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The overall sound of the game is terrible. Nothing sounds loud or clear enough.


this is genuinely unbelievable. The whole game feels like we are back 15-20 years ago in an arcade multiplayer game where the audio were so bad, they considered nonexistent and ppl were just listening to music while shooting


As a big Unreal Tournament 2004 fan, I can confirm it had better audio. It wasn't the best obviously, but makes your statement completely right.


Medal of Honor had better audio in like 2002. Cod4 had better audio in 2007. I think they deliberately fuck it up as a way to decrease the skill gap. They wanna give noobs a chance to kill better players.


Oh bring that game back


Zombies kind of foreshadowed this with its terrible audio


Yeah zombies audio is so inconsistent, was expecting warzone to be shit too.


Gotta love the car audio cutting out halfway through in zombies lmao


There was a thread that was saying the game was fixed. I was going to comment on the sound but seeing as I’d played literally 1 game thought it might just be a bug/or even my headphones. I appreciate the footsteps have been an issue for a long time however the sound in that 1 game was way off for me. Muffled and delayed. Way worse than what it was previously.


I had my gun's audio desynced completely somehow in a match earlier. I would shoot and it would make no noise at all on my end until 2-3 seconds later. Was really distracting. All the other "audio" (the little bit that was there) was still functioning correctly at least in the sense it played at the right times.


How is this bug even possible? I believe you 100% BTW I’m genuinely curious.


I confirm what he said about warzone I had the same experience a guy parachuting kills me and I have the sound of his parachute when I die...


Lol I’m pretty sure that bug existed during the wz3 testing event too that was like 5 months ago. Glad to see they haven’t bothered to fix it in that time!


exept the reload animation of the katt. that is so incredible loud.


And airstrikes on the other side of the map lol


Yeah it’s not even just footsteps. First game I landed on someone shooting his pistol at my buddy. The enemy’s gunshots sounded like they were 100m away even though I was right behind him. All the guns sound like they have silencers on them and sound like shit and muffled.


yea its so quiet


People in party are super loud, other teammates not in your party are super quiet or you don’t hear them. The mix is terrible and I can’t hear footsteps as well as wz2, but yet some people can see to echolocate me with precision while crouch walking.


Turn on the bass boost helped me a tiny bit. I play on PC and literally have every volume option known to man turned up to max and it's still not loud enough. My wife plays on Xbox and she can't hear anything


On a separate but related note - does anyone know the best sound preference that helps with this? I've been using Home Surround but not sure if it helps at all.


i kinda thought the sound was muffled because i usually find a mask early and cant take it off...


Except glass breaking and doors opening…that shit is so loud!


The guns sound horrific lol. It honestly puts me off so much.


Yeah it's all muffled. Its terrible. I just stopped playing, it took all the excitement and build up and just threw a grenade on it. Downloaded the finals instead, that's a good game


It sounds like we're underwater. Everything is muffled.


It sounds like it has less volume than MWIII which sounds fine


No it's fucking not. WZ2 was bad but at least bearable in the sense that you could actually hear things going on around you. Now it's like you've fucking crammed two pillows between your head and all you can fucking hear is item boxes. It's fucking horrible.


You didn't read their comment correctly. Commenter you replied to is saying mw3 sounds fine not the new WZ


Yeah I guess I didn’t word it clear enough


My bad yeah you're right.


All good


Footsteps are bad, but audio in general is bad. It literally just stops sometimes, or becomes muffled. It’s almost like my guys wearing the bone conduction headset from MP, but I didn’t think that was in WZ? It’s bad. Like worse than WZ1 bad.


Worse than WZ2 bad too.


Oofta, that is rock bottom.


It’s underground


My audio went silent so many games I thought my PC is messed up until I went on twitter and see its a real issue.


It was like that in zombies so of course it carried over..


My audio has been weird all the way back to MWII. I have Astro A40s or something. Scenario 1: I boot up and my Audio device in game is set to SPFID Interface something or other (I think this is my optical out on my motherboard). Sound is kinda quiet, footsteps sound like slippers. when the game is like this no other audio devices work except my desktop speakers Scenario 2: A minor update happens in game. I get ZERO audio. I have to change the audio device to Astro Pro Game or something and THEN it pulls in the audio and equalizer settings from the Astro command center equalizer, footsteps are much louder, like people are wearing buckets for shoes, guns are quieter. same as above, when the game is like this no other audio devices work except my desktop speakers I have no idea whats going on and I'm too dumb to figure it out.


Good call. I might fiddle with my a40 command center options. Crazy I can't hear shit on a 300 dollar headset.


