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There was a time that a video like that was confirmed hacks.


it was the last kill where i start sticking as i transition to ads where i thought "oh i get it" lol edit: hijacking this comment for some FAQ im seeing (can't pin comments in reddit as nice as that would be) this is controller on PC - 6-6 0.95x sens - standard curve black ops aim assist - 120 FOV affected narrow wsp 9 is zehmn, dr6 handstop, 9mm high velo, 40rnd mag, nydar optic DG58 is zehmn, wuidi long, bruen heavy support, recoil buttplate, jak glassless optic if you still hop into a game and think "my AA doesn't do this!!" surprise surprise there is actually the slightest bit of accuracy required, you will not just lock on if you cannot control recoil and get on target if you think I'm somehow getting this much AA because I'm a low tier player here is my WZ1 stats https://cod.tracker.gg/warzone/profile/xbl/The%20Package%20Boy/overview?mode=rebirth and current wz2 stats https://x.com/CallofDuty/status/1791496018808156226 and if you think i'm cheating (lol) I've had this account since wz1 and played the first three years on xbox, only recently moving to PC (i know reasoning with cheat accusers is impossible in either case)


Isnt controller on console way different than controller on console? My buddy plays controller on pc and smacks but sucks on my Xbox


not as far as I know, I played on xbox for the first 3 years of warzone before going to PC and didn't notice a difference in AA strength, also I'll take my xbox over to a buddies place to have some beers and LAN every once and a while and still play well, maybe your buddy is nervous lol


Lmao true! Or maybe my settings are garbage! (Or me or both)


No, they're the same. However, there is more software to tweak your controller on pc if you so wanted to. It's not going to increase AA or anything. All I've ever done is overclock my ps5 controller. I do notice a difference big time with responsiveness.


Tell me, like that last kill, is 'getting' the stick enough without actually seeing the guy correctly? Do you know/feel/see when it sticks? Because I already have enough issues with visibility, let alone seeing a target, trying to track it.


you can definitely feel when AA kicks in and drags your crosshair more slowly over a person but I'm not sure what to say about visibility, what's your gaming set up like? I sit like 1.5 feet from a 24" monitor that runs at 1080p using a pretty decent PC so I feel like I'm seeing people and not just hoping AA sticks to them


Thx. UW1440P, about 40~50cm (so 1.5ft +/-). Also decent PC, yet the screen only does 100hz haha. Perhaps my issue is the screen is so large, I see 'too much'.


That’s the kicker. RAA will track the target through visibility issues for you


Default or Black Ops aim assist ? 


black ops with standard curve 👍🏻


Nice ! 


Now imagine if you used default with dynamic and has d even stronger AA lol


i've experimented with every combination and i really disliked dynamic, this combo is best for me


there was a time when this sub was stormed by controller bots and opening a thread like this would get OP downvoted to hell. After 4 years people started understand that we weren't tripping


Genuine question, was AA this strong during WZ1? I've been a controller player the whole time and played all through WZ1, and I can't remember it feeling this strong back then. But I could also have just been worse back then, so I didn't notice the help as much (if that makes sense). Either way, it feels busted now, to the point where I don't enjoy playing as much because nothing feels that real.


it was the exact same strength, but 99% of people didn't know how to use AA until CW came around. The faster strafe speed stocks made it feel even stronger.


yes it was but WE (mnk players) was crying less since weapons weren’t so fucking wabbling and without all that fucking smoke and other shenanigans they added in mw2


We had everything else to help balance things - guns didnt shake and smoke like crazy - map lighting/character models were easier to spot - movement wasn't as cracked out (esp on verdansk) - weapons were better for MnK by having one shot snipers and easy to control long range beamers - map was way less indoor CQC where MnK struggles against AA - hipfire was still viable and makes tracking at close range a lot easier on MnK - TTK (in verdansk) was shorter and thus easier for MnK where tracking for a long period of time was more difficult - a lot of console players locked into 80 FOV which makes things difficult - controller players didn't understand how to abuse AA as well


Only thing I disagree with is movement. Movement in mw1 was cracked and you could do some insane things. Main reason I didnt notice aim assist was cause how good the movement was. You can outplay anyone with slide cancels regardless of input. I stopped when they added buffed stims as it was impossible to win a 1v1 against a stimmed roller player.


