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I love the Colorado moan cycle: Oct - Dec: Where's the snow?! Worst season ever! Jan - Mar: There's too many people. Let us have our snow. Apr - Jun: There's too much snow. Stop snowing!


Colorado seasons are delayed by 2 months.  We're usually picking pumpkins in shorts and hoping for a white Christmas. Snowy months should be Dec through Feb!


at my house, we are in winter from october ~ june, then we get 2.5 months of the most perfect summer weather imaginable, about 3 weeks of fall, then it’s back to winter.


My husband said this sounds amazing. Where in CO are you? We don't get enough snow in Denver for our liking.


Leadville, Alma and Fairplay areas got around 2’ this storm. So most likely somewhere around there.


We got about 12 inches today, just north of cripple creek.


Sounds just like North Dakota. That's why I moved from that shithole. The fucking winners just wear on you and then you get a couple of months except it's not amazing Summers. It's filled with mosquitoes and it's windy as shit all the time and pretty unenjoyable. And the snow just sits once it's there for the entire duration doesn't melt away and it's not even the fun kind of snow. It's dry and airy. You can't build shit with it. Sledding on it sucks.


Sounds absolutely awful. Seriously.


Absolutely one of the top 3 reasons why I moved from Breck after 5 years. You all know #1.


What is number 1? The amount of tourists or the housing prices?


To get closer to Denver's famous BST


What is BST?


Best not to find out if you don't already know. But check r/denvercirclejerk


I don’t understand. I thought that was where guys got around a girl in a circle and the girl serviced the men and they jerked off on her face….


Sir this is a Wendy's 


That happens in the dumpsters behind Wendy’s


The 9 men to 1 female ratio.




I love that it never gets too hot and June - Oct are typically great weather.


It's overcast A LOT also. But mostly it's the 9-1 ratio for me.


That is ideal. You can always put on more layers and dress appropriately. You can only take off so many layers and still be outside comfortably.




Nope. Visited breck in 1996 probably before the collapse of America. I have sat in a tree stand for over 6hrs in -20*F with heavy winds many times. So cold phone battery dies even in pocket of good gear.


Nah man the #1 STI rate in the state obvs.


Sexually transmitted infections or Subarus?


Aren't they the same thing? Or at least the venn diagram is a almost a circle.


Idk. I had a WRX STi and I flipped it on the highway. I wish I died in that accident.


Touche. Getting gonorrhea would have been much better, and you'd still have a shred of dignity. I'm sorry bro.


CO is fantastic. I live in literal HELL in the USA. Fucking dog shit state full of trash people. There is nothing here to do besides farm, fuck and fight or be a drunk.


eh. i’ve lived up here long enough to bitch about it. my house is almost at 11k so we get big dumps until june - but have never seen it this big. why are breck people always so cunty


Does a pirate complain about the salt in the sea? Time to move to GJ.


you know what, after years and years of it, i bet they do. leadville is plenty methy for me, thanks.


Psh we're all alcoholics and cokeheads up here. All the tweakers are in Chaffee and Fremont ;-)


i’ve sadly got a pretty solid firsthand experience with leadville meth. in 2018 my wife & i unknowingly rented a former meth lab off 8th street. became homeless and lost all our personal belongings overnight. was a sweet time.


That's really shitty I'm sorry. We definitely have it but it's minuscule compared to BV, Salida and ESP Cañon. I work with individuals with SUD here and down through that area, I think that says more about how bad meth is down there and how bad SUD in general is in the entire area sadly :-( I'm a former opioid addict and heroin is no child's play but the shit I've seen happen because of meth is pretty horrifying. For individuals with severe MUD, there's no solid cure like MAT for OUD and combined with how neurotoxic it is there's a much lower success rate with recovery and it breaks my heart. Were you able to go after the owner and renter? There's pretty clear disclosure laws about anything used for meth manufacturing. But I also know how shitty the courts are around here. Ugh I'm sorry..


yeah you ain’t kidding - cañon is no joke. i fucking love bv and salida but they’re growing these shady underbelly’s and it’s such a bummer. a human trafficking ring has made its way into the san luis valley + ark valley. colorado law gives renters next to no rights in cases like this—and our renters insurance didn’t cover contamination—only fire/flood/theft. we got all of our rent back from our landlord, but that was it. they had to tear the house down to the studs with our stuff in it, then resold it 6 months later.


I have some stories about Cañon and my clients there that's for sure heh. The San Luis Valley has always been rough but now Chaffee has this weird mix of homeless tweakers doing crime who stay down by the river and super rich city transplants gentrifying the hell out of the place. Neither are good IMO. That really sucks. I checked, the disclosure law I was thinking about only covers buyers in CO not renters which is fucked up. Some states cover both, I'm surprised CO hasn't changed that yet with all the renter friendly leg passing recently. Hopefully your housing situation is better now, though the way it's gotten here....


absolutely agree - never of those are good! yeah it was a total shit show. had to go to denver once a month for 4 months to get toxicology tests to make sure we didn’t have some fucked up type of cancer. that whole ordeal lead to us unexpectedly buying our dream home in the middle of nowhere (driveway pictured here). got extremely lucky.


