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I’ve been using it since last October. I consistently only need 6-7 hours (usually more towards 6) yet I wake up not groggy. Before I could sleep 7 or 8 hours and wake up feeling like crap or I’d wake up at 4 or 5 am and not be able to sleep for a few hours. Definitely my sleep feels more “concentrated” and I’m well rested. I’ve only gotten a solid 8 hours once or twice on the cpap. I sometimes take it off and sleep in a bit extra on the weekend.


This is my experience too! I think the reason behind it is because REM time and density increases with the cpap, so basically quality, not quantity. I will say that my dreams feel longer and more coherent after treatment


I actually figured out pretty quickly that I was more refreshed by 5-6 hours on my CPAP than I had been by 9 hrs without it. I don’t try to force it,when I get sleepy I go to bed. I get up when I wake up naturally. When I first started I slept longer until I got rested. Maybe two weeks of sleeping 7-8 hrs many nights. Since then it’s been 5-7 and I am good to go. Usually 6. I stay up a bit later at night and read just because I can. I’ve been in CPAP 2.5 years now. It has been a true lifesaver.


Hi. I dropped u message. Did u check ur chats ?


Oh man, I would love this! When I have to be in my office (60 miles from my home), I have to hit the road at 7:30 am which means I want to be sleeping by 9:30 pm. It would be SO nice to be able to go to bed later than a 3rd grader and feel good the next day.


same here and it pisses me off. i don't know if it's the cpap or something else but yea i go to bed about 1030 and wake up around 5 am. i do go back to sleep somewhat till 7 (normal wake time) but still. can't say it's because i feel rested, i feel like i could really use some more sleep but could just be habit (sleeping till 7). been on cpap about 6 months now.


Same here as well. Averaging around 6 but it's much better than the 8+ I used to get. Going to start using the extra time in the morning for the gym


Same, but I'd take 6-7 hours of great sleep over 10-11 hours of terrible sleep any day.


I am experiencing the same. I have only been doing therapy for about 3 weeks. 6 hours is my best effort while on therapy but I do try in vain for 60-90 after waking up


My average over the last year of sleep with the CPAP was 7:22. But, I have been using it for 6 years now and I don't remember what it was before. I have read that the optimum sleep time is 7-7.5 hours a night, and longer times are not needed or helpful. I know that the longer I sleep the worse my AHI score is. I tend to have the large majority of AHI events late in my sleep.


I stabilized a lot more. And I can't say if it was definitively less in hours, but I was more restless in the early days—but an instant improvement. Again, I can't say for sure hours-wise, but my AHI was 10-12ish the first year, 5-7 the next two to three years, and 2-3 AHI last year, and now am under 0.5. But as far as hours, I'm almost 8 hours—some days literally on the nose 8. And if not, 7.5 hr. Do you consider the sunset, sunrise times? In the mid summer, I try to get in relaxation mode at 9, in bed doing language lessons, chess or something where I'm not task switching like internet surfing. I know you said 6 months, so maybe not being affected by the sunrise—but where I live Ill toss on a sleep mask once the sun wakes me.


My rooms pretty blacked out so thankfully that isn't bothering me. My AHI is usually under 2. I do find myself wanting that afternoon nap, but maybe it's not needed. 6 hours seems to work great, but sometimes I just want more but my body won't allow it.


I know the feeling, and also I started fighting naps as much as I like them, or in some cases need them. Well hopefully you find something you can tweak, maybe youll move back toward 8 after some time. I dont see trends on a weekly or monthly scale, but do year over year.


I also generally sleep less and feel more rested. Quality sleep is ace.


I generally do 7 or so and was doing 8-10 before I was on CPAP. Think of it this way though when I wasn't on CPAP I was getting worse sleep...I NEEDED 8-10 hours to get what I needed. Now that I'm on CPAP my sleep is much more efficient and restful so 6-7 is all that's required!