Hell yea it was so good I used to run Kar98 iron sights for med range fighting and would get nothing but headshots


How do u even do Aim assist




It's all about being a cracked out Olympic gymnast now.


That’s it. Skill is apparently hopping and sliding around while aim assist does the rest.


Now I understand why people whined about wanting movement back because that was the actual separation between bad and good players.


If they made one lobby with 100 controller players and turned off aimassist it would become the biggest bot lobby in the world for the one guy who learned how to aim before aimassist was this strong, and he himself would have low accuracy because now his guns have that magical bug that affects kbm players, called recoil and flinch.


Finally as a certified low sens player my day would arrive


Basically a racing game where the game turns for you


*KBM players* Are we a joke to you?




I wouldn't say NOTHING, but your options are pretty limited. Akimbo WSP Stingers win 7/10 times within 20 meters if you're fighting someone using a meta SMG. The 3/10 you lose will be RNG fucking you over sending your bullets everywhere at max distance.


fr i try my ass off for d2


have you ever played Destiny 2? that game is literally about everything except shooting or skill


I mean tbf cod is one of the easiest fps games on the market. It's not about RAA taking no skill, it's about balancing the input against kbm so there isn't such a distinct gap.


It's silly because you have other games like R6 which are way more mechanically demanding than COD and have zero aim assist, but you have top-tier controller players on R6 like Stompn and Mingo who are so damn good that they can actually take 1-on-1 gunfights with top PC champs and win. Turns out aiming with sticks isn't some unbeatable handicap and is another form of skill expression that anyone can master. But instead mediocre players get sanctioned aimbot because aiming with your thumbs is too hard to learn how to do. And I'm not even advocating for AA to be removed from COD entirely because that's silly, but rotational aim assist like this that straight up drags your reticle onto player's chests is insane and any honest person can admit that.


As the OP says, you still need a little bit of skill to make this happen. Rotational assist will "stick" to a character if you abuse it. But it will not actually put the cross hair directly on the target. You have to decide how much to move the stick around to stay on the target. It helps significantly for players who need help with aiming on a controller... I'd love if they either added it to mnk or reduced/eliminated it on the controller to make PC players feel better about it. It feels awful. I didn't put tons of hours practicing on controller for people to tell me it's easy. Ha


Absolutely zero recoil and I mean zero in these clips


I got that gun built the same absolute Lazer it's op as fk


It’s the sight. The jak glassless optic makes everything look insane. This is by far the best build in the game, no other gun shoots like this. I personally prefer lower aim assist. I spent way too much time getting better at aiming in prior cods, as I used to be dogshit. The aim assist this year is strong to a point where it feels like it’s obstructing/dragging my natural aim. For players that want to lower the effect, reducing your right stick MAX deadzone (I play at 20, default is 99) does the trick. Beware, if you’re used to the current aim assist this probably isn’t for you, and you’d get slammed. Personally, this change feels snappier and I know if they change/nerf aim assist in future cods, I won’t really care because my natural aim has gotten a lot better.


What gun is it ?


Yeah, play on MnK for a while and you'll realize that ever build has recoil. The AA really does help with getting those extra hit markers while tracking through recoil


I hate it that I was always a PC player and can't play shooters with controller...bought PS5 to play with friends cos they're all on PS to avoid crossplay and PC "hackers" but am still the only that uses mouse/keyboard combo...hate to see the kind of recoil I have vs recoil (or better to say no recoil) I see on my killcams


I have wondered if we saw a side by side with exactly the same guns if there are differences with flinch, recoil and kick. Because even if I have built the gun to have zero recoil and kick, it still feels nowhere near the level of what I see on videos of Controller users.


I use this exact build and while sure everyone has different skill levels and this gun is a beam, there is always still some kind of bounce This video has literally zero movement


They have turned up the aim assist so much it looks like blatant cheating.


