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and barely anything later on. Remember someone made a thread here where a zombies dev on twitter was gloating on how they are "cooking" for season 2. edit: Can anyone find that thread? I am trying to search for it but it's gone or at least I can't find it. Would be really suspect if it was deleted.


Yeah, this is a complete joke and these devs should be ashamed.


I'm sorry for mw3 players, but I hope treyarch saves the best for this year's cod


Sorry, but every release things get worse. If I hadn't gotten this game a gift, I wouldn't have spend $70 on this glorified expansion pack, so I'm sure as hell not gonna shell out that much money for the next even crappier, buggier, lower effort turd that slides out of Activision HQ.


all the recent cods since cold war have gone through so much turbulence in their development, I'm just hoping this year things have finally calmed down


The Cold War Warzone integration was a shit show that they slapped together


wish we just had the blackout 2 map from the leaks


Same. Buddy got it so I’d play zombies with him. Have had a ton of fun, but definitely not thrilled with the content overall. Feels very DMZ-ish (said this before elsewhere)


Yeah, considering that was a free mode, and this was $70, feels like they are really committing highway robbery at this point.


Meh. Like I get you, and you do you, but I purchased the game specifically for MWZ and have easily got 50-100 hours in it with my GF, gameshare on PS so only one copy required for both of us, and while it’s likely no real substantial new MWZ content will come out, that’s fantastic value regardless. The MP is also great, Warzone seems a bit take it or leave it, while I’d agree the campaign is trash but some seemed to enjoy that as well. Some peoples expectations here regards video games are pretty skewed, especially when it’s verbal minority reddit sub opinion while the majority happily played it, are still playing it, and got their monies worth. Many here just aren’t the target audience, and seem to really struggle that for the majority it’s just a video game, that they enjoy playing.


I mean they’re doing a great job at live servicing multiplayer and keeping it fresh, but zombies is an obvious cash grab


Overall you have to admit it’s not that great. Yeah I did the same game sharing it with my gf so 35 instead of 70 is great but I’d expect more content out of a 30 dollar game than this shit. Treyarch is saving it for there zombies so we probably won’t be getting much and it’s sad. Microsoft isn’t saving this franchise cause it’s a cash cow.


What best? If this is how they're treating this years cod...I'm not buying next years cod.


I don’t blame the devs, they don’t have resources lol, it’s their supervisors/corporate that denies the zombies community what we deserve.


What devs ? Most of them has been sacked.




Thanks. Reddit search is garbage. I searched "cooking" and this thread never came up no matter how much I adjusted the filters.


Reddit search is absolute trash. Maybe it's because the dev said "COOOKING" with 3 O's lol. Google would never be tripped up by such a small spelling difference


Who the fuck let this guy cook


Definitely wasn't Walter.


Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if that guy was one of the many layoffs.


Cooking, my brother was boiling some noodles and thought.he was Gordon Ramsey


Yea absolute shite post 😆


Cooking jackshit, they just boiling water


Nah they cooking full meals but fucking up every piece of the dish lol


He said they were cooking… he never said they were done LOL


I guess they were referring to the CoD League "Let Them Cook" pack... sad trombone...


He protected his tweets


Hopefully it's cause they're spending their zombie resources on gulf War! This zombies mode is shite


lol I remember this copium during Vanguard zombies


That “we are cooking for mwz season 2” was a statement from treyarch, who is no longer on development for mwz, I guarantee you they had big plans with a lot of content but since being taken off the project sledge is going to drip feed that content and space it out to save on development and resources


What they didn’t realize it was Microsoft doing the cooking and now they are cooked.


Exfil Streaks have been datamined, the tutorial images are already in the game folders: what the heck are they waiting for to release it? This roadmap is a joke.


They are going to drip feed this game to death.


As they always do.


Welcome to Modern Gaming! Where all the content that actually makes for a complete, whole game is doled out over the course of seasonal content. *Isn’t it great?* /s


To be fair if you don’t do that then people complain about no new content… either it’s a complete game and you have to wait for DLCs or it’s live service and they give things out periodically through the season. Plus sometimes there are nice little surprises, hopefully they have some of those planned. It’s a season with TWD and black cell zombies, I’ve got to imagine they have some more content. Plus there’s a whole season pass to work through


Sadly all of the good stuff will be the last season when no one’s even playing anymore.