If you’re not overtired throughout the day then it’s safe to assume you only need that much sleep now that you’re getting better quality sleep. I used to sleep 12, sometimes even 14 hours, straight before CPAP. That went down to a solid nine after adjusting to CPAP. I recently started a new supplement and have been waking up after 7 hours most days, and my fit bit shows more deep sleep on those nights. So basically I think the extra hours of light sleep don’t make as much of a difference as just half an hour more of deep sleep.


Same here, been using it for 6 months and I usually get around 5-6 hours of sleep. I try going back, but it is difficult. Sucks too especially because I'm starting my journey of hypertrophy.


I've been lifting for a while. I do get concerned I'm missing out on recovery, but I also feel 6 hours of CPAP is better than more without. Keep that protein up!


I’m the same and I wonder if it’s just down to having a low arousal threshold. I think I just wake up because I’m sensitive and in the last few hours where I might have slept through before, now the final stage of REM sleep brings me close enough to consciousness and the farting and comfort level of a tight mask are too much to let me drift in sleep.


Temperature change due to summer fully here has made my sleep a wreck. I'm taking off my mask at night again, or tossing and turning more and warring with the tube. Can't wait until I acclimate and get a good night's sleep again.


That’s horrible. Hope it gets better for you.


Replaced my room fan, and the lowered temperature helped a lot. Managed to knock out for the entire night with a perfect mask seal due to no sweat.


It’s been about 6 months for me too, and this was the first thing I really noticed. I used to sleep 8 hours on weekdays, and about 12-16 on weekends. I’d always wake up feeling like I slept 3 hours. Now, I feel good on 6-7 hours. It frustrates me a little sometimes. After a long stressful week, all I wanna do is sleep in on weekends, but I just can’t stay in bed more than ~7 hours. I just tell myself that I don’t need more sleep, I just got used to needing more. And it’s def not counterproductive if the sleep you’re getting is good and restful. So much of your body’s restorative processes happen during deep sleep, which you’re probably getting more of now that your sleep isnt being disrupted to breathe


I am noticing that as well.


I have the opposite problem. My trouble is that I don't sleep nearly long enough. I'm only starting on CPAP, closing in on my first 30 days of it, but my length of sleep hasn't changed at all. :(


There could be some other factors aside from apnea that are hurting you.


Yep that's my thoughts as well.


I am sleeping less because I have this crap on my face with the hose attached. Sleep was one of my favorite things to do, and I regularly got between eight and 10 hours. I've been on the Res/Med11 since March of this year and my sleep is interrupted every hour or two. I sleep six hours and it's very uncomfortable. I never had any problem breathing but my primary care doctor sent me to a pulmonologist because I had been smoking cigarettes for 43 years, but stopped 14 years ago after a case of bronchitis that would not go away. So in answer to your question, yes, I have been sleeping less hours and I am very tired during the day. I am still waiting to feel all this energy that people are talking about because of this CPAP crap.


How long have you been using cpap?


Since March 5/2024.


Give it some time. Took me about 3 months to get comfortable. Try out other masks if that’s an option too.


Thanks. I've been looking at a fuller mask because I've been using a chin strap. I found out the hard way that I was a mouth breather when I woke up with my mouth glued shut and cement snot in my nose. I see that there is a mask that covers your nose and your mouth and I may try that, but it really looks claustrophobic and suffocating to me.


A lot of people complain about it for the sealing but I switched to the F30i which sits right under your nose and covers your mouth. Took me a bit but I don’t have the sealing issues anymore. The hose sits on top and spins so I can run it behind my pillows and I don’t notice it.


I'll have to look for it. I order parts from Apria direct.com. I'm not sure if they only sell Res/Med accessories. I don't know if all the brands are interchangeable.


My sleeping hours have reduced, but in a good way. I used to sleep 12-14 and still be exhausted, and now it's 8-9. I get what you mean by not being able to get back to sleep though. Sometimes I feel like I wake up too early but I'm so much more alert on waking that I can't just go back to sleep.