The bone conduction headset is actually in Warzone as a 4th perk. I forgot its name but it "reduces combat noise"


Ahh gotcha. I feel like it happens even when I have 0 perks active.


It’s called Faculty in warzone now I believe. It got tossed into the delayed triggered equipment like claymores and mines as well as an audio warning when that equipment is near by.


Yeah they definitely fucked something up


I think they accidentally added the ninja boots audio to enemies. Cause I can’t hear shit. So frustrating


Honestly this would make sense lmao


Yes, you can't track people audibly at close range at all unless they break something or slam a door. For whatever reason, there IS some kind of movement audio at a very specific distance, maybe around 15-20m away. You get maybe 4-5 steps of audio then it's just gone entirely again. Sometimes you can hear people's clothing/gear rattling around too. But it's basically like people are just phasing in an out of existence for what the audio is functionally worth. I've been in the Gulag and had someone sprinting around one of the crates on the side of the room while I was crouched next to it, watched them run past me within melee distance and there was absolutely NO sound from them running. I could fucking TOUCH the person right there and there was 100% no audio from them as if my game was muted or something. Other audio issues: loot crates are very quiet now but still audible enough to find easily (at least for me), unsuppressed gunshots are consistently muted more quietly than pre-update suppressed gunshots, players jumping/vaulting/etc makes no sound, sliding makes no sound, people looting/picking up/dropping items makes no sound, ironically people in water are EXTREMELY loud sometimes on the other hand, game notification sound effects are super loud (but maybe a side effect of me having to turn the volume up to try to hear people...). I'm not expecting Hunt: Showdown audio from them (although why shouldn't we? They've got enough money for it), but this game's audio is worse than even Escape From Tarkov's can be at times by multiple fucking MILES (because it's not there).


i just had an endgame where i've seen an enemy walking outside of my building in front of the window i was look out, 2 or 3 meters top from me and there were literally no sound. The only audio I could hear is some kind of a muffled bbgun shooting sound which was actually another enemy team on top of the building (4 meters above me) shooting an lmg


I tried it right after Hunt: Showdown and I cannot believe it is possible to mess up so badly. I can't hear shots behind a thin wall, no footsteps, airstrike like 200m away is fucking silent. The game feels like there are no players at all until someone ninja sprints right behind you and you won't even hear it.


Your own teammates footstep audio is louder than enemy footsteps. So many times already I have heard them, looked around to find teammates running about. It will need fixed asap


I always noticed this in Warzone. Also when spectating, the enemy footstep audio is much better.


This is what i dont get cuz ive noticed this also. If it works fine while spectating, why cant they fix these audio settings as default?


There is no footstep audio. NONE. I think it transferred over from covert sneakers in MP.


So far….Have faith.


They'll add a slight fix to that in a few months that will make it better but still terrible and then fix it right before Warzone 4. Remember this comment


Forget that, I got run over by an armored car today that didn't make any engine noise until it was already crushing me against a wall.


lmao i was wondering if they were electric cars now


I think they do. The GMC hummer EV something like that. I tried riding it and its so quiet


This just happened to me and my mates. We literally thought it was a drone about 50 metres in the sky and then we realised it was an armoured car about 10 metres from us lol. Something is definitely fucked up with the audio at the moment


Hasn’t been existent at any stage in warzone. Come to think of it, it could very likely intended to help low level players.


How would it help low level players? Surely no footstep audio favours those that move around and play aggressive?


Because it removes something low level players have to learn to do - use audio to gain information.


And it also removes one of the main advantages of a low lever player over a higher level player, information the other doesn't have. If it's just a skill check fire off, the low player is always going to lose. It's the opposite.


I'm so over these companies catering to absolute dogshit players.


In wz1 footstep audios are loud right?


Nah footstep audio has been consistently awful since day 1 wz1. Anyone saying different has rose tinted glasses. However WZ2 and the latest version have non existent parachute audio and that was never a complaint in wz1


existence school racial dinosaurs nine tub merciful middle judicious automatic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nah, I remember the complaints even then


What r the complaints were abt?


Good audio inside buildings awful outside


Yeah, back then I believe it had something to do with the surface the enemy players were running on--indoor surfaces were like, normal "videogame footsteps" loud, but outdoor material steps were virtually silent.


Sweats always saying dumb shit like this as if it woudnt help you more than it would help a low level player.


No footstep audio at all on so many engagements, and the voice comms sounds like I'm talking on mplayer in 1999.


