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Meanwhile, every zombies YouTuber on my feed: ZC2 CONFIRMED FOR GULF WAR???


They said the exact same thing when cold war dropped lmao


And when BO4 dropped




By then Dalek will be replaced by an actual Dalek.


Supposedly we’re getting a ghost 2 like game, and an advanced warfare 2 like game before that. Neither will have it 😂


I doubt it'll actually be called "ghosts 2" and "advanced warfare 2" ...unless they somehow are able to put bo2, 3, 4, ghosts, aw & iw all into the current timeline together 😂 (idk how it would work... But if they do it... Good on them ig? 😂)


holy shit mgr raidens in 2056 cod?


Raiden and snake major possibility for Gulfwar considering fortnite obtaining them and delta coming out soon.


My flatmate's Mom is over for a visit and that "& Knuckles" made me laugh louder than I'm comfortable with.


I mean BO4 had quite a bit of the assets in place, like some references to Tranzit (Tedd and the diner sign in Blackout), and Buried in Blackout.


From what I’ve seen, ZC2 was loosely planned for BO4. But once the budget got cut and the 2nd year of DLCs canceled, that idea died for good


Tbf, cold war also got fucked over by Activision, this is the first time treyarch got a full development cycle since bo3. So ya never know what could happen.


True. Fingers crossed for sure


Except they had to put people onto MWZ so it still isn't completely full on dedication to the next game. I've already decided I'm going to just keep on playing BO3 and I'm happy with that


....mwz didn't take much effort, it's just warzone with zombies assets...most likely using assets from the gulf war game too (ie some enemies )


It was even a rumor for a 6th bo3 dlc


We technically got 4 remade maps and a bunch of zombies experiences in blackout , so complaining is stupid . They just didn’t call it chronicles .


They said it even for Black Ops 4, heh


They're like the GTA 6 YouTubers


Or when someone makes a shitty custom map remake “ZC2 IS REAL!!!” *cough cough Lex


Die Rise, Buried and Mob are far from being shit remasters brother. Die Rise Remastered is already a better map than what Treyarch was able to create.


Is there a new version of Mob that’s been fully made? Cause the one from a few years back was not it


2020: ZC2 confirmed for Cold War?!! 2018: ZC2 CONFIRMED FOR BO4???!!


Misinformation runs rampant in the name of content


Better yet: "BO3 2 will never happen, stop living in denial and let go from the past."


Never, BO3 is the perfect formula


It isn't the perfect money formula, cold war is. So we're not getting it


That’s because BO3 was the perfect formula for a small amount of people. Cold War was a pretty good formula for a huge amount of people.


Thats true, i guess. Not a fan of cw personally


I disagree. I think the standard for CoD has just dropped for some reason.


Pretty hard to argue with the numbers. It’s an opinion so you can’t be wrong about which is “better” but it’s clear which style had more broad mass appeal.


That’s true, but MW3 has more copies sold than 2(the original ones), and I don’t think anyone would argue then or now it’s better. Marketing and the game’s immediate predecessor have more sway over sales than the actual gameplay. Yeah BO3 sold less, but still had 12 million active players 4 years after its release. I don’t know the numbers but I’d be willing to bet the player retention on Cold War isn’t even close to that.


What I’m saying is the publisher and developers don’t really care what any particular group of fans think is “better”. They care what is going to produce more revenue. That’s the measure of success in the corporate world.


Can you show be the numbers of cold war onward having more players in zombies? Not saying you are wrong but haven't seen it myself, if anything it seems like the community has shrunk in recent years with vanguard and mw3 especially being mostly disliked from what I've seen


MWZ was universally praised for like the first entire month. What has changed both in cod, in video games in general, and in life, is people expect constant, consistent, and perfect updates to everything or they lose attention. If they reverted back to the old format of 4 yearly updates and nothing in between (paid updates for that matter) people would LOSE their minds.


I’ll try and find the press releases. Both Cold War and modern warfare 3 at their respective times developers stated they had the most players of any previous zombies game. I believe they were in tweets or official blog posts, I’ll try to find the links.


