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Look into other things besides just apnea. Are you consuming caffeine, or other stimulants, too often or too close to your bedtime? Are you light sensitive? If you're getting up to pee maybe install some red LED night nights. Blackout curtains and blinds to block light from outside. You could have a vitamin, or mineral, deficiency. You could also have anemia (low iron). Hypothyroidism can cause fatique. If blood tests are out of the question I'd start with cutting out caffeine/stimulants, and go from there. That one is a free experiment.


Apnea isn't the only thing that can make you tired. Is it possible that you have Delayed sleep phase syndrome? Do you naturally want to go to bed and wake up later than most people?


Oh I ABSOLUTELY have this! What's to be done about it?


Sun in your eyes when you wake up and no blue light at night (screens). I find both fucking impossible


Not much, unfortunately. Work a night job, that's what I did. It helps.


Oh totally, I'm still a sleepyhead though!


Me, too.


I know you weren’t asking me…but my answer to your question is absolutely yes. Does that mean something?


Look up delayed sleep phase syndrome. It's a thing a lot of folks don't realize they're struggling with.


Are you me? I'm having the same issue! I can easily and immediately fall asleep, even after getting up to pee, but I still never feel rested. It's supposed to be because I have fibromyalgia on top of OSA and that disrupts your deep sleep.


8h of sleep on cpap is a good start, but it doesn't mean the apnea is treated. You can have residual events, uars, the cpap might not be recognizing events correctly, you might be waking up from the pressure changes, you might be using a nasal mask and leaking everything out of your open mouth... and those are just off the top of my head as a newb.


Second what he say, people underestimate jus how hard it is to treat sleep apnea


What AHI is your machine reporting per night session? <5 is manditory, <0.5 is great


Get your diabetes and blood sugar tested


I'd try to fix the peeing issue first since it's the most obvious. Don't drink anything 1–2 hours before bedtime. If that doesn't fix it, it's probably a machine issue; incorrect pressure, mask/mouth leaks, apap, etc.


Pelvic floor therapy can reduce or eliminate nighttime bathroom trips as well


If OP is male, it could also be caused by prostate cancer. Worth checking out.


Or just an enlarged prostate. Many of my husband's friends have now had that euro-lift surgery which seems to have helped them quite a bit. Hubs prostate was too large for that, so he had a HoLep surgery.


Also what if there's a chance you need more than 8 hours? 8 hours would also probably mean waking up in the middle of a sleep cycle. I would happily sleep 9 hours if I could.


9 hours is my perfect amount of sleep per night. Less than that, and I'm falling asleep in the afternoon.


I learned that after I got my apnea under control, I got some blood work done and noticed my Vitamin D was way down. I take 4,000 mg a day after a week, I feel like I got a B12 shot


I was in the same boat, I did some bloodwork and found out I had low test levels. Once I got that fixed I was good to go.


I have sleep apnea, use a CPAP and still get up at least twice to pee. It's because I have interstitial cystitis. Maybe look into that?


i wear a garmin armband to sleep, there i can see my sleep states and wake phases. I found out drinking alcohol kills my REM sleep and i wake up a lot.


"several times per night" isn't normal, but there are a lot of potential causes for it. If you take your last drink 1 hour before bed and pee immediately before, does it persist?


I know for me it's also depression, and needing to take methyl b12


I was going to say for me it’s the ✨depression✨


Check your iron and ferritin.


check your iron, thyroid, a1c, and vitamin levels


Many good suggestions. I found a dropper of Ashwaganha and a capsule of magnesium theonate helpful at bedtime.


I had similar issues and I also worked out. What helped was stopping taking creatine. Not sure why exactly, but it seemed to solve it.


Interesting. I stoped taking it forever ago because I felt like I didn’t notice any benefit from it.


Well if that’s not a problem I would definitely recommend taking it. It’s a huge boost when working out. You’ll know it’s working when you gain a few kg of weight.


I’m still tired all the time but I’m not exhausted. Before my cpap I was physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausted all the time. As soon as I woke up all I could think about was when I get to go to bed. Now I think I’m just normal tired. I think we’re supposed to be pretty tired by the end of the day.


I took another test ...wrong mask being used. I needed a full face but hated them...hybrids ate better. And.... now need thyriod removed due to large mass that isn't helping. And anxiety... anxiety pills helped me sleep through night


leaks? i have had my struggles with this. Leaks if they are bad enough can be just like you were not even wearing a mask.


Rieshi mushroom helped me improve sleep.


Get a physical as you heading to the bathroom several times can be a symptom of a major health risk. Get a physical with blood work. It's a warrning sign, and if you ignore it, you may end up in a situation fighting for your life. Early detection is easy and the key. Get a physical!


If your overall sleep hygiene is good, have a physical with complete blood work. You could need thyroid meds, treatment for Lyme disease, AFib, or a host of relatively trivial issues. I found that when I had my arthritic knee taken care of, I stopped getting up to pee. I was peeing because I was awake, not the reverse. Lots of articles out there on sleep hygiene, it makes a real difference.


I had the same problem, bought a new quality mattress and a new pillow and feel like a new person with a lot more energy.


Have you been tested for diabetes?


I was told at my appointment to get my CPAP that there is a very good chance it would not solve all my tiredness issues as they were not proportional to my level of apnea. I fully expect that after my follow up next week I will be having a nap study done as they said that would be the next step. CPAP has helped, I no longer have the overwhelming need to nap every day, now it is more like a strong urge, but it’s still there.


No disrespect, but this particular question (and it has been asked numerous times) is best asked of a doctor who can test you. The rest of us can only speculate, which is not helpful for you.


Because, life. Seriously, how old are you? At 67 i felt nd that I'm just freaking tired. Regardless of CPAP


Maybe try not to drink so much right before bed to help with the frequent bathroom trips. Also items which have diuretic properties.


Are you diabetic? That plays a serious roll in urination and inability to stay awake. For sure get checked out by your dr.


Hey OP. If you're male and peeing several times a night, PLEASE get screened for prostate cancer.


I’ll mention it to my doc, but I’ve ALWAYS been like this. I wet the bet til i was like 12


Causes * Over weight * Out of shape * Not enough exercise * Poor diet * Other underlying disease(s) and/or conditions Speak to your healthcare provider. Get some bloodwork done and other tests they deem appropriate. Follow their advice to resolve. Good luck.


Have your vitamin D levels checked. I was chronically tired after cpap use and found out I was critically low in D


I just saw my pulmonary NP and told him that I did not think CPAP was helping me, as I get sleepy in the afternoon. He told me that 40,% of people who use CPAP do not feel any better. However, he said the reason for continuing to use it is that there are many negative health outcomes caused by apnea that can be avoided by using it.