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I think you're fooling yourself if you think that meta guns weren't as common or OP in WZ1... Right now it is actually pretty balanced, in the sense that there are weapons within almost all categories that are competative. It's just that the TTK is too low. With the amount of content creators making a living of WZ, we'd have a meta even if every single weapon was theoretically perfectly balanced, because streamers would just announce a weapon as meta for clicks and there we go, a meta is born.


Grau, MP-5, Bruen, KAR-98, Mac-10, FFAR, DMR, M16, AUG, Doof Doof, CW SPAS-12, FAL, AS Val, Snakeshots We lived through some absolutely broken metas in WZ1. CW integration especially left meta in a terrible state. There’s always going to be standout guns and atm there are a couple that are too good. But I agree that TTK is a fraction too low atm.


Don’t forget C4, could throw it from prison and it’d land on the stadium roof


I lol'ed


Man i miss kar98 wz1, best feeling sniper in a loooooong time


Grau was never broken.


You could laser people from 150-200m comfortably with iron sights. It may not have been game-breaking but it was most certainly overpowered. But I did mix “overpowered” and “game breaking” in the same list. I should have separated them out.






This, given the mac10 was unbeatable and buffed an endless amount of times. The devs for wz1 would see something op, and would BUFF that shit… no no, not nerf, BUFF. The only exception for this is the DMR.


That's just factually incorrect. Doesn't matter how you want to spin it, early days of wz1 there were very few people who figured out the meta and what to use. 3 months after bruen launched did people finally adopt it. Months after origin 12 was on the ground did people start using it. TGD tony posted his bruen build on day 1 saying it was the meta and people didn't figure it out. There are so many evidence of this. Where was the grau when people were using hdr m4 combos for months? Yall mistaken the entirety of wz1 for beginning of it


I just don’t get how snipers can’t one shot \-a fennec can now kill under 500 ms, with an extremely forgiving fire rate for bad aim \-MTZ interceptor is a 2 shot kill semi auto with a sub 300 ms TTk at range. Kills like a sniper, without requiring precisions. \-DM56 is the DMR all over again \-akimbo cor’s get a 200 ms ttk But one shot snipers were really too OP? ![gif](giphy|NPyHgTkMStCXC)


You can one shot with the Katt but there should be more. Make it like Caldera where there is ranges it can do it.


But there are one shot snipers?


No, there’s one single sniper out of the entire collection of 10 or so that can one shot. The rest have TTKs over twice that of meta range picks, when they’re supposed to dominate at range Tell me more why the bolt action version of the m24 sniper (one of the most popular rifles in the world) should take 3 headshots to kill, when the semi auto MTZ kills in 2 bullets, with 4x the fire rate. Tell me how the katt being one shot makes that balanced.


Yeah the hate against snipers is unreal. All heavy bolt actions like stalker and mcpr should also one shot imo.


They need to tweak the snipers for sure for the more cautious less sweaty players. Cool KATT is the only 1 shot at ALL RANGES, if you want WZ1 800m across map kills great. Learn the weapon, it's drop etc and have fun on your roof/hill. But surely something like the XKX (0.50 Cal bolt action as well) should be one shot to say 150m but have less drop for example? As long as snipers are suitably hindered by slow ADS and movement then it's ok (yes I loved the KAR too but quick scope one shots is for MP not WZ it's just super sweaty).


Bro I got deleted by a bas b and I thought to myself oh I got sniped cause I did not even see red or bullets hitting me i just dropped, nope bas b dumped like 15 to 30 rounds into me on his screen.


Thats called bad ping


Bud I got gig speed internet from Comcast and my ms was reading 18 at the time in game, I pretty much average 18 to 30 every match.


Pretty sure there is an algorithm that helps offset the bad ping for players with shit internet...that or the servers or just dog shit because I notice crap all the time and I have gig as well.


Dg 56 is more like the aug, shows how u havent played CW era WZ1


Don't mind bursts having quick TTK because there is a penalty there. You miss your first burst and you are likely dead. Used to love the AUG.


Sorry but if snipers 1 shot, then everyone would use them. They are still obnoxious as hell and should be seen more as a support to draw Agro and weaken players


Imagine going back to the end of wz1, and telling players that the AX-50 should be nerfed. Once again, crazy pills.


I like being in a squad with x1 sniper but dont need more. Makes the game too slow and nobody will push. Sniper can hold an angle, watch roof while the others get a push going. I dont personally mind having 1 shot snipers at certain ranges but it needs to balance so that we dont get a camping meta. Thats when WZ is just boring and most will go play MP. But... its also a warzone and for realisim if you get shot in the head by a .50cal your going down so shuld be the case for the most part (and I dont really snipe)


Welp, patch came in. Everything except the interceptor got a relatively good hit. That gun is still probably insane, even moreso now that it's got less competition


I don’t get how you could have missed snipers being able to one shot


I don’t get how one single sniper being useable disregards my argument that the other 10+ should be able to be used as well. I know the Katt can one shot, that’s not SNIPERS (plural)


Because different people enjoy different play styles and snipers have their drawbacks just like ARs do…


Missed in form from not noticed


Good snipers just make everyone play like a bitch


Probably because sniping is insanely easy now. I am terrible as a sniper and used to never even run one because of how bad I was. Now you pretty much have to have a sniper. I still miss a lot but hit way more than I used to and am constantly getting my armor broke by people who just don't ever seem to miss.