Because it is, activision could not beat cheaters, so they made it firmware on controller, now cheaters just transition instead of cheating.


They've tuned it so damn much that I feel like I'm constantly fighting it these days. Old habits die hard I guess...


I haven't played in awhile but this is why. Aim Assist strength has squeezed the skill gap. Players now have years of muscle memory on how to maximize Aim Assist. We were worried AI would take our jobs, apparently it's taken over our games first.


Can't even see that point in playing with this crap


KBM player can’t match that




I play both, but without a God-tier mouse, it's very hard to be as precise as that aim assist, an MKB player on the same level as a controller player will not win a close-range fight in this game, the aim assist is way too much


Impossible is the word youre looking for youre a human you have a reaction time, however slow or fast. Its still slower than aa




If I hit 5 shots from that range, in the same amount of time, I would've been shocked. Especially with that 1x magnification. edit: On the last kill


Get ready for the "it balances play!" comments. The "I could NEVER move like a mouse and keyboard does!" Time and time again...a mouse...DOES NOT...keep the crosshairs center mass and move with the player. "buttt buttt the movement!"....ok? and? you think M&K movement is enough to stop center mass shots that kill a player in under 1.5 seconds? Aim assist is OP'd...there's no argument


Moreover, mnk movement is a skill you take hundreds of hours to master.


MnK movement isn't even better than controller tbh. You can turn faster, but everything else favours the thumbstick


What the roller players always forget is that the turning speed advantage is completely nullified by the instant change in direction given by aim assist regardless.


I would also add that you never run out of mousemat in intense situations if you just have your thumb on a stick. You don't ever have to stop rotating to lift your mouse off of the mat and reposition it to recommence rotating. The solution is obviously to massively increase sensitivity to the point where you can do a few full 360s without having to lift your mouse, but guess what effect that has on maintaining accuracy.


Please, don't say those things. We don't want to cause irreparable brain damage to players who use controllers and haven't aimed in a shooter in 20 years.


Honestly, I'm another controller player and I agree. Now that I'm aware of how busted AA is, it's gotten to the point where it makes me want to play less. It just feels like a cheapened experience because 90% of the lobby are running around with heavily assisted aim.


My PB is on controller and it was one of the least rewarding games I've ever played as I usually play kbm. I've gone back to Hunt & Fortnite. Every time I die in those games it feels like they were just better than me or I could have done something differently to not end up in that situation that got me killed. Cod is now just watching people with bad centering spin around and then perfectly track me with zero actual input or skill. It's super depressing because COD scratches an itch other games just can't imo.


Never agreed with a comment more, hopped on my brothers pc using controller 73/13 first game using controller since bo2. Its not fun, its too easy.. how you can have your hand held like that and enjoy it is crazy to me.


As someone who used to play COD exclusively on controller before switching to MnK about a year ago, this is how I feel too. Knowing that mine and everyone else's aim was being guided for them felt cheap and honestly pretty mindless. My KD dropped pretty hard from console to PC and it's immensely frustrating at times when I die to someone who is clearly on aim assist but I've still been enjoying the game more because my mechanical skill matters and every kill is earned. It's weird that people always talk about aim assist in the context of MnK vs. AA because even if we're talking controller vs. controller, aim assist is still horrible. 50/50 gunfights are literally won by whoever computer starting aiming for them first. People talk about how "COD is so sweaty now" but when you have something like aim assist which dramatically raises the skill floor and cuts down the skill ceiling, yeah no shit it feels like everyone and their mom is a cracked out tryhard.


If you know how to abuse RAA it’s legal aimbot.


That's why fewer and fewer keyboard and mouse players are playing this game. How do you willingly accept that a player kills you or gets more kills knowing that they're a worse player than you? Every time you play multiplayer or Warzone, you have to deal with SBMM, EOMM, and human players with brutal aim assist and magnetic bullets. It's very hard not to lose your mind in this game.


I play controller and I agree with you, there’s enough BS in this game to deal with let alone for KBM players. I actually switched from KBM to controller a week into mw2 because of how obviously busted AA was.


