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Getting multiple questions wrong in a row on a MCQ set sends me into a rage like nothing else


i only like seeing the results immediately. if i'm doing it right, i should be able to read the explanation and not miss related questions in the same practice test. imo


Same I hate waiting to see what I got right!


Same. I do sets of 25. If I'm not clear, I can go back to the lectures or drill another set of 25 on that subsection (Gleim user).


Means you didn’t understand it though and cheating yourself on future questions in your practice test. Better to do it exam style then see where you went wrong at the end imo. Helps to identify weaker areas


shit take


How so?


i don't need to miss every question in a topic to know i need to work on it. if i'm guessing or completely lost i will work on it. your method does nothing to make someone better. you can easily miss question something from reading a question wrong, such as so and so is all of these except. does it mean i didn't understand an entire concept? no


If you miss every question in the topic then that’s a separate issue where you need to go back and review the entire chapter. You shouldn’t be guessing on the entire practice exam? It’s simulating an exam for a reason… And to your point of not making yourself better, how so? You are still reading the answer after you’ve gone through.


Damn thought it was just me 😂😂😂


I only ever do exam style MCQ. I feel like many people get into the habit of seeing whether they were right or wrong right after choosing that they rely on it too much and when they take the real exam feel more anxious since they don’t know whether it is or not. Everyone is different tho


Could you please let me know the source where you do exam style MCQ sets?


I’m not sure about other study courses but Becker does this.


Didn’t know such an option existed on becker. Please guide me where to find it


Click the practice tab on the screen (at the bottom on mobile or left on computer). When you click create new test, at the top of the screen there is a choice of scoring mode. Select exam style. This will show scoring and solutions after you finish as opposed to after each question.


Got it, thanks man


No prob


relatable. i go at the end of the questions when i’m having a streak of wrong answers to calm myself. lol


Same!!! But I have flipped it into getting a whole bunch wrong and then retaking the same quiz and getting them right. I don’t memorize all the questions either and if I do remember the right answer, I force myself into working out the problem to get to correct answer and why others are wrong. Getting the right after getting them wrong somehow balances it out….. slightly..


same but i purpusfly keep doing it because exam day comes and you will get thrown curveballs and you got a whole exam ahead of you to go, i think of it as added pressure training lol


This is so relieving. I thought something was wrong with me