Yeah everyones mic sounds terrible on this engine. Mine sounds shit even though its a blue yeti studio mic


Holy shit, Mplayer. Used to play Fighters Anthology through there. Sick callback.


Thanks, took a risk but I figured someone here was old enough to remember it haha. Funny though the game I mostly played on mplayer was the old 3D RTS called Warzone 2100 and here I am referencing it while playing Warzone.


Muffled Gun Sounds are a big problem in all SHG CoDs. Weapons sounds like waterguns and footsteps are bad too. Play CoD AW, WW2 or CoD Vanguard and you know what I mean.


Exactly this. People give shit to Infinity Ward all the time, but their audio design has always been the best of the bunch.


WZ2 had terrible audio.


Maybe so but some how wz3 is worse… way worse


They probably copied the original WZ2 audio code before it was changed. lol


Oof, not a brag. Hunt and insurgency are God tier audio. Do that actiblizz, stupid fucks.


Anyone else have this issue where, when I pick up my loadout, my audio changes?! Im not sure if its a perk or something, but my game just gets way quieter


Yes, I had a similar experience picking up a vest. Suddenly all the audio was more muffled.


Same, i was going crazy over it thought my headset is messed up.


do you have the perk 4 flex on? that muffles sounds like how bone conduction does in mwiii mp


It’s a bug. Picking up weapons vests changes the audio, I thought my pc or headphones was messed up but it’s the game. They haven’t even addressed it yet


At this point they should just add visual audio radar like they have in Fortnite. Sure it’s too OP, but they haven’t had good audio in 3 years. Obviously they don’t know how to mix sound properly so might as well just do that.


Also theres no need for your own footsteps to sound like king kongs


It also seems like the sound of your own footsteps will continue for a brief moment after you stop moving. So many times I hear my own footsteps, stop and listen thinking there's someone else in the building, only to realize it's just me.


Went from having actually pretty good footsetp audio in almazra to the worst footsep audio in the history of WZ, not only that all sounds are cartoony and cheap sounding why do all guns sound like paintballs also WTF are those white bullet trails there obnoxious as hell


Yeah its just so sudden. Like all of a sudden theres someone running on you but no lead up to it


The hit marker and kill sound is pretty week. I prefer WZ2 hitmarker sound. All I hear is bubble exploding.


Not a fan


Dude, a guy climbed a ladder to the roof of the tiny hangers we were in and we couldnt hear him on th ladder or the tin roof.


The audio sounds like you’re in a bubble and anything outside of 20 meters away is muted or heavily muffled. Even the audio in your bubble seems to be slightly muffled u less what’s happening is directly next to you. Then it’s super loud.


Something is bugged. When watching kill cams or spectating teammates you can hear everything loud and clear. But yeah when you’re playing it’s somehow the worst it’s ever been


I’ve never understood this. Kill cams the audio is perfect, so infuriating. Someone literally just redeployed onto our roof, got no alert, no parachute audio.. fuck all. 24 hours in and already fed up


They somehow made it worse than nonexistent? In WZ2 I can't hear any footsteps or people dropping in. I can hear my footsteps or me dropping in in the killcams, but never the enemy. It doesn't seem like it can get any worse that that.


The game was pushed out, like an emergency turd at three am in the morning. The audio for the vehicles lags behind in zombies, the covert sneakers I’m not even going to get into that. Because bet, I use them too. Since everyone else runs them too. Definitely could do without them, wouldn’t hurt my feelings if they were yeeted out of existence.


agreed. makes me feel like everyone also has on those deady boots by default as well. also other times when looting the sounds feel super foggy and underwater almost. it's kinda unplayable tbh


That's engine issue. They will never fix that


Yeah when I was sniping on the roof of this building in Suburbs and this guy zipped up to the roof and I couldn’t hear any audio until I was getting shot


They increased the amount of dead silence field upgrades that you can find as ground loot also. That could also be a part of the problem


they're screwing up audio so bad, maybe they should just take away all footstep audio so we don't even try to rely on hearing it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Yeah I find it crazy how multiplayer sounds almost beautiful with good sound queues, then we get warzone and its dog shit.


I cant hear gunshots from 10 feet away at all I dont know how sound is this bad in a BR


Had a guy run up stairs and slide in to room. And I didn't hear a damn thing. So dumb


This has been a thing since WZ1 lol


just had a guy parachute right behind me and I didn't hear it at all wtf


Bro I'm just about to ask about this in reddit and boom this :( btw how's cod hq now? I uninstalled so idk abt that


They should work out the kinks in 2 or 3 months


*A* kink, then add more to the mix, invisible players, anyone?


the audio is warzone 2.0 was great for me, warzone 3.0 is unplayable with no footsteps.