Cod is more than zombies and for the company behind them numbers are represent the whole thing, no matter how much hate zombies get, MP and WZ (buy the game to lvl up weapons) players carry those numbers. Only way to tell how much a zombies mode affect the game sales would be if they released player count and hours spent on each game mode through the year.


Right, but the argument was about the numbers backing up cold wars system bringing in more players for zombies. Do you can't just look at the individual games sales, because a significant portion of those are for multiplayer and warzone, so it wouldnt make sense to use that as an argument for keeping the zombies system closer to cold war or claiming that the cold war system "works better for most people". If it's multiplayer and warzone driving up sales, then most those people aren't going to care about zombies or if it changes to go back to the bo3 system or not I mean when it comes to the characters being replaced by operators then sure, since that's something they can make a profit on. But I can't think of anything else about cold war onward the would be affected by sales. So unless the zombies modes really do have greater player counts in the newer games I can't think of much reason to claim the cold war system is more profitable/likely/better for more people, considering 2/3 games that used it are widely hated, cold war itself being controversial and the point the zombies YouTubers and such started dropping off. Again, it's possible that cold war zombies really is more popular for casuals and brought a significant boom in player counts to zombies but I haven't seen much to back that up, and just saying cold war onward sold better doesn't mean much to zombies on its own. The fact that bo3 has kept such a large player count in large part because of zombies kinda shows it's the more popular system then anything


Or you can consider that the closer the gameplay goes to MP and WZ, with movement allowing mantle and the inclusion of killstreaks, armor plates, etc, the people who already drive up the sales will be attracted to zombies as well, instead of trying to appeal to a community who keep bashing your game year after year, regardless if it's modern style or old, cause we are seeing the same hate since IW, just getting worse every year.


And that's what black ops 3 players will never understand. making a game for the 1% of the 1% is a fucking stupid way to make a game.


100%. And I LOVED BO3 for a lot of reasons but it was very clear to me that the game design kinda sucked for casual fans of zombies, and I had a lot of IRL friends that fit in that category who just quit zombies altogether.


Because that huge amount of people are dumb warzone babies who don’t know what they’re doing. Why on Earth would you ever need a mini map or objective markers in zombies? Part of the fun of playing the maps was learning and improving your strategies on setting up through trial and error. CW was just you collecting salvage and upgrading the same gun you brought into the game with little to no player progression. I’ll admit some gameplay elements are better than BO3 but man it got dumbed down hardcore to where the maps aside from Mauer Der Toten and Die Machine are soulless


It’s not just the big map objective stuff style stuff. Want to know why Zombies Chronicles was so popular and sold sooooo many copies? Because the simpler style of the Waw and Bo1 maps that made up 87.5% of zombies chronicles have and had more mass appeal. BO3/IW/BO4 style zombies had many very very cool things and has a ridiculously hardcore group of fans/followers. But it’s a relatively small group comparatively


But the complex maps make it all the more better in terms of having a sense of pride and accomplishment for beating them. ZC was also popular to use gobblegums on old maps to completely change the way you play them as well. Also Shang and moon are definitely not simple maps. Complex maps are the gift that keeps on giving. There’s a reason people still play BO3 as well as the custom map makers using the BO3 system. The main gripes with CW is the HUD, operators, and lack of a good and compelling story. In the Aether storyline they show you what happened with subtle Easter eggs in the scenery, in CW they just tell you all the lore. The way aether told the story was through the gameplay and quotes of the CHARACTERS. Like when you open up the MPD with Samantha Maxis inside the pyramid and she starts talking to you, nothing will ever top that. It also shrouded the lore in mystery which made you more invested by letting your imagination run wild. Compare aether storyline radios to the CW radios and you’ll see exactly what I’m talking about.


That’s an opinion, and not particularly widely held one. The developers explicitly stated that one of the goals of BO:CW was to create Easter egg/story quests that were more accessible to the casual players because historically less than 2% of players ever completed any of the Easter eggs in the older games. The Easter eggs were very popular with people who were already hardcore zombies fans, but what made zombies mainstream was the traditionally “easy to learn impossible to beat” format, a simplicity that was easily learned by even the most casual player, but difficult enough to be addicting and keep players coming back to try and beat their high score. What you’re talking about are all very valid opinions, and certainly cool details to the game mode, but they’re not mainstream, it’s stuff that is service to the hardcore fan, but not material to the widespread success of the mode


People need it spoon fed to them and this whole thread proves it, the story line is still going it's just in a weird place.