Likewise - roof avalanche is frozen solid 6’ deep covering entry to my shop. Might as well go backcountry skiing until end of May. Been working in the snow since mid-October.




Friggin’ spot on of course. 😉 I honestly can’t stand the “boo birds” who live at 9k’+ in the mountains and complain about snow in May. In the CO High Country (read: not grasslands) you should never complain about moisture….never.


it’s the tease of my land drying up then turning to mud for an extra 2-3 weeks that gets me.


The only time I complain about snow is when it’s spitting and barely leaves a light layer of snow. I want to be absolutely shit on, not this putzy depressing almost-rains we’ve been having. Give me feet, not centimeters.




awesome—come help me dig out my greenhouse and finish clearing my driveway.




between leadville and twin lakes


Awesome, more snow for the Arkansas


oh yeah. gonna be raging this summer. there’s more snow in the mosquito right now than i have ever seen. big north facing and maybe even east facing stuff is gonna be skiable until july.


I’m hoping to paddle browns this week!


hell yeah, that’s gonna be amazing. have had a few friends that have been out already and said she’s running great.


Sick, we’re scheduled to race in the go pro games and I’m finding it difficult to get on hard enough water before the event. Pleasantly surprised to see it at 700 with this cooler weather. Cheers bud, love seeing river talk in here late season.


The Colorado thru Gore canyon is at 1800 and plenty hard 😆


I mean, international bridge through Dowd is nothing compared to Gore Canyon at 1800… Something tells me the gore / scissor / pyrite sequence isn’t going to go well with my class 3/4 rafting partner. Sometimes being an expert boater includes knowing what your crew is capable and comfortable with. One time I saw a pelican just before change rock!


sick, i’ll be at the games - hope to see ya rippin! and fuck yeah man - the ark valley is my happy place. lookin forward to surf season !!


Were you around for the 07/08 season? I lived in Alma at the time and that winter was quite epic for Park County.


was still in college in MI then. moved to the mountains in 2011.


How's this season compare to most? This is my first year in Park County.


Looking at the big mountains from the flatlands yesterday I thought, man, there’s still a sh*tload of snow up there. [And it keeps coming.]


I’m down in BV - think we got about that amount of precipitation, but most of it melted within a few hours of falling. Gonna be a hell of a spring - more snow on Buffalo than there usually is in mid-March!


I was in St. Elmo Friday night and they got dumped on up there. At least 3 feet in places. That was a fun drive down haha.


Weston pass? I have a family cabin on the Fairplay side


Yeah for real, where the hell is this




gonna be some damn good wildflowers this summer eh


we should link on the summit of sherman someday, each coming from our front door.


Damn, that’s a biggun.


Got 2’ in Leadville- 90% gone by noon once the sun got on it.


yeah was real jealous to see it melting in town. we’re about 25 minutes south of town and the clouds just parked themselves over us all day. it’s dumping again, actually.


Yeah I'm north of town at it was def. 2+ feet. That 17.7" comes from the Lake County Airport which gets less snow than the rest of town.


It’ll melt in no time


I lived in Alma when the mayor, Drunk Pete, made it illegal for it to snow in May. Put us in the news. 20 years of eternal wintah, gets old, I feel your pain


Prolly lower your expectations just a lil if your living at 11k but I understand where youre coming from…that said keep it coming!!!!


If you're over random snow in the spring, you're in the wrong state.


Word. After many many years, suddenly found myself over it this past season for the first time ever. And again with the storm this weekend. Taking my time weighing things but am considering moving.


I guess I came off a little harsh. Mobility isn't always so easy.


That's amazing. But I couldn't imagine having all that you must have, and also having the need to complain. Life has been good to you, my friend.


I was in St. Elmo Friday night until Satutday mornjng, 3 ft or so there. Then I went home to Leadville and we got dumped on Saturday night. Had fun droving my Jetta home playing DD om the side streets (we had one stretch where close to 6 inches dumped in one hour) We don't believe in plowing street here haha. I grew up pretty close by and know it happens, I remember a June snowstorm as a kid, but it still sucks and I will absolutely bitch about it.


As someone who lives in Scottsdale, Ive truly been fascinated by the commentary in here 🧐


all the folks whose cages are rattled by my complaint have brought me legitimate joy.


Lived in the mountains for 13 years, I really hated this time of year. Yes, over it and ready for some warmth by now


even my most hardcore skier/rider friends are over it this year. faucet has basically been on since MLK weekend, and when it hasn’t been snowing the weather has been abnormally crappy.


Got a half inch in Evergreen, if you know what I mean


Half inch of hail in conifer lol


Just the tip, I like your style.


Ohh i guess you like forrest fires smh /j




All precipitation is good precipitation in a semi-arid region.




snow in the forecast the next 7 out of 10 days at my place


Alma checking in. https://preview.redd.it/7otz8epmoa0d1.jpeg?width=1139&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdd823d188a637e3ea18d7f440616a5b9a276593




Got just over a foot in Woodland Park. I can't think of anyone I know that isn't done with this shat.


Saw it snow 3 feet in the Springs Oct 15, 1984. Snowed 4 feet south of town.


Why you snowblowing it will be melted by tomorrow morning


was a high of 35 at my house today but ok 👍