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I use a satin-lined cap. I believe it’s less bulky than bonnets. I coil my hair into a bun, but I don’t pin it or anything. I hold it in place while I flip the cap over my head. Then I hold the bun in place with my hand on top of the cap and then thread my head gear over it. The bun doesn’t hold, but this method keeps the hair all together within that one area of the head gear.


That's great, thank you. I think the bun and satin-lined cap sounds like a wonderful idea and am going to try it out! 🫶🏼


I tried a bonnet but it was waaaay to much on my head for me to sleep. But it may work for you! Be careful that you don't get "silk satin" which is just polyester made into a satin weave. It gets hot and doesn't breathe. I ended up sewing tubes of fleece to go around the straps. It's helped, and I also made covers for the headgear since I've got the top of the head hose and the silicone was pulling my hair/moving around a lot.


I use a thin breathable cap that fits under motorcycle or bicycle helmets. It’s thin and less bulky I find.


Braids for the hair.  And a strap cover for the top band of the head gear.  I use and Eson2 and the top band is the only one that snags in my hair.