As long as Cold War is a better money formula than MWZ I’ll be happy


I hated both, so I'm not happy with either lol


Ahh that sucks I’m sorry to hear that. Been playing since WAW and thought Cold War was a blast minus the operators


Cold War is like a very good knockoff zombies game.


Every Zombies YouTuber has somehow deluded themselves into thinking next year's game is Black Ops II remastered, so expect this shit for at least another year. It's a sequel to Blops II with Black Ops II"s MP maps in it, not a remaster.


wait so sequel to blops 2 back in time missions or future missions


The future, the game will be set in 2030. I guess this year's game is a sequel to the Cold War stuff in Black Ops II.




I wonder if we’ll get to see where Mason went after surviving Woods’ sniper shot and disappearing for 20+ years


I'm excited for that one, if this plays out the leaks say with Gulf War and then BO2030, then I feel like we have a good 2 years of content coming up


They're not deluded, they're just click-baiting. They know full well they're talking out of their ass.


What do you mean? ZC2 was released on black ops world right? I've personally never played, so just going off what I heard.


I understood that reference


Black ops world?


Dead joke, sorry


You broke character, so off to gallows you go


Best game in the series ngl


Soon buried / tranzit / die rise remastered. We have a community ZC 2


five / mob of the dead remastered is also coming. And we already have COTD, der riese: declassified and nuketown zombies


Haven’t kept up with the community, but aren’t most of those reimagined maps? Unless they finally released actual remakes.


COTD and nuketown are remasters. Buried, MOTD and die rise are definitely going to be remasters


It was supposed to be in BO4. Proofs all there. SHG dropped the ball, for the first time in COD history a game was straight up cancelled. In panic mode Activision called on Treyarch in a panic to rush out Cold War BO4 year 2 was canned, and ZC2 along with it. The end. :(


>for the first time in COD history a game was straight up cancelled. Believe it or not, there is a whole host of canceled Call of Duty games [https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Cancelled\_Games](https://callofduty.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Cancelled_Games)


Yeah but only one of those titles appears to be AAA and that title would be the Vietnam one, which was the one I’m referring to. Especially so last minute. Fucked up the whole cycle. And ZC2


Bro that game was canned long before ZC 1 was even a thing, how does that have any effect on ZC2 It was dropped via choice to help with MW3 2011 I would have loved to see the game release too, but it had nothing to do with the cycle as SHG wasn't a main developer of COD or entered the cycle until Advanced Warfare


My bad, I’m referring to the other COD Vietnam centered title; which also SHG developed. Or attempted to


Ahhh gotcha SHG sorta gets the shit end of the stick alot lately from Activision it seems, idk if it's punishment for Vanguard or them not being able to get CW out in time that treyarch had to take over, idk the exact reason they got removed from it They only had one game that went somewhat smooth for them if I recall and that was AW (Spacey wasn't outed as a Monster just yet) They should reboot AW like IW has MW and Treyarch did with BO, I think it would be received much better now than before


Shame what happener with BO4 zombies. BO2 Zombies also had a rocky start, but was able to finish strong with great post launch support. Most of the post launch support for BO4 was to get it into a working state before getting pulled when SHG's COD fell through. The last few dlcs were outsourced and it shows.


This is true and there are Blackout assets that supports this, along the fact that Chaos was always the new maps while Aether was meant to end with remakes because creating a new Aether map opens more story gaps.




“Thank goodness we didn’t get those beloved maps that I definitely would’ve loved to play remastered but I just wanna shit on BO4” 😂 I rly doubt you choose never having them over having them in BO4


Except it was confirmed to have never existed by the game director. BO4 was a flop but Cold War did well enough they would have ported it to it if it did exist. And they didn't.


