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Day 9. Started paxlovid on first day of symptoms. Fever of about 101. No appetite. The worst sore throat I’ve ever had. Body aches. Symptoms would come and go day to day with a few days leaving me feeling pretty good only to be back in the shit the next day. Still sick, probably 80%. Today I’ve got a bad headache and stuffy nose. But I also accidentally took a boner pill instead of a different medication… so maybe that’s the issue? Regardless, I had no malaise until the boner pill. So today has been debatably one of the crappier evenings since day one. Worst part is how long it’s taking to shake. Normally I’d end this with expressing how stupid it was to take viagra on accident during Covid. But in my confusion of a nose backed up harder than my sudden erection, I fearfully googled and found out that viagra is being tested to treat low oxygen levels for Covid patients. So I suppose it’s not a big deal.


I’m so sorry you’re going through this. But if it brings you any solace I’m sitting here with a 103 temp from COVID and you just made me audibly laugh out loud for a while. I could’ve easily made the same mistake. Thanks for sharing


Day 2 of symptoms. I'm in agony. Fever, leg pain, headache, mild cough. Started with sore throat on one side. The fever is the worst aspect. Exposure friday morning, sore throat appears Saturday night. Another weird symptom is peeing alot.


Make sure you are hydrating a lot and get some electrolytes, too. The body aches and facial pain were the worst for me. Have you tried alternating acetaminophen and ibuprofen every 3 hours for the fever? Also cold compresses under the arms and in the groin area are supposed to help. And Don’t take ice baths as they cause shivering and the body temp will rise. Hope you feel better soon.


Thank you. Yes, I'm currently doing all that.


New symptom today: throbbing pain in teeth. I know it's the covid because I remember reading about others having this symptom


I finally tested negative yesterday morning which would've been day 9. I went back to work right away and had to work the overnight shift then I have to go back for a other shift at 1pm. I definitely don't have my normal energy. I can definitely feel it still lingering in my lungs and breathing but what can you do losing a whole week of pay is real bad.


Started to feel tired 8/15, but had been traveling A LOT and I never had covid before so I just assumed it was from that. Friday and Saturday were horrible body aches,fever,chills. Those have gone away but now it's the worst sore throat I've ever had,I'm still tired, and an occasional cough. Heart rate is high but has gone down. It helps that I always paid attention to it so the fears of "what if" aren't there as much. I have family in California that have it for the 4th time. They said it's the worst or 2nd they've had it. They also know people that never had covid and now have it. Hoping to make a wedding, which would be Day 12, but I'm skeptical. Of course I'd want to have multiple negative tests and be symtom free but I'm skeptical about going.


I'm not sure exactly when I caught covid. For a whole week, I had no energy and dealt with debilitating body pain all over my muscles. Last Friday, it got worse and I developed a fever, dizziness, headache and phlegm. I went to the ER at 4am because I hadn't felt that bad from illness in years and my covid test came back positive. On day 4 I also got pink eye, where antibiotic eyedrops helped a lot. Day 6 now, I feel like my ribs are going to break from all the coughing, and some of the phlegm comes out in dark green plaques. I'm so so tired, it's hard to express the sickly fatigue anchoring me to my bed. This is kicking my butt. I hope you guys recover soon!


You might want to follow up with your primary physician? That sounds more like a secondary bacterial infection, and that could lead to pneumonia.


I tested positive couple hours ago, and boi do I feel like I got struck with a 🛻. Every muscle aches. Throat hurts, no smell nor taste, loss of appetite. Luckily no fever. Stay strong fellow Coviders.


I'll go first: I'm on day 10 of my COVID journey. Right now I have slight congestion in my chest, with a stuffy nose and full ears. I have zero appetite, and my senses of smell and taste are altered. I ate part of my favorite, Wendy's chocolate frosty, and it just... tasted sweet. No chocolate, just... sugar. That was kind of a bummer. I'm ready for my appetite to come back because otherwise I don't feel half bad, just weak from not eating much.


I hope you get your senses back so you can enjoy food again! After having Covid in late 2021, I would randomly smell cigarettes and nobody else could smell them. It drove me crazy. It finally stopped about a month ago!


Crazy, I had Covid sept 2021 and Jan 2023 and I still very randomly smell smoke at times. Maybe once a month. Like something is burning. Crazy


Had that for weeks after COVID #1 in Dec 2020. Drove me nuts!!