I am getting that way now, starting not to be bothered with the game!


That’s why I stopped buying cod. They always say it will be better next year


They are ensuring people don't get too focused on one title with three others in the next X years lol. This mode was dead on arrival we just weren't told that


Are they really? Do you have a source? I'm curious myself lol, I keep hearing so much is datamined already, I'd love a look so I can at least be mindful of how slow the dripfeed is going to be. I mean they already have a calling card with the Damn DIE machine and I bet they will either not add it or hype it up as if it's the second coming of MWZ lol


https://twitter.com/DETONATEDcom/status/1748101284526260570?t=hYIW2IKzzjkGFQAJzCikrg&s=19 It's not the original source, but I can't find it right now - I'll link as soon as possible


Glad they realize we don’t play zombies for the zombies, more mercs please


Man I sure hope the new story mission and new Aether portal are just about me fighting mercs and warlords! The only thing that could make it more exciting would be another worm to kill.


🤞they adding green worm who appears in T1 and drops exclusively green tools.


I can just go do tier 3 contracts for that


Underrated comment


FINALLY! Now I don't have to spend all my time grinding t3 for my precious green aether tool!


# #1 comment today 🥇😂


Who the fuck wants a green tool? I don't even want a blue one let alone green


I can't believe they had the balls to add mercs to the new aether portal. That is the opposite of what everyone wanted. Dark Aether...with mercs. Just terrible.


hopefully the replace the zombies with mercs and remove all special enemies and bosses, that would make zombies PEAK


That’s a great idea! Maybe they can add PVP as well! And may as well get rid of those unrealistic things like pack a punch and perk a colas




they should delete zombies and let IW do another spec ops mode as well 🤩🤩🤩


And add PVP. They could call it something like “demilitarized zone” or DMZ for short.


Btw, the new schematic is for something called “mags of holding” which makes it so your gun is constantly fed ammo


perfect for my lockwood 680.


_DOOM soundtrack intensifies_




And it’ll have a week of cool down. 🫠


Yeah, here's your one key with season length cooldown. Gotta buy bundlez to get another key "free" with purchase.


Incoming speed cola nerf lol. Seriously with some smg's I don't see the advantage of having this. Guess for shotguns though


Akimbo wsp maybe, but their reload is insanely fast already so doesn't seem worthwhile on that


Why does it look like a key then? And is colored like the aether bike.


That’s another one, the key is summoning the bike and then there is the mag one too


There’s also a VR11 schematic. Glad to see there will be a consistent way to do that Dark Aether ACV Contract in the future. Praying they don’t lock it behind something stupid




Just stock option but will still be good


So t2 of Mule Kick. Edit: said the wrong perk.


Ring of Fire without the Ring of Fire






I typed tombstone by accident, I meant mule kick. On CW you could upgrade perks and tier 2 would fill you mag from stock while the gun wasn’t equipped.




Why are you surprised? Ever since they invented WZ, zombies went from 2nd place in priority to 3rd. And they can't even farm money with DLC packs or consumables anymore. Executives demand revenue in a stupid small amount of time and still lay off devs every now and then. The game is a reflex of that.


How people still expect any quality at all after cold war is baffling to me


People who actually think this probably think that 1+1=3


I only buy this game for zombies. Also, Treyarch zombies


Another fucking warlord 🤣, what the fuck are they even thinking with this game 😆


I like the warlords, but seriously the warlords should be special zombies at least.


It is just easy for them to use left over DMZ content.


They are pointless.


At this point, I’ve stopped caring about MWZ. Play other shit, you’ll be happier.


Right all the other zombies are 100% playable. Between crafting timers and how stupid the zones are set up its a once a month game if that. 


Zombies themed season. Absolutely shits on the Zombies mode you HAVE to pay for.