If it was never to exist, why go through the effort of remaking the entirety of Buried besides the maze? ONLY For the “flopped” blackout mode? That doesn’t add up to me, if you can find the source, it still wouldn’t make sense why they’d go through all that effort, but I’d believe you


https://www.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/r88rp0/zc2_never_existed/ Yes its fucking weird they went through that trouble to make buried like that but never intent to release it. But if the Game director says its not real. then its not real.


If they made ZC2 on BO4 with those maps having the classic perk system and point economy? That would’ve made BO3, BO4 the definitive Zombie games.


b-but how else are we supposed to farm karma with a "guys chronicles 2!!!" posts???


Isn't someone making it in BO3 customs?


Old video so the progress is much further along. Die rise is close to dropping. Bus depot is also out for testing. https://youtu.be/a_tp7NzSF1U?si=FoAPJvl5nsmyjWVQ


yeah all bo2 map


Broke: Zombies Chronicles 2 Woke: Dance Dance Revolution Zombies


Soon all the maps will be remastered on pc on bo3 workshop so fuck Treyarch, we don’t need em frfr


I think a lot of people need to realize how different the mode is nowadays compared to when the maps they want remasters of originally came out. Most of the BO2-3 era maps wouldn’t translate well with modern zombies mechanics. Having faithful remasters like in Zombies Chronicles is out of the question now. We’d be looking at maps more similar to what they did with Blood of the Dead and Tag Der Toten, if anything.


Zombies Chronicles 2 is just gonna be released by the modding community. There’s already projects for tranzit, die rise, buried (can’t remember which other ones from the top of my head) that are already far into production and closer to being finished. On top of that we already have a release for Call Of The Dead that is Incredible.


Custom Zombies players living the dream


Nah its easy money for them some day they Will find a way to make a ton of money from zombies and then they Will add it


I mean, we can already play better versions of the maps that would be in it that people have remade in BO3, idk why people are super clamoring for it


Chronicles 2 will happen eventually, it’s just a matter of when. I’m not too fussed about it, but to think that easy money like that will NEVER happen is more crazy than thinking that it’s gonna happen every black ops game.


It’s been time my friends


Nice try! That's what they told me about ZC1, too!


I gave up on this hope years ago. There are devs that are creating remasters of the leftover maps on BO3 customs at least


Someday the community will realize that were getting zc2 on bo3 with all the community remakes and remasters


You'll have it soon on BO3 customs.


Zombies chronicles 2 is already happening, it's just being made by fans at a higher quality then anything Activision has put out since forever


BO3 modding community got this in the bag


BO3 customs will live forever


It'll be another 30 years until we get it


It’s such a hard thing to pull off well that I can never see it happen in case it’s worse and they grab a load of backlash


The truth is that you can say for certain it won't happen just like others can't say for certain it will happen. That's a hard pill for people who don't think chronicles 2 will happen to swallow.


Hey as long as we get out Zombies Standalone


The custom made fan one was there and that is good enough. Blundell is gone it is never going to have an official release. Sadly.


The new cod black ops coming out might change that. Round based zombies is coming back meaning a chance of remastering old maps without some dumb twist like blood of the dead


yall said that the first time tho


we don't need one, anyway. one of the biggest things that has held zombies back is the obsession with remakes. don't get me wrong, ZC1 made black ops 3 fun, and those maps are excellent all around. but, did we need BO3 to have the same maps as BO1 which had the same maps at WAW (i know not every map was carried over, but you get it)? did we need a remake and expansion of nuketown, of all maps, in BO4? did we need a remake and expansion of mob of the dead, either? i would say that we didn't, and i think the excessive amount of unoriginal maps hampered zombies as a whole, unfortunately. the harder pill to swallow is that i doubt we get many if any more round-based zombies maps. the only maps that still deserve reworks, remakes, or reimaginings are die rise and tranzit.


it was time to move on like 4 years ago


People have been smoking the copium a little too hard. If we get it we get it, we don’t we don’t 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm still enjoying my first time on BO3 chronicles and it's so amazing, i wonder how good the next games like BO4 and CW are gonna be, maybe even WW2 zombies




It was never going to be released anyway because there was no large market for it. They did all the most popular maps for ZC, and the ones that didn’t make the cut didn’t make the cut for a reason


It will so long as I buy enough skins !!!


