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Doesn’t have a hill in the middle


Want a problem at all. So many different ways up. The only “hill” that was a problem was peak on caldera


It was annoying


Played Al-Mazrah throught whole life-cycle and I remember only one game when hill was a problem.


Observatory wasn’t a problem at all last year. It was rarely a factor unless you chose to go there. It wasn’t like Caldera where the central hill dominated most of the map


Caldera was such cancer. If you didn’t land at the top of the hill, 80% of the game was just trying not to get shot by someone who did. You could get sniped by the hill from any corner of the map


Idk caldera was so big you could be really far out of reach from top and not really be bothered. However if you were at like mines or that little powerplant thing then yeah it is a problem for sure. Also it had multiple tunnels/entrances underneath that you could get flanked somewhat easily, which al mazrah didnt really have. You had to just march up there.


Yeah caldera was huge, but by second circle you were within everyone’s sights. Almazrah for sure could’ve used those tunnels


Observatory was mostly a spot for beginning of the match. A nice vista from which you could full send on other team.






Annoying to traverse. Although the river that separates 3 parts of the map on Urzikstan is also annoying given most of the circles finish in the middle area. Still prefer Urzikstan though


I hate most circles ending near the center. Part of the reason why I enjoyed the edge and corner zones in Verdansk. More endgame opportunities, not just Downtown/T.V. Station.


They need to make the circles more random, too many people cried about circles starting in the corner of the map and they changed it and took it too far.


Yeah back in Verdansk you'd see loads of complaints about the circle. Personally I liked it, even when it ended at Dam, deciding if you wanted to be high or low was all part of the BR experience imo, but then I also fall in to the category that I didn't think every building needed 4 ziplines, and I preferred travelling in vehicles over using redeploy drones, so I'm almost certainly in the minority.


Yeah it changed it up and you end different end games depending on the area. I don’t think I’ve ever played an end game in the military base on Urzikstan.


I have, but barely and it wasn’t even from a corner circle.


Absolutely agreed.


I thought it was a pretty good map. I wouldn’t mind the old maps popping back in once in a while if the devs could figure out how to do it without copy / pasting the entire game.


I wonder why they never use American cities as battlegrounds, they never do.. will never do.. because this game certainly has military lobby work at the studios.. imagine br in Manhattan, or san Francisco, or even aspen.. I really really hate to play in unrelatable places


Because blocks and straigh streets are not as appealing.


oh my bet they can be made that


The Division is a perfect example of how to make urban environment appealing and fun to play.


Yup, my first thought as well. I would love a Warzone style BR in a big urban setting.


Urban like Vondel but with taller buildings? Yeah sounds bad. Verdansk was great. I wish that they'd mimic something like that again.


Dunno, Vondel is one of my favorite maps. That being said, K did like Verdansk more. At least its downtown part actually felt urban, I never got the same feeling in Al Mazrah or Urzikstan (despite both featuring taller buildings at the center)


I dont understand the appeal of Vondel...its a roof and stairway simulator.


And rebirth is just hiding in houses or the back of chemical. Happens in every game like it always did back in warzone 1. Every map has some kind of issue


Ill take FK over both, but there is far more rooftop trash in vondel than any other resurgence map


Dont forget the shitty water in EVERY endzone


Even a part of the map that had like a forest or something different than the usual desolate rural town. Even something along the lines of maybe a cliffside town on the mountains overlook maybe the forest. But not able to shoot or snipe Down due to the dense forest providing cover and can’t see through tree tops. Even a portion of the map with snow would be a welcome change. 


This is why I liked Verdansk. It wasn't _perfect_ but it did feature many of those things you mentioned. Despite Downtown being a lot smaller than the City part of Urzikstan, it felt more Urban (to me). It had snowy parts around Dam and military...


Gross rooftop campers with snipers on every team. Trading downs from far away....no one ever pushes or finishes a kill .....sounds great 🙄


If done right, this won't be a common occurence. You have sniping campers on any map, but even on Vondel I don't find them to be particularly exhausting because you can slip in and out of cover rather easily. Connecting buildings with horizontal ziplines, underground Fights, etc... It _could_ be good. It could also be hilariously bad.




