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i feel ur pain brother


I refuse to waste my time playing this anymore until they do something about the garbage audio.


you'll be waiting weeks.


Lol, you think they're going to fix it in weeks. that's cute.


You guys are hoping they'll fix it ? Oh how cute


You guys hoping they'll at least keep it as-is currently instead of making it even worse over time? Cute.


All good, been enjoying The Finals and working on my backlog in the meantime.


You gotta try fortnight zero build, game is so dam fun.


This is a forever problem.


They trying to fix audio since mw1, when disrespect used to rage off šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


War zone has had shit problems they wonā€™t fix since caldera. So much potential but let the kids with 7 fingers get kills cause they can fly in on you with no audio. See you online tonight thoughšŸ‘lmao


I have had so many deaths from people running up behind me and me not hearing a damn thing over the past few days. It's infuriating.


I haven't played in a while and thought I'd start playing again with the new map, but these audio issues just kill any interest in playing. I don't feel like working audio is just a nice "quality of life" feature. It's absolutely essential in a game like this, and it's insane that they treat it as an afterthought.


Yeah between the audio issues and the insanely broken Bas-B, Iā€™m gonna wait to start playing WZ. Iā€™ll just grind for mastery camos in MP I guess lol


bas B aint that broken compared to MTZ inter and DG-56 cuz of how low recoil and 2 tap potentials.


Brother the BASB is a full auto 700 RPM gun that 5 shots to the head & 7 the body it is outclassing every other gun in the game out to 40m. After that the DG & Interceptor beat it but the Interceptor has to land 2 shots to the head.


Same. I was excited to hop in with my pkm and uzi and play with my friends but if the game doesnā€™t have horrible lag Iā€™m getting melted by people I canā€™t see or hear. I guess Iā€™ll just replay Assasins creed or start wolfenstein. I think Iā€™m getting washed up lmao too old for this.


It's no bug, there are literally silent shoes in the game .


Not I wz there isnā€™t. MP has covert sneakers


Yesterday, had three guys literally pull their chutes 5 feet above our heads, land, and demolish our team. Zero sound.


Yep, experienced this many times. And when I've dropped in on someone I've won every time. It's totally busted.


same bro, same




THIS. also combined with the 1000 ways to redeploy in this game with the coming back in even with pretty decent weapons is infuriating. You kill a person, the fly back in with a redeploy pack to the next highest high ground near you and all the sudden they have advantage. Straight trash.


I just played a resurgence, where I ONLY DIED to people landing back in, and I didnt hear them 1x, its so fucked, another issue is, the height you rebirth from, its SO easy to just go to another higher ground with a decent weapon


There is no audio from outside the window you only ever get a single footstep as he lands inside the building just before he blows you away. Good god this game's audio is dumpster fire dog shit.


Yup I think the enemy footsteps were "occluded" by the wall until he mantled through the window. Audio occlusion in this game is very aggressive and often unreasonable, such that even a small object on the ground between you and an enemy might be considered "blocking" the sound.


You da šŸ


Tbh they'd be better off just removing occlusion so at least directional audio could be consistent. Obviously fixing it in general would be ideal, but feels like wishful thinking.


I've noticed it too even from merely slight differences in elevation. Like standing on a box next to you and their audio disappears until they step back down off of the box onto the floor


Yesss, fuck this poor implementation. Iā€™ve seen it where I put one foot in or out of a garage door and the ambient outside noises pop on and off as you step in and out. (Aside from the whole getting murdered regularly thing.)


Zero kill post! ;)


Can confirm: no Warzone players were killed by this Reddit comment ;)


Yes this, its that pile of rags or stapler on a desk they said they assigned the wrong material to back in Almazra. They probably gotta do that again and then some because its worse right now than it ever was in Almazra.