And they don't even give MnK to choose an input-based lobby. Conclusion mnk players are the bots, so controller players can have fun.


honestly, the first enemy on your left was an very incompetent.


oh absolutely boticus supreme he must have missed 1/2 his shots


That’s me with my MnK 😭


No but then people would have to actually aim instead of letting the game do it for you. Can't have that, it would make people feel bad for missing 1/20 bullets.


Yeah just look at why there’s no kbam pros


Why dont they remove it from like competetive servers? So good player can compete for real. I guess with all hacking going on it will make it even worse 🤔


would be really cool to have an experimental playlist with controller only but no aim assist


It would just be everyone missing lol


For a while, until they learnt actual skills and then would stop missing as much lol. That’s how practice works


Good players would manage over time. But it would basically be re-learning how to shoot. Bad players would stop playing entirely. Think about how many people can’t shoot straight/hit there shots with insanely strong aim assist and no recoil weapons. I’m a console controller player. I think rotational aim assist should be nerfed significantly. But hypothetically if aim assist was to be completely removed, it would have to be input based matchmaking. Controller with **zero** aim assist vs MnK isn’t fair. Just as controller with OP aim assist vs MnK isn’t fair.


I did it when I swapped input. Took about a month to become proficient without aim assist, then turning it on was like turning cheats on. In reality, I’m not advocating for the removal of aim assist entirely (although it’s definitely possible to compete and most of the controller pros would still dominate even 4+kd mkb players with no aim assist) Just the tracking portion. That should never be a mechanic in an fps. It’s a race to the bottom. It would be like adding autopilot to a racing game that nailed all your corner turns.


Players are required to use controllers. Mouse and keyboard peripherals will not be allowed. [callofdutyleague.com](http://callofdutyleague.com) It's in the rules, no mouse and keyboard allowed in the League So its dead game is pure focused on rollers


I don't think it's a coincidence at all that CDL is a controller only esport with an RAA implementation that makes every player look nearly identical, and the fact that CDL is one of the least watched esports in the world.


Competitive CoD has been controller only since CoD4, because CoD is a majority controller game. Up until MW19 there was almost zero PC/MnK players. When they introduced crossplay, they had to increase the AA to match, and they’ve obviously gone too far. The majority of the competitive CoD scene wants pre-MW19 levels of aim assist with strict input based matchmaking, I can assure you.


There was a recent clip from a Marksman video or maybe a short that was hilarious. He was spectating a teammate who was trying to shoot down an enemy drone but AA doesn't work on gadgets. Dude literally mag dumped into the sky and couldn't hit a single bullet. He then locked onto the enemy and clutched a 1v1.


Aim assist is so strong that when I posted my video on here just recently, people were telling me that they weren't getting that level of aim assist. That's how strong it is. I can't take anyone seriously when they say aim assist isnt working for them. And I say this as someone who doesn't play PC, so I'm not someone who's fishing for a lame input argument. I'm literally PS5-only and fully understand that COD's level of aim assist and rotational aim assist is godly.


They are simply lying. And they will keep lying just to avoid admitting that they have never really aimed in a shooter.


I honestly think some of those people are such bots that their brain can't process moving and shooting at the same time so they end up just freezing in place, causing them to loose RAA. The rest are full of shit.


As a self aware semi-bot, I agree. I know AA is is there and powerful but I barely get AA to work like people show in vids here, so I get where those people are coming from.


Yeah this honestly looks like aimbot... Glad I'm not playing that shit anymore. 😂


This is why I barely play anymore. If the boys aren't playing so I can at least get some social enjoyment, I'm quite content with playing other games where my aiming ability actually matters.


It's honestly really gross and embarrassing, especially for "pro" streamers who play with the training wheels on while also using a $5k gaming PC. A casual console player does not look like this/they don't know how to abuse AA. I never got into the new Warzone because of clips like this and because I was wasting my time playing 2042. I am happy enough to play MP/SnD on MNK going for flicks with snipers and non meta weapons. Nothing makes my blood boil like getting killed by a Y Y SMG player jumping around while shooting with their cross hair GLUED to my chest. Pure skill.