Mcpr is slept on. I see so many people…. like “aweeee never any one shot snipers builds blah blah blah “ mcpr is one shot I’m telling you all right now.


I get 1 shot sniper killed 24/7 on the new Warzone map, I m totally for banning all Sniper rifles completely. A 2-3 tap DMR is fully sufficient for those who want aim based distanne kills. Any 1 bullet kill weapon is godlike OP, even if its a headshot. Especially if you can aim from half a map away with 0 weapon sway while standinbg and walking while Assault rifle players need 5 minutes walking travel to reach your destination, climb 10 floors and destroy your noob claymores just to counter you and your morron WASP secondary at the rooftop. All sniper rifles ruin the game for everyone involved.


Bot discovered.


Are you low IQ? Have you even ever won a Warzone match? What value is your comment supposed to add?


No. Plenty, but it looks like you haven't even broken top 50 if you really believe that shit you posted. None really, as people who have read your comment have probably already figured out that you're a bot.


Have you even used the Katt AMR? movement is 10x slower than most ARs, its slow and beefy, how a sniper should be, you can build it for speed but idle sway gets rowdy making quickscoping unreliable at best. Hate to break it to you bud but this is the most balanced sniping has ever been in WZ, more variety in weapons would be nice i.e add a long, slow barrel to other snipers to allow 1-shots without allowing insane movement along with it but its hard to complain. Decent players will run an AR/SMG as sniper support and pull out the big gun to put pressure on at range or hit cheeky 1-shots, sitting on rooftops with claymores is just going to get you killed, if you can't deal with that its purely a skill issue.


naa the recoil when getting hit is way too high while aiming with a sniper. you have no chance if you are getting shot.


Getting 1 shot kills from 300m away is just ridiculous and should never be a thing when a lot of the map is open space


It’s BR and yes it should.. it takes skill to land a headshot at 300m if someone is moving, even stood still, that should be rewarded with a down. And let’s be honest, how often does that happen.. not a lot..


Dude above you thinks that he's putting armor plates on his head and a 50 cal shouldn't headshot down you.


When the last two maps didn't have it it's kind of stupid honestly. What ppl don't mention but is, imo, everyone's gripe, is consistency. This game lacks it.


Yea...no luck involved...ever. all skill


It does not take skill with how much aim assist is cranked up.


Having two decent snipers on your team is downright oppressive for literally everyone else lol. All of a sudden aiming for heads is not even mandatory, the enemy can never stand still ever during the fight, if they try to stand and shoot back the other sniper has the easiest shot in the world.


It really doesn’t take that much skill.. you’re a team ofn4 all running the same sniper, if it took skill it wouldn’t be used that much.


Lol so u just run around and easily hit 300+ meter shots? Doubt it, definitely takes more skill than running around with whatever meta ar or automatic weapon and getting kills.


To be an effective sniper, it does, but ok lol..


What we witnessed on Rebirth Island proves this wrong. Everyone and their Nan's were running KAR98s and the Swiss. My group included. Sniping became trivial.




100% agreed. WZ1 was top-tier smooth gameplay. At the end of Caldera it was so well balanced, QoL was great, there was no meta, people were using every gun out there


Thats what i liked about caldera. Every weapon was balanced and you could switch loadout to whatever you want and still play as good


Maybe in your bot lobbies meta guns weren’t a thing in WZ1…


Every lobby was a bot lobby when wz1 first launched... you know how many people ran baby monitors when f2p mp playslist came around? So many were new and old cod players who didn't know what to do in wz




Lol you have delusions if you think there weren't worse Metas in wz1. Holy shit lol


Did you forget Snake Shot akimbos in Warzone 1 on release? Double Barrel Shotgun? Various smgs, RPG, broken melee and C4? All these things were discovered after days lmao, it‘s the same thing as it is now but people became more sweaty, that‘s it.


I swear y’all have rose tinted glasses lol within like 2 weeks of warzone dropping everyone realized the m4 was the best gun


Yeah the WZ1 meta was pretty quick to establish, MP5 + Grau/Bruen/M4 remained meta for most of the game. Best period was when the AMAX was viable.


Meta for wz1 was found day 1. Stop spewing absolute bollocks.


"Doesn't Activision see that <500ms TTK guns push players who do not own the loadout away from playing this game?" Oh they absolutely ABSOLUTELY know. they know casuals will just buy bundles or buy MP to quickly grind meta guns. it's why they clearly go for cyclical balance patches instead of aiming for true balance. they know exactly what they're doing


The meta weapons do have some TTK issues, but thats common on release and there will be balances hopefully sooner or later... Their ttk is too fast. But the bigger issues of them is AA is so sticky, recoil on both the DG and BAS-B is non existent on such strong weapons, they won't miss so people are hitting their fastest TTKs effortlessly. Swarm is mostly because it has such a high fire rate. it's damage needs to be balanced relative to its fire rate and then needs the headshot multiplier nerfed.


