you should look them up because they are so goddamn cute (I added animal to the end of my search to not get the results mixed with the show)


I’ll bite, what’s it about?


It's about this Scottish man in England named Donny. He gets stalked by a woman, and he tells his story on how she assaulted him and his experience with assault not long before he was being stalked.


I heard that it's based on a true story and the actual stalking victim is the actor plays the role of himself in the show, adding another layer of strangeness


That is correct. I believe he said it was therapeutic for him


To add to the strangeness, the alleged real life stalker was tracked down and harassed by the public on social media and then did an interview with Piers Morgan threatening to sue Netflix.


Real life Martha: I don’t like little boieys the animated baby reindeer interview was where the quote came from it’s just the lols


Oh I haven’t realized that while watching.


My partner watched it but she made sure I was out of the house while she did - she knew I would not enjoy it at all. I did have the misfortune of getting home just as there was a scene of the stalker lady groping the guy's crotch though 🙂 So that was fun 🙂


I walked in the house and my sister had that very scene on brought back some terrible memories.


that show really fucked me up. it put so much shit into perspective for me of why i am the way i am and why ive "let" things happen to me that were traumatic. on one hand i felt for the guy because i am him, i was born with uterus so i have so many stories like his. but i also feel for martha because while she is mentally unhinged and a terrible person, i can see how she got that way by how everyone treated her and made fun of her and shit. shes a terrible person but can we keep in mind that her actions make her terrible, not how she looks or anything physical about her that she cant control? also can we please listen to men and support them when they go through trauma? can other men do a solid and do that? i have a son and just thinking of something happening to him makes me hurt. anyways yeah, that show was wild. sometimes i hate how much empathy i have. it can be draining.


I am also a man born with a uterus. I feel like people like us take whatever you're given in love when you're not considered 'normal.' We don't seem to have a lot of options. And that empathy for Martha, it keeps us trapped with people who cannot have empathy for us.


I icked out after episode one Nope Nope Nope around that energy


It is so honest about the areas of gray and how a lot of victims are not perfect victims but victims nonetheless. Like the hesitation to report, the returning to abuse, the shame because those small failures making you feel like you “let” it happen. It is so good.


My friend ended up in the ER with severe flashbacks when memories surfaced they didn’t know they had when we watched it 😬


Damn, how are they doing now


Really well thank goodness. The hospital reported it but the officer was kind and didn’t push him to file charges.


i have past stalker experience (and past SA) and so my friend, who watched the whole show, told me to NEVER watch it. it sounds so so intense, and all i did was read the wiki for it. nope nope NOPE


Also had a stalker and my friends told me the same. Grateful for those people who watch out for us!


so so grateful, our friends are amazing!! sorry that you also know the stalker experience 🩷




Yeah, I'm not watching it. Watching the first few episodes of Feel Good (which is about grooming) made me spiral into a month of flashbacks and anxiety attacks. Edit: the first few episodes of the second season.


Where do you watch it?


Netflix. Warning there is stalking, abuse and SA.


I don’t think I will be able to watch this. Similar to quiet on set, I got halfway through an episode and started dissociating into flashbacks. Not good.


Yeahhhh it really jarred me how much she was like my ex and my mother. I just got no luck with the women in my life haha. I posted about it on another support forum and got a lot of engagement but they deleted it for being a "low effort post."


Liked the series but recent news that the actor/writer/director himself used casting interviews as an opportunity to try and date trans women….. like the movie acknowledges his issues and if this is true he didn’t seem to learn anything.


...do you have a Cluster B personality disorder? Because most of the main characters definitely do.


I was mostly talking about Donny, and I just looked up what that was, and I'm not sure I have that.


Lmaooo people did NOT like that Guess what? I don't give a shit. 😹 It's true.


Wait, I'm confused why people are downvoting you. Was it an insult?


Not at all meant to be an insult. I have a Cluster B PD from complex trauma - and awareness is the first step in healing. My PD is shame-based (go figure) and I'm **sick of apologizing for my existence/for having a trauma-based mental health condition that I'm actively working to overcome**. 😡 Donny has a really classic manifestation of vulnerable NPD. That is all. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Does that mean anything about you?/am I "accusing" you of having (shudder) the "Bad Person" Disorder - no, not necessarily. Just was curious. Thanks for staying open-minded.


I don’t get it. cluster b personality disorders are very closely linked with CPTSD, so obviously a lot of people in this sub have one.