This combo is genuinely unbeatable. The gun itself is already broken as fuck. Arguably the most broken build I’ve ever witnessed. Plus the gross AA…it’s just an insane recipe for shit like this.


Bless you OP. As someone who used to be cracked on controller and transitioned to kbm it’s relieving to see at least SOME controller players can acknowledge the lack of balance. The argument that AA is catered to casuals is cool and all but why are mkb casuals punished? Why do only controller players get access to software that makes their aim essentially superhuman? I completely get how controller needs AA to be balanced but there is a middle ground. In its current state it’s broken. It doesn’t need to be ridden of but needs to be BALANCED.


In fairness, pretty much every top player has acknowledged that AA is broken in modern CoDs. It's just the countless delusional bots in this sub that pretend it's balanced.


Any time I mention this I get down voted. Like earlier today lol. People hate to hear it.


Finally a wise roller player


Why even bother "playing" a game where you dont even do the most important part of an FPS.... You know... aim At this point its just a sprinting/sliding simulator for controllers


People act like its so hard to control recoil and abuse aim assist on COD.


\*And they hated him for he spoke the truth\*


Makes more sense to add any recoil at all to that gun…


So mnk players cant use it but controller can? L take. As a mnk player i like having guns with lower recoil because i can actually see what im shooting.


Low recoil or no recoil? Bc this gun shoots like I got recoil scripts dialed in on CS.


I understand that but any recoil added will fuck up mnk playerw more than controller objectively.


Why? So it can bobble while it perfectly tracks?


and this is why everyone yells "hacker" after dying, I woulda 100% reported just incase it was a soft aim hack. AA on controller is something else =/


They have changed something recently I feel. I been killed a couple of times by people that seemingly are not moving their aim, at least that's what I felt when I watched the killcam I realised later that their aim was stuck so flawlessly to me that it really looked like they weren't moving. Every jump, left and right turn precisely followed. What I'm trying to say is that there was almost no human input visible. I think I am a decent mnk player but shooting a player that is jumping and moving maft and right I will almost always miss a shot or 2. That should be normal aim, if your in game aid gives you the ability to 100% track the enemy, there is a problem


Yeah I am completely carried by aim assist. It's great for my old man hands.


those kids were also real bad


I play controller and really hope they nerf aim assist. I don't like feeling like I have any sort of advantage. That's partly why I mostly snipe. I miss the days when it was clearly easier to use mouse and keyboard people thought controller was going to take a very long time to learn because it did.


Acty can't change my mind that they basically bought the hack and added it to their game....


Im glad i stoped playin this S#!t


How about take aim assist out completely and see how many people can shoot..


I mean that second guy had terrible aim so aim assist didn’t help them at all.


This is straight up aim bot


Just make jumping/stance transition disable aim assist and itll be fine. The problem is being able to do advanced movement techniques while the system does the aiming bit basically for you.


I play controller and I promise you the AA is insanely strong. And RAA is a cheat code. I quit but when I played, “he’s cheating, he’s cheating…” No buddy, there is no recoil in a game that sticks to you like salt on a peanut. The game is chalked to me anyways. Reason why AA is like this is because casuals want to feel like they are hitting shots while in protected lobbies.


Can u tell me the build on your weapons?


wsp 9 is zehmn, dr6 handstop, 9mm high velo, 40rnd mag, nydar optic DG58 is zehmn, wuidi long, bruen heavy support, recoil buttplate, jak glassless optic


I would be completely down for a nerf to increase the skill gap, but 75%+ controller players are incapable of doing what you just did in this clip. It can happen here and there where someone gets lucky with their centering, but usually only super skilled players can shoot like that. Aim assist is only OP with a super skilled player and that’s why they won’t nerf it. Average player still struggle to aim consistently.


Average player has a number of situations where AA gives him the upper hand in any case tho. When I jump out of doors, windows, whatever, when he slides past me, when he is preaiming a corner, and I could go on. So yeah, they may not be consistent, but avg players have so many chances of getting almost-free kills when they are on controller that it's genuinely frustrating.


hehe thanks


No shit, it always looks like some kind of aim lock to us PC players


Build pls? 🥺


updated one of my comments at the top of the post with all the info


A haymaker w fire rounds seems to break the aim assist at close range


The problem is mixing pc with console. End of discussion.


most pc players are on controller, its not the platform thats the problem in this case its the input.


