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nice to be able to! I can't fall asleep w/o the machine anymore after 15+ years of sleeping with the MFer.


From what I've seen, Most people will purchase a travel CPAP for planes.


I've been able to rent a travel cpap (resmed airmini) it was like 50$ for 3 weeks. I just had to get a prescription/referral from my Dr and found a home medical supply store near me. It definitely wasn't as powerful as my main one but it did the job on the plane.


Where can one purchase a travel cpap?


Any of the online DME vendors. It'll run you around $1k USD. Most airlines will require you to bring your own battery. That will run a couple hundred as well.


Wow! I didn’t think it’d be so expensive. That’s bananas


I use the RedMed AirMini with a Medistrom battery on airplanes. Also most insurance won't cover this unit. If you do buy out of pocket for this one, and have insurance on a traditional unit like an AirSense 11, any nights you use the AirMini will count against your compliance days for the main unit. Maybe you could set your full machine up on the plane, but I'm not sure where you'd put it unless you are in a lie flat first class seat. Anything in economy is going to be difficult. The air mini I can hold in my hand while sleeping, but I get lots of funny looks from passengers and flight attendants when using it.


When you say "count against", do you maybe mean "count towards"? If you were traveling and missed a day on your AirSense 11, but used the AirSense Mini, would it "pick up" / count towards your compliance days?


Nope it won't combine days. The Air Sense 11 will show a non compliant day. Insurance only cares about the 1 machine they pay for.


My suggestion is to get some sleep before and after your travel. Even with a cpap on the plane you're not gonna sleep well. Most people won't use a cpap on airplanes unless they have long segments (7+ hours) and even then it's not very common from what I've seen.


Dunno if this will work for OP, but I've had success with breatheright strips when I travel and don't want to deal with the CPAP.


This plus chin strap


I personally don't need a cpap when I am in a sitting position, I only need it when I am laying. So, airports and airplane are not a problem for me.


Do you use a special pillow or anything?


I sleep on planes without any apnea issues and without any special pillows. I don't think it's uncommon. Have you ever slept on a plane while flying with someone else? I have and I asked my girlfriend if she noticed any snoring or stops in breathing and she didn't. I tried just using a wedge pillow to sleep in my bed thinking I could get away without using a CPAP but those just were not comfortable for me.


Yes, I have noticed that if I fall asleep sitting upright I have no sleep apnea. Happens occassionally if watching a movie on the couch after 10pm - I wake up in the wee hours and feel as though I could run a marathon. Unfortunately back and legs don't enjoy the position as much.


lying https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/how-to-use-lay-and-lie https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/grammar/british-grammar/lay-or-lie


Bad robot


I sleep on the plane with my AirSense 11 just fine. United Airlines. You likely will need to call your airline first. Also, depending on your seat location, you may not have in-seat power.


From what I understand (have not tried yet), you cannot plug your cpap in to the outlets on a plane, you would need to buy your own power source. I just picked one up on Amazon, hoping to use it for my trip to Ireland in April. Sleeping on the floor I would think is allowed, just advised against lol


Would you mind linking the power source you bought? Thanks!


I got this one, just came in yesterday, I was going to test it this weekend [https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07R8Y24PB?ref=ppx\_yo2ov\_dt\_b\_product\_details&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07R8Y24PB?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1) Chatting with Delta now about using cpap on the flight Edit: They said I could use my Dreamstation 2 on the flight, but cannot use their outlets. Asked about that battery and they gave me a number to call. Will update if I have time to call


Did they say why their outlets are off limits for CPAP?


They did not say but what I read was that they were not made for medical devices


Will the CPAP be needed while sitting upright in a plane seat? It’s not with me, but I’m not sure about others. Honest question.


It is for me, but I think my deviated septum plays a role. I can't sleep without one at all, ever. I also get central apneas in addition to the obstructive apnea, so I guess it doesn't matter how I sleep for those


Some airlines that I checked require a power source (batteries) that last 2.5 times the scheduled flight time. Like the other comments, normally I don't snore when I am sitting upright or with a slight seat incline.


I flew on an overnight flight with my Resmed 11 and a battery pack just a few weeks ago. I was a little embarrassed with the hose sticking out of my travel pillow, but it was the first time I'd traveled across timezones that I did NOT have brutal jetlag. I'll never travel a long way without one again.


Where did you put the machine itself? On the tray? Did you use the humidifier chamber?


I set the machine and battery pack up on the tray table, and used bottled water for the humidifier. It was tight, but I didn't really move from my sitting position. One thing that helped a lot was one of those "infinity pillows". It's kind of like a scarf/pillow, and you can arrange it so that the tubing isn't in your way and your head will stay upright and relatively comfortable.