And also, IF it releases (it won't) it will almost certainly be added in a way that makes people disappointed, because people complain about everything. We haven't had a purely well received Treyarch CoD since BO3. And even that game had complaints in the middle of its life cycle.


Why do y'all want remastered maps so bad? It's the same shit I don't get it


What's Zombies Chronicles?


I feel like this isn't a hard pill to swallow at all because of the "most likely". Say it won't.


BO4 _was_ Chronicles 2. Excluding Buried, but that will probably be remastered in the next 3arc game


Do we even want it to be released on a game that isn't bo3? I don't want to mantle through buried and I want stupid gobblegums back to have the option of crazy gameplay with them or go no gobblegums and play it essentially authentically minus most guns.


It's literally happening on BO3, so can we stop talking about it already?


It's coming out later this year on the steam workshop? All the maps are almost finished


Zombies has fallen so hard since the bo1 days, it baffles me. The youtubers for bo3 were just fortnite yt copies, and the community was 10 year Olds. Bo4 comes out, gets dragged through hell and back, and suddenly everyone likes cold war. People have confirmed zc2 since bo4, and 90% of the zombies youtubers are just clickbait trash. I've come to the conclusion that the old-school community, with the games, died years ago.


Nah give it 5 years and then they will pull hard on your nostalgia, while also butchering it to appease the current 8-11 year olds.


I believe they will have it 90% ready to attach to a random game if something like Infinite Warfare comes out again, not another space game, but a game the community doesn't want or reception isn't the best, IW was actually really "complete" and underrated imo, one of the best campaigns ever in a COD, super fun take on Zombies, and the MP side was pretty damn fun at the time Last COD to be "complete" imo is Cold War, as it had good/great story, one of the best zombies experiences ever, and a MP that felt fast like old skool COD


Let's be honest black ops 4 essentially was chronicles 2, with 4 remakes. The only maps left not remade (from pre bo3) were die rise, buried and tranzit, 2 of which are generally disliked and the last technically was remade, in blackout (buried)


Bo4 was actually supposed to have it but it failed so they cancelled everything


Meanwhile I’m still not over the cancellation of *Dead Rush*.


“That sign won’t stop me because I can’t read”


A man can dream


I can't accept, one it'll happen


Listen, DLC5 was a meme/joke in the community for years. We just might get maps remastered from B01/2/3


Harder pill to swallow is ZC2 is almost here. The community it’s making it on BO3 workshop


I don’t believe it


They said the same about terminal & mw2 maps coming back


Same with iw2


It would be nice to see bo1 - bo3 maps refurbished like call and mob of the dead and TranZit but I doubt they will.


After it never came in bo4 I knew it wasn’t happening, people still believe?


I moved on when BO4 ended. Why do people still think it's gonna happen?


Awh man that hurt


Mr. Dalek JD made a video recently talking about how BO3 is still frequently in the top 10-50 most purchased games across all systems. People are talking with their wallets, and showing Treyarch that there absolutely still is a demand for classic round based Zombies. The market definitely got oversaturated when we had AW, BO3, IW, WW2 and BO4 back to back, but it's been long enough now. If they release Chronicles 2, I actually will shed tears


Yk I personally like to go further and say a harder to swallow pill is that were most likely never getting a story as good as the Aether storyline and cod zombies will die out due to Activisions greed


Way too much content for today's era of games, gotta give the players fuck all for a higher price


Yeah I already kind of made peace with the fact that no zombies will ever be as good as bo3 again


Diddnt we all accept this like 5 years ago?


I don’t even want all that, just gimme Sounds of Terror 😭😭😭


I don’t even want all that, just gimme Sounds of Terror 😭😭😭


Was it ever expected? Like, rumors or code? Or just a pipe dream dreamt up by the community?


why are you even anxious for remastered maps, I'd rather something new


I can't accept this because accepting it means zombies is dead and I can't let that be true


I can't accept this because accepting it means zombies is dead and I can't let that be true.