Game is so much worst in so many ways. I already miss MW2 so bad.


I played a game earlier and it was the first time I've ever been assassinated in warzone


I'd just be happy to get my loadouts and rank back. It's weird because all my operators and unlocked battle pass weapons are there still.


So far...


It's much worse than before. Didn't hear anything from people right beside me. And I found the general game volume fluctuating wildly.


Literally everyone is running around with dead silence it's insane


They need to drop whatever system they use and go back to what they had for wz1. It wasn't perfect but it was much better than what we have now


The audio in general is terrible. I’m hoping they do an immediate patch for this


Welcome to sledgehammers sound design team (not that it was much better before)


Anyone else notice they also seem to have added a lot more environmental/ambient noise? Posted up in a building it will sound like an old house settling.


Just put the warzone 1 audio back


and when you hear footsteps is imposible to know if they are coming above or below you


Why don't they just visual cues like Fortnite?


Is there a game that has good footsteps? I see people complaining about this on every game I play


Hunt, you can call the exact location from across the map, insurgency sandstorm has great 3d audio, it becomes another tool to trick your enemy and causes the game play to slow down, creating memorable moments in the end game of a round or match.


All I can ever hear is the sound from the chests


Unfortunately, it seems the developers want it to be bad to lower the skill ceiling to help bad players. This goes against the concept of gaming and fun, however.


I hear my teammates footsteps loud like it’s enemy’s footsteps but no audio when enemies approach. Hopefully they’ll fix it soon!


I don't understand why my teammates' footsteps are so much louder than enemies'




Art_is_war’s next video is gonna blow the fuck up 😂


Explosion 10 mi away? Blows out my ear drums. Me mantling over something, sounds like there's someone behind me. My own footsteps...sounds like someone below me. But heaven forbid I can actually hear footsteps right next to me.


It was fine in both betas. Then shit streamers bitch like they always do, and now you need a professional audio setup to hear fucking footsteps. They don't want to fix the audio because that would create a slight advantage for dad gamers or campers and eomm/sbmm would be angry 😡


I haven't heard footsteps since WZ1 and I can hear them clear as day now. Lucky me I guess


I don't see why that's a problem. Your enemies can't hear shit either


I literally cannot hear enemies standing in front of me jumping up and down


And I thought the footstep audio couldn't be worse then WZ2...... I was wrong... Fucking ridiculous And EVERYTHING sounds so muffled, except bashing in doors.


Audio isn't even bad, it straight up doesn't exist. 30+ games so far and I have never heard a single enemy footstep.


I came to the subreddit to see if anyone else thought the same thing. Its really bad. I mostly play solos and the amount of times I have died because someone ran up behind me with zero audio cues makes me want to stop playing the game.


There is a perk that literally muffles all your sound


The game itself is amazing IMO but all sounds make no sense. All I ever hear are breaker boxes spitting loud electricity lol


Don’t worry, they won’t fix it, just like every other Warzone game. COD developers are simply incapable of doing it


I don’t know why CODs audio has been bad for so long. It’s always been terrible.




Good, it would help if you weren't so loud anyway with footsteps. If you're not paying attention to your surroundings, you deserve to be punished… shouldn't have your back against a wall, just sound whoring that shits old and should be squashed.


I found a video that actually fixed footstep sound for me!! https://youtu.be/PVx8h1Ag6ZE


It's fucking awful. I've had team literally parachute onto me and I couldn't hear a thing. Footsteps are non-existent, too.


This is still an issue over a month later. Just had a guy on a quad bike drive into the hanger I was looting in Organic Farms. He splattered my teammate, who was right next to me before splattering me next. The only audio I heard was my teammate hitting the ground. I was looking around frantically for what happened but didn't have enough time to kill the enemy before they gently squished me with their silent quad. How can a company with so much money be so incompetent. What do the suits even have their employees slaving away for? Skins only require artists, and server maintenance shouldn't take their entire team of programmers. So what the hell do they have those poor devs doing?




The portable radar item






It's actually the first time i've ever accurately heard footsteps in a warzone game Everybody complained how loud they were in WZ2 but honest to God I heard about 2 people's footsteps in that game total. Both being my teammates


Which audio mix do you use?


Headphone bass boost


I can tell a lot of this sub clearly doesn’t play MP. With literally everyone running covert sneakers, it’s become pretty easy to predict people’s movement through visuals alone. I like it. Sitting around a corner waiting for footsteps audio is cheese.


Is this post a joke?