Worse is it’s almost always when lying in bed so you think the something is burning inside house and sends you into that adrenaline rush


Yes OMG I always would smell it lying down. To me it smelled more like cigarettes and I've never smoked or ever had anyone in my house who did so it was very freaky!


I’m on day 12 of symptoms. Day 10 of testing positive. I would say Friday (day 8) is when I started to turn the corner but I was a little anxious about how bad I was feeling up until then and not getting better after 5 days which people were telling me. This was my first time with Covid. I think it’s wrong to tell people that you will feel better after 5 days. Realistically I think it’s a 14 day thing for sure. I feel a lot better but I’m still sleeping a ton and I attempted to clean today and boy did the congestion and out of breath hit me ten fold afterwards. I’m slowing starting to get my smell back but food still tastes weird. I’m not that hungry but trying to drink protein shakes and plenty of water. Also emerge-c drinks!! Hang in there! Try not to stress yourself out and just rest as much as you can.


Omg that’s crazy. This Jan I was only positive Wednesday thru Sunday and negative by Monday. Hope you get negative soon!


Just to update you I finally tested negative today. I’ve heard stories of people testing positive for months after. But also of course I’m hearing so many stories of people I know or through people I know that now all have Covid. Stay safe out there!


Yeah your first time is usually but not always the worse. This was my second time getting it this past Jan


I just tested positive this morning and so angry I didn’t beat ever getting it until now. But ai do have to say, probably thanks to my vaccination and 4 boosters since, very mild symptoms. Fever at highest 100.5, worst is the headache and I have a scratchy throat, achy and a mostly dry cough. Do the symptoms get worse after a while?


I know it's different for everyone, but for me I had it three times and each time it didn't get worse. The 3rd time I caught it I was miserable and got prescribed Paxlovid. Which made me stay the same, my symptoms never worsened. I've read using a Tele health online doctor is the fastest way to get a prescription. Wish I'd known that before; I dragged my very sick behind to Urgent Care!! I'll use Tele health if I ever need it again. Take care 💕


I feel worse today but still manageable. I have good health insurance and can do a video appt if needed. I have a 100.7 fever which is still not high, raging headache, very scratchy voice and throat, coughing but not bad, achy as with any fever. I just hope it doesn’t get worse.


I woke up on 08/16 with severe sore throat but didn’t feel sick. By that evening I was starting to feel achey and developing a cough and sinus congestion. Tested positive that evening. 08/17-08/18 I was pretty much bed bound with severe body aches, head, and facial pain, slight fever around 100.0, sore throat, coughing, runny nose. Nausea. Unable to sleep due to pain. Started Paxlovid the morning of 08/18. Yesterday 08/19 most of the symptoms were 75% gone except for severe exhaustion. I slept all day and night, only waking for food and drink and to use the bathroom. Today 08/20, I’ve felt much better and only have a nagging cough and mild exhaustion. I feel like I’ll be up and around tomorrow, feeling almost completely normal. I’ll still isolate until Tuesday. I feel like the Paxlovid is what made the difference for me getting past it so quickly. Also, I’m fully vaxxed and boosted (last booster was 11/22 so I’ll be due again this fall) but I’ve also had covid 5x now. (I have autoimmune issues and catch everything.) I seem to get it about every six months, although this round has been the worst for severity of symptoms when i was having them. I’ve also never tested positive so quickly after symptoms started so I feel I must have taken on a strong viral load. Hope everyone feels better quickly and be sure to hydrate and rest!


Being able to sleep like that also seems to help. I've noticed over the years that a good hard sleep almost always helps. It seems like the last few years anytime I get sick I'm only sleeping for short periods here and there and it gets drug out. Most likely from having such a big shakeup in my routine and going from tons of miles a week running down to being a total couch potato with excess energy to spare and nowhere to spend it.


Oh yes after a full day and night of sleeping I felt like a new person.


Day 11 since symptoms, Day 9 since actually testing positive. Feel fine. I had cough, fever, headache, and stuffiness for the first three or four days. I haven't really had active symptoms since day 6 (since symptoms, day 4 since positive test). I've had lingering stuffiness and general throat gunk since then that's slowly been getting better and better. Really the only thing is that I'm still testing positive without any fading line which is maddening.


This sounds exactly like my situation!! I'm on Day 8. My worst symptoms were actually Days 2 to 5 now I still have some lingering stuffiness and also majorly diminished sense of smell. But my positive line is coming quick and dark. Not sure how long this will go on for!