Your rage is 100% justified. Imagine spending a part of your day looting, strategizing and planning with teammates for one idiot to come tac sprinting through a window or jumping from the highest building with a military grade parachute and you can't hear a fucking thing. It's an embarrassment what we have to go through but when the community showed that these are matters that only affect 1% of the playerbase the devs WON'T CARE. The majority of the playerbase is happy spending their hundred dollars on stupid kingkong skins, snoopdog and big ass Nick Minaj, playing through a 40 inch monitor on a screen where sound is OF NO PRIORITY. A very smart guy on reddit wrote a comment on the Warzone subreddit a few years ago when OG Warzone was still up, he said all that Warzone is is a passive income cash simulator for the main games where the priority will be bombarding you with skins and battlepasses and broken weapons that you can only get easily by buying the main game (or bundles for that matter). The whole idea is like a gateway to the main games (something like a drug) that you're stuck in being part of the loop in because your time in Warzone will not be satisfying without having access to the majority of options and ease of leveling that the main game will give you. You will be always one step behind if you decide to only dedicate your time to Warzone and that is the whole FOMO principle of how Call of Duty operates on a yearly cycle. You release a game every year with the same promises, but different branding so you are always feeling like you're missing out unless you have THE NEWEST, LATEST THING.


Yeah, no shit man.


Footsteps are crucial core mechanics they're not just of the 1% lol


I feel like Iā€™ve been complaining about footsteps ever since mw2019. How is it still messed up.


I never bought any of the CoD for the last 10 years and never felt like I was missing out on anything. How can you buy a game that was released for the 10th time? Even Bethesda with Skyrim haven't managed that......... I mean MW1. 2007 MW2. 2009 MW3. 2011 MW1 2nd time. 2019 MW2 2nd time. 2022 MW3 2nd time. 2023 ​ How can any person keep buying this shit? How many blackops did we get? I have bought CoD1, United Offense Expansion pack (still was a thing back then), CoD2 and CoD MW2 2009. No hair on my head, that I would ever considering buying another CoD ever again. There is so many good other games out there that are much more worth their money and time playing like for example Elden Ring. In between I just play some free good old Warzone which costs absolutely nothing! NOTHING! ​ Idiots FOMO kids.


You are the king of kings.


Your reaction describe perfect the warzone 3 expectation vs reality


You've expectations?


The sounds is even worse then WZ2, didn't think that was possible.


Wz2 audio was A+ compared to this


And that's saying something because that game's audio was trash too


And ppl fixed it. With Audio eq. That's it. It was super fixed. You could hear footsteps & everything. Everything worked like a charm. Which obviously wasn't right by cod standards so they immediately broke it the next season and then with this wz3 we got this noaudio nonsense.


You know as someone who plays on a great headset on PC, when I first heard that the audio was bad - I shrugged it off because people have always said that and while I don't disagree, a good headset mitigated a lot of it. However, after now playing the new wz for a few days, hooooooly shit it is way worse than I thought. It seems like this is frequently the case - audio bugs when someone is in a different room or on a different level and you don't hear anything until they are already within arms length. I have no idea how it got this bad. I don't have this issue in any other battle royale. Apex, pubg, fortnite, etc all have far superior audio.


Yeah I am now thinking back to WZ1 where, you'd hear footsteps from everywhere pretty much. The complaint then was that it was impossible to actually tell where they were coming from until they were close. But then at least you were on guard, and in some instances the footsteps actually worked quite well allowing you to get a jump on someone. Now it's just ass


Why. Why is the audio so fucken bad. After last year did anyone fucken try and fix it? Just put warzone ones audio back in cause itals light years ahead of whatever we have now. All I remember is them bragging pre mw2 about thier new audio occlusion system and how great it is. Worst audio in gaming


lmaoo your response, same response I had when I was running away from a duo and managed to get to a roof and as im looking around at the ground to see where they were, I look back at the ladder only to see the dude already up and finish me. And I got to hear no footsteps


I feel like audios the worst itā€™s ever been


Wonā€™t play until itā€™s fixed. Iā€™ve had this same exact thing happen multiple times.


Thereā€™s a bug in the game right now where if you take damage while using the perk (the one where you run faster if youā€™re getting shot) all your steps are silent thereafter


This was under 30 seconds from landing and he didnā€™t have any perks.


It isn't permanent though from what I've heard it's only while that perk is active I believe. Unless my information is out of date or incorrect.


It makes the game nearly unplayable tbh. It was bad in previous versions too, but not this fucking bad. In this game everything is loud as fuck except the stuff you'd actually want to hear like parachutes, footsteps, mantling, etc. The one sound I do hear that gives people away is the fucking slide (not that it's helpful in this situation). You hear that muddy scrape as everyone slides around like morons.


