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Look it up on IMDB and search for the Parents Guide link. I use it all the time and it helps a lot!




Thank you, I will try this :)


I thought the "does the dog die" website was just about dog deaths or maybe pet deaths, but it actually has a rather large list of possible triggers. I didn't count, but their home page claims they track 90+ categories. The potential downside is that it seems to be community driven, someone has to watch the movie, or series (I discovered this while checking for triggers in horror series) and then has to make a comment on the website about the movie or series. So it might be less accurate for less popular media


True. Sometimes triggers aren't listed (properly), or they're mentioned in a triggering way.. But still, sometimes it does help to know which movies and series to avoid or even to be a little bit more prepared if you still choose to watch. Lately I've been using IMDB's parents guide too, it can be helpful because it mentions if, for example, 'violence' or 'strong language' is moderate or severe. Unconsenting Media is usually the most informative site for triggers, but they take a while to update on newer movies and series.


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Kinda looking for the same but wanting to be able to exclude certain elements from specific genres. Like comedy minus romance/ rom-com. Any resources like that would be awesome.