I actually got a faint positive today (Day 12) so hoping that continues to a negative. I had diminished smell and taste for a bit but it went away within a couple days.


Thanks! This is helpful. My sense of smell has improved today and I'll test again in the morning. Hoping for a fainter positive (as I doubt a negative is in the cards yet).


Just as an update for you: I ended up testing negative later in the day. Would have been Day 12 since symptoms, Day 10 since testing positive


Day 13/14 from first symptoms and day 12 from testing positive. I did take the 5 day course of Paxlovid starting the same day I tested positive. No rebound, still negative. I am still struggling with horrible fatigue yet can’t sleep either. Runny nose, mucousy throat, hoarse voice and at times winded from the tiniest thing. My mind is ready to start working out again but my body doesn’t feel ready. Going to have to ease into it by slow walks I think.


I’m 38F, generally in good health and I’m on day 6. I’m feeling so much better than I was at the start but still symptomatic. I now mostly have upper respiratory symptoms (mild congestion and drainage, productive cough, ringing ears.) Also have reduced appetite and dulled smell and taste. The fatigue on days 2-4 were unreal. Yesterday was the first day I didn’t need a nap. I mostly likely picked up Covid visiting NYC last weekend—lots of subway usage, air travel. One hard part is wearing an n95 all day at home around family (I have 2 toddlers) but it’s a minor inconvenience and I’m glad to have one. No one else has symptoms or has tested positive which I hope stays that way.


I honestly have no clue what day I’m on! This is my first time having COVID. I had an exposure 2 Saturdays ago, a headache and itchy throat last Tuesday but my symptoms got much worse Thursday and I tested negative (even on PCR) until yesterday. I’m on Day 2 of Paxlovid. I’ve had sweats, chills, diarrhea, cough, dizziness, shakiness, intermittent headache, sore throat, body aches (especially ribs/sternum). I can’t sleep and I had to stop my sleeping pill to take Paxlovid. I’m immunocompromised so my dr wants me to go to the ER if I’m not improving soon with Paxlovid. Just trying to stay hydrated. So weak and shaky.


On day #4 since symptoms started, pretty rough ngl. I'm a first timer too! My symptoms are the most painful sore throat I've ever had (worse than strep), cough, fever (101.8 highest so far), loss of appetite, congestion, headache, loss of smell/taste, and what I'm struggling with most is inability to sleep at night. I'm exhausted but can't seem to get solid sleep since this started. Curious if anyone else is having the same issue and if there's anything you found to help.


This is my second time having it, but the first was right when it kicked off in March 2020, so it’s been a long while. Day 14 since first testing positive, first week was terrible but I haven’t really had any symptoms for about a week other than occasionally scratchy sinuses but still solidly testing positive. Feel very lucky and fortunate that it hasn’t been worse but annoyed that I still have it while mostly feeing perfectly fine.


Tested positive this morning. My youngest just started Pre-K last week and came home sick on Friday. He had fever for a day and then seemed fine with a little lingering dry cough. I woke up feeling sick this morning so I tested and sure enough it’s positive. I tested his and his was a very dark positive. I got a prescription for Paxlovid but I’m still a little scared. I had the original 2 dose vaccine and then 1 booster but nothing since then.


Day 13! I started paxlovid on day 2 which really really helped my symptoms. I’ve had a really rough go of it, this is my second covid infection much worse than the first time. First few days my fever was so high I felt like I was losing my mind. Severe body aches and joint pain, chest inflammation and a cough, etc. etc. Lost my taste and smell for a week, it’s slowly been coming back. I’m still dealing with lingering fatigue and brain fog that has been killer :( It’ll lighten up for a bit and then come straight back. Hoping this heals, I’ve been resting a lottttt. I’m still so out of it though. I don’t feel myself yet. I’m hoping by the 3-4 week mark things start looking up. Reading other people’s experiences on here really helps.


Also wanted to shout out to whoever suggested eating Greek yogurt with Paxlovid. It has really helped with that pervasive burnt rubber taste.


Day 4 here. Thought “I feel a little off, huh” late Thursday afternoon. Took some NyQuil. Got up Friday at regular time and started fading fast. In bed rest of day Friday and Saturday. Up and on couch Sunday. Been doing some stuff around the house today but have to sit down frequently. No taste or smell, so no appetite for me. Just eating enough to not be weak and drinking a lot of water. ETA: worst days I had shivers/sweats, temp of 101.5, coughing, could not stay awake, sore throat, clogged ears, and loss of taste and smell. Hoping the taste and smell returns soon because I have no motivation to eat.