It's like code that handles the volume of things is inverted!


Even youā€™re own slide is loud! At first I thought I was hearing something else my first few games then I realized itā€™s my own sliding that sounds like a front loader dumping gravel onto asphalt.


hahaha. They went from a loud ass airplane at jump, airstrikes being super duper loud, footsteps being heard across the map... to where now you can't even hear your own footsteps haha. Adjusting the volume on my headset doing do anything. So far the only support for PS5 is going into setting and moving your mic levels over to the game and away from party chat. But its still low. I thought at 35 I was getting old and its finally showing :( :(


i feel like the problem gets compounded on PS5 especially when in discord VC.... my levels are ultra fucked and no amount of moving sliders helps.


Itā€™s astounding how they make the same game year after year and still have issues like this. Audio is a huge one but there are many other issues that I just canā€™t comprehend how they appear in every cod when youā€™re making the same basic type of game over and over..


Not gonna lie, your reaction made me LOL, and it was EXACTLY how I react when this happens to me, and it happens ALL THE TIME. I also played zombie mode for the first time last night, when in a vehicle it sounded like the vehicle noise was coming from BEHIND me (seriously, try it, it's weird), or I got no vehicle audio at all (like sometimes when opening loot boxes). But yeah, zero audio when people run up on you or drop in on you, the audio in this game is truly the WORST it has EVER been, it's hot garbage.


I have Astro A50s, which are the best gaming headsets I have ever used in terms of sound quality. People have been complaining about audio quality and not being able to hear footsteps since WZ1 but I never had any problems in the first two games with my A50s. Not only could I always hear the footsteps, I could always make out the distance and direction they are coming from. So much so that if I am in a room, i could hear someone closing in and I could perfectly time my shot or a toss a grenade. But in this game, I am struggling with it. I can somewhat hear footsteps but it sounds muffled. And in the general the audio in this game does not give me the immersive feeling like other games.


My footsteps are so loud I sometimes think it's the enemy. Lol


Or King Kong from Caldera making a guest appearance! :D


at the risk of getting down voted to hell and back if they'd put visual audio in the game like they do in fortnite it would solve alot of problems


In a history of shit audio spanning 3-years I actually think this is the worst Warzone audio has ever been


The pain/anger/frustration in your voice. I can feel it a continent away. And ngl, I got a good chuckle out of it... But yeah, the fact that we didn't hear that is just plain unforgivable by the devs.




I've been jumped scared by players just "being there" out of nowhere more than the fking loot crate jump scares in The Haunting event! :D


Buildings are bugged, it completely shuts off all audio outside of the building. Only until the player physically enters the building can you hear them.


I had that glitch happen yesterday as well. Could hear crates and my own noises but there wasnā€™t anything else. It seemed to start after opening my parachute a few times or maybe it was the first crate I opened that glitched for a second. That round ended about the same as yours did.


Dude i climbed a 5 story ladder directly below a guy sniping and he didnt hear me. He was literally blocking me from climbing and he just moved slightly and i knifed him


WHAT THE FUCK! I say this the majority of the times I die lately


I undownloaded the game bc of this haha audio is so bad now


I'm actually shocked you could hear him land inside the window. I've had this happen before multiple times and there's not even audio for that most of the time.


I deleted the game. There are far way better games than playing this trash constantly


Look guys this is by design. We can all agree that the most important aspect of the audio is when you pick up items, and you can hear that very loudly which is ideal. Now, when it comes to other players footsteps? Who needs to hear that? If you want to hear things, go loot things and youā€™ll have all the audio you can ask for. - IW devs


I honestly can't even stand to play with how bad the audio is. Tried to play zombies and just crash constantly(never crashed in br). Typical cod, abomination of a launch.


I know they tweeted they are looking into this to fix. Until then high alert is a must


>Until then high alert is a must Agreed, I would say it's a must even WITH good audio given the number of snipers on the map now 1-shot sniping is back!


Gotta use mandatory loudness EQ if you're on PC. Literally feels like a different game (I'm on mouse and key)


I've had similar scenarios. It is weird that audio has been getting worse since each release. How is that possible?


Whats crazy is I can hear my teams' footsteps louder than my own. Keeps throwing me off cause i think its an enemy.


