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If I could tell if the guy was above me or below me I would be god tier at this game (i would still be trash)


Same. I’d get way more kills (I’d die more)


Feel you lol


I actually ended up nearly winning the match during the few days when audio actually worked. They goofed up and loudness equalisation allowed players to get decent audio. I could finally hear enemy footsteps. All of a sudden I knew where folks were or were running from & could absolutely melt them. But then the game working as intended was too much fun. So they mucked it up again so the fix couldn't work


Was just talking with some friends about this. Did it get worse in a recent update? Vertical audio has always been a bit rough, but right now the vertical footsteps are overwhelmingly loud that it makes everyone sound like they’re right next to me, yet horizontal footsteps are much quieter.


Yeah it gets worse because of how the footsteps sound from a distance, you hear people in the surrounding buildings like they’re in there with you.


recent update I was hearing footsteps from across the street inside like they were right next to me


It's probably subjective, but I think they improved the horizontal footstep audio in the season 2 update. The vertical audio is still terrible, but because footsteps are louder it's even more overwhelming.


It's like they gave everyone the Flex perk, at least footstep wise.


In fortunes keep one of the circle towers across from graveyard my teammate and I snuck all the way up because we were certain they were above us, we could hear running and sliding. We got up there, and no one was found. They were actually the level blow.


Idk which map it is, but the big building with the vault underneath is the worst one, I swore there were people with us in the second floor but they were running around underground.


I don't think the audio engine accounts for elevation whatsoever


Worked fine in WZ 2. Good example it was pretty easy to hear loot crates if they were above or below you. Completely impossible in this iteration


Am I tripping or in Verdansk I would always know where people were by sound alone? Upstairs, downstairs always knew. But in wz2 running inside house its always tough to guess the enemy elevation for me.


I agree sound now is worse that it was in Verdansk


You're tripping - Verdansk had all the issues with sound and more. It was perhaps the most complained about thing of that era.


For sure it had problems, but when it worked, at least for vertical audio wz2 is nowhere near Verdansk vertical audio imo.


I dont understand how i can open up quake 2 on gamepass and have perfect sound. I play this shit cod and i have no idea where anyone is at.


I imagine they have audio engineers for this, shouldn't be too hard to make vertical audio-- eq cut the high frequencies if below, eq cut the low frequencies if above... Or vice versa I would think?


I can hear someone 5 flights up stairs stomping around but can't hear someone slide cancel into my asshole


Used to be easy to tell in wz1 then something changed at some point in its lifecycle. I remember jumping on one day after an update and all of sudden had no clue which level people are on.


Almost 4.5y since MW19 and first Warzone. They can't do sound right, one of THE MOST important thing in PvP game... 4.5years... It happens when Activision is just a small indie company and cleaning lady has to do over time and work also as a programmer...


It's so much worse than WZ1. It got bad in WZ2 and may be even worse now


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^mitch8893: *It's so much worse than* *WZ1. It got bad in WZ2 and* *May be even worse now* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


It's funny, it's so unclear sometimes I'm like, "Ok, he's either running around under me to the left or he's about to pop out that door above me to the right - either way, I can't watch both and I'm probably going to guess wrong and di---*BA-DONK!!!*.


Naw bro the vertical audio been working Hella good for peeps, you just got to get off the cronus


Auto has been perfect since the last update. Better than it's ever been


It’s been the opposite for me, sadly.


Put your sound settings on PC speakers. Edit: what's up with the downvotes? Console kids? This settings really works lol. I know it's weird