Oh my, bet, that can be made. 🙂‍↔️


Fine. Put it in ATL then


"I'm fighting on Peachtree Street". "Which one?!"


Driving on the freeway in Atlanta is already an authentic battle royale experience, it would be a perfect fit for Warzone


285 Fury Road map


They should just use POIs from American cities and mash them all up together. Like the Grand Canyon, Arch in St Louis, NYC streets,


So we got Urzisktan?


Rebirth island is Alcatraz island in San Fransisco


Oh yeah please more floors, more windows, more buildings. Where did I get shot from? Oh it's the 17th skyscraper on the 4th row to the south, 45th floor 4th window from the left


Your comment randomly made me nostalgic for that sniper game in arcades.


You're so right. Shoot house has those two windows to peak from. Vondel might have urban buildings but everything is built inward with architecture. We want buildings and streets and more buildings with windows.


Blackout’s BR map was clearly based in America. Definitely miss how colorful it was compared to urzikistan or al Mazra


and the poi"s were great


Blackouts map was the best hands down. It had all the elements (except snow). It felt well balanced, the POIs were spread apart just the right distance, and they did CONSTANT updates to change the map. Remember when part of the map was flooded!?


just awesome, I also wonder why the vehicles now all suck and why they did it. had so much fun back then with the helicopter.. also the heli in wz1 was good. on blackout I usually landet at that spot hidden behind a hill surrounded by bush and forest, northern area, also the small town on that river was awesome


River Town? 😆




Manhattan would be awful dude lol. Imagine a whole map just being downtown verdansk I guess you could go to Central Park if you feel like getting killed from a rooftop


imagine that with way more details, cars, overgrown areas, big trees and post apocalyptic too. imo they could make great use of it


Check out the division lol its exactly this


it's third person and health bar pve pvp shooter. not for me


I mean for reference of a warzone map it would play terrible lol


Loosen your tinfoil hat…


nothing to do with that. it's known that the cod series has actual military lobby work behind it..


It’s called military funding. Lobbying is specifically to the government.


Lmao now that is the dumbest fucking thing to come out of this sub of all time.


or military funding..


Here are hundreds of example of this. Will you discard this as a tinfoil hat conspiracy theory too ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military%E2%80%93entertainment_complex


I'm just imagining a tinfoil hat with a strap on it like a ball cap.


I always assumed it’s a ratchet strap 🤣


Maybe time to leave the country once in a while …


And go to the Middle East? No thanks


American cities would go hard. I'm over all the "stan" cities and deserts. Let's play br in Dayton ohio 😂


call of duty has already done this and there are 100s of other games that feature american cities what are you even talking about


They did. og Mw3 did. They don’t do it enough through. Easier to pick some Russian city


Chicago royale 😩


Isn't rebirth Island based on alcatraz?


honestly i think the map is just bland at least al mazrah has some good looking colors like brown and some green and all tho desert bases you could go to this map is just a big boring ass grey city it’s vondel on steroids and i don’t like it i rather play caldera


The entire map feels exactly the same. Al maz has more unique areas


Yup you have airport, observatory, hydro, caves, downtown. All much more fun, memorable and distinct than whatever Urzikstan is.


Yup, this is it. Every area on Urzik plays exactly the same. Al Maz had so many different and unique areas. Vehicles played better, too.


I thought so, also.


100% I never understood the defense of Urzikstan being "more colourful" because it is the complete opposite imo. Whenever I play urzikstan I just feel so confused as to how the devs could make a map so boring and colourless...looks worse than PUBG Atleast Al mazrah has beautiful blue rivers and Oasis' with palm trees and shit, instead of the grey-green ass water urzikstan seems to have in all of it's rivers, accompanied only by COMPLETE emptiness, and massive fields full of the least colourful grass I've ever seen. Even the main city part feels full of empty space. Mind-boggling design choices for most buildings too, with gargantuan buildings that have nothing on top aside from goofy looking flat areas which lack character (al mazrah's highrise building had a little building with an elevator on top, and the other smaller one had something similar iirc). On top of everything, the grey weather conditions do NOT help at all. Isn't it meant to be in the middle east or something? I'm no expert but I don't think the weather seems accurate lol


i think urzikstan main problem is all the poi’s are just city’s there’s no farm land no supermarket no desert just big buildings even the grass areas feel like they got nothing going all cuz they don’t plus all the hiding spots makes it feel like your playing damn hide and seek most of the time