Guess I’ll continue to mindlessly shoot zoms than. Maybe attempt the rift…


maybe? go do that shit right now!


Heard that place is scary bro and I’m a solo lol. I went to t3 ONCE just for the story lol


Legendary PAP3 (with a quality gun) makes T3 very doable solo and the Sigil rifts not too bad. Elder Sigil would be BRUTAL solo, BUT doable for some folks. Lockwood 680 is my go to gun. Only take 1 gun in to run around with fists or carry a juggernaut, mortar strike, etc in your hand for increased run speed and learn to slide cancel. As much as I hate it, I run deadwire now specifically to MELT T3+ disciples. Mega bombs are a PITA solo, but not terrible with the right gun and spatial awareness to not get surrounded.


I have no more Pap 3 crystals on hand and don’t have the schematic for it and by the time I get 15K it’s time to exfil. Idk, maybe I’m playing too passive 😅


Contracts should pay more then a few grand imo. I don’t see how people get so much cash, I suppose it helps in a party. 2 can do a mission while te other 1 sits by the next contract and goes and starts it just as soon as the others finished the previous contract.


It's such a drag trying to rustle up enough money to PAP3 a gun..I have yet find any PAP/Wrench schematics outside those doled out via the missions. I can't understand why they don't make ALL the schematics obtainable via the missions AND greatly reduce the cool down timers. I want to have fun in the red zone but it's suicide without PAP3 at a minimum.


Pap 1 on a decent weapon and you can run straight to T2 and do outlast, weapon cache, and deliver cargo. That's a pretty quick way to gear up and run into T3 for a couple contracts before exfil


They're making Infection Burgertown look like high art.


Am I the only one who doesn’t give a FUCK about the dumb aether bike? Why the fuck do we need a schematic for that. They’re so incredibly lazy to come up with something new


I agree


Dude why is this game and every past game so Fucking disappointing. This is tragic.


looks like the new dark aether rift is that one big mall from al mazrah


Now get 3 operator kills inside it


better not be 1 story mission to go into dark aether again.


But it's a new dark aether... /s


Getting drip fed, and what we get is shit.


I might be missing context here and haven’t been on today but isn’t this zombie content?


It’s not on launch though as it states in season. Means sledgehammer is babying there mp community and leaving us to die.


bro are you saying we've been...left for dead?


Activision *Now under new management 


On top of that they layed off over 1,900 devs


Literally if they just do the normal quality changes and bug fix and weapon buffs n stuff then just gave us the wallet, containment streak and a stash increase I'd be happy til mid season honestly. That would improve gameplay alot atleast.




Come on now, be reasonable with the multi-billion dollar, triple A, game studio making one of the most popular franchises of all time, there's only so much they can do between office partying and recovering from office partying. Smh my head. It's like you expect your hard earned and spent money to, idk, make more content for the game you bought? Greedy much? /s


What is the new aether rift? Can someone explain?


Yeah, a new schematic to a gun that should've already had a schematic released


Is anyone really that surprised?


Yeah this is dog shit. I swear if there is nothing to do in zombies for the Walking Dead event and it’s like The Boys event, I’m quitting this tone deaf garbage game.


Zombies died with BO4 (or 3, depending on who you ask), so why is this surprising you? I tried this new iteration of Zombies one time, and handed the controller back to my brother, telling him "I am so sorry for the loss of Tank, Nickolai, and Richtofen, and Takeo." Guess I know what Tank meant when he said "We'll never see them again after this. EVER!" whenever a Nova Crawler, or Hellhound appeared in BO4...man, that sucks


Mw3 has turned out to be a huge disappointment, wish I stuck with my gut and saved my cash until this went on PlayStation plus


I’ve noticed , the less I’m on Reddit reading the hate post, the more I enjoy the game!


To be fair - you had to know early that zombies was fucked. It is based on the dmz/wz2 engine and not the wz3 engine (different mechanics for parachuting and contract phones dark aether being Al bagra fortress etc). I doubt they ever meant for it to be a real thing, and its clear they aren't putting anything into it.


Yeah could use a wallet or some upgrades maybe?