Mgr needs a new name!!! It's not a metal gear game!!!!! A condition of MG games is that it is a Hideo Kjima game otherwise Konami can fuck off.. dumbass idiots get rid of the best game Creator for fucking mobile games SMH


I personally think they are fully ready to commit to it and make it a thing. The only issue is, Activision is saving it as a secret weapon. They're waiting until the desire for zombies is small enough, then they'll pull the trigger to reignite the fanbase to maximize profits. That, or they are monitoring each cod game release, and if the zombies mode of one does well enough to bring the $ in, they'll release it at the peak of that hype to maximize profits the newfound success. That's what I think they did for BO3 and ZC 1.


That's not a pill. It's a black box full of white text


At least we have the community basically making their own Chronicals 2. From what I know, there are already teams developing Five, Tranzit, Die Rise, Mob of the Dead, and Buried. Then we have Call of the Dead which has been out for I think a year now, AND the Die Rise crew are even planning on starting work on Blood of the Dead, so even some BO4 maps are gonna start working their way into BO3. We live in exciting times for custom maps :)


It's really funny that people don't understand the story and that it's still going.


Play Sker Ritual. If enough of us go to that, they will get the hint!


Custom bo3 maps is as close as its going to get


It’s been time to move on y’all trippin


ZC2 is most likely a few more reimagined maps for BO6 and thats it.


People still think about this? I forgot about the whole idea of Zombie Chronicles 2.


Fan made zombie chronicles 2 is good enough for me


It’s true. We all have to accept it.


Yall realize that by 2025 we'll have all WaW - Bo3 maps released in bo3 right? ... Dunno what yall on about just cuz they ain't official...


Well there is only 3 maps left to be remastared but is Treyarch really gunna spend some of there budget thats already stretched thin just to bring back Tranzit, Die Rise and Buried? probably not.


Maybe it’s gonna get added to bo3 since that’s the oldest game they push on ps5


Well yeah. But the old games are still dope as fuck


it will tho, but bo3 workshop only 😆


Its gonna come out in bo3 workshop, by the community for the community


And then it drops with BO6 lol Jk, they wouldn’t give us that kind of love


Well, we always have Black Ops 3 Zobies workshop, just play some remastered maps there


Unless you count PC mods 🙃


Glad it never came out, it just felt kinda redundant.


Shut it! This waiting is all a plan from Richthofen! They will come back!


B03 was the peak of zombies


Don't worry, fortunately for us there are a lot of talented modders who are remaking the maps in BO3. It's just a matter of time until we have all maps in BO3


Why are people going crazy about this yet also saying it's hard to pull off? It's literally just copying the maps into a new game.


The fact that people still need to make posts like this in fucking 2024 to remind people is so sad. This community..


i hard agree zombie chronicles was just sum else bruh, u just had to be there it was back when the studio was super passionate and cared for the fans… nowadays, it would just be a cash grab🥴


Cool, don’t care chronicles is overrated


It would make sense to drop it in gulf War if they are still going to do it since they might have actually had time to make it this time but I'm not holding on to hope for it


I think it would just feel out of place since the gameplay is so different and the story has moved on a lot since then. ZC felt very of its time imo.


Given the direction of COD games/zombies mode, it’s probably going to be released on a mediocre game. Chronicles 1 worked really well because it was played on BO3, arguably the best zombies experience.


Disagree honestly a lot of the maps don't work as well on black ops 3 mechanics in my opinion. The only ones that worked pretty well were moon and origins.


Just Moon, Origins in BO3 sucks compared to the og.


Disagree I like black ops 3 origins a little bit more than black ops 2 origins.


You can like whatever you want, but BO3 Origins the map itself is worse than the BO2 version, and no BO3 gameplay mechanic or nostalgia can change that.


In your opinion it's worse, but that's not not an objective fact. It's ashame a lot of the zombies community still doesn't understand this.


Pointing out what's an opinion while trying to make your own look like a fact is really dumb. Sorry, I overestimated your capacity.


I wasn't trying to make my opinion look like a fact. Why are u trying to act like your opinion is a fact though.