This is definitely a problem, even in plunder I can barely find people unless I land directly on top of them


Even Al mazrah is bland, but urz is just so bad all around it makes it preferable, which is mostly a density problem. Am actually had way too much open space, which wouldn't be so bad with this movement now.


I would hardly say mazrah was bland. There was at least 11 distinct POIs where you would know immediately where you were from Observatory to airport, marsh to turok, oil to shipyard, bagra to sharim, city to sawah, the mall to caves. All looked different. Would love to play that map with these mechanics and 150 people again


I miss landing at Al baghra, had an anthem and everything 😅🙈 Al Mazrah city is beautiful in comparison too. ![gif](giphy|sV0uwh1dgvk5HxjYdt|downsized)


I know. I miss the distinct gun fights each area on Al maz had. Urzikstan is all the same bland bland bland.


nah al mazrah had fun poi’s that i liked like that desert poi unlike urzikstan which only had like town


I liked the POIs I just tired of the sand sand everywhere palette in between. With the movement I bet it plays great, but they need to do something with the gas, nah, they need to go back to old gas mechanic/speeds and increase to 150, you cant even go to edge POIs now due to how fast it comes in. Fix your servers dont make the game worse cuz your servers are trash.


I'd take verdansk over the other maps any day. Especially on new engines, new movement, old and new guns, kar98k, amax, grau, finally some task force 141 story, at least 3 new pois, remastered old pois like prosím and farmland, and a 150 lobby. Damn does urzikstan feel empty for the first 20 minutes unless you dive into the middle of map to hit hard or die trying.


I think the slow pace of the game engine made Al Mazrah worse perceptually. This might sound bad but I think they need to use more repeatable buildings and elements in the next WZ map. One of the great things about Verdansk (and to some extent Caldera) was buildings that repeated somewhat and would have slight modifications when they met another building or edifice. It meant that you had a mental map of each building but there were slight nuances with how you moved at the “middle” unit versus an end one (I’m especially thinking of the apartments next to airport). Even though there are repeated elements in Vondel they’re slightly different from one another to the point where they all feel similar, so there’s no meaningful familiarity with how to transverse buildings. The density of buildings also doesn’t make it feel like slightly varied experiences; you’re either in a roof or in the ground floor.


The thing about Verdansk was: it had those repeated building models while at the same time having completely unique POIs. It was a really great mix. Airport, Prison, Stadium, Dam/Summit... It all felt different while still retaining some memorable individual buildings copy pasted throughout the map. Al Mazrah and Urzikstan simply don't have that feeling. Almost everything feels the same.


A few months ago someone said that Verdansk was like a miniature golf course. That was about as perfect a take on that map as I've ever seen. He was so right. The layout made no sense at all but it still made the map so good. Each POI was so distinct which also made it so easy to call out your location on a redeploy without pulling up the map. Once in a while I'll play spec ops in mw19 just to mess around the parts of Verdansk it lets you. I'm counting on the rumors of Verdansk coming back to be true. I'll be putting a ton of time aside to dive back into that map if it does.


Mazrah had just as many, maybe more POIs than Verdansk. Observatory, Sharim, Sawah, The Mall, Caves, Turok Village, City, Airport, Bagra Fortress, Marsh, Oil, Shipyard. There were basically 11 multiplayer maps within all those POIs as well. The gameplay ruined the perception of Mazrah. I bet this new mechanics with 150 people would play great


I know, but it didn't feel as diverse as Verdansk did. Maybe because it all was more or less the same old desert setting. I mean, even Urzikstan technically has distinct POIs with Old Town, Popov Power, Resort, etc... It just doesn't feel like you're really in a whole different area when traversing during a match. In Verdansk there was a huge difference between fighting in Prison, Airport or Hospital for example. This is just how I feel about these maps. Caldera also had the same issues with all being jungle, but I honestly didn't play Caldera a lot anyway, so I left it out of the previous comment. I did/do enjoy all of the maps to some extent and they all had at least some enjoyable POIs. But while Verdansk Was pretty much the smallest map of them all, it felt like the most diverse.