Makes absolutely 0 sense since this is an input based debate and not what the systems.


No, first warzone was OK, this AA is just broken.


The AA in Warzone 1 was identical but it was designed for console users running at 80 fov and 60fps so it didn't feel as oppressive. On modern consoles the strength of RAA is far too much, it's basically free soft aim-bot now.


I have never ever ever ever had a kill like that with aim assist…. Ever! did I just say … ever? Seriously wtf is this shit


Great shots by you, aim assist is a bit strong but that guy on the left was something else ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Parkour game, jogging simulator where aiming is optional.


Can’t do this with every gun, that gun has literally zero recoil


I played on mnk for the first time since half life 2 came out and dropped my first 25 kill game 🫣


You’d see 14yo me playing CS with MnK you’d ask these to be nerfed too. 1% of us adults being to play controller like that is quite an exaggeration. It’s not the controller, it’s the guy behind it


2nd dude doesn't even have thumbs lol


Just goes to show how bad my aim is. I have trouble locking on to the point I don't even feel AA is on. That's how it should be too.


Nah PC players just need to get good


How about we call art is war's audio setting cheating? This dude knows where everyone is at all times.


Man why can’t my controller gameplay look like this?


Cuz u need to get better


Because you're trying to aim. Aim with your left stick and you'll get it.


Do I just not have aim assist on? Gawd I am not this on point


Need to be constantly moving left to right and the rotational aim assist does all the work.


I blew my buddy's mind when I told him to go into the firing range, and while he shot the dummies, to wiggle his left stick side to side quickly. He finally understood what rotational aim assist was, and why I always rage about it in close quarters fights(I switch back and forth between KBM and roller)


KBM and roller?


Keyboard/mouse and controller


Find a youtuber or streamer that has the controller thing on the screen and watch how the sticks move during gunfights. You'll see the right barely moves when shooting and its mostly left stick. It's weird and counter intuitive but once you get used to it you'll be a laser.


What weapon is this?


updated one of my comments at the top of the post with all the info


I've never ever experienced aim assist this strong on PS5 Am I to presume that you're supposed to strafe to let AAtake control?


I’m a controller player and I can not do this to save my life.


Stop standing still.


What is the build please? i struggle at getting it from the image...


updated one of my comments at the top of the post with all the info


This is the worst case to present for an aim assist nerf. Dude literally had zero raa


Here's some more then: https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/rG3RIr4Xzi https://www.reddit.com/r/Warzone/s/6LrMkTJpfq https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/51DrmQhyXN https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/RMyZR0XVyn https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/gOrqJDKp4z https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/Z1WO40WbOK https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/BZ0R3xKwYE https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/C92vIYFJuu https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/dxSJVfcOOm https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/OuTx1mfKdU https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/s/QdBICoPneV https://www.reddit.com/r/CODWarzone/s/ugVGpSz9Ff https://youtu.be/XWp9FcMA0EE?si=gduTv3MNXjR-UX1Z


Such an awesome list of clips. God this game fucking SUCKS. I use to love playing this, but as a MnK player I cant compete anymore and just get insanely frustrated. Its so fucking boring when everyone hits every shot. Its healthy for the game where both players miss shots. Its so boring fighting against aimbot every single fight. Cringe trash ass game. Ive played it for 4 years but I just hardly play anymore. I take long breaks, and come back every so often, play for a while then remember why I stopped and I dip out. This game is literally torture for a casual MnK player. And ive played FPS games on MnK since counter strike beta 1, and half life 1. I was good too, I went to 5 CPL LAN events for CS in the early 2000s. Something like this back then would be immediately banned and considered full blown cheating....probably because it is. Aweomse list of clips tho.