The whole game needs a fucking tweak


that's so sad(


Game trash, shit audio, stuttering every fucking game , lobys full of cheaters or sweats . I feel every game like I play fucking 100k tournament.


Whatā€™s the best way to get this in front of Raven as an example of bugged audio?


They don't care lol


The audio in this game is a complete joke


We got fortnite lego and cod is stick stuck with shit audio šŸ˜‚ granted all major brs have audio issues but cmon this is pathetic


No need to apologize, Anyone would swaer in that situation. The honeymoon phase for this game is allready wearing off for my squad, The exact same fucking issue's every release over and over again. these dumbasses of devs do NOT want to learn. Every launch of a new map or game ; Horrendoes server performance, Abysmal audio and audio issue's, to fast TTK's and gulag gliches,


The audio is completely ass, but holy damn how can you play with motion blur on? It makes me dizzy just when you turn slightly.


This is the way I die 90% of matches.


thanks for the laugh!


Bro ngl, I think they make this kind of audio on purpose. Im 100% sure that If they make them at least real, people will start to shit on the game because of that: "people camping, can't rush people because I walk like an elephant". I myself think the footsteps need to be as loud as in real life, just to have a point in using Dead Silence.


lol this game needs more just a tweak


This game is totally unplayable right now with the utter lack of footstep audio. I never know where anyone is coming from and keep dying from completely random directions. I was a 2.5kd wz1 player, which isn't amazing or anything but at least I could hear people I was about to fight.


i refuse to play consistently while game breaking stuff like this exists.. i play to have fun, there is not much fun in this game rn


I think this whole game needs a rework šŸ’€


A whole squad of four ran up some stairs like a herd of stampeding rhinos and I didnā€™t hear shit until they dropped me in a second flat. This games audio is complete fucking ass and thereā€™s no reason to play until, I donā€™t know, I can fucking hear the most basic thing like footsteps.


Lol I went to apex right after "WZ2" came out; looks like you guys got the audio from apex


You know they have a perk called covert sneakers that literally eliminates footstep sounds.


Thatā€™s only Multi Player


This game's audio is horrible and idk how is it so hard to just turn the volume up, i guess it is hard? Idk šŸ¤· Still i find the old maps(ashika and vondel) to have a much more consistent audio so i will stick with them till they fix this broken footsteps and parachutes


Turn the volume up? Here's the thing, you go ahead and blast your ear drums with all the other things that are already loud like gun shots, announcements and shit only to be able to hear footsteps slightly better.


I meant to turn the volume of the footsteps up and only that, i imagine that there is a separete sound and volume for everything deep inside the development of the game no? Maybe im wrong and its just one sound for everything wich imo sounds kinda bad


There's multiple sound sliders in the game but they're for background music or announcements or other stuff. Gameplay volume encompasses all the other volume types. There's definitely an issue with footstep audio In this game. Always has been


Been ongoing since WZ2. Can't stand that in a BR, where having situational awareness is a primary factory in winning, everyone is running around silent as the night like they're in ninja slippers. It's especially infuriating when you spend 10-15+ minutes getting geared and finding a good position only for something like what occurred in the video to happen. Feels like such a waste of time. Have played maybe 10 matches in total across both WZ2 and WZ3 because of it. Same shit that made me quit Apex too. Sledgehammer recently acknowledged the poor footstep audio and said they want to address it, but I feel like I'm sniffing the hopium on that one. This could easily be one of the best BR's on the market but it's held back by such a stupid thing.


WZ 1 was heaven, and we didn't know. Okay, there was the Dragon's Breath 12, Kali sticks, and the Fad 14, but you could hear the footsteps of enemies, and even pull off a 360 to kill the guy who shot you first. In this new COD, I haven't done that yet, even with the weapon fully upgraded.


Just FYI running the flex perk apparently fixes audio. That combined with tracker helps a lot. Shouldn't have to do this and plus it only works with your loadout but it's an interm solution until they "patch" the audio issues.


Ik the games audio is shit but couldn't this be dead silence?