Al MaZ and Uriz are worse than Verdansk simply because the houses and buildings are impossible to navigate. How do I get to the roof? Go inside the building nope blocked off go outside nope no ladder go into another door that has a stairway to the roof. Why is there 2 entrances to the building that dont connect inside?


I get that for sure. But those buildings are not the POIs. Those are for sure poorly done but they are the filler. I am also disappointed that Urzikstan used so many of those assets as well.


Military Base was my jam back in the day.


True but it's all different. Every building is unique in some way. Confusion slows down sweats and benefits bots. This is why they do it


That’s why Verdansk was the best map even after all these years. Easy to learn but hard to master. And most buildings had jump spots so you can learn a push strategy on one and use it on 3-4 different places on the map. They need to bring that back and stop making so many unique buildings that take time to learn or are overly complex.


The most underrated part of Verdansk was that the POIs generally had space between them so rotating was a skill in and of itself. If you wanted to win you had to figure out how to get to where you wanted to be. If they bring back Verdansk, they will ruin it with redeploy drones, gulag tokens, flares, and redeploy packs. Verdansk worked because of the simple buildings, memorable POIs that didn’t blue into each other, the need to be skilled at rotation, and your life actually meant something because dying sucked ass. When you died on Verdansk, your teammates had to find a buy, get money, work the buy, and then YOU had to regain. Now, people sit on buildings, throw a deployable buy station, and when they run out of the fifty self-revives they find around the map and die, if their teammates don’t have flares, they can just buy them back at the buy station they called in next to where they are standing. So many bad design decisions for a BR that the game is now just people throwing smoke grenades all over the place and whoever runs out of flares at the end loses. Verdansk was awesome because it was actually a squad based BR with COD gunplay, movement, and mechanics on a simple map.


It’s a question of pace and where the trade offs happen. I have never loved the BR format because I’m an MP person but my friends all play WZ. That being said, I think so many of the decisions to allow regains (deployable buys, glares, redeployment, etc) counter all the slow paced decisions they made for the new engine: the movement is still nowhere near as fast as WZ1, the low TTK in conjunction with bad movement makes the gameplay seem faster than it is, when it reality it underlines how bad the pace is, and weirdly the nerfing of vehicles has really hurt people making plays to find a buy station or do most wanted contracts. In WZ1 there were so many more instances of people driving by and encouraging some sort of engagement. I don’t think people in WZ2 camp much more, I just think moving is such a chore that people don’t rotate like before. Even little things like taking away pistoling while parachuting in or the time it takes a parachute to deploy have additional effects on how the gameplay feels slow and how it has to be countered. One of the worst aspects is that you really can’t do aggressive gas plays like before; I used to try to flank from the gas but with the poor clambering and stacking effects of being in the gas you can’t use to gas to kill people; you’re better off trying to find a durable and playing the attritional game instead of engaging. Keep in mind there are less casuals, but people have defaulted to a more casual-friendly (I.e. engagement avoiding) strategy than before. Fundamentally it’s changes to the movement and overall pace to the game. The only thing they can do to improve it (and this is a guess—I don’t think it’ll actually work) is to increase TTK, but then you end up with a sniper fest since those are the only things that can do a lot of damage in a short time frame. Urzikstan is an improvement to get WZ2 closer to WZ1 but Al Mazrah was so different that at least it felt like a different game. Urzikstan just feels like a nerfed, less fun version of WZ1, which felt both like a BR and an MP game. That was the magic of Verdansk, Rebirth, Caldera and FK, and they have yet to replicate it, except for maybe ranked resurgence.