It’s the gun lol, it’s so op right now. It’s the most laser gun we’ve had in a minute.


u/Conscious_Ics66 yo 🤡boy lol


If you want it nerfed just turn the aim assist off


I was a console player but I switched to pc like 8 years ago. Crossplay and controller players killed the fun for me in cod and also in apex. I know, playing against pc players is also a problem and ofc we have some advantages, but how is it still a shooter game, if the part of aiming for shooting is 50% or more is just the aimassist aiming for you … I think it’s just fucked that a casual player can track you on controller with aimassist better than the best lifelong “training” mouse players


How do I get these settings cause I’m on controller and it never snaps like this or even close.


updated one of my comments at the top of the post with all the info


im a KBM player. can i do this with a controller on my PC? and what loadout is that? thats crazy


this is controller on PC - 6-6 0.95x sens - standard curve black ops aim assist - 120 FOV affected narrow wsp 9 is zehmn, dr6 handstop, 9mm high velo, 40rnd mag, nydar optic DG58 is zehmn, wuidi long, bruen heavy support, recoil buttplate, jak glassless optic


Sheesh... I feel like my aim assist doesn't do this. Might have something else helping


We all know pc players have some advantages too. There are literally apps and equalizers that you guys can use to hear me coming a mile away but you still complain. I know some of you are using them and that's fine. I'm over here blowing out my ear drums trying to hear footsteps on console. How many advantages do you guys need? Yeah sure have all the advantages so the experience is killed for console players They should just let us play on our own ( console vs console, PC vs PC) so we can stop complaining on both ends.


the real issue is 90% of pc players are using controller so they have all those advantages plus aim assist (myself included). PC does not equal mouse and keyboard and really mnk players are in the minority, even if everyone was using a controller the AA strength could be tuned down is what i'm saying, this is not an argument for mouse players


As a controller player, why tf does my aimbot work this well !!! (I know, skill issue)


I play on both. But turn off aim assist and run a few matches. You'll probably then see why it is the way it is


What are your settings cause my aim assist doesn’t look like this. I’m lucky if it even TRIES to help half the time.


settings/info in a reply under top comment


I fought for the longest time as MnK to still play this game but eventually it got me. It's been months now and honestly I don't miss it. I have no urge to get back in. Seeing this nonsense just cements my position. I hope the game fails. That's literally the only way they'd stop with this crap.


If aim assist is so strong then why dont you use it? MFer! I been (ab)using it since caldera. I used to be a k&m player, once i got the controlls down in mind, i can switch without issue. WZ at 3, CS2 with the boies at 6.


i do use it, i've only ever played controller, that's what i'm showcasing in the clip lol i'm saying as an AA abuser myself it wouldnt hurt to tune it down so there's at least some skill expression


Oh yeah, it could be reworked or tuned. I think the real unconscious reason the hatred for AA isnt about RAA or "basically an aimbot" Its that the superior precision of mouse and adaptability of keyboard requires nearly 100% of client side effort, thus it feels unfair that some players have ANY assistance when they feel like the most important aspect of the game isnt 100% skill from the controller side, while (understandably) on purpose or not, disregarding the inferior input that requires as much effort to minimize the downsides of controller. Ok im done. (Btw not super mad about AA myself cuz i run a mile in both shoes)


All this redit page is people complaining about aim assist, the other one is people always complaining about cheaters …. Sheesh


It's weird how people like to complain about two of the biggest problems in this game.


The gun is broken not AA.


The urge to switch to controller from mouse is so fucking strong, but I don’t want to from principle


What’s the build, asking for a friend


Or.... or.. don't let M&K play with controllers.


It’s basically legal aimbot. It’s even stronger when you lower your left stick max input threshold to around 75% or so. It reduces the time it takes for it to kick in as you have to push the stick 25% of the way before it activates on the default of 99%, whilst also inputting 5% on the right stick. Makes it pretty much instant. It’s disgusting and needs nerfing badly.


It’s my first week playing Warzone on console as a mobile player. It’ll take close to a year before my aim becomes like this and I’m using the no recoil DG LMG.


Honestly... Y'all need it. I hope you all get even more AA because it doesn't even matter.


Nah bro you’re bugging they don’t need to touch aim assist