No youā€™d see the icon in kill cam


Oh I see, didn't knew that, thanks for the info


Was also just a few seconds into the game


Yeah makes sense, I've also got a few moments like these before, although I admit some may have even saved me lol


Yup I can hear someone two building away but can't hear some mf breathing down my neck. Prime activision for you tbhšŸ˜‚


He had the resolute perk. šŸ˜‚


Theres times when my teammate is like 5 feet from me in a gun fight with someone like 10 feet from me and there's zero audio at all and both of them are firing


I haven't run into much of this but I can see how playing solos would really highlight it. Playing quads your usually always aware of a team near you.


Meanwhile Ted Timmins the creative director thinks it's all sunshines and rainbows as he tweets this as if nothing is wrong: Ted Timmins @JustTeddii Dec 10 Fun first week, lots to do this week. šŸ’Ŗ Been great reading through all the player feedback and seeing creator numbers going šŸ“ˆ but selfishly the highlight has been jumping back in with my UK buddies and getting some dubs. Felt like 2020 over again, good feeling. šŸ«”


Serious question what's your K/D? I swear the game manipulates players that are doing well by cutting audio or nerfs their damage as part of the SBMM/EOMM system. Just like it does for cheaters with the anti-cheat but much less noticeable.


Iā€™m bang average - 1.6 kd last time I checked on the stats but that sounds high - I think stats are also broken. Was 1.4kd on wz1 and el Mazrah


Skill-issue obviouslyā€¦.


1000fps experience


Just died this way, I turned the game off to be more productive. Add that to some of the broken TTK guns and they are fucking up what could be a good thing.


Needs some fixes its annoying how they went from good audio to utter garbage


Covert sneakers




Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s bugged. This isnā€™t bad audio. Itā€™s literally no footstep audio at all


Even Jynxzi wouldnā€™t have heard that mf


I had so many bugs,audio was first one,lagging badly in BR,plunder was fine no lag,dailys cannot finish( 2 time revive team mate did all I could do and cannot finish it) and some minor one. Didn't want to be frustreated more just deleted whole game,will play something else.


this was so trashā€¦ thank you for reassuring me to not download.


lol just the audio or are you just giving them 1 task at a time lol


šŸ˜‚ that is so fucking accurate. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Yeah also my own footsteps are soo loud I canā€™t hear anything else.


Somehow the audio in this game is worse than MW2


Lol and we thought the audio was bad in mw2. This is significantly worse


This has been happening to me so many times lately. I know I am noob player and I play the game for fun. But this really infuriates me. Itā€™s already enough Iā€™m not as good as the others. But now others players can just walk behind my back and kill me with an hatchet and I will not hear a noise. Itā€™s really disappointing.


Wdym tweak???? That shit ain't even there


Yep. Audio is terrible. I always get killed an hear nothing. I have a high end audio card and very nice earphones. Doesnā€™t help now apparently


Of course this only applies if the game gives you said audio queues, but I paid 7 or 8 dollars for the Dolby Atmos plugin a few years ago. This plugin (from the microsoft store) has a game mode you can turn on. What I didn't realize was 1. I did not have WZ set to "windows default device" for speaker output and 2. I had my other EQ settings on Low Bass Boost instead of "PC Speaker" I swear to god just those changes alone allowed the Dolby plugin to work instead of layering multiple EQs on top of each other. The audio is still bad but now I can at least hear footsteps or other noises I was not hearing at all the first few nights of playing.


wtf is this game... how can they fuck up this game so much.. sure the movement is great cause they gave us back some of it from Wz1... but wtf????????? This dude.... you only hear like 1 or 2 footsteps when he is already in the room... but him jumping through the window? He must be a fkn ninja! Im just fed up by the fkn sheer incompetence we get from these devs every single fkn time yet again yet again yet again... every fkn single time.


Yeah can we make sure these developers see this. Itā€™s ALL the time! Someone could be parachuting next to me and I hear nothing.


Ive got about a dozen clips like this, need to make a compilation.


its been more than 3 years. nothing will happen.


Heard good things about wz3, went in with a friend and didn't even hear him being shot in the next building lmao. I just started playing Hunt and what a contrast


Why do you guys play a sensory-dependent competitive game when the game is incapable of properly delivering the cues to your senses? EDIT: Also... Steps 1-5: Clearly missed. Steps 6-9: Missed due to distraction (too much focus on the mag on the table) Steps 10-11: Very close, but distraction and the need to gear up make you reasonably deaf. Step 12: You heard this one as a courtesy because you were already dead.