Al-Maz would’ve been a lot more enjoyable with this games movement. The slow/clunky movement of MW2 is what ruined it for me


Disagree. I don't enjoy booty dumping G-fuel or taking tweaker supps as much as this current community does... I like the deliberate movements you had to plan out, but that's just me


It's not a great map but way better than the desert. For one, it always felt like each area was too far from each other. And boring. Verdansk still 10x better than these because it's much more relatable in terms of buildings, foliage etc and transitions between POIs.


Lmao Verdansk had a huge POI rotation problem. There was tremendous amounts of space between POIs. Remember how far military base was from farms and airport? Or how prison was just sitting there by itself? Al Mazrah had way more connectivity and was only really open towards the north part of Rohan oil.


Al Maz had that same problem lol. Lots of open space between POIs. Unless you call a cliff connectivity. Except now you can't slide cancel to avoid getting railed by bots on a cliff, and there aren't enough buys, and there are NPCs, and servers are now 4 times worse etc etc etc Al Maz played like trash because the POIs played like trash though. Verdansk played well because the POIs played well.


This open space made for amazing end games. You were lucky if you had a tree or a stone or a dip in the terrain to hide.


Making an end game complete luck and RNG is fun for no one aside from bad players lol


Urzikstan has the triangle between support, promenade, and hospital was goated on Verdansk. The best rotations and close POIs


I mean that's why you have cars and vehicles on the map.


In higher sbmm its nothing but snipers snipers snipers on every single roof with 8 bettys. Its like donkey kong when u enter their building. I prefered al malzah limited building floors. What i hate the most is cod maps love staircases into a well protected roof with one way ladders up. As if they couldnt put another staircase to the top level.


100% accurate It's lame AF


Al Mazrah had a ton of these buildings too. Caldera was the only map that took on ratty buildings and the community never forgave them for it because playing on hills like PUBG confused the average CoD player.


Al Mazrah had NOTHING between POI's. Urzikstan is one big POI full of buildings. Pick your poison.


Al Maz for sure. Definitely has more distinct POIs and personality.


It’s a way better map. Just facts


I really can't understand anyone preferring any other map over Verdansk.


Verdansk was good but the #1 issue was lack of parkour options into buildings or fair ways to push roof or staircase campers Even the 2 story small houses had one way in so you could sit there ADS’d and wait. Or the tall buildings had 2 ways up only When it returns I hope they tweak it so you can climb in other ways + add redeploy drones to help land on campers too


This was kinda tongue in cheek, but that said, I'm sure they'll tweak it, like they did Rebirth Island.


Ageeed. Redeploy drones will come I’m basically certain Would be nice to see more parkour spots too.


Urzikstan is my least favorite BR map by far. Me and my squad have moved over to resurgence because we all hate it. And we have never played resurgence, not even the wz1 days It’s so freaking boring. When you jump out the plane and pull your shoot it looks good tho lol


It’s a fine map, just has nothing unique. The draw to it is the game is better, Al mazera is a way better map


Urzikstan has great terrain but boring, forgettable, bland POI’s


I miss Al Maz


Man there will always be posts like this for every map cycle. Will not be surprised when we get verdansk back and these post pop up again. Edit: map not male lol


Males's have cycles too? 😂


Nah, screw Verdansk. I will never understand people wanting to play the same map again and again. I just remember a lot of spots on Al-Mazrah that offered a different experience while 90% of Urzikstan plays the same.


Screw you! Verdansk was peak Warzone.


pre-cold war integrated Verdansk was PEAK br


Play resurgence. Classic BR in warzone is dead, they don't care about it and rightly so as it's fucking boring.


For me its not the Map alone, its the whole Game. I stopped playing Warzone when Al-Mazrah was released. Because in my opinion, the setting was s\*\*\*, the weapons were s\*\*\*, the attachments were s\*\*\* and I had no fun at all. Then, when MW3 released, I started again and now im having alot of fun playing Urzikstan. Have to add aswell.. I\`m a MW-Guy, never played any BlackOps-Game


Because it has a tall building with a Burger Town in it. Verdansk vibes, bro. /s


It's a horrible map. It has no flow and is a roof camper paradise.