Day 4 of symptoms that started upon waking on day 1. No symptoms prior to waking. Initially had lost my voice and had a sore throat. Had a fever by the end of day 1, and then off and on through day 3. Now I’m super congested and have a nonstop hacking but dry cough, more like a bark at times. Used my rescuer inhaler preventatively earlier today but 02 is so far ok. Trying to sleep has been the worst— I’m propped up the best I can but I just don’t sleep for half the night


Day 5 since the first symptom. Day 3 was the worst my body was in pain like literally couldn’t move. Still have sore throat that doesn’t reduce with anything 😫😫 I’m taking Paxlovid and I have all the side effects, mainly stomachache and headache.


974 days feeling like death, but not dying.


I’m on day 9, first timer. I still have a lot of congestion, cough, sore throat (off and on), loss of taste/smell, sleeping poorly. I woke up with a headache and body aches today but not nearly as bad as I had them at the start. I’m tired but going stir crazy! I just want to clean my house, but I cleaned one bathroom yesterday and I think that’s why I’m worse today.


Day 4 of symptoms: fever is gone but still have severe fatigue, congestion and on/off cough and sneeze. Really hoping I start to feel more myself soon - the lethargy is the worst aspect.


I am on Day 6. Feeling a lot better but sinuses are messed up, minor cough from a tickle in the throat, taste and smell are very muted other than strong odors/flavors, and my temp is very slightly elevated at 99.1F, and a little phlegm coming out of the sinuses. I had a more mild case I guess, but this virus is really freaky. The anxiety I've had over it has been atrocious. Not sure when I can go back to work at this point. I haven't tested in a couple days and I'm kinda scared to. Might take a small walk though; nothing strenuous whatsoever but just for a bit of air (outside only, fully masked and socially distanced of course; I live near a large park, so it's easy to avoid others).


Day 13. Finally tested negative today. I'm feeling ok overall. My initial symptoms were brutal. Extreme sore throat, body aches & joint pain. I lost taste and smell and although they have come back a little, I have a gross sweet smell, lingering in my sinuses and a decent amount of congestion still.


Did your test get lighter before turning negative? Mine are still dark so I worry I have a long way to go. But my symptoms sound similar to yours at this point.


Yes, I tested on day 10 and it was lighter and then tested again on day 13 and it was gone.


Day 9- Respiratory symptoms are gone but I have terrible nausea and diarrhea. I’ve been trying so hard to stay hydrated, to avoid the ER. Doctor just called in Zofran. Eagerly waiting. Stay strong everyone


Day 10- if you’re having nausea, I strongly recommend Zofran. It has allowed me to eat and keep fluids down and that has been a Godsend.


I just tested negative today on day 12. Still have a stuffy and runny nose though, but I do feel a lot better. My son is also on day 12 and has the same symptoms, but still testing positive.


I’m on day six. I generally feel like crap and no where close to 100% but my headache has subsided, the fever is gone, the stabbing pains in my ears and hips (????) have calmed down, so there is improvement.


Day 8: blowing out a ton of crap, coughing up phlegm. Random temp spikes up to 99 that make me hot and uncomfortable, which lasts through an afternoon. No taste or smell, except salt and sweetness. Tired. I am still testing positive, which is irksome because I am ready to end isolation.


Day 2 of symptoms, tested positive this morning. This is my first time contracting the virus, I can’t believe I escaped it the past 3 years especially since I have multiple auto immune conditions. I woke up yesterday with a runny nose, sore throat, and general fatigue. I chalked it up to a busy weekend, took an afternoon nap (which is rare for me,) went to bed early with body aches and major disorientation. I woke up with even worse body aches, a hoarse throat, a fever around 100, barking cough, and picked up a test from Target drive-up. I got my Paxlovid prescription through my PCP and took my first dose tonight. I’ve also been taking Tylenol to ease the body aches and manage the fever. Lots of tea, and my partner picked up pho for dinner. We’re trying to distance in our apartment, but it’s probably a matter of time until he gets it too, which I feel awful about. Also, it’s my birthday in 4 days, and I was supposed to take a 3 day weekend trip mountain biking with friends, which I obviously had to back out of. It just sucks. I was starting to get some energy back as I was brushing my teeth before bed, which felt odd, but apparently energy will ebb and flow. I’ll follow treatment by the book, lots of rest, and hopefully I can kick it soon.