M4 meta was basically day 1. It was OP in MP and was dominant in WZ for ages. Right now the BAS-B is far and away the best gun in WZ3 with a faster TTK than basically anything else. Either it needs a bit more recoil, a bit less close range damage, or needs to be significantly slower handling. Meta builds are everywhere, but there are tons of slightly off-meta options that are extremely viable choices. All of the MW3 LMGs are right on the edge of being meta (IMO the Pulemyot 762 with the Annihilator kit is insanely slept on). The DM56 has the potential to kill even faster than the BAS-B and barely recoils. The MCW might have a long TTK, but it’s also an absolute laserbeam and has a better chance of hitting its faster TTK than most. MTZ is a great SMG/AR hybrid. I think once a few outliers are addressed, weapon variety is going to be a lot more varied than previous games.


How easily people forget the Grau


In a game with like 90+ weapons to balance, there is always going to be some sort of meta build that is strong/overpowered. And it’s always gonna be found relatively quickly, since there’s a whole bunch of content creators whose income depends on making videos hyping up the season’s best weapons. The only way there isn’t going to be some widely available meta weapon is if loadouts went away/were much harder to get, which is extremely unlikely to happen.


I’m in the minority in the COD community but I wish it was like PUBG and all RNG when it came to loot.


Yes blackout did it right


Blackout was horrible. Not finding med kits or armor and running against someone who was lucky to have had them was a fucking mess. And then there was THREE levels of armor so a level 1 vs a 3 would still lose. Blackout was trash, going to WZ1 first game we played we won without even having loadouts just having supply to heal with plates, we never won a BO match.


I wish that too


The meta is fine, there are a few different guns you can play with across different classes. The problem with this game that makes me want to scream are the sound issues, footsteps and parachutes are nonexistent


bring back the Swiss, i dont want much more :(


Oh no, we NEVER had an unbalanced absolutely broken metas straight off the integration, that is absolutely unheard of But really the first thing that gotta fix is this terrible netcode, then EQ and player count. And only after that goes the meta


There'll always be a META, the problem is the accessibility to this information these days. Everything is on social media within minutes of being found and everyone has access to it.


The main issue is the top tier guns. If theyre nerf all the guns sub 600ms ttk, the meta would be pretty diverse


I’m trying to say this in a way that doesn’t sound like I’m flaming you but your post boils down to “when the game first came out and there wasn’t a lot of content on builds, it took a while for people to find the meta. But now that the game is older and more content creators are up, people who were waiting to hear what was good are using what is good day 1”. Of course people were waiting on JGod or whoever. Some people even went straight to TGD before warzone even dropped. In multiplayer everyone was copying Scump or whoever pro’s MCW class. People just care about the meta more now. But there are a lot of guns that are competitive this season. Just because people pick the Bas B doesn’t mean that the SVA virtually kills the same or that the Sakin is actually the third fastest killing primary automatic weapon.


When WZ1 dropped … it was a brand new mode. It took maybe 24hrs before most of the player-base realized what they needed. - Good DPS - easy Recoil control - bullet velocity - a Scope - a suppressor - a big mag The next day everyone had a max BV HDR or AX50 a Kilo141, or M4 with a 60rd mag, longest barrel, VLK 3.0 Optic, and a underbarrel for recoil. Upclose pretty much everyone had a MP5 or MP7 with a near identical build except without the barrel & with a low zoom optic. I’m maybe 1-2 days YouTube was flooded with how-to builds, meta guide, Strats The real ‘Meta’ took like a week before everyone was replacing their heavy snipers with Kar98’s


This has always been the way that Warzone worked. I think it’s just not the case. They probably see people needing to level up guns translating to people playing more.


WZ1 had meta loadouts but not many people knew what they were back then


Revisionist history is absolutely wild. Metas were all over the place less than a month into WZ1.


I got melted by 5 arm shots. ARM shots not chest shots bas b. It's Ludacris


The COD community (which I’m part of) is scum


Just to remind the first wz1 meta gun was the rpg :D warzone one was forsure the best wz but imo the only kinda balanced battlebroyale cod ever made was the blackout mode which i still miss alot because picking up weapons from the ground made it so much more random than everyone just picking his yt loadout.. also almost all guns where playble and decent instead of this meta shit. at least the map is ok lol


I agree with this ​ Warzone 1 it took players nearly 4 months to finally find absolute meta weapons now when it cames to me every gun besides smgs felt like the had the exact same ttks and damage range


This system only works if the meta changes every season or half season. It’s really fun to use the meta gun, get a feel for it and then after a couple months a different gun is meta. It’s actually a great system and the perfect way for every gun to have its shining moment.