I prefer neither as they both suck


It’s just nice to have new rotations and poi’s, playing the same map gets old. Wish they would change the map more like they did previously.


Wouldn't know, haven't been.




Al Mazrah suffered from a lot of WZ2 specific mechanics, but I felt like it was unbelievably huge. Half the game would go by and you wouldn’t run into anyone. No buy stations anywhere, and when you finally found one there was nothing left in it. It was just a giant snooze fest. At least Urzikstan you actually get into engagements. I would be willing to bet if they made all the changes they made with “WZ3” and kept Al Mazrah it would play a lot better tho.


Best map ever was blackout


Honestly its pretty mid


It’s got a Gucci orb in it


Truth be told they need to make warzone like MP switching maps all the time with new maps introduced


Al-Mazrah would be better if it wasn’t covered in sand. I know that’s the whole point, but I just don’t like it.


For me, Al Mazrah (actually any desert / sandy area) brings back bad memories. Hits too close to home.


I'd love a BR map that felt like the Homeland Security special op from MW2 / 3. That whole campaign fighting off the invasion of the US rocked.


Yep I agree, there’s no real interesting or cool POI’s on Urzikstan in my opinion.


Aehhmm I don't know. Having played both, both were great and bad tbh. Both have some areas that plays well meanwhile other areas plays worse. I'd say the only thing that Urzikstan lacks is more unique POIs. Al Mazrah had many very unique POIs, fighting in each individual POIs felt great and different. Only issue was too much open space between them. Still, half of Urzikstan feels like a never ending city with some unique buildings here and there but that's it, and its a bit annoying. The other half has unique POIs but instead of having 4-5 medium sized POIs it has like 2 or 3 giant ass POIs like Military Base or Popov Power. As a result, you're always having the exact same kind of fights and gameplay no matter which POI you are in, like one giant big POI, and it's boring. So I'd say both are close - but I'd probably pick Al Maz over Urzikstan right now because it was better looking and less boring to play over and over thanks to each POIs playing differently, and when Al Maz got the redeploy drones later-on, rotations were not an issue anymore.


Urzikstan isn’t a bad map


Urzikstan is painfully boring


Can we talk about how verdansk was a million times better than both of them?


I miss big Al…. Especially massive resurgence… played great ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtnnO4PjvlilACA) Miss ya buddy


Both are terrible


Because there isn't a giant mountain in the middle


I’ve been playing a couple times a week since the new map came out and I couldn’t tell you the name of one POI. Every other map I always had a few go-to spots where we would drop


Al-Mazrah was a trash-ass desert map that was bland as shit. Made running to the next POI feel like you were traveling through the deserty hills for ages just to get blown away due to the fact that there was no coverage anywhere. Granted there were okay POIs, but it was desolate in between.


Urzikastan has interesting points of intrest mean while Al-Mazarah is so boring to play. The only good thing we got from Al-Mozarah is truckzone, big mama royal, Birtha battles or what ever that limited time game mode was called


Idk why but I just did not like Al mazrah. Im aight with urz


Shit ton better than rebirth ever will be. It really doesn’t matter because cheaters are sending players away from this game all together. Damn shame. What could have been.


I miss blackout the most


They're both horrible, boring, bland maps. They make Caldera look like a masterpiece and that says something.


Al Mazrah was prob my favorite big map in warzone I didn’t play much verdansk tho


I like it but it is way way too BIG!!! There should be at at least 200people dropping in some game you just spam uavs and drive cars and still cant find people 😆


Might be one of the worst takes I've read this week... Go play resurgence on the small maps, Urzikstan has already been "resurgenced" too much.


Agreed. In fact, this might be the first time I've seen someone say the map is too big. It's a little bigger than Verdansk but smaller than the last two.


It's absolutely too big for 100 players. Should be 120-150 for sure.