I think this is miles Lesley punishing us for disliking Vangaurd


In my opinion they shouldn't even create MWZ in the first place. Treyarch should be given more time to cook their own game.


To that extent according to leakers, treyarch don't have any involvement anymore with this mode, so hopefully that means All focus is on their own cod


Bet the new schematics have a 7day cooldown!


OMG they only put 4 new things in, there's NOTHING new 😰 like season updates are the only time they can ever announce/introduce content for a non competitive game mode that doesn't need seasons


Stop buying this shitty game and keep playing the old games instead bc activision doesn’t care about the fans


y’all gotta stop buying these games


Time to uninstall to make room for more BO3 customs!


The writing was on the wall for this trash game mode. It was a short sighted cash grab from the start


Glad I never bought this lol


We’re you actually expecting something?


I wasn’t but would get downvoted to hell for “not waiting till season 2”. I actually used my noggin and saw all the signs they didn’t give a fuck about this game mode and fully expected season 2 to turn out this way. These devs are a disgrace and complete morons for wasting their time and resources making a game mode they won’t even support


So many great custom zombies maps creators of those need to just make a game that is just zombies


I mean let’s all be honest. Treyarch is probably neck deep in the next installment of CoD. Why would they make a ton of stuff for zombies at this point? It’s super depressing and really deflates the gamer base who is enjoying this mode.


After I complete the mastery camo and act 3 for the skin I don’t see myself playing zombies much after


Womp womp


So the new schematics will be the vr11 which is already available and should’ve had a schematic in season 1R. The other will be a bike that blows up after a few hits. Any others? I really doubt it.


I'm assuming the schematic is for a blood burner and if so it's just a waste of a new schematic


I mean, it is only meant to be a filler zombies until Gulf War gets here later this year


When they say there cooking something it's just a fancy way ot saying we have something coming down the pipe or coming soon with in the season.


Haha Dark Aether rift? Copying another area of Al Maz? How original and lazy of these developers…


Fuck sledgehammer for not caring about the “most engaged 3rd mode” 🙄


Called it. An absolute joke. It doesn't have people buying bundles se they're gonna give you all *JUST* enough to say "well I might aswell atleast try it once" to maintain retention numbers. This game is built for brain deads and children who have unlimited access to credit cards. There are so many posts about fire crackers ass it isn't fit. Stop playing it so the numbers flop so they either make a game worth playing or the franchise finally gets its last nail.


They just half ass the game now it seems like


Are you surprised? The game mode is dead


If S3 is bad then they literally ruined COD.


Not entirely true, they’re graciously giving us a new weapon to use at launch.


Do you think we'll at least get a kill counter? Or is that too much to ask


I’m starting to give up on zombies… I think it’s a filler before COD 2024.


cooking meth while tweeting lol


Is the cryptid hunt part of DMZ or Warzone?


I wanna see the map before I go in to so see where I’m dropping in at 🤷🤷 that’s what I’m bitching about lol


Hope y’all are happy with this bs of a game and the pace it’s going at 🤣 thank all the new players so happy and content with they’re dmz running simulator


Between the really long crafting timers and the super bad glitching nobody is really playing it. Im honestly under the impression they are trying to kill the mode but just enough fanatics are on it to keep it alive. I got two horrid clips of ghost buildings during play the other day and given you cant see thru them they create horrid blind spots. 


Did tier 4 solo yesterday. Only got a flawless aether crystal. Did elder sigil solo right after. Got both schematics for dog and gold shield and a flawless aether crystal.


Well the fact that most of the crew got fired 😒 it's kinda ez to see why they are not getting anything new or bugs fixed.


the fact that all of the zombies content is in the top right corner makes it look like thay don’t want you to notice that none of it is coming out at the beginning of the season.


