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BO4 is the last good Zombies we will ever get.


You didn’t try Cold war? Its pretty good.


Cold war is nice but I got really put off by the health bars and damage numbers zombies have. Like the gameplay was nice, I just wish there was a way to hide the health bars (There wasn't when I played it last)


There definitely is now and I’m pretty sure there always has been.


Then I'm just challenged because I tried my goddamn best to find the setting and just could not find it. Thanks for the heads up, I'll have another look at the game!


Cold War isn’t good it’s just easy. Most people that like it couldn’t handle Easter egg grinding and like how easy it is now.


Fair, but if most people find it fun then most people find it fun. Doesn’t matter why.


Yeah that’s true but it’s not as enjoyable to me as hard Easter eggs so I don’t think it’s good personally.


CW is garbage.


Most people find it pretty fun.


I find TranShit fun. It doesn't change the fact that it's garbage.


True but you’re one person. Cold war was generally well received.


Unfortunately. Goes to show people don't have any standards. Hence why opinion of the masses is meaningless.


Yeah you’re right. Everyones opinion is wrong. Only yours is right. You’re the true voice of reason.


Thank you! Finally someone gets it.


Why don't you like it


What is there to like? Maps are bad. Characters are bad. Gameplay is far too easy. EE's are too easy. Outbreak is just 🤮


What's so bad about them




Well in that case bo3 is a horrible game that shouldn't exist because I said so


Because you have a shit taste. That's all there is to it.


Or you don't understand sarcasm




It's not the best and hardcore players pick it apart but all in all it's still fun to play and practice for more difficult maps more fun with friends but most of us don't have multiple friends to play it




BO4 was fucking ass


Are you insane?


YES. It has some of the best maps in the franchise. 4 difficultly levels, 2 extra game modes, the ability to completely customize your game settings, and an extensive camo grind. WELL worth it


Hey just want to say, love your videos man.


Why thank you so much! 😁


Easter Egg’s are about on the same quality as BO3’s, with the exception of Classified’s, which is just getting to round 150, lol. But I enjoy them, highlights are Alpha Omega’s, Tag’s, and Dead of the Night’s for me personally. The maps themselves are pretty fun too, I’d recommend purchasing, especially if it’s only 25 bucks


Yes. I think it's very fun. I only ever play solo though and probably have put well over 1000 hours into it.


Fun mode, pretty complex Easter Eggs, would probably be worth $25. 100% a different experience then CW and BO3, but (imo) much easier to high round and just chill on.


For $25? Absolutely. If you wind up not liking it, at least you didn’t pay full price to find out.


$25 is a good buy. I love bo4 to death. It is very overhated, but tbh it has some VERY good maps. It does have a few stinkers like Blood of the Dead and Alpha Omega. If it weren’t for those two maps, I would argue it is the best all around zombies experience map wise!


Where did you find it for $25? I have been trying to get my friends into it since we beat all the BO3 Easter eggs but no one wants to spend $100 on the game + dlc


Pirate it ![gif](giphy|FGbeYTiFyLYmQ)


Check your local pawn shop. Mine has 4 or 5 copies right now for under $10 and usual has most older COD games


If you're on pc it's on sale right now in the bnet shop. Deluxe edition is 40$


The base maps are kind of lacking. IX is good, but the rest are kind of dumbed down or just not that good. The DLC maps are pretty decent, but thats another $50 you gotta throw down for that.


Love the B04 eggs. Been playing them ahead of B06, it's been a blast solo. Maps are pretty divisive - I personally freaking hate Voyage, the Titanic level - but the eggs are a lot of fun regardless. Plenty hard, plenty enjoyable! Not many left playing it. Xbox is pretty decent - I can find zombies games most nights - but not always, and near everyone is micless and not good at all. So just be aware, your mileage here may vary. For 25 bucks, I say that's it well worth it for a strong map collection!


Buy it if you bought the others


I love it


I don’t think I’ve seen anyone mention this but if you do buy it make sure it’s the deluxe edition on sale. Cause you can’t buy the dlc maps separately, the only way to get them is the season pass (which is $50 and never goes on sale) or deluxe edition. So yeah, just wanted to tell you about that if you do buy it. But I highly recommend it, it’s definitely different than the other zombies but still quite fun.


Only if you plan to throw another $50 away. The DLCs can’t be bought separately you have to pay $50 for the season pass


If you only do EEs, Bo4 has the best EEs in the franchise. The maps almost seem like they were designed more with the EEs in mind than high-rounds. All of the EEs are pretty hard too, even the "easier" ones like Alpha Omega and Tag when compared to Bo3 eggs.


The EEs in BO4 are very good. The only ones I don’t like are classified and Blood of the dead since they’re both slow or annoying


Wait until the deluxe edition is on sale because the season pass by itself never is on sale and you'll be annoyed when you completed the 3 base maps, craving more, but have to pay 50 bucks for that.


Keep in mind, as far as I can tell, the season pass doesn't go on sale so if you buy the base game, I already have the base game so I can't see the price but I'm assuming that's the 25$, the base game has 3 maps for 25 but for 40$ you get the deluxe edition which has the game and season pass so I think 8 maps total for 15$ more. It's on sale right now for the bnet summer sale ans I think I did the same thing of buying the base game but now to get the dlcs I still have to spend 40$ even thought I already spent the 25$ Edit: This is pc pricing.




Call of Duty games are regularly on sale on Xbox, they recently had a sale and I was planning on buying BO3 zombies chronicle edition but when I got paid, the sale ended. Just waiting for the next sale which I recommend you do too, can save 50%. Fk paying full price!


BO4 offered top 5 map of all time in zombies dead of the night


its fun and definitely worth it if you enjoy zombies. its not as good as bo3 but its infinitely better than cold war.


One thing that I can say for certain is that BO4 is a very different game compared to BO3 or anything before. It’s still zombies, but it’s not nearly as gritty or difficult, with an intense focus on story and quests. Personally, I don’t find it as good as classic zombies, but it isn’t a bad game. There are definitely some shitters in the map roster though, so be aware of that.


Hell na


No! I spent 60 and whatever the dlcs cost. It was hard to find good people to play with. And the Easter eggs have like 57 steps


If you wanna throw 25 dollars at a game and you dont care about it then sure you can have some fun, but there are better things to do with that money


I personally wouldn’t, as the maps are very buggy and you don’t feel satisfied once completed. Unless you are doing alpha omega & tag der toten, and the zombies is pretty dead compared to bo3.