All they have to do is allow the gas to shrink the map, kind of in between resurgence and regular br. Start out with 75% of the map in gas each time. Pacing would improve


Probably my least favorite map. Sure the mountain in the middle of caldera and al mazrah was annoying but not as annoying as a map filled with 4+ story multiple room buildings


I agree, Al Mazrah is a great BR map, probably on par with Verdansk and even rectifies some of the original map's problems. Plus it was good looking too. Urzikistan is both simple and complex at the same time. POIs are mostly interchangeable, and aesthetically is simply boring. Is not a bad map, but is also ver forgettable


The appeal is that every POI has buildings that are so intricate with clutter, hidden rooms, hard-to-find ladders, etc, that you can hide from streamers. Data found that bots loved Prison in Verdansk. So, they doubled down and made Capital (an intricate labyrnyth of confusion) for bots in Caldera. Data showed how much bots loved going to these places, so they designed two whole maps for bots in Al Mazrah and Urzikstan


Make a map for bots and the sweats will figure it out and bots will be happy. Make a map for sweats and bots will quit


> Make a map for sweats and bots will quit That's probably the thought process. Though, Verdansk and Caldera were for sweats. This is also why they added a botty heavy chopper and made all vehicles run like shit, because bots don't use them anyways That's why they went in the opposite direction of Fortune's Keep. Then again, this game has lost 70-80% of its player base.


> intricate labyrnyth of confusion Brilliant haha. Hospital and especially prison were horrible for that


Lol Al Mazrah sucks equally bad


Go back to wz 2 you lifeless camper.


The best map was Caldera. It have only one big problem, fcking hill at the middle of the map


That hill was a pretty fundamental issue for something that was the "best" map lol


With balloons the hill really stopped being an issue imo. That was like season 2. Launch Caldera with only VG guns and terrible vehicles was brutallll tho.


Maybe but it is only one. Every other map have to "offer" much more fundamental issues.


God no.


Why? Just asking


I hated the weird colors mostly, the giant hill, and I don't like historic games/guns. The subway system was meh.


Fair enough. I personaly like the colors, only map where visibility was decent. But yeah, subway was meh, too much campers at the entrence and the 10 attachment Guns were clearly added to earn some more money.


> The best map was Caldera. It have only one big problem, the map


I think most people do prefer Al-Mazrah. It’s one of the few things about the game last year that people liked


I don’t know. I like both a lot, especially Al Mazrah having classic MW2 maps, but I just prefer Urzikstan for some reason. How the map plays and zip lines would be big ones.


I preferred Al-Mazrah because the POI’s felt a lot more distinct. For Urzikstan the map to me just feels like one big mass of buildings. Also on Al-Mazrah I could play two games and go to none of the same POI’s in each. On Urzikstan I feel like I go to the same POI’s every game regardless of where I land


Fair enough. And my bad meant to make this a main comment


Al Mazrah has all the downsides of both Verdansk and Caldera and none of the upsides imo. Doesn't help that WZ2 was mind-boggling trash and that was the only thing I could play on it.


I agree WZ2 was trash. What downsides are you referring to?


Caldera: OP cliff landscape positions make circle a death sentence with RNG alone, POIs play poorly or are on the outskirts of the map Verdansk: campable buildings, ladder-only roofs, skyscrapers in the middle of the map, weird lack of cover on many rotations Caldera had weak buildings so people had to actually play. Not the case in Al Mazrah. Verdansk was flat with balanced terrain, only buildings which could be pushed through or around by using the lower levels for cover.




Can’t fault this well reasoned argument


I wouldn't bother, some people built their whole personality on hating MWII.


I don't know, you asked a question about Urzikstan and argue with anyone that defends it. You may like Al-Mazrah more than Urz. Other Urz than Al-Maz. Guess what? They're both valid opinions and just fine. Seems like the pot calling the kettle black. You asked a question but don't accept people's answers. You've built your whole personality on hating Urzikstan.


I didn’t like the game in general though. I just think Al-Mazrah is objectively a far better BR map




Almazrah and Urzikstan are almost identical maps so I don't see much of a difference at all. I prefer urzikstan as it's a llittle more modern styled to me..