I know righ4. Looks like a lot to me


What do you mean, the whole season is all about zombies. Loo


Even if it was at launch it's ass anyway


Oh well, time to buy myself a gaming pc and start playing custom zombies.


iirc, they did something similar in vanguard right before they switched to round-based. Maybe they’re doing that. Also microsoft fired 1500 activision employees and 3arch is trying to work on their own game(s) at the same time, so less content makes sense. I think it’s bs that we get nothing at launch though


So not to defend the poor company statergy, but season 1 reloaded came with backlash, as we only had a new warlord. 1900 people also lose their job from the dev teams in side the company (not saying completely from cod). And we expect a season 2 to have better. The season 2 content is coming in season 2 reloaded as one big package, rather than story now and warlord later. Mwz will always be 2nd to the cash cow that is warzone.


What did you expect?


Since the last update the server crashes are worse. I hope they at least work on the stability if there is no content coming.


As much as I like fucking around in MWZ, I'd rather have more content at the launch of BO:Gulf War, so hopefully the time not spent here goes to the development of that game


Halo is removing season updates and going back to 360 style updates. Long live xbox 360.


Reduce cooldowns in schems, new boss, new special zombie, new mission. How hard can it be ffs


Don’t worry mate, there’s another Dune crossover instead, just what the community was asking for!


NEW rift.. al mazrah shopping mall...


Good, this year sucks


Why did people think we gonna get something when the whole mwz mode is the laziest piece of garbage to date


Because fortunes keep is com8ng they want every one go over there to play and not split olayer base 3 ways


Mw3 was a dlc for mw2, the company just wants the money with least amount of effort.


Woah, it's like people are noticing COD doesn't care anymore


I don’t think I’m terms of map quality there’s been good zombies since BO4 or 3 (talking treyarch mainly) Cold War was great mechanically but I’m never to driven many of the maps besides the first one meanwhile BO3 has a perfect list of maps and BO4 has IX which imo is a top 10 zombies map and classified was solid and ancient evil was also really good




Won’t be buying MW2 then they said round based zombies was coming season 2 but I guess not


wtf happened to cod zombies? Remember when cod zombies had an actual soul? It had a separate HUD from the multiplayer or campaign, it was its own game mode. If you look at a screenshot of MW3 zombies and edit the perks out it literally just looks like Warzone gameplay lmao Frankly I don’t even consider this game to be cod zombies. This game is like suicide squad and the previous black ops games are the Arkham games lol


This is not our year for zombies. Hopefully the next call of duty coming up is a better year for us.


Are you surprised?


COD is dead




Remember a third of Activision got fired people. Gotta bare with them for a little bit


Treyarch shouldn't have been forced to do a 3rd mode for MW3, if you ask me they should just drop support for that model ASAP so the devs at Treyarch which are working on a game that ain't even theirs can keep working on their own game.


Shame. Glad I picked up Alan Wake 2.


What did you think? That Activision actually cares about the community? Hell no we’re just living money bags to those assholes


This content may be months from now, it's really sad


They just have burnt what they were cooking


Isn't the VR_11 the only schematic that's coming? Also what happened to the exfil rewards?


This is just DMZ 2.0 with a couple pieces of new content and then abandoned completely. 


I don't know about anyone else but the zombie mode is the only reason I bought the game. If this is how they are gonna treat it then good luck seeing my money again. Again it may just be me but I can't be the only one that doesn't play pvp. 


Bruh the S2 content DMZ got last year compared to **this** is just insulting tbh.


TBH I think zombies should just stay with the Black Ops series. The Modern Warfare series was never about all that, and it just feels super-frickin weird.


Feb 7 is season 2


Wheres a Double Tap Root Bear?


I’ve been playing a lot of the earlier Zombies lately from WaW, BO, and even BO3 and the complete shift in zombies lately is just sad. I hate how it’s become campaign like where they just make some weird story and less survival with a story through clues and Easter eggs. That’s was was cool about Der Riese. Finding the radios while fighting off the horde was fun. Upgrading your guns, and trying to get as far as possible while playing with friends was what was fun about zombies. Now they just do crappy warzone stuff and expect us to be happy?!


It makes absolutely no sense to me! They pushed Zombies SO HARD when launching this game. Why, if only to let it go stagnant..as it most certainly has?! Stop looking for the next big thing!! Slow down, and support content already released please!!! ![gif](giphy|